By Staff
September 7, 2016
Epic Tour Halton – Lane Restrictions Sunday, Sept. 11, 2016
The 4th annual Epic Tour Halton cycling event is travelling through north Burlington on Sunday, Sept. 11, 2016.
PwC Epic Tour is neither a pledge ride nor a race; it is a lifestyle event on the bike as well as a great post ride off-the-bike experience. The host venue is at Kelso Quarry Park.
The event is described as Canada‘s largest GranFondo 2 years running. In 2015, registration edged close to 4,000 riders.
The following traffic restrictions will be in place:
Lane Closure
Appleby Line, southbound, between No. 1 Side Road and No. 2 Side Road will be closed with access for local residents only.
Traffic Lane Restrictions
Cyclists will travel the route in a dedicated lane. Vehicle traffic will be allowed one-way in the opposite direction.
Burlington Springs Golf Course Access Provisions
Detour signs will direct golfers northbound on Cedar Springs Road to travel east on No. 1 Side Road, north on Guelph Line, west on Colling Road and south on Cedar
Springs Road to the golf course entrance. An event attendant will be at the driveway to help.
Resident Access
Residents living along the route can exit their driveway during the gaps between riders. If you require help to get in or out of a driveway on event days, call 1-416-206-0041 and an event vehicle will be sent to escort you. NOTE: Travel will only be allowed in the opposite direction of the cyclists; one way traffic only.
All routes start and finish at Kelso Quarry Park, Milton, Ontario.
Emergency access will be maintained at all times.
The tour has a number of routes – this is the detail for the longest ride. It all starts in Burlington.
For more information about road closures or traffic control, please call the event liaison at the City of Burlington at 905-335-7600, ext. 7704.
By Staff
September 6, 2016
The gas leak at Appleby Line and Corporate Dr has been resolved and all residents permitted back into their residence.
The area was blocked off for approximately 3 hours. The cause of the rupture was a pierced gas line.
There were no injuries as a result.
By Staff
September 6, 2016
UPDATE: 1:00 PM HRPS have been advised by the gas provider that it will be at least three hours before the leak is contained. In the meantime, residents from the area can utilize Mainway Arena and Tansley Woods Rec Centre. There are buses available for transportation on Ironstone east of Appleby Line.
The Halton Regional Police Service has closed roads due to a gas line rupture in the area of Appleby Line and Corporate Drive in east Burlington. Roads will also be closed to traffic in both directions from Ironstone to Mainway.
As a precaution, residences in the area have been evacuated until the utility provider can evaluate the situation and deem it safe.
The source of the gas line rupture is not known at this time.
A subsequent press release will be issued when there is an update on the status of the road closure/evacuation.
By Staff
September 6, 2016
Construction on Plains Road, between Shadeland Avenue and the QEW, will continue to late September.
Delays: Scot Hamilton explains: “This project, which is part of the Plains Road Functional Design and Implementation Strategy and the Cycling Master Plan, was originally scheduled to finish at the end of August,” said Scott Hamilton, Manager of Design and Construction.
“While the majority of the construction has been completed, a two month delay in rehabilitating the watermain means the final paving will now be finished mid-October. We apologize for the delay and inconvenience the extended construction may cause. We are working to get the project done as soon as possible.”
Plains Road, between Shadeland Avenue and the QEW, remains open to traffic although lane restrictions are in place. Please use caution and obey all signs.
For more information about this project, visit or contact Dave Johnson, project manager at 905-335-7600, ext. 7507 or
By Staff
September 5th, 2016
The weekend weather was so good – finally.
Now we get told to expect extreme heat and humidity, Environment Canada has issued a Heat Warning for Halton Region starting Tuesday, September 6. This warning is issued when forecast temperatures are expected to reach at least 31 degrees Celsius with overnight temperatures above 20 degrees Celsius for two days, or when a humidex of 40 or higher is expected for two days.
We all know what to do to take care of ourselves.
By Staff
September 4th 2016
They will be on their way to school Wednesday – thousands of students will trundle along to school – some for the first time
Some, will get driven to school by parents – – they might think bikes later in the year.
Christine Hopwood is the woman that ensures there is a crossing guard for your child at every school in the city.
At the street corners near each school there will be a crossing guard – decked out in those bright red and yellow vests that you can’t miss with a stop sign in hand.
There are a couple of hundred of them that do this important work.
The City is actively looking for additional school crossing guards for the 2016/2017 school year.
“We are seeking crossing guards who are dedicated individuals that care about their community and want to help play an important role in keeping children safe on their way to and from school,” said Vito Tolone, the director of transportation for the city.
The city’s crossing guard program includes full training, a uniform and reimbursement of mileage. Applicants selected for interviews will be required to complete a police check. All successful applicants will be paid for two hours of work a day.
Those who take on this work come to know the students quite well and watch as they grow from grade to grade – it is very rewarding work.
For more information or to apply, visit or call 905-335-0172.
By Staff
September 2, 2016
People now remember to take a sweater with them these days – not something we would have done two weeks ago or during much of July and August.
