By Staff
November 7, 2021
Canada’s expanse of natural beauty, with mountains and glaciers, secluded lakes and forests, is almost unmatched around the world. But the charm of this country is not just the outdoors. The country has cosmopolitan cities, with a wealth of entertainment, such as online casino Canada and others, but at the same time, despite their global nature, they remain clean, safe, friendly, and multicultural. In fact, Canada has repeatedly been rated as one of the most livable countries in the world. Regardless of your preferences and interests, go to Canada and it will not disappoint you. That is why today we will tell you about one interesting place.
On the western shore of Lake Ontario, in the province of the same name in Canada, is the city of Burlington. Hamilton is not far from it, and the distance to the Canadian capital is 50 km. The city is part of Canada’s Golden Horseshoe industrial agglomeration. About 180,000 people live here.
Burlington History
Back in 1798, Loyalist Joseph Brant was granted a 1,400-hectare tract of land on the Burlington Bay shore. It was the first and one of the most famous residents of the future city. In 1873 the village of Burlington was formed by the merger of the two settlements of Wellington-Square and Port Nelson, and it received city status in 1914.
It was used to handle cargoes such as timber and wheat that came to Port Nelson. In 1854, after the railroad was built, trade began to grow strongly. When the timber supplies ran out and ships began to dock at the big Toronto and Hamilton wharves, agriculture began to develop in Burlington. Gradually an ordinary once-populated town was transformed into a beautiful garden city.
Top 10 Sights to See in the City
Burlington is called the garden city for good reason. There are plenty of sights and beautiful parks to see and do:
The Royal Botanical Gardens
Considered one of the largest in all of Canada, it is part of the Niagara Escarpment Biosphere Reserve. Founded in 1930, during the Great Depression, the botanical garden gradually grew and was inhabited by populations of various animals. Unique rock garden and rose garden, arboretum, and lilac park were created here.
Spencer Smith Park
Located in the center of town, it is a great place to relax. You can stroll along the paths along the waterfront and enjoy the beautiful views of the lake, and many people picnic on the green lawns.
The Art Gallery of Burlington
It is located in the heart of the city and was opened in 1978. The gallery has a unique collection of ceramics and the work of ancient artisans.
Joseph Brant Museum
In this historic building, you can explore the heritage of the city. The museum has both permanent and traveling exhibitions.
Skyway Bridge
It consists of two parts, one built-in in 1958 and the smaller one in 1985. Its steel suspension structure connects the cities of Hamilton and Burlington, located on the banks of the canal. Burlington Bay. The bridge is 2,560 m long and the main span spans 151 m.
Brant Street Pier
It is S-shaped and stretches 137 meters over Lake Ontario. It offers a great view of the city and the lake’s surface.
The Navy Seamen’s Memorial in Spencer-Smith Park
Its creator is the famous sculptor Andre Gauthier. A cast bronze sculpture of a Canadian World War II sailor is set on the shore of Lake Ontario.
Discovery Landing
This 4,328-square-meter building faces the lake. You can watch the weather from here. There is an observatory with an excellent panoramic view. Nearby is a century-old pond, which in winter turns into an ice rink.
 Some of the best berry picking in the province.
Stonehaven Farm
Established back in 1904, today it is a large complex that includes, along with the agribusiness, a store selling homegrown fruits and vegetables, as well as a corn maze and amusement rides.
Indian Wells Golf Club
This 18-hole course is located at the foot of Mount Nemo. Lovers of the game have a great time here.
By Pepper Parr
November 6th, 2021
The message asked: “Please don’t use my name because I have friends at all these institutions and look forward to going back to them one day.”
The request had to do with a piece we published on the services the city provides and what the delivery cost is. Our reader writes:
Unfortunately, I have been unable to use any of their fine services or enter their buildings for a year and a half.
However – all these institutions have been CLOSED SHUT or severely reduced in their operations for the past 20 months.
1) If they provide no service – why do they cost so much?
2) If we can survive without them – is there a way to do them for less?
3) I think each of them have a very strong volunteer support staff in place – so it isn’t staffing costs?
and if it WAS staff – then why were people not laid off and put on the CERB (or whatever is the right thing to do).
And the charts should show what each group earns (takes in) as revenue. This of course is during non-covid times.
Like …
 Riders cover the costs – if not don’t operate a transit service
Parking, Transit, cemeteries should be self funded. Court services should be self supporting through fines they issue.
If we earn $100 from parking fees but spend $125 to collect it? Wouldn’t it be wiser to make parking free – or charge 25% for parking?
If these groups are not self sufficient – that falls on the management for that group to figure out how to make it work.
Also as far as “dipping into reserves for a rainy day” 😮 – we have suffered 500 COVID rainy days running now.
This is the worst crisis since WWII. This IS the rainy day. 🌧🌂☔
It isn’t easy doing up a budget. Especially for government services at union dollar rates.
I am very happy with the things in our beautiful city of Burlington and hate to see services and amenities taken away.
When they started charging for parking to go to the waterfront – I just stopped going to the waterfront.
I say let the people in other towns (who pay lower taxes and therefore have more money to spend) come and pay for parking here and fund our revenue stream.
The story that resulted in the comment
By Pepper Parr
November 5th, 2021
The park currently known as Ryerson Park at 565 Woodview Rd. will be renamed to reflect the City’s current naming policies for City assets.
 The park is tucked in behind the school.
Between Aug. 24 and Sept. 11, residents were invited to suggest a new name consistent with today’s standards. The name submission portion of this project is now closed and a small working group of City staff, Indigenous Leaders and community stakeholders have created a short-list of names that residents can now vote on.
Staff will take the voting results and report back to Burlington City Council with a recommendation for a new name early in the new year.
Voting is open now at and will be open until Nov. 19, 2021.
Shortlist of Names
More than 500 names were submitted in phase 1.
The Shortlist Committee has considered all the names and chosen three names.
A fourth naming option has been added from Indigenous Elder Stephen Paquette after consulting an Indigenous linguist: Sweetgrass Park.
Sweetgrass is one of the sacred medicines to many First Nations. It is used as a purification medicine in ceremony to purify ourselves and to heal.
 For years the contribution Edgerton Ryerson made to the creation of the public educational system we have today was held in great esteem. Public sentiment changed when hundreds of graves were discovered at residential school sites, which were built long after Ryerson had passed on. His statue was defaced and then toppled.
The proposed park names and rationale:
• Head of the Lake Park: This name was chosen to reflect the name of the current land agreement in place that allows settler communities to occupy the location of the park in question, as per the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation.
• Unity Park: When forms of hatred and attempts to divide people are on the rise we need to find ways of expressing what we think is important. Unity means that we embrace our differences, that we value other people’s experience and beliefs
• Truth and Reconciliation Park: To heal as a nation we need to speak the truth and reconcile our relationship with the Indigenous peoples of Canada.
• Sweetgrass Park: Sweetgrass is used as a purification medicine in ceremony to purify ourselves and to heal.
Why are we renaming Ryerson Park?
At the June 16, 2021 meeting of the Halton District School Board (HDSB), trustees unanimously approved a motion to rename Ryerson Public School on Woodview Road in Burlington, in accordance with the Board’s Naming and Renaming Schools Policy and Governance Procedure.
 Mayor Meed Ward meets with Andrea Grebenc, Chair of the Halton District School Board
As part of the Board motion, the Chair of the Board sent a letter to inform the City of this decision. Burlington City Council then unanimously voted to rename Ryerson Park. This was done out of respect for Indigenous residents in our community, particularly following the recent discovery of mass graves at former residential schools.
