By Staff
November 25th, 2020
When the circumstances change you pivot and go in whatever direction you have to go to get to where you want to be.
The Halton Regional Police have done just that and tell us that “it’s that time of year again when families begin to think about the upcoming holiday season. There are many families within the Halton Region that are less fortunate and struggle to provide their children with an enjoyable Christmas, and some who are simply not able to buy their children a toy. This year we believe the struggle could be even greater for more families.”
The Halton Regional Police Service and the Tiger Jeet Singh Foundation are commencing the annual Miracle on Main Street (formerly Toys for Tots) Christmas donation drive. This is the third year of the merger between the two entities to collect and distribute funds and toys to families in need throughout the Halton Region. The merger has allowed the organizations to enhance the annual donation drives and to work collaboratively to help more families in need than ever before. Since 1999 the Halton Regional Police Service have supported families through Toys for Tots and Miracle on Main Street campaigns. All donations collected are distributed to Halton schools, community agencies and families!
The Tiger Jeet Singh Foundation is a Milton-based charity started by wrestling legends, humanitarians and philanthropists; Tiger Jeet Singh and his son Tiger Ali Singh. For the last eleven years, the Tiger Jeet Singh Foundation has organized their “Miracle on Main Street” event which has raised millions of dollars through donations and sponsorships for children and families in need who live in our Region.
 Cramming that Cruiser will be a little different this year.
To keep everyone safe, we have had to modify our efforts this year. We will not be accepting toy donations at our Halton Regional Police Service facilities. We are encouraging everyone to donate gift cards and cash in lieu of the usual unwrapped new toys.
Donations can be made online through , or by visiting one of our scheduled events detailed below. 100% of the donations go back into the Halton community!
Our annual “Cram-a-Cruiser” donation events will proceed, Pandemic restrictions permitting, and following safe protocols.
Dates/times and locations below:
November 28, 10am-2pm at JR Toy Company – 2-4265 Fairview St, Burlington
December 5, 10am-2pm at Canadian Tire – 777 Guelph Line, Burlington
December 5, 10am-2pm at Canadian Tire – 2070 Appleby Line, Burlington
December 5, 10am-2pm at Canadian Tire – 1100 Kerr St, Oakville
December 5, 10am-2pm at Canadian Tire – 251 Hyde Park Gate, Oakville
December 5, 10am-2pm at Canadian Tire – 400 Dundas St East, Oakville
December 5, 10am-2pm at Canadian Tire – 1210 Steeles Ave East, Milton
We’ll also be hosting a weekly, one day, donation drop off at the Halton Children’s Safety Village, located at 1151 Bronte Rd Oakville. Cash and toy donations are welcome! Look for the holiday lights. We ask that anyone attending to please follow the direction of officers on sight and to remain in your vehicles. Drop off dates and times are:
Thursday November 26, 5pm-9pm
Wednesday December 2, 5pm-9pm
Wednesday December 9, 5pm-9pm
For further information, or if you are interested in partnering with us to collect or donate gift cards, you can contact us by emailing You can also contact the Tiger Jeet Singh Foundation at, or visit their website at for further information.
By Pepper Parr
November 24th, 2020
The Gift of Giving Back – remember those people – the ones who worked with high school students and families to gather tonnes of foods – they filled school gymnasiums year after year – then COVID knocked the wheels off the work they do.
Well – COVID wasn’t going to stop this crowd – they announced today a Help Us Feed Kids: Holiday Food Drive that will run from December 3rd to December 20th.
 The Barracudas – check in and making sure the weight of the food is put on the scoreboard.
They are excited about how they figured out a way to meet what is these days a very different situation.
They are inviting our young Community Champions to help them safely collect non-perishable food items and bring them to the Burlington Centre where they will host a Food Drive Headquarters located by the Food Court.
They are also providing an opportunity for high school students to collect volunteer hours. There is more to this 2020 COVID initiative – additional announcements in the coming days.
 The van was packed – can they do this in 2020?