Is this what we can expect this winter?
The people in the Nelson community got through the year without a swimming pool – will they remember what their city did to them come the next municipal election?
A brutal summer appears to be over even though official summer doesn’t end until September 21st.
Our clocks go back an hour on November 6th – will we have snow by then?
The Farmer’s Almanac advises that we are in for a winter that may be as tough as the summer we just got through. Shudder
The Almanac says January and February of next year are going to be particularly heavy.
You might ant to buy some road salt early – last year stores ran out.
By Staff
August 26, 2016
Burlington Transit announces an earlier start to Route 10 weekdays
Route 10, runs on New to Maple, will now starts earlier weekday mornings. It begins at Appleby GO station at 5:28 a.m.
An additional trip starting at 5:48 am has also been added.
By Staff
August 24, 2016
In his first term of office as Mayor Rick Goldring came up with a number of very good ideas – his Inspire Burlington series was one of them.
On October 5th, the Mayor is partnering with the Burlington Foundation to present #SickNotWeak: Michael Landsberg Talks Mental Health at 7:30 p.m. at the Burlington Performing Arts Centre.
Michael Landsberg is a Canadian media personality known for his work on TSN’s Off the Record and Naylor & Landsberg. His experience with depression led to the creation of #SickNotWeak, a not-for-profit organization that provides mental health education and support.
“We know from reports like Burlington Foundation’s Vital Signs and feedback from residents that mental health is an important issue in our community,” said Mayor Goldring. “Michael is someone living with depression who has an inspiring story to share. I invite residents of all ages to come to this evening of discussion, awareness and support.”
Burlington Foundation launched the Mental Wellness Alliance in 2014 with a focus on a Speaker Spotlight Series that aims to keep the conversation going about mental health and wellness, breaking down misperceptions and promoting healthy communities.
“As part of Burlington Foundation’s mental wellness leadership work, we know that reducing mental health stigma is a critical need in our community,” said Colleen Mulholland, President and CEO of Burlington Foundation. “We are thrilled to bring Michael to Burlington to draw even more attention to this important issue. Events like this one go a long way in encouraging people to have conversations around mental wellness.”
Landsberg’s presentation will be followed by an opportunity for questions from members of the audience.
Admission is free and all are welcome. Reserve a seat online at or, or call the Office of the Mayor at 905-335-7607.
By Staff
August 22, 2016
The successful prescription drug drop off awareness campaign run by the Halton Regional Police Service (HRPS) – Drug and Morality Unit (DMU), along with local partner pharmacies is transitioning from police facility drop off locations to locally based community pharmacy locations.
Expired or unused medications (prescription or over the counter) can be returned to any pharmacy in Halton. By responsibly dropping off your unused / expired medications to local pharmacies, you’ll not only ensure they’re disposed of properly – you’ll also keep them out of the wrong hands, preventing abuse, accidental ingestion and protecting our environment in the process.
The current police facility drug drop off collection bins will be removed August 31st 2016. The HRPS-DMU thanks their local community pharmacies for their support and looks forward to future proactive and preventative initiatives.
By Staff
August 22, 2016
Milburough Line will be closed for traffic between Derry Road and Kilbride Street
from Friday, Aug. 26, 2016 at 6 p.m. to Sunday, Aug. 28, 2016 at 7 p.m. for Union Gas construction activities.
A Union Gas pipeline is being built across the top of Burlington – it will involve a number of road closures.
Please follow the detour route:
1. From the north, traffic will be directed east on Derry Road to McNiven Road, then south to Kilbride Street and west to Milburough Line.
2. From the south, traffic will be directed east on Kilbride Street to McNiven Road, then north to Derry Road and west to Milburough Line.
If you need more information please contact:
Susan Cudahy
Community Liaison
Union Gas Limited
Phone: 289-237-0068
By Staff
August 20, 2016
A heavy rainfall event passed through upper portions of Conservation Halton’s watershed overnight with some areas receiving depths of over 50mm. Creeks within this area experienced rapid responses from this rainfall, however, levels have now receded. This intense rainfall resulted in localized urban flooding of some streets and low lying areas.
Heavy rains in the northern part of the city have swelled creeks resulting in some flooding – remind the kids to stay away from the edges of some fast flowing water.
Conservation Halton is asking all residents and children to stay away from watercourses and structures such as bridges, culverts and dams. Elevated water levels, fast flowing water, and slippery conditions along stream banks make these locations extremely dangerous. Please alert children in your care of these imminent dangers.
Conservation Halton will continue to monitor stream and weather conditions and will issue further messages, as necessary.
Conservation Halton will issue an update to this Watershed Condition Statement – Water Safety Statement only if significant changes in the forecasts occur. This Watershed Condition Statement will be in effect through to Sunday, August 21, 2016.
By Staff
August 17th, 2016
On July 6, 2016, a fire ban was issued after the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry identified a high fire-risk rating in the Burlington area following prolonged hot and dry weather conditions. That ban has been lifted.