Burlington’s Ryerson Public School, and adjacent Ryerson Park, are named after Egerton Ryerson for his contributions to the Ontario education system, however, Ryerson was also instrumental in the design of Canada’s residential school system. In 2015, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada concluded this assimilation amounted to the genocide of Indigenous people.
Burlington Mayor Marianne Meed Ward explains: “Earlier this year, Burlington City Council unanimously voted to rename Ryerson Park, in line with the recent HDSB decision to rename the adjacent school. This was done out of respect for Indigenous residents in our community and visitors to our city — particularly following the recent discovery of mass graves at former residential schools.
By David Barker
November 4th, 2021
Setting the record straight.
Are there problems with the way Heritage Fund grants are awarded? Should members of the Advisory Committee be eligible for the grants?
Notwithstanding the Gazette no longer permits me to post in its comment section to articles it publishes, it has allowed me this opportunity to respond to its article which was ostensibly about grants made available by the City to the owners of Designated Heritage properties, but was very much focused upon me, my designated heritage property, and the three heritage grants I have received over the years from the City’s Community Heritage Fund.
The Gazette‘s article has some inaccuracies and misconceptions. Here I shall try to set the record straight. To do that and provide context it is important to understand a bit about the designating of properties as Heritage, the City’s Community Heritage (grant) Fund, and the role of the Burlington Heritage Committee.
 The house is located in a part of the city where there are a number of designated homes.
To qualify for designation under the Ontario Heritage Act a property must have “heritage attributes”. A heritage attribute is defined by the Province as a feature of the property which should be protected and preserved for the future. The Ontario government has set out a detailed process to be followed by municipalities when seeking to place a heritage designation status on a property. A critical part of that process is the requirement for a heritage assessment undertaken by an accredited third party. That assessment, amongst other things will identify any heritage attributes. Assuming the property is worthy of heritage designation, to bestow the designation status on the property the municipality must pass a bylaw which identifies the heritage attributes. The bylaw is placed on the title deed of the property.
The City, in common with many Ontario municipalities, has a heritage property grant program, known as the Community Heritage Fund. Here are some relevant excerpts from the City’s Community Heritage Fund Guidelines document.
To encourage the preservation of buildings with identified cultural heritage value by providing financial assistance for the conservation of these buildings.
• Properties designated under part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act.
• Any work which conserves or enhances heritage attribute elements specified in by-law.
• Short-term, routine maintenance is not eligible: that includes minor repairs, general painting, repair of non-original siding or roofing or landscaping.
 The quality of the restoration work done is superb.
• Conservation of heritage attributes important to the resource’s heritage value is eligible.
• Restoration of heritage attributes where the original from and materials can be clearly determined from documentary evidence.
• Work necessary to restore the building to structural soundness.
o Includes the correction of serious structural faults which threaten the building’s survival, but does not include routine maintenance.
o Structural work necessitated by modern renovation is not included
OK, so the owner of a designated heritage property determines to seek a heritage grant to help mitigate the cost of eligible work required on the property. The property owner files an application, which is reviewed by the City’s heritage planner, who assesses the application, provides a report to the Heritage Committee. The Heritage Committee discusses the application and makes a recommendation, for or against, to City Council. That recommendation is first sent to a standing committee of Council (most if not all members of council are members of the standing committee). The standing committee reviews the entire matter including the recommendations from both the Heritage Committee and from city staff. Should the standing committee determine to approve the grant applied for, the matter is sent to City Council as a consent item. So it’s not as if council members are seeing the item for the first time at the meeting of Council. Those members already saw it at the standing committee stage.
So you will note these grants are not awarded for general improvements to a property, such as building extensions or kitchen renovations, as implied in the article. Grants are awarded so as to mitigate the cost of maintaining or restoring heritage attributes or other non-regular maintenance items that safeguard the heritage property as a whole. Those costs are generally considerably of a higher magnitude than say a house in a modern sub-division.
Now to the specifics of the four items relating to my heritage property referenced in the Gazette’s article.
Please note the Gazette asked me to provide to it for each grant I received:- the date awarded, the amount awarded, and the scope of work that was undertaken. I willingly and in very short order voluntarily provided that information to the Gazette, along with links to the relevant Heritage Committee meeting minutes.
 The western part of the property was severed once the Heritage Advisory Committee said it had no objections.
The Gazette is incorrect in its report that I have made application for four (4) heritage grants. I have applied for and received three (3). The fourth item referenced by the Gazette is with regard to my successful application to the City via the Committee of Adjustment to sever my property. Being a heritage designated property any alteration to the building exterior or to the property’s lot lines must be referred to the Heritage Committee for review and its recommendation to Council. I received no funds from the City in this regard. In fact the opposite is true. It cost me $50,000 in fees to the City to gain the severance, not to mention another $100,000 in professional fees
Two (2) of the three (3) grants awarded are in respect of work that was required so as to restore the front porch verandah, which is a heritage attribute cited in the heritage designation bylaw. The total awarded was $1,577.15. The first grant for the replacement of the verandah’s decking boards was awarded September 16, 2020 was not paid to me until May, 2021. Those decking boards are not the usual 1×6 white cedar generally used for decks. They are 2×6 BC red cedar. Way more expensive. The grant awarded September 7th, 2021 has not as yet been paid. Though the work, to repair and repaint the turned columns and decorative sun motif, clearly shown in the photographs in the Gazette’s article, was completed in June 2021.
The first grant awarded was in fact back in 2017, not 2019 as reported by the Gazette. At that time I was not a member of the Heritage Committee. That grant related to the cost of retrofitting weeping tiles and installing a sump pump to combat the rise in Lake Ontario’s water table which was causing ingress of water through the unfinished basement’s floor which jeopardized the building’s foundations.
Readers should note not all work is eligible for grant. For example the $15,000 cost to re shingle the roof in 2019 was not eligible. There is huge inconsistency and illogicality as to what work is eligible. For example the weeping tiles work was eligible because inaction would have imperiled the entire structure. The re shingling work was not eligible even though inaction would also have imperiled the entire structure. Should I have elected to re-roof with shakes the original material used in the 1890s at three times the cost, I would have been eligible for a grant.
The Gazette has correctly reported that in respect of the 2017 and 2021 grant applications I recused myself from participation in the consideration process by the Heritage Committee. And as respects the 2020 grant I was out of the country when the Committee considered the application.
I believe of the eleven resident committee members I (maybe one other) am the only one who actually owns a Designated Heritage property. If being a heritage property owner eligible to apply for heritage grants made one ineligible to serve on the committee, how would the committee be able to get an owner’s perspective of the unique issues owning a designated heritage property brings?
The Gazette states in its article:-
“Where we have an issue is with a member of an Advisory Committee benefiting financially as the result of a decision made by the committee.”
The Gazette is incorrect. The Heritage Committee is an “Advisory” body that has no decision making powers. It makes recommendations to Council. Council then makes the decision.
The Gazette also states:-
“Also, where was Council on this? The Staff report made mention that Barker had been given grants in the past.”
What’s the Gazette’s point here?
Under the terms of the grant program an owner of a designated property is entitled to receive one grant each year but only for eligible restoration or non-regular maintenance works. Receiving three grants during my 28 years of ownership of this designated heritage property does not seem to me like I’m milking the system.
By Pepper Parr
November 4th, 2021
The Gazette suspended the privilege David Barker had to comment in the Gazette’s Comments section.