The Gift of Giving Back Website
This page provides detailed information about the Holiday Food Drive as well as how high school students can collect volunteer hours.
While this pandemic has closed the Gift of Giving Back doors it has not prevented them from hosting their usual “November High School Gym Extravaganza”, it will not prevent them from continuing to empower our youth to compassionately give back. “We truly appreciate your support.”
By Staff
November 24th, 2020
Figuring out what to do with the time we have on our hands is going to be a bit of a challenge for some people.
The Burlington Amateur Radio Club sent us a note saying – Hello – we’re here!
They report that there is a surging interest in Amateur Radio all over the world.
 Yathiraj Chintagunta
Today’s Amateur Radio is not what their grandfather’s ham radio was all about. The Burlington Amateur Radio Club (BARC) offers an on-line course which became particularly interesting to Yathiraj Chintagunta who was stranded in Dubai unable to return to his home in Mississauga. His “handle” is now VE3GYP.
Amateur radio is a fascinating hobby that frequently becomes essential for people in some parts of the world when there is a disaster and normal forms of communication are not available.
If you’re at all interested get in touch with Rod Clifton, • 905-335-0267 or Hugh McCully, Education Director.
By Staff
November 23rd, 2020
That almost balmy weather we all enjoyed has been replaced by the winter that is part of our DNA.
At the same time parts of the city are lit up to help celebrate a Festive Season that will soon be upon us.
 Locomotive at Freeman station – waiting for a caboose to be attached. Photo by Allan Harrington
Freeman Station has a Lit Loco on display at their site on Fairview. This creation has about 4,000 lamps with chasers to give it a sense of movement.
Grand Trunk is spelled out in letters for the Grand Trunk Railway who built the Burlington Junction Station in 1906.
Friends of Freeman Station is run by volunteers and relies on donations.
If the group can capture a total of $500 in donations on line by November 27 2020, a lit up red caboose will be installed along with the existing Locomotive and Coal Car.
 BTTB sentries standing guard at Spencer Smith Park.
Lakeshore Road at Brant now has the Burlington Teen Tour Band back on duty as sentries at Spencer Smith Park. Great for an early evening get out for some fresh air event. This is the 25th Festival of Lights.
Running now through to January 8, 2021 – it’s FREE and visitors can walk among the displays.
The Freeman lights and those at Spencer Smith are all the result of volunteer efforts.
Royal Botanical Gardens opened up their winter wonderland with the Hendrie Garden bursting with lights.
The Royal Botanical Gardens colourful outdoor stroll along the the pathway tells us how plants like mistletoe and ivy are part of the yule season, along with cinnamon and mint giving us festive flavours.
Not just plants, but local winter animals are part of the whole nature package.
 Hendrie Garden at the RBG – a winter wonderland.
 It isn’t all outdoors at the RBG.
A big TV projection screen TV outside shows a short movie with a “Mouse” but it’s NOT Mickey.
Wednesdays to Sundays, Nov 18 to Dec 23. Additional Dates: Dec 27-30, Jan 2, 3 5 to 10 p.m
Admission fee for non-members, and everyone must wear a mask and maintain social distancing
By Staff
November 18th, 2020
The Port Nelson United Church had to cancel their Mirth and Music event; the Burlington Performing Arts Centre has had to close for the 28 days they are going to be in the Red zone of the provinces colour coded behaviour chart.
Tammy Fox, Executive Director explains: “We’ve been forced to cancel all live performances while we are in this 28 day ‘red zone’.
“It’s disappointing, but fortunately we’ve been here before this time around we are much better prepared to cope.”
All isn’t lost for the Performing Arts people. The huge wreaths that go up each year in the windows will be up next week, the huge tree on the plaza area will go up and the Festival of Trees will take place – limited however to just ten sponsored trees.
They will be up on the 25th
“We will get through this!” said Fox.
Related news story:
Festival of the Trees

By Staff
November 17th, 2020
Robert Missen announced yesterday that the November 21st Mirth and Music concert until has been postponed. Halton County is now under a red alert.