“The recent rainfall and slightly cooler temperatures factored into the decision to lift the ban,” said Chief Fire Prevention Officer Joe Wintar. “Though the fire ban has been lifted, residents should still use extra caution when burning outdoors.”
Residents that live in designated burning areas with open air burning permits can resume use of open air fires for controlled brush burning and recreational fires.
Caution and control should be the approach.
The use of charcoal barbecues at designated picnic areas in city parks is also allowed again. Park users are encouraged to book a permit in advance of their preferred dates. Request a booking online at , call 905-335-7738 or visit for more information.
The Burlington Fire Department will continue to monitor and assess the local wildfire threat and provide updates on city open-air burning restrictions. If you are unsure if a fire ban is in effect, please contact the Burlington Fire Department at 905-637-8253.
For more information about open air burning in Burlington visit:
By Staff
August 16th, 2016
This soggy weather is mucking up a lot of programs.
The city announced that the following Sportfields are closed Tuesday August 16th
All baseball diamonds
Maple Park – F1
By Staff
August 16, 2016
Guelph Line will be closed to traffic between Derry Road and Britannia Road from Friday, Aug. 19 at 6 p.m. to Sunday, Aug. 21 at 7 p.m. for Union Gas construction activities.
Please follow detour routes.
1. From the north, traffic will be directed east on Derry Road to Walkers Line, then south to Britannia Road and west to Guelph Line.
2. From the south, traffic will be directed east on Britannia Road to Walkers Line then north to Derry Road and west to Guelph Line.
1. From the north, traffic will be directed east on Derry Road to Appleby Line, then south to Dundas Street and west to Guelph Line.
2. From the south, traffic will be directed east on Dundas Street to Appleby Line then north to Derry Road and west to Guelph Line.
For more information, please contact:
Susan Cudahy
Community Liaison
Union Gas Limited
Phone: 289-237-0068
By Staff
August 9th, 2016
The error in the map – blame the city – not the Gazette has been corrected.
Notice of Temporary Road Closure – Prospect Street at Drury Lane, Monday, Aug. 15, 2016 to Friday, Oct. 21, 2016
Prospect Street from Joyce Street to Ashley Avenue and Drury Lane from Sharron Street to Fairview Street will be closed Monday, Aug. 15, 2016 to Friday, Oct. 21, 2016 to reconstruct and install new water mains and sanitary sewers.
Local access to homes and business will be maintained. Please refer to the map for vehicle and transit detours.
For more information, please contact Bob Jurk at 905-335-7600, ext. 7682 or
By Staff
August 8th, 2016
Notice of Construction –
Brant Street, Hemmingway Drive and Upper Middle Road, August to December, 2016
The Region of Halton is installing and replacing water mains on Brant Street, Upper Middle Road and Hemmingway Drive from August to December 2016.
New street got a new layer of asphalt after a full month of dust and traffic delays while water maims and sewage pipes were upgraded.
New Street from Guelph Line east to Martha had water mains replaced in July – the dust was terrible – and traffic delays were annoying. They did lay down a new layer of asphalt – nice road now.
Contract Number: W-2898B-16
Scheduled Start Date: August 2016
Scheduled Completion Date: December 2016
Contractor: Ground Breakers Contracting Ltd
Project Manager: Gabrielle Feuvrier
905-825-6000, ext. 7417
By Staff
July 25th, 2016
Sport Field Status – July 25, 2016
The following diamonds are closed Monday July 25
Ireland Park diamonds D1, D2, D3, D4
Millcroft, diamonds D1, D2
Nelson Park diamond D1
By Staff
July 21, 2016
Union Gas is running a 40 inch line right across the top or the city.
Appleby Line will be closed to traffic between Derry Road and Britannia Road from Friday, July 22 at 6 p.m. to Sunday, July 24 at 7 p.m. for Union Gas construction activities.
Please follow detour routes.
1. From the north, traffic will be directed east on Derry Road to Tremaine Road, then south to Britannia Road and west to Appleby Line.
2. From the south, traffic will be directed east on Britannia Road to Tremaine Road then north to Derry Road and west to Appleby Line.
1. From the north, traffic will be directed east on Derry Road to Regional Road 25, then south to Dundas Street and west to Appleby Line.
2. From the south, traffic will be directed east on Dundas Street to Regional Road 25 then north to Derry Road and west to Appleby Line.
By Staff
July 14, 2016
It is getting hotter and drier out there – dry enough for the fire chief to temporarily ban all outside fires—including open air burning, controlled brush burning and recreational burning—as well as banning the use of charcoal barbecues in city parks.
BBQ’s that use charcoal have been banned in city parks.
“To ensure public safety, the ban on charcoal barbecues applies to the picnic areas of three city parks—LaSalle, Lowville and Hidden Valley—where propane barbecues will still be allowed,” said Mary Battaglia, director of roads and parks maintenance with the city.
City parks are available for social and picnic use. Users are encouraged to book a permit in advance of their preferred dates. Request a booking online at, call 905-335-7738 or visit for more information.
If you are unsure if a fire ban is in effect, please contact the Burlington Fire Department at 905-637-8253 or visit for more information about open air burning and safety tips.