We did so late in September. There are yards and yards of paper with comments and the back and fourth email from Barker.
A day or so after suspending Barker I received the following:
From: david barker []
Sent: October 2, 2021 8:37 PM
To: Pepper publisher <>
Subject: Re: WE no longer publish
What a complete dork you are! Such a pompous old fart, unable to publish any criticism. Very self-important. You certainly live up to the nickname given to you by those at city hall. LOL.
Please investigate all you like the heritage grants were awarded to me by City Council. Another rookie mistake on your part. The advisory committee has no authority to approve or award heritage grants or loans. Only City Council has that power. I am 100% confident neither the committee nor I have done anything untoward. For the record, and as shown on the official record (meeting minutes) on two occasions I recused myself from any discussion; and on the third occasion I did not attend the meeting, being out of the country.
Rookie mistake after rookie mistake. Possible indications of onset of senility or just plain incompetence.
I shall be reporting a complaint against you personally and the Gazette corporately to the National NewsMedia Council relating to your inappropriate censorship and your harassing language via email.
I already have screenshot copies of the published editor’s notes to my comments going back more than a year. So delete away. But I suggest you keep copies because they will be called for by the National NewsMedia Council. You cannot delete your rude, abrasive and uncalled for language in emails I received from you.
Silly old man
I have no comment to make.
David Barker is a retired insurance executive and a Member of the Heritage Advisory Committee and the owner of a fine house that has been designated as historically significant
By Staff
November 4th, 2021
The Aldershot Food Collection Committee is having a Special INFANT FOOD Collection for ROCK’s Infant Food Pantry on SATURDAY, NOV. 13TH,11am to 3pm.
If you can help please do.

By Staff
November 3rd, 2021
The Halton Regional Police Service has announced a new annual collaborative anti-hate campaign called #NoHaltonInHalton. The inaugural campaign will run November 8 to 12, 2021.
 Two young men captured on video putting up hate notices at city hall. It does happen in Burlington.
In an effort to stop hate and promote respect, equity and inclusivity in our community, the Halton Regional Police Service has partnered with the Halton District School Board, the Halton Catholic District School Board, Conseil Scolaire Catholique MonAvenir, Conseil Scolaire Viamonde, Crime Stoppers of Halton, and other community stakeholders, to run this anti-hate campaign in over 180 schools and learning facilities across the region.
Eliminating all forms of hate in Halton region, and better supporting victims and communities impacted by it, is a key priority for the HRPS and its campaign partners. Of the hate and bias motivated incidents reported across the region last year, 42 per cent directly involved or impacted schools or school aged youth. The #NoHateInHalton campaign is one of many strategies and initiatives that supports the Service’s ongoing commitment to bring anti-hate awareness and education to school-aged youth and the broader community of Halton.
 Video of a person walking away from a location where hate literature had been distributed,
This year’s campaign will aim to bring attention to the following topics within schools:
– Eliminating hate and bias motivated incidents,
– Encouraging individuals to report an incident that is motivated by hate or bias,
– Building a sense of community within schools across the region,
– Encouraging students and staff to work collaboratively to eliminate hate within the schools and support impacted individuals and groups, and
– Reducing the stigma that is often associated with victims of hate and bias-motivated incidents and removing any barriers to reporting those incidents.
Posters will be posted at learning facilities across the region to heighten awareness of the campaign. Stickers featuring a QR code to Halton Crime Stopper’s website, where incidents motivated by hate or bias can be reported anonymously, will also be posted in high schools to help reduce any barriers to reporting incidents.
This campaign will also bring awareness to supports available to victims or those negatively affected by hate or bias motivated incidents. The campaign will also address factors that lead to individuals exhibiting hateful behavior and the impact of hate on community safety and well-being.
Members of the community can engage with this anti-hate awareness and education campaign by joining the conversation on social media with a post about how they are embracing respect and inclusion with #NoHateInHalton.
Members of the community can also visit the Hate and Bias Motivated Crime webpage on for information about Hate and Bias Motivated Crimes and the Halton Regional Police Service’s commitment to eliminating these types of incidents from our communities.
Every person has the right to feel safe in our community. Victims of hate or bias motivated crimes are encouraged to contact the Halton Regional Police Service. The following is a list of valuable support services and resources in Halton Region for victims of hate or bias motivated crimes:
By Staff
November 3rd, 2021
Burlington is providing an update on its staff vaccination numbers in accordance with the City’s COVID-19 Staff Vaccination Policy. This policy is applicable to all City staff, regardless of work location. All City staff are required to show proof of vaccination, with some exceptions for those who are legally entitled to accommodation.
As of Tuesday, Nov. 2:
• 97% of City staff have submitted their vaccination status as required by the City’s COVID-19 staff vaccination policy
• 88% of City’s total work force (includes full-time and part-time employees) are fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
This percentage reflects how many staff in our total workforce are vaccinated and not the vaccine status of only those staff who have supplied their vaccination information.
There is additional work underway to collect outstanding vaccination status submissions and up to date information will continue to be gathered.
Quick facts
• City staff who are unvaccinated or not yet fully vaccinated are required to participate in regular Rapid Antigen Testing prior to entering the workplace.
• Starting Oct.4, required Rapid Antigen Testing was provided to unvaccinated individuals by the City. After Nov.26, the City will no longer provide Rapid Antigen Testing and an unvaccinated individual will be required to arrange and pay for their own
Rapid Antigen Testing.
• As part of the City’s commitment to providing a safe and healthy workplace, employees are also required to complete an e-screening form prior to entering a City facility.
• There are 1500+ employees at the City.
• City Council has fully supported the City’s COVID-19 Staff Vaccination Policy. This policy also applies to members of City Council.
Tim Commisso, City Manager explains that: “The City, as an employer, has an obligation under Ontario law to take all necessary precautions to protect its workers. We continue to gather the vaccination status of staff to give us a clear and accurate picture of our total workforce and serve our community through this pandemic.”
By Staff
November 1, 2021
Meet the DAGB (Digital Arts Guild of Burlington): an emerging community guild of young adults with an interest in digital art forms.
It is a new group formed as a guild at the Art Gallery of Burlington.
The guild is interested in encouraging and supporting underrepresented youth groups in their journey with digital arts. They’ll be opening to the public in the coming months, providing a place for knowledge exchange, skill and equipment sharing, informal educational programs, and a safe space for self-expression.
 Technology and artistic creativity
They have put together a n upcoming digital demo series.
Technology and artistic creativity are expected collide with a budding youth digital guild at the AGB.
Youth artists, makers, and creators will soon have a new home where they can gather to create and explore the boundless world of digital arts.
It is an emerging community guild of teens and young adults with an interest in digital art forms. Located in the Creative Hub, the DAGB is interested in encouraging and supporting underrepresented youth groups in their journey with digital arts.
The DAGB is excited to open to the public in the coming months, providing a place for knowledge exchange, skill and equipment sharing, informal educational programs, and a safe space for self-expression.
 Image courtesy of Bryan Depuy.
Bringing an interest in the latest tools in digital arts, founding DAGB members are currently acquiring equipment for a functioning studio space. In the late Winter, the DAGB are hosting a series of digital demos on the AGB’s Instagram Live, as part of their soft launch. From 3D printing, to Sound Art, E-textiles, and even DIY video games, the DAGB is showcasing the practices of young digital artists throughout the month of November to highlight the diverse ways folks can express themselves with digital art forms.