Missen, the man who put the show together and was going to perform as well, said “As soon as we can reschedule it we will do so, patrons will of course have first refusal for future tickets.
Related news story:
Mirth and Music to be heard at Port Nelson United Church
By Staff
November 17th, 2020
We sometimes wonder how money moves around in this city.
Burlington is a very wealthy city with small pockets of poverty and people who struggle to meet their basic needs.
Rents are very high.
The plus side of wealth is the people that have it in Burlington are very good about sharing it.
The Burlington Foundation handles many of the endowments that families have created. The Foundation is good at spotting where needs are and going back to those who can donate and asking for funds.
One of the recent asks resulted in a Pandemic Response Fund that handed out the second phase of their planned program.
Burlington Green was the recipient of one of the grants. They have used the funds they were given to put together a program: Nature Friendly Burlington initiative that will connect more of the community to local green space.
The Nature Friendly Burlington initiative will connect more of the community to stewardship opportunities and to a multitude of benefits nature experiences provide.
With the program structure in place the folks at Burlington Green want to hear from you
They want to know how you’ve been connecting with nature during COVID.
These are stressful time – there are more questions than answers on the minds of most people.
We are moving into a significant festive season – and it is going to be very different.
How do we cope- what supports are there out there for every demographic.
Burlington Green likes using a contest approach to draw responses from the community. There is a chance to win an eco-prize – you are automatically entered into a draw when you let them know how you’ve been connecting with nature during COVID.
Their core question is: For many of us, 2020 has been a difficult year. And many of us have turned to nature for solace, escape, refuge, and fun too! How have you enjoyed nature during COVID?
You get to the question and the opportunity to tell them what you do by CLICKING here.
By Pepper Parr
November 17th, 2020
Burlington is looking for community members to volunteer on a city committee or board and play a key role in providing advice and feedback to City Council and staff on a variety of city issues. Applications are now being accepted online at until Friday, Nov 27.
 An Action Lab – one of the events that took place when the city was determining the role that Advisory Committees would play in bringing you new ideas to the table.
Residents over 18 years of age, representing the diverse backgrounds of our community are encouraged to apply. Participating on a city committee provides a unique opportunity to:
• Lend your voice and expertise to help shape decisions and services that impact our community
• Expand your network and meet new people
• Gain a broader understanding of how municipal government works.
There have been Advisory Committees that have served the city very well in the past. The Heritage Advisory is one.
Attend a Virtual Information Session
A virtual information session to share more details about the openings and application process will be held on Nov. 17 at 7 p.m. Individuals who would like to attend can register in advance by emailing
A recording of the Nov. 17 virtual information session will be posted to following the event.
Kevin Arjoon, City Clerk who oversees the administration side of the Advisory Committees will tell you that: “Sitting on a local board or committee provides a unique opportunity to directly impact the future of our city. We are looking for volunteers who represent the diversity in our community to lend us their expertise and ideas to help make a difference in our community.”
Quick Facts
• The City of Burlington has more than 18 boards and committees that play a key role in providing advice and feedback to City Council and staff on a variety of issues, including heritage, accessibility, diversity and the environment.
Here is where the problem exists:
Many people who have served on Advisory Committees have come away disappointed and unsatisfied with what they were able to achieve. They didn’t feel that they were really listened to and that members of council play too big a role in how the Advisory Committee operates.
Many would like to see the Council members left outside the room. Many more feel that the members of Council play far to large a role in determining who sits on the Advisory Committees.
Until these issues are worked out – the problems of the past few years are not going to go away. Which is unfortunate because in events this reporter has taken part in there have been some very smart, dedicated people who want to see and are committed to citizen participation.
By Pepper Parr
November 15th, 2020
The guy who was tasked with running the 2020 Terry Fox Run felt he was in great shape at the beginning of the year.
Come the end of March he thought he was looking at a disaster.
But Craig Gardner pulled the rabbit out of the hat and raised more in the year of the pandemic than ever before.