The DAGB is aiming to build engagement and membership in the new year. These youth hope to host more educational initiatives and develop their inventory of equipment throughout their partnership with the AGB.
Everyone is welcome to stop by the studio space for a peek at their work, or to join one of their upcoming demos to learn something new.
This is al in the near future. The AGB hasn’t provided a contact point yet – we will chase that down for you.
By Ryan O’Dowd: Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
October 31st, 2021

Cogeco employees set up in seven different Burlington locations across the city last night to hand out candy to trick-or-treaters and lend another pair of eyes for public safety. If a Cogeco employee saw something they would notify police.
Staff from the cable company were on the streets from 5 pm to 7:30 pm. The technicians interested in participating were sent out to their stations with their work trucks decorated for Halloween.
Across Burlington signs of normalcy were abundant this Halloween with pandemic restrictions loosening. Kids took to the streets at dusk as ghouls and princesses while orange bled out from the setting sun across a purpling sky on a chilly autumn evening.
Cogeco gave back to the Burlington community tonight affording a watchful eye and spreading some Halloween joy.
By Matthew Major
October 31st, 2021
Recently, the government has committed to investing around $5.2 million in three culture and recreation projects in Central Ontario and the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA).
The impact of Covid stretches far beyond our health and hospitals. All areas of the local community have been affected by lockdowns, and families, businesses and communities across the country have had to make big changes to their way of lives. As a result of this disruption, the Canadian and Ontario governments are working together to support people and communities by ensuring that local infrastructure is safe and reliable. At the same time, the government is also looking ahead to see what else can be done in these unprecedented times.
Recently, Sven Spengemann, member of parliament for Mississauga—Lakeshore, announced a series of joint funding. This funding will be specifically for three culture and recreation infrastructure projects in the GTHA and Central Ontario. This announcement was made on behalf of the Minister of Infrastructure and Communities as well as Ontario’s Minister of Small Business and Red Tape Reduction. The move will see businesses receive some bonus funding for Covid support, but as Bonusfinder Canada explains, there can be restrictions to watch out for.
Who is Paying for These Projects?
The Government of Canada will be spending approximately $2.8 million on these projects under the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program’s Community, Culture, and Recreation Infrastructure Stream. The Ontario government alone will also be funding more than $2.3 million to these initiatives, while beneficiaries are investing a total of more than $1.9 million in their own projects.
Under the Community, Culture, and Recreation Infrastructure Stream of the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program, Ontario will contribute roughly $320 million over the next ten years, while Canada will invest around $407 million.
What Is the Money Being Spent On?
This announcement comes after a wave of infrastructure spending is planned for the country in the wake of the Covid pandemic. The government is hoping that with increased spending, communities will be able to return to normal much faster once restrictions have been lifted. This funding will aim to support the building of new facilities and upgrades to existing facilities. All of the projects focus on improving community infrastructure and also include recreational venues and cultural spaces such as museums, theatres and more.
Upgrades to trail infrastructure in conservation areas in Caledon, Erin, Halton Hills, and Mississauga are among the projects that have been financed. They will improve public access to local greenspaces by better connecting trails with neighbouring towns and removing barriers. Trail improvements include the repair of four pedestrian bridges, the construction of three new pedestrian bridges, the expansion of paths by 2.8 kilometres, and the repair of 3.1 kilometres of boardwalk.
The Lincoln Museum and Cultural Centre will also receive funding for the design, manufacturing, and installation of an indoor and outdoor children’s gallery, which will provide families with educational content to learn more about local history and culture. Upgrades to the Unionville Seniors Hub’s Community Centre in Markham will provide new programmes and services to meet the special requirements of seniors and their caregivers. These initiatives, once completed, will provide citizens with better access to recreation facilities for many years to come.
Spengemann had the following to say about the funding “Ensuring residents have access to quality recreation infrastructure is vital for community well-being and development. Today’s investment for three culture and recreation infrastructure projects in the GTHA and Central Ontario will provide residents with access to modern, reliable, and even more accessible recreation facilities”.
By Pepper Parr
October 29th, 2021
 Ray Rivers: pundit and playwright
Some of our readers know that Ray Rivers, our leading columnist, is also an actor and a playwright.
There is a production coming up in November that covers a subject our generation knew about and experienced.
Draft dodging is a tricky subject for people in Quebec and Ontario.
In 1942, Mackenzie King, the Prime Minister at the time, had to work his way through a very tough issue. The country was at war and things were not going that well.
Men from Ontario were signing up; men from Quebec were heading for the bush, and the government was at risk.
King came up with a statement that covered both bases when he said ”not necessarily conscription, but conscription if necessary.”
Ray takes the issue of war and how people react and respond. Should be worth looking into.

By Staff
October 28th, 2021
Cogeco is once again rolling out the Pumpkin Patrol. This is the eighth year they have performed this service.
 The Cogeco Pumpkin Patrol
As Halloween approaches, community safety is always top of mind. Cogeco is committed to communities and recognize that one of the most precious assets in them are the children. That is why they are we continuing the Pumpkin Patrol Program to help keep children safe when they are ‘Trick or Treating’ in their neighbourhoods on Halloween night.
Matt Wickham, Vice President and General Manager, Ontario at Cogeco adds that: “In partnering with local police services, our employees provide additional eyes to help protect our children while they enjoy Trick or Treating, making it a fun and safe evening for the children, as well as parents and caregivers.”
They will be patrolling the streets in their branded white vans on Sunday, October 31, 2021 from 5:00pm to 7:30pm in areas where children are ‘Trick or Treating’.
Parents and children are encouraged to reach out to them if, at any point, they may need assistance.
By Pepper Parr
October 28th, 2021
Burlington has a Heritage Advisory Committee that has a colourful checkered past.
There was a time when it was a disaster.
Anyone who felt there was a chance their house would be designated had been led to believe by some in the real estate sector that the resale potential for their house was going to plummet.
There was a lot of ignorance and some pretty stupid people who did all kinds of dumb things to ensure that their house was not designated historically significant.
 Jim Clemens: the Chair of the Heritage Advisory Committee who put it on a sound footing after years of dysfunction.
That began to change in 2013 when the membership of the Advisory committee was changed and a new chair working with an informed and realistic board took over.
When the bulk of their work was done city council, they came as close as they could to giving standing ovations.
Heritage now had a sound footing and was in a position to approve and recommend grants to people who wanted to improve their homes to make them worth designating and keeping them up to standard once they were designated.
The Advisory Committee could recommend that property owners be given grants of up to 25% of the total eligible restoration project costs to a maximum of $15,000.
It was city council that made the grant award based on the Advisory Committee recommendation.
A recent award to a resident was placed in the Consent section of the Standing Committee Agenda.
Consent items get little in the way of attention unless a member of Council asks to have it pulled so it can be discussed in open session.
The Gazette has a practice of going through everything on the consent agenda, if only to keep an eye on what Council is up to.
The item that caught our eye was detailed in the Staff report of September 7th, 2021 which was set out as a report responding to an application for a grant from the Community Heritage Fund.
 By any standard this is a very handsome house.
The Staff report said:
The subject property known as 2411 Lakeshore Road is located on the north side of Lakeshore Road, between Market Street and St. Paul Street. It currently supports a three-storey residence in the Queen Anne style, as demonstrated by the characteristic architectural features including the irregular façade, multiple surfaces with intricate decorative wooden elements, multiple rooflines and gables, verandah, tall windows, bay windows, and tall chimneys. The subject property also contributes to the character of Lakeshore Road through its setbacks, historic architecture, mature trees, and massing.
The property at 2411 Lakeshore Road was designated under Part IV, section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act in 1995 through By-law 8-1995. The by-law also designates four other properties in the immediate area.
In 2019, as a condition of approval of the current property owner’s application for consent to sever the westerly portion of 2411 Lakeshore Road, the designation by-law was updated to come into conformity with a 2005 amendment to the Ontario Heritage Act.
Background on the Community Heritage Fund and Grant Application
The Burlington Community Heritage Fund (CHF) was established by Council in 1985 to encourage the preservation of structures designated under the Ontario Heritage Act by providing financial assistance to property owners in the form of loans and grants. It was also an objective of the CHF to encourage the designation of properties of cultural heritage value or significance under the Ontario Heritage Act.
The CHF was amended in 1993 and 2014 and now provides grants of up to 25% of the total eligible restoration project costs to a maximum of $15,000, subject to specific guidelines. Loans may be provided for up to 50% of total eligible restoration project costs to a maximum of $15,000.
The requested grant on the agenda at the September 7th meeting represents 25% of the total project cost of $3,616.00. The property owner originally obtained quotes from two tradespersons to complete the work and elected to retain the more economical option.
Staff support the applicant’s request for a grant from the CHF in the amount of $904.00 as it aligns with the CHF eligibility criteria by constituting “work which conserves or enhances elements specified in the by-law”.
There was a sentence in the Staff report that made mention of previous grants made for improvements to the same property.
 Funds were provided to replace some of the decking on the western side of the house.
The Gazette decided dig a little deeper and learned that the recommendation was made for a grant to an individual who was a member of the Heritage Advisory and that this grant was not the first but the fourth grant made. Technically this item was not a grant but it was a decision that we believe was necessary for the Committee of Adjustment to proceed.
The very first was recommended on July 10th, 2019
From the Heritage Advisory Committee Minutes:
David Barker declared an interest in Item 7.1 b. – consent and minor variance application for 2411 Lakeshore Road – as he is the owner of the property. He refrained from discussion and voting on this item.
From the minutes:
Consent and minor variance application for 2411 Lakeshore Road
Danika advised that 2411 Lakeshore Road is designated by By-law 8-1995 which protects heritage attributes on the front (south) and side (west) elevations of the building. The owner proposes to sever the westerly portion of the property to create an additional lot, allow variances to support the severance and demolish the existing detached garage located on the proposed severed parcel. Danika provided an overview of the variances for the retained and severed parcel and asked the Committee to consider whether they would have an impact on the heritage value of the property.
Members discussed and feel there are no issues from a heritage perspective. Motion – Heritage Burlington supports the requested consent and minor variances for 2411 Lakeshore Road under the assumption that any new development on the proposed severed lot is sited behind the existing heritage home.
Danika is the Staff planner assigned to the Heritage Advisory Committee
The second application made by David Barker was on October 9, 2019. From the Heritage Advisory Committee minutes:
 A garage was demolished and a severance of the western section applied for – granted by the Committee of Adjustment.
Declarations of Interest:
Consent and minor variance application for 2411 Lakeshore Road
Danika advised that 2411 Lakeshore Road is designated by By- law 8-1995 which protects heritage attributes on the front (south) and side (west) elevations of the building. The owner proposes to sever the westerly portion of the property to create an additional lot, allow variances to support the severance and demolish the existing detached garage located on the proposed severed parcel. Danika provided an overview of the variances for the retained and severed parcel and asked the Committee to consider whether they would have an impact on the heritage value of the property.
Members discussed and feel there are no issues from a heritage perspective. Motion – Heritage Burlington supports the requested consent and minor variances for 2411 Lakeshore Road under the assumption that any new development on the proposed severed lot is sited behind the existing heritage home.
The third application made by David Barker was on September 16th, 2020.
David Barker, Trisha Murray, Alan Harrington and Rick Wilson did not attend the meeting.
From the Minutes of the Heritage Advisory Committee meeting
Grant from Community Heritage Fund for 2411 Lakeshore Road
Danika provided an overview of the original application, received in September 2019, for a grant from the Community Heritage Fund to financially assist the owner of 2411 Lakeshore Road in replacing rotten deck boards on their porch verandah in the amount of $375. Since that time, the applicant has advised that the scope of work increased to include the replacement of additional deck boards.
Based on final cost receipts, the applicant has now applied for an additional grant in the amount of $673.15.
Committee discussed and supported the application. Motion – Approve the grant application for 2411 Lakeshore Road for an additional amount of $673.15. – CARRIED
 The house has kept much of its rural roots with the deck on the side probably leading into the kitchen. This house should be on the next Heritage Tour
On September 7th, 2021 a fourth application was made in the amount of $904.00
The minutes of the meeting note that:
David Barker declared an interest in Item 7.1 b. – Heritage permit and Community Heritage Fund applications for 2411 Lakeshore Road – as he is the owner of the subject property. He refrained from discussion and voting on this item.
The minutes of the Standing Committee reported that:
Grant from Community Heritage Fund for 2411 Lakeshore Road (PL-45-21)
Moved by Councillor Stolte
Approve the grant application for restoration work to front verandah, including sanding, filling and painting to the support columns and sun motif, at 2411 Lakeshore Road in the amount of $904.00 to be funded by the Burlington Community Heritage Fund.
 Mayor Meed Ward lives in a house that she had designated long before she became Mayor.
On the vote Mayor Meed Ward commented that “it was great to see residents of designated homes investing in the upkeep of their property” adding she wanted to see more of this – we do have a grant program that will help so keep those applications coming.”
The item that was voted on was in the Consent section of the Standing Committee agenda. These items, as noted earlier, seldom get any attention.
Our issue is not with the grant – it is with the way council chose to handle the matter.
To be fair, the work done with the funds that were awarded was sterling. The house on the north side of Lakeshore Road between Market and St. Paul is a handsome addition to the inventory of historically significant houses.
Mr. Barker is known by every member of Council. He is an active participant in civic matters. He has contributed opinion pieces to the Gazette.
Where we have an issue is with a member of an Advisory Committee benefiting financially as the result of a decision made by the committee. Recusing oneself from the discussion and not voting isn’t enough.
Also, where was Council on this? The Staff report made mention that Barker had been given grants in the past.
However, Council members didn’t apparently read the report.
Someone (Who?) put the item on the consent agenda aware that the item would not have been given any attention.
While the sums involved are small there is a large matter of principal.
 David Barker delegating before Council
The Gazette believes there are some gaps in the Governance protocols and will be asking Integrity Principles, the council advisors on matters of protocol and governance, to look into this matter with the suggestion that changes be made to ensure that an individual does not personally benefit financially from an Advisory Committee they serve on.
A reasonable question to ask is: Should Mr. Barker resign from the Heritage Advisory Committee or at a minimum should the rules be changed to prevent this from happening in the future ?
Colourful background
By Stephanie
October 27th, 2021
Friends, I have cherished every moment of serving you, our maker community and craft lovers. As some of you may know, my husband, toddler and I came to Canada nine years ago and we intended to stay, well—forever. But, bittersweet as it is, we’ll be moving back to the States next month, with an extra Canadian kid and a whole lot of memories, to follow a new calling.
Mind if I wax poetic for a sec? Burlington MADE started as a little dream, by a little Etsy maker, who thought there could be an experience SO much better than rummaging through an anonymous, thrown-together gymnasium craft show. Four years later, we’ve had shoppers and visiting artists from all over southern Ontario, worked with hundreds of inspiring makers, and won 22 (oh my goodness!) awards thanks to incredible supporters like you.