He gave the Gazette a call and said he had an idea.
“Things are going to be slow around Christmas – there won’t be many places we can go and there might not be all that much for people to do?, he suggested
 Craig Garner delegating to city council. wants to give people a way to drive around the city to take in the Christmas decorations.
“What do you think of the idea of encouraging people to put up imaginative Christmas decorations outside their homes and then create a map showing where the homes are so that people can drive by with the kids in the car and at least get a sense that there is still a Christmas?”
With the city now in a red zone and the possibility of a lock down facing us, Gardner may have come up with a good idea.
How to make it happen was our question.
“Won’t that result in dozens upon dozens of people showing up in the cars?” I asked.
“I don’t think so” said Craig. “ I think people will be out for a drive and will want to move from location to location.”
We thought the idea had merit – anything Craig Gardner takes on usually works out.
The plan is to create an email address that people can use to say “I’m in” and send us their address.
 St. Catharines, ON has parts of that city that go all out on decorating.
The Gazette will put the address locations on a map and people can decide where they want to drive around. It was suggested that people who are long term care facilities would love to be driven around to see all the trees and decorations..
The map will be published in the Gazette.
Because we expect a significant number of locations the city broken out by ward. You click on your ward and you get a map with all the locations in that ward.
You can tour as many wards as you like. We felt there might be far too many locations to place on a city wide map.
Gardner will be posting the idea on the Burlington Together Facebook page as well as the Burlington Dad’s Facebook page.
Craig and I are getting ready to visit a large retailer with an idea and an interesting way to promote the event and serve the community as well.
We will let you know how that works out.
Meanwhile, if you’re interested and want to be part of the tours just send us an email to:
Provide your street address and the ward you live in (if you happen to know it).
We hope to have the maps in place before the end of the week. Note that “hope” is underlined.
By Staff
November 12th, 2020
Fire pits in some of the public parks?
It was on the agenda and the city is taking a very serious look at them for the winter months
 A skin of mulled wine will make this a real winter event.
Corporate Service, Strategy and Accountability Standing Committee Chair Rory Nisan suggested people invest in marshmallow companies – there will be a run on them if and when the fire pits are actually put in place.
The Parks and Recreation took a bunch of ideas and ran them by council – budget be damned – the Councillors liked what they heard and wanted more information.
The free skating time that was sponsored by Tim Hortons isn’t on this year. They advised the city back in March that they would not be sponsors this year.
The city is looking seriously at 17 free skate event and six Sticks and Pucks event without a sponsor.
The home grown hockey rinks are on again – the city will supply the wood and this year they will provide tarps as well.
They are also looking at some artificial ice making machines..
Council is determined to do everything they can to give people places to go outdoors and plenty of things to do.
By Staff
November 12th, 2020
Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa and he will be in your neighbourhood.
 The traditional Santa parade route will not take place this year but Santa is going to be seen around the city.
While the Santa Claus parade has been another COVID-19 fatality Parks and Recreation have gone above and beyond and come up with a really smart idea.
Santa will be cruising through the city for five different days.
He will be in different parts of the city using a fire truck to get around. The intention is to have Santa in each of the wards – five days – six wards? They’ll figure it out.
The Santa tour will take place between 11 am and 4 pm on five different days – Parks and Recreation isn’t saying which parts of the city and so far have not given out the dates.
They don’t want to see large congregations of people standing waiting for Santa to pass by.
But he will be there.
By Staff
November 11th, 2020
It is almost as if the Canadian Air Force is putting up everything they have that can get off the ground as part of their contribution to remembering all that was lost in a terrible war.
 An Air Force fly past over Parliament Hill
The tributes are taking place in every province. The following are the Ontario locations and the aircraft that will take part.