Let’s keep this torch going.
Not just because of all the work that got Burlington MADE off the ground, but because the mission matters and it’s so much bigger than any one person. I believe that Burlington is a better place for connecting with makers and celebrating the best in craft. And as COVID restrictions are being lifted, there is SO much potential for growth and rebirth.
 Once the idea caught on there were always crowds.
I will be selling the business because it is WORTH IT, but the dollar amount doesn’t matter as much to me as finding the right person. If you have a passion for creativity, a love of entertaining, and a knack for keeping a thousand ducks in a row, let’s talk.
Shoot me an email by Monday and tell me why you’d be perfect for the job. If you seem like the right fit, I’ll reach out to set up a Zoom.
Thanks for listening.
Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, for jumping in and embracing our mission to spread appreciation for fine craftsmanship and more mindful shopping.
GET IN TOUCH Shoot me an email by Monday at Stephanie @ and tell me why you’d be perfect for the job. If you seem like the right fit, I’ll reach out to set up a Zoom.
By Ryan O’Dowd
October 24th, 2021
Burlington Centre’s Spooktacular Finds and Drive-In weekend has been a big success so far.
The Mom’s Market Collective hosted Spooktacular Finds at the Burlington Centre on Saturday.
Twenty-two vendors set up shop in the mall corridor between the south entrance and the food court. Trick or treating was encouraged in the market decorated with bright orange and black balloons draped in spider webs. Beside the giant bowl of chocolate and Halloween candy was a raffle for prizes. Founder Amy Thompson was thrilled with how the event went.
 Mom’s Market Collective Founder Amy Thompson
“it’s been great. We’ve had loads of heavy shoppers and a bunch of kids came to trick or treat, which is great. It’s been a great day,” said Thompson who talked about returning to the Burlington Centre, “we will be back the first weekend of December for a holiday-themed market.”
The vendor’s wares took all kinds of forms from wellness and beauty, mom-centric items such as baby clothes belonging to a fall collection in monochromatic seasonal orange, yellow and earthy hues. Elsewhere were nick-nacks, clothes, and home decorations cozy and seasonal or with year-round appeal.
Vendors were in good spirits, many of whom were appearing at their first market and were eager to register for subsequent events with the Mom’s Market Collective.
The Mom’s Market Collective is a group of women founded by Amy Thompson and Jasmine Ancona promoting and platforming women-led small local businesses. They have established a relationship with Burlington Center, appearing earlier this week on Thursday at an event called A Night Off, and will continue their partnership with upcoming holiday events in December.
 Vendors were stretched out along the wide corridor – sales were respectable.
The Mom’s Market Collective has set up shop in 19 locations across Canada, including 12 in Ontario. Between the market’s success and Burlington Centre’s ongoing interest Burlingtonians should expect to see a lot of the Mom’s Market Collective.
The Halloween fun didn’t stop when the market wrapped up at Burlington Center; a sold-out Drive-in audience of a whopping 100 cars screened Raya and the Last Dragon.
The sold-out Drive-In Spooktacular returns tonight to show the Adam’s Family(2019) at 6:30 pm.
By Pepper Parr
October 20, 2021
This Background piece is on the long side. It is the first time we have seen such a comprehensive engagement plan with so much detail and really relevant information. While we are surprised we also want to thank the Communications people for being this candid.
Burlington is in the next phase of city-building as it approaches full build-out of the urban area. The undertaking of area-specific plans (ASPs) for Burlington’s Major Transit Station Area (MTSA) represents the City’s continuing implementation of its vision for appropriate intensification and the protection of established neighbourhoods by focusing future population growth to key areas, and in particular, a focus around higher order transit.
 Way back in the beginning the GO stations were called Mobility Hubs and at that time the bus terminal in the downtown core was included a Hub. That mistake made it possible for a developer to put up a 26 storey tower which opened things up for other developers.
This is a big big deal – it involves something in the order of 20,000 people and or jobs in what will be a small village of its own. It will take decades to get through it all and it may well change in some form going forward.
The city has put together an Engagement Plan – it runs 13 pages long – with a lot of surprising information.
Area Specific Plans for the properties within each MTSA have to be created.
This work started out as a Mobility Hub study which was placed on hold in Q1 2019 to allow for a shift in focus to emerging planning priorities, including the Region’s Municipal Comprehensive Review, the scoped re-examination of the adopted Official Plan and the Interim Control Bylaw Land Use Study.
There are a number of key differences that resulted in significant changes to the scope and considerations of the work that had to be done including the completion of all required technical studies, further public and stakeholder engagement and the completion of three (3) area-specific plans, as well as the associated implementing Official Plan and Zoning By-Law amendments and other implementation strategies which may be required to get everything before Council.
 Citizens will show up for a meeting if you make it interesting enough and promote it effectively. We will have to wait until we are out of Covid19 rules for events like this to take place
The Engagement Plan highlights the points in the process at which engagement will take place, who will be engaged, and the level of engagement. The plan also clearly defines which aspects of the process the City and public can influence throughout the discussion.
Decision Statement
At the beginning of an engagement process, it is helpful to know, “what is the decision to be made?” A decision statement clearly identifies:
• what decision needs to be made;
• who is the decision maker; and
• when the decision is required.
The decision statement for the MTSA ASP project is as follows:
“By June 2022, Burlington City Council will vote to adopt amendments to the Burlington Official Plan, 2020 to incorporate Protected Major Transit Station Area (MTSAs) area-specific plans to guide development and investment around the Burlington, Appleby and Aldershot GO Station Areas.
“Amendments adopted by Burlington City Council will then be forwarded to the Region of Halton for approval.”
Summary of Stakeholders
A stakeholder is anyone who has an interest or concern about a specific topic. To identify the stakeholders for the MTSA ASP Project, a mapping process will be used to confirm all the people who are affected by this work, those who have influence or power over the work and those that have an interest in its outcome, based on the stakeholders previously identified through the Mobility Hubs Project. It is expected that various individuals and groups will be identified across the following categories:
• Residents and resident groups (including newcomers, young families and young people) • Community organizations; special interest, advocacy, and activism groups
• Government and public service providers (internal and external) • City Advisory Committees and arms-length city agencies
• Indigenous Communities • Development industry
• Businesses and business groups • Major facilities1 within or adjacent to study areas
• Private and non-profit community service providers • Elected officials
• Media
Once the stakeholders and interested or affected individuals and groups have been confirmed, the engagement milestones in this plan will be refined to reflect the tactics and level of engagement required for each party throughout the MTSA ASP Project.
Objectives of Engagement
The following objectives provide a clear understanding of what the public engagement will strive to achieve through the community discussion about the MTSA ASP Project:
• Provide relevant information about the project, decision-making process, and how the public can provide input and feedback;
• Work with City communications and engagement staff, as well as consultants, to provide a coordinated approach to engagement, communication and evaluation of the MTSA ASPs and their implementing policies.
• Provide multiple channels for people to provide meaningful input virtually and, if possible, in-person at appropriate decision points;
 The Getting Involved web site has loads of information and is the place documents are stored for quick retrieval. It takes some practice to get the hang of it all – but it works.
• Create an ongoing record of what is said during engagement opportunities and make it available to the public throughout the process, so they can track the progress of the project, including reports back to the community that highlight how feedback was or was not incorporated into the final recommendations to Council;
• Gather meaningful input from members of the community whose voices are historically underrepresented in conversations about city issues;
• Establish a project page on as the main online platform for up-to-date information about the project and upcoming engagement opportunities;
• Use clear, plain language in the delivery of the Engagement Plan to inform the public about what can and cannot be influenced through the MTSA ASP Project.