 130H Hercules
 CF-18 Hornet
 CH-147F Chinook
 CH-146 Griffon
Bancroft (CC-130H Hercules);
Barrie (CC-130H Hercules and CC-130J Hercules);
Belleville (four CF-18 Hornets and one CC-150T Polaris);
Canadian Forces Base Borden (CC-130H Hercules and CC-130J Hercules);
Campbellford (two CH-146 Griffons);
Clinton (CC-130J Hercules);
Deep River (three CH-147F Chinooks);
Foxboro (two CH-146 Griffons);
Frankford (two CH-146 Griffons);
Hamilton (CC-130H Hercules and CC-130J Hercules);
Havelock (two CH-146 Griffons);
Highway of Heroes (three CC-130J Hercules);
Kitchener-Waterloo (CC-130J Hercules);
London (CC-130J Hercules);
Madoc (CC-130H Hercules);
Marmora (two CH-146 Griffons);
Oshawa (three CH-147F Chinooks);
Ottawa (four CF-18 Hornets);
Pembroke (three CH-147F Chinooks);
Pickering (two CC-130J Hercules);
Renfrew (three CH-147F Chinooks);
Stirling (two CH-146 Griffons);
St. Catharines (CC-130J Hercules);
Strathroy (CC-130J Hercules);
Toronto (three CH-147F Chinooks and a CC-130H Hercules);
Trenton (two CH-146 Griffons, two CC-130J Hercules, four CF-18 Hornets and CC-150T Polaris) Wooler (two CH-146 Griffons).
By Staff
November 11th, 2020
Burlington, ON
It won’t be the same.
Brant Street filled with people who have gathered at the Cenotaph to remember.
The pandemic has changed almost everything – so this year the Remembrance Day ceremony will take place virtually. People are being asked not to attend at the Cenotaph but instead to watch on-line through a live stream arranged by the Legion.

 Past Remembrance Day ceremonies have drawn crowds that filled Brant Street
By Pepper Parr
November 6th, 2020
The sun had yet to set but the dogs were barking loudly and whimpering from time to time.
Jan glanced out the window and called out to me to come quickly.
We stepped onto the back deck and watched the dogs jumping up and down and running back and forth.
There in the sky above and in front of them was this magnificent orange hot air balloon sailing by without making a sound.
 The dogs were going crazy – they had never seen anything like this before.
I thought it was going to land and dashed inside to grab a bottle of wine and welcome them.
 It floated away – the wine was not enticement enough for them to land in our field.
Then there was that sound when air is heated and the balloon began to rise.
Perhaps the wine we were offering wasn’t to their taste.
It sailed away.
What a great way to end a wonderful late summer day.
The dogs stopped barking – they sat there with their ears pricked up wondering what had happened.
By Staff
November 6th, 2020
Local entertainment producer Robert Missen has teamed up with Trevor Copp and Valerie Tryon to put on a new multidisciplinary family attraction at Port Nelson United Church on November 21st.
 Trevor Copp miming to Saint-Saens’ delightful classic, Carnival of the Animals is not to be missed
Mirth & Music is a one-hour celebration of music, poetry and mime featuring Trevor Copp, Burlington’s award-winning theatre and mime performer, playwright and producer, and the world-renowned concert pianist Valerie Tryon. The program will include a new version of French composer Camille Saint-Saens’ delightful classic, Carnival of the Animals. Trevor will impersonate the various animals that Saint-Saens’ has set to music, many of them very amusing.
This work has been staged by Robin Patterson, a Founding Member of Theatre Beyond Words, the acclaimed mime company which resided in Niagara on the Lake for many years. Robert Missen, a long-time Burlington resident and producer of the concert, will narrate the new verses that Trevor has created to introduce the various segments.
 Valerie Tryon will be at the keyboard while Copp animates.
This work will be followed by a selection of classical piano works played by Miss Tryon, including music by Chopin, Ravel, Mozart and Bach. Hamilton-based Valerie Tryon has had a major international career as a concert pianist and chamber music player. She has performed frequently with both the Hamilton Philharmonic and Boris Brott Academy Orchestra, just to mention a couple of local presenters.
Mirth & Music will take place in the Sanctuary at Port Nelson United Church, 3132 South Drive at Spruce Avenue, at 7 pm on Saturday November 21, 2020. Tickets, which are limited to forty patrons, are free and are available through Robert Missen at 905-632-6047 or by writing to
This event is made possible through a generous grant from the City of Burlington through its Community Support Fund, a special initiative to support local community and cultural organizations during the pandemic.
By Staff
November 4th, 2020
The Halton Regional Police Service (HRPS) has completed its 2020 Project #Noisemaker strategic enforcement campaign. The region-wide project ran from June 10, 2020 to October 31, 2020.
The campaign resulted in more than 1400 charges being laid.
The HRPS launched this campaign in response to complaints from residents across the region about loud and unnecessary noise from vehicles which have been altered by removing mufflers, or modifying exhaust systems. Project #Noisemaker took aim at illegal modifications, unsafe motor vehicles, and aggressive driving.
 Police break up an illegal car rally in Wasaga Beach.
Enforcement through Project #Noisemaker resulted in the following:
• More than 1420 charges laid region-wide
• 574 charges for no/improper muffler
• 396 charges for unnecessary noise
• 12 racing/stunt driving charges
The remaining charges were primarily vehicle defects, moving violations, licence violations, licence plate violations, violations of the Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act, and violations of the Environmental Protection Act (removal of vehicle emissions components).
During the project, more than 40 vehicles were removed from the roadway for various reasons including defects (causing the vehicle to be unfit), improper licences and stunt driving legislation.
Project #Noisemaker was also successful in interrupting an unsanctioned “Mega Meet” of an estimated 800 vehicles which was to occur on private property in the town of Oakville without approval of the landowner.
In addition to the previously mentioned region-wide efforts, project #Noisemaker also engaged in a partnership with the town of Oakville Municipal Enforcement Service (MES). HRPS and MES officers conducted enforcement on motorcycles creating unacceptable noise in contravention of Oakville’s motorcycle noise bylaws. In total, MES officers completed 56 motorcycle inspections and issued 17 provincial offence notices for motorcycles causing noise in excess of the town bylaws.
Illegal and unsafe vehicle modifications are a concern beyond the roadways of Halton. The HRPS would like to thank our policing and enforcement partners across the province that assisted in various #Noisemaker projects. These efforts contribute to safer roadways for us all.
While Project #Noisemaker has officially concluded for 2020, enforcement will not cease. HRPS officers will remain vigilant in addressing these issues on our roadways every day.
Residents are reminded that they can file driving complaints or request enforcement of a particular area online at
By Staff
November 4th, 2020
The Hamilton Aerial Group will be putting on free performance/parade this Friday in Spencer Smith Park at 6:30.
 All the performers are on stilts – dancing to Samba music
They will light up their costumes and be led by a Samba band.
This is supported by The City of Burlington Community Fund. We just finished a show this past Saturday at Dundurn Park.
We will be dressed in costume and be on stilts.
They appeared in Hamilton ast week. Will dig out where in Spencer Smith Park they will perform

By Andre Malt
November 4th, 2020
The second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic is creating new challenges and opportunities for Canada’s gambling industry. While many of the country’s land casinos were closed, a growing number of Canadians engaged in online gambling — at home.
This is an exciting time for casino enthusiasts and for an online casino like Betnero, a licensed offshore site positioned to leverage its loyalty programs and welcome bonuses and attract new players.
Online Gambling and Social Gaming
Revenue gained by online casino gambling has helped to offset revenue lost by the decrease in offline gambling. With increased website traffic comes increased marketing data, growth and a younger demographic of casino customers.
 Pandemic issues have resulted in most casinos in Canada being shut down.
When the pandemic forced 114 land casinos in Canada to close over a 72-hour period in March, online gambling was a popular component of the global social gaming market.
The availability of online games and use of smartphones, improved advanced technology and skilled game developers are contributing to an industry of innovators.
Among the many challenges faced by land and online casinos is responsibility and sustainability.