Project Stages and Engagement Milestones
At a Special Meeting of Council on June 8, 2021, City Council [modified/endorsed] the work plan for the MTSA ASP Project. The key project stages and associated engagement milestones are presented below. For each project stage, the engagement plan identifies where public input will take place, who will be involved in the engagement and what level of engagement will occur.
The strategies that will be used for public involvement in the MTSA ASP Project reflect the feedback provided to the City in the May 17, 2021 Council Workshop. Relevant feedback from related projects has also been considered, including the new Burlington Official Plan, the Scoped Re-Examination of the Downtown and the Interim Control By-Law Land Use Study. These strategies will be further refined by the MTSA ASP Project Steering Committee.
Policies and Factors That Cannot be Influenced
In every public engagement process, it is important to be aware of the things that cannot be influenced: either because they are beyond the City’s control (for example things that are required by regional or provincial policy or law), or because they are outside the scope of the project as set out in the Council-approved work plan. In discussing the Major Transit Station Area (MTSA) Area-Specific Planning (ASP) Project, the following aspects are considered ‘givens’ and will not be included in engagement activities:
1. Planning policy at the local municipal level is informed by legislation, policies and plans such as the Planning Act, Provincial Policy Statement, Growth Plan, Halton Region Official Plan, Metrolinx Regional Transportation Plan and others.
2. City Council can adopt proposed amendments to the Burlington Official Plan, but Halton Region is the designated approval authority. Halton Region may modify City-proposed amendments prior to approval and, if appealed, the approved amendments may be subject to further change through the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal, (Now named the Ontario Land Tribunal) except for PMTSA policies and zoning regulations protected from appeal under the Planning Act.
3. The proposed Area-Specific Plans and associated implementing mechanisms will be prepared for the Burlington Official Plan (2020), not the Burlington Official Plan (1997).
4. This study is focused only on the Downtown Burlington Urban Growth Centre/Burlington GO MTSA, Aldershot GO MTSA and Appleby GO MTSA. MTSA boundaries and the corresponding minimum growth targets are being set by Region of Halton through its Municipal Comprehensive Review. Draft Halton Regional Official Plan Amendment (ROPA) 48 proposes updates to the Regional Structure and includes formal boundaries for each of the MTSAs within Halton Region. Once approved by the Province, these boundaries and targets cannot be appealed.
5. Urban Growth Centres (UGCs) are strategic growth areas that are planned for greater population and job growth and higher rates of development than other areas in the City and Region. Provincial policies set out minimum density targets for these areas, which are implemented through the Regional Official Plan, and then through the Burlington Official Plan. Draft ROPA 48 includes an adjusted boundary for the Burlington Urban Growth Centre (UGC). If approved by the Province, the adjusted UGC boundary will center around the Burlington GO Station Area.
6. In 2017, a new policy framework for “Protected Major Transit Station Areas” (PMTSAs) was established in the Planning Act, R.S.O 1990. PMTSAs are a municipal tool used to support Higher Order Transit infrastructure around Major Transit Station Areas by establishing minimum density targets and transit-supportive land uses which are protected from appeal. In accordance with Planning Act section 16(16), once identified in an upper-tier municipal official plan and approved by the Province, PMTSA policies cannot be appealed.
Similarly, once implementing policies and zoning have been enacted at the lower-tier municipal level, the prescribed policies cannot be appealed.
PMTSAs may also require Inclusionary Zoning to support affordable housing objectives. Specifically, official plan policies may authorize Inclusionary Zoning by authorizing the inclusion of affordable housing units within buildings or projects containing other residential units, and by providing for the affordable housing units to be maintained as affordable housing units over time.
7. This project will refine and build upon the draft precinct plans developed through the former Mobility Hubs Study in 2018. However, as these plans were released as preliminary and were neither endorsed nor approved by City Council, they are subject to change based on further public engagement and the completion of technical studies.
8. Certain aspects of this project will be informed by the outcome of various technical studies, many of which are required by legislation and policy. These technical studies are undertaken in accordance with established criteria and completed by qualified experts.
9. The Burlington MTSAs are complex, previously developed areas with multiple landowners. The City does not have control over the speed of change related to development. Property owners decide when and if they will develop or redevelop their property.
10. The implementing Official Plan Amendments must be adopted by City Council by June 2022.
11. The implementing Zoning By-Law Amendments must be approved by City Council by December 2022.
 Kwab Ako-Adjei, Director, Corporate Communications & Engagement at City of Burlington, has set out a demanding criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the Engagement Plan. Burlingtonians haven’t seen an approach like this before.
How the City Will Collect and Respond to Feedback
Throughout the engagement process, City staff will diligently collect and record all input provided by stakeholders. All input will be recorded by theme into response tables, showing in detail how the comments were considered and how they did or did not shape the study process, the Area Specific Plan and their associated implementing Official Plan amendments recommended to Council, and why.
Evaluating the Engagement Process
Throughout the MTSA ASP Project, City staff will capture interim feedback on the engagement process through measures such as feedback/satisfaction surveys. This will allow for ongoing and incremental evaluation of engagement efforts and will support an iterative process where feedback may influence the engagement process throughout the project.
To assist in measuring how the public participation contributed to the final project decision to be made, the following will be used to evaluate the overall public participation process.
1. Once the project is complete, measure the degree to which community members felt they:
a. Understood the project’s process and its limitations
b. Understood how the feedback they provided influenced the outcome of the City Council approval.
2. Evaluate each form of engagement. How did each of the engagement approaches used help to achieve the engagement objectives?
3. Analyze how the feedback received about the forms of engagement informed new or alternative approaches to the overall public participation process as the project moved forward.
By Pepper Parr
October 22nd, 2021
The Gazette is a member of the National Newsmedia Council. In a recent report from the Council they set out how editorial choices get made and how differences are resolved. We strive to follow those guidelines
Over the past two months, the NNC received more than 50 complaints, and dozens more phone calls, from people who expressed their concerns about a front-page layout of an August 26th edition of the Toronto Star. Readers were incensed over the front-page presentation of a story featuring strongly-worded tweets about people who chose not to get the COVID vaccine. The front-page tweets were, in many readers’ words, “divisive and hateful.”

That day’s edition of the Toronto Star featured an article about public attitudes towards unvaccinated people, citing a poll that suggested many vaccinated Canadians had “no sympathy for those who choose not to get the COVID-19 vaccine and then fall ill.” The article pointed to strongly worded tweets from people who felt similarly, and the tweets were prominently displayed on the front page of the paper.
One tweet included on the front page read, “I have no empathy left for the willfully unvaccinated. Let them die.”
While the Toronto Star’s public editor published a column about the issues with the front-page display in the following days, the significant outcry from readers underscores the need for clarity and consideration when presenting complex issues, particularly when they are given the weight and focus of a front-page display.
In this case, the NNC heard from many complainants who were concerned that the comments expressed harmful views, sowed further division, and were not clearly identified as tweets from individuals.
Take, for example, some of the criticism we heard from complainants:
“This is a prime example of the divide the media has caused…This newspaper is fanning the flames of hatred and division.”
“To see such words of hate plastered across a front page is not only outrageous and unacceptable but also utterly irresponsible in these volatile times.”