From Crisis to Innovation and Sustainability
Research shows that because more people are at home, they’re spending more time playing games. However, the highest numbers point towards the youngest demographic: Generation Z.
Largely unemployed and living with their parents, Gen Z is an extremely active online customer who enjoys adding new streaming services to access new digital content, trying new media options that are now free as a result of the pandemic.
 Younger people are very comfortable wagering on line.
Younger players demand ethical business practices. Moving forward, the competitive advantage of an online casino will depend on delivering on its promise to put player health first.
It makes sense that business has been particularly good for large companies within the online gaming industry.
With operating revenues showing increase by 48 percent, reports of global expansion and “major new initiatives” to be launched in the near future, the pressure is on for other companies to up the ante.
Online Gambling with Enhanced User Experience?
The online gambling market is highly competitive. Success in the long term will come to those companies who embrace change and invest in enhanced user experience.
The uncertainties surrounding COVID-19 play a huge role in the health of the country and its economy. If the pandemic were to last another year, what will the land casinos and online casinos do for their customers?
The response of the gaming industry towards the increase in revenue now may determine its success in the long run.

By Pepper Parr
November 3rd, 2020
Parks and Recreation is scrambling to stay ahead of the wave – a wave that keeps changing its shape and direction.
 Chris Glenn, on the right, leads the Parks and Recreation department as Director. On his right is Denise Beard.
Director of Parks and Recreation Chris Glenn told council on Monday that his staff was preparing some ideas that they would be running by the Regional Public Health Unit and the other Halton municipalities hoping to be able roll out a slightly different set of rules that would allow for more recreation and program improvements that are Stage 2 compliant. The Region of Halton is in Stage 2 of its Emergency Control Group mandate.
Several council members and the Mayor said they were getting questions from residents asking why some of the recreational programs were changed – they wanted to see real data behind the decisions that were being made.
Glenn explained that he was working to make sure he was compliant with what the Medical Officer of Health was prescribing.
Behind all that trying to pull together was the threat of being pushed back to stage 2.
Glenn wants to see less of the sports that call for a lot of exertions – hockey was one example and move the effort to having physically softer programs – like yoga.
The objective was to permit recreational activities that kept people apart and not exerting themselves all that much.
More when the Parks and Recreation department comes back to the Standing Committee.
By Pepper Parr
November 2nd, 2020
It’s just the kind of city we live in.
Here’s the way Robin Bailey, Executive Director of the Burlington Food Bank tells the story:
“Three hockey players and a soccer player showed up at the Food Bank on the first Thursday of October and dropped off a bin full of food.
“They didn’t give us their names but did allow us to take a photo. The anonymous athletes came back the next Thursday night in the rain with another bin. Then last week they came in again on Thursday and had more food donations than ever before.
“Through posting this online with Burlington Together and with Burlington Dads we were able to learn more about who they were. We just felt that they were obviously not doing this for fame and fortune but to help families that needed the support right now.
“The final totals to date were 250 lbs / 88 lbs / 270 lbs / and tonight 379 lbs for a grand total of 987 lbs. Jokingly, the boys said they should go back for 13 lbs just to make it an even 1,000 but right behind them with her own donation drop-off tonight was Jessica Kennedy who brought in 195 lbs. herself. Jessica met the boys as they were leaving tonight and she told us that it was the three hockey players and a soccer player who inspired and motivated her to run a food drive at her company. And she said the boys were welcome to 13 lbs from her donations.
 In no particular order – George, Tristan, Jason and Nathan with Robin Bailey who finally learned who they are.
“Between the athletes and Jessica their total was 1,182 lbs which translates at a dollar value of $2.60 per pound making it a donation value of over $3,000. But who’s counting. They told us that it was just fun to be together and to work together on Thursday nights to help out the community. I hope they all feel great! We are very proud of them, they are really great young men. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts GEORGE, TRISTAN, JASON and NATHAN you showed us all how special true friendship is and what a little teamwork can accomplish. We will never forget you guys!”