“We are already so fractured as a society that this headline does nothing but fuel the divide.”
“Everyone has a right to their opinion but a newspaper has an even greater responsibility to the community to ‘draw a line’. That front page article is down right scary and absolutely promotes hate, discrimination, misinformation and fear towards fellow human beings.”
One individual pointed out, “There are others who by means of exemption are unable to be vaccinated either due to religious beliefs or medical conditions,” and “Being that it is the front page, many people will see these hateful remarks and have no context unless they read the article.”
Even among those who recognized the comments as tweets, many felt it was difficult to discern this fact and that the comments were given undue weight. As one complainant put it, “The newspaper quotes someone from Twitter…and promotes it on their front page in a way that suggests they agree with it. The fact it comes from another person is in very small characters, and the text is placed without quotation marks.”
In addition to the general outrage over the front-page display of the story, some complainants took the opportunity to express their views on vaccination. A number of complainants simply wanted an apology from the news organization about how the newspaper chose to highlight these tweets.
Most complainants immediately contacted the NNC with their concerns. Some told us they even reached out to their local police with concerns about hateful language and were referred to the NNC.
The NNC reviewed each of the complaints and listened to their phone calls. As is our process, we encouraged them to try to resolve the matter, first, with the news organization directly and allow reasonable opportunity for the news organization to address their concerns.
On August 28, the public editor of the Toronto Star published his findings in a column in response to reader concerns. The Star had received thousands of messages from concerned readers who found the front-page display “confusing, hurtful and inflammatory.”
As noted in the column, “Many readers thought the statements were the Star’s view, like a front-page editorial; others thought it was the headline to the story.” The public editor noted that there were no quotation marks around the tweeted comments, that the tweets lacked context, and the source of the comments was not clearly identified.
The column included comments from the editor of the Toronto Star, who acknowledged the “power” and “responsibility” of a front page. She apologized for the fact that the particular front-page display did not meet their usual standards.
As noted in the column, the public editor found that “greater care should have been taken” in this case, and that “The Star wound up stoking the very divisions it sought to write about.”
Throughout the pandemic, the NNC has received a number of complaints and phone calls from people concerned with polarization and ‘divisiveness’ in reporting on COVID, and especially, COVID vaccines. In many of these cases, people want to see another side of the story reflected, even if the evidence does not support it.
Whether covering vaccine hesitancy or people’s response to vaccine hesitancy, reporting on unfounded, offensive, or even extreme views can be newsworthy and serve important journalistic purposes, so long as those views are treated with appropriate care. That means providing appropriate attribution and context, including verifiable evidence and information about sourcing.
In this particular case, the NNC recognizes that the complaints were primarily directed at the front-page layout of the story, and not the story itself, which in fact aimed to provide context and shed light on the attitudes expressed in the strongly-worded tweets.
In reviewing complainants’ concerns and the news organizations’ response to the matter, the NNC agreed with the news organization that the comments should have been more clearly labelled. It also agreed that in this case, the display of the tweets on the front page fell short of journalistic standards around context and attribution.
At the same time, the NNC found that the public editor’s findings and thorough report on the matter both acknowledged and addressed reader concerns about the lack of context, inadequate labelling, and divisive nature of the comments.
While apologies typically fall outside the mandate of the NNC, we would note that the chief editor’s comments and apology for the front page’s shortcomings, as quoted in the column, go a long way to addressing reader concerns, particularly of those who wished to see recognition of the wide-reaching impact of the newspaper’s front page.
In light of the published findings by the Toronto Star public editor, the NNC considered this matter resolved due to corrective action.
By Staff
October 22, 2021
Booklovers and writers, take note!
The 1st annual Burlington Literary Festival launches in November, just in time for NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month.
“During this month-long celebration of literature, we welcome authors, celebrate books, and (virtually) visit with local and national literary treasures.
“All sessions are online this year due to the pandemic. We look forward to hosting in-person and virtual festival events next year. Please bookmark this page and follow #BurlLitFest to get the latest festival news.”
How to Research with Denise Davy, investigative journalist, social issues advocate & author
A Bookseller’s Perspective with Ian Elliot, A Different Drummer Books owner
National Novel Writing Month with Brian Henry, writer, creative writing instructor & former book editor
Digital Publishing with Mark Leslie Lefebvre, author, former bookseller & e-publisher
The Art of Writing Memoir with Dr. Ellen Ryan, pyschologist, professor emeritus, McMaster University
Story Development with Lynda Simmons, author & creative writing instructor
Haiku for Remembrance Day with Kimiko Horne, published haiku writer & teacher

Lana Button, children’s author, educator & entertainer
Tonia Evans Cianciulli, soprano, singer-songwriter & author
Ian Hamilton, crime/mystery writer & former journalist
Terry O’Reilly, author, broadcast producer & CBC Radio One podcast host
Zoe Whittall, poet, novelist & TV writer
AGB presents About Prison Libraries with Kirsten Wurmann and Ashley Huot, Prison Libraries Committee of Manitoba
HPO presents Composing Literature-Based Music with Abigail Richardson-Schulte, Composer-in-Residence
Treaty & What it Means to the Law of the Land presented by Elder Garry Sault, Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation
Participating partners
A Different Drummer Books
Art Gallery of Burlington (AGB)
Burlington Mundialization Committee – Itabashi
Burlington Writers Group
Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra (HPO)
Harper Collins Canada
McMaster Institute for Research on Aging (MIRA)
Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation
Southern Ontario Lyric Opera Company (SOLO)
Related links
REGISTER for BurlLitFest events – registration opens Oct 25, 12pm
By Staff
October 22nd, 2021
Burlington Public Library will start a major move to a new library software system and service provider on Tuesday.November 2.
“The new system, designed to manage our collections and customer information, brings many improvements to help us serve you better. Still, we regret that there will be limited services while all our data relocates to its new home. We expect to complete all work and be back to business as usual by November 18.
“We need to minimize any data changes to make sure no information gets lost between the old and new systems.” Here’s what to expect during the transition and important changes to note:
1. NO online catalogue access; CHECK OUT only.
- No searching or browsing the online catalogue.
- No access to your My BPL account.
- No placing holds. Holds already waiting for you won’t expire. No new holds will be available for pick-up.
- No renewals.
- No returned items will be checked in. You can still return items but they will not show as returned in your account until after Nov 18.
- No payments will be taken for fees or other financial transactions.
- Check-out kiosks will be unavailable.
- No online self-registration for a library card.
- Some digital resources may be temporarily unavailable during the transition. This information will be posted on our website as needed.
You will be able to:
- Check out books and other items available on our shelves.
- Check out eBooks, eAudiobooks, and eMagazines and stream movies and music directly through the resource’s website (for example, OverDrive, Hoopla, Kanopy) or the resource’s app (such as Libby, Hoopla, Kanopy etc)
- Register in person at any branch for a library card.
- Register to attend virtual library programs.
- Use public computers, printers, and free wireless access at all locations.
2. NEW – PIN reset
During the data migration, your PIN will be reset to the last four digits of the telephone number we have on file for you. You can reset your PIN after Nov 18.
3. NEW – Borrowing history
BPL now retains the borrowing history on all customer accounts to serve you better and bring collections of the highest interest to our community. We will use the data to understand our general use trends; we will not access information at the individual level. If you wish to access your borrowing history, you must enable this feature in your My BPL account. Library staff will only access your borrowing history with your permission.
We encourage you to contact us online, stop by and talk with our staff, or give us a call at 905.639.3611 if you have any questions. |