Parks4People want Regional government to support turning the quarry into a park - in a couple of decades.

By Pepper Parr

August 30th, 2021



There is a Battle Royal taking place between two community groups where the focus is on what happens to the quarry on #2 Side Road west of Guelph Line.

The quarry has been there for decades during which time it provided the aggregate needed to build Burlington.

Nelson Aggregate has gone about as deep as they can go on the current site.

The quarry has reached the point where the open pit mine is close to being mined out.

Nelson Quarry has made an application to extend the area they can mine. People in the area are opposed.

Nelson Quarry took a significantly different approach to this second application. In 2012 their application was turned down based on the impact a new mine would have on the Jefferson Salamander.

The quarry people have identified an area that is a breeding ground for the salamander that is to be set aside for just that purpose.

The CORE group are opposed and they have worked diligently to raise finds and fight the good fight.

A second community group – Parks4People want the city to accept the offer of land that will be donated to the city when the extension of the land is also mined out.

THAT eventuality is decades away.

Both Parks4People and CORE are gathering signatures. The Parks4People have 3000 plus signatures – no word on what CORE has but it is understood to be quite close to the Parks 4People number.

The Gazette has done a number of story’s on the CORE group. Their web site is at:

Parks4People put together a presentation that is online at:

Their argument is that –

Our parks are already packed

They provide a map that shows park use in Halton on an average weekend. The red shows maximum capacity.

They claim “ our park resources are already stretched thin” adding that with population projections through to the 2040’s “ set to explode” – “where will our children and their children play?”

If the data is correct – there would appear to be a problem on the horizon.

They want to see a plan for how Halton will meet the growing need for green space.

Nelson Aggregates has offered to turn the land over to the city and create a 1,000 acre park.

Turning a mined out quarry into a park is a great idea – it was done in St Mary’s Ontario and turned out to be very popular. The crunch comes when the details are made public,

The Parks4People claim “the mayor has rejected the offer outright. The local councillor has said Halton “doesn’t need a big park.”

Parks4People want Regional council to vote “yes” to parks.

Healthy debate and discussion over different views is a good thing.

The final page of the People4Parks ends with a Call to Action.  They want you to click on that box and support their position.  Something really interesting happens if you click on the box to show your support.  That’s a follow up story.

That little box is there for you to show your support. Interesting thing happens when you do click.

The final decision on this matter will be made by a Joint Tribunal that has a clear process and a time line.


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Black, African and Caribbean folk strut their stuff at the Pier

By Staff

August 29th, 2021



The third and last event put on by Bling Events International took place in Spencer \smith Park Saturday night.

You had to be there to get the full vibe – the pictures taken by Mozelle tell some of the story .

These live music events were in recognition and celebration of Black, African, Caribbean, Canadian appreciation month – which was a proclamation Carlene Ling (Event Organizer) requested and received through the Mayor’s office.

The events were not heavily promoted – people who were part of the communities being celebrated knew and they took part.

The objective was for people to get out and have some fun but not draw large crowds where the needed social distancing would become difficult.
Bling International put on a great show Saturday night at the Burlington Pier. Fun was had by all.



Good crowds but not huge crowds milling about in the cool evening air.

This looks like a Congo Line.

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Trying to interview Emily Brown, Conservative Candidate for Burlington

By Pepper Parr

August 28th, 2021



We ran a piece on Burlington Conservative candidate Emily Brown that generated a lot of blow back from several of our readers.

Burlington Conservative candidate Emily Brown

As publisher I asked Ryan O’Dowd to send me a list of all the contacts he had with Ms Brown and her responses to his email and telephone calls.

That list is set out below:

On August 17th I received the contact information for Emily Brown. I received it at the same time I received Karina Gould’s contact information and I sent emails to both candidates on August 17th, 20 minutes apart from each other. Here is the email I sent Emily:

 “Good morning, Emily,

 Ryan O’Dowd with the Burlington Gazette here, I’m hoping we can meet for an interview sometime this week to discuss your platform and the key issues of the election.

I look forward to speaking with you, let me know the time and date that works best.

Thanks for your time,


On August 18th I followed up by phone. I called Emily Brown three times and did not receive an answer.

On August 19th I spoke to Emily Brown and she could not commit to a time period(I tried to arrange an interview that afternoon) but she asked for interview questions to be emailed to her and said she would provide her availability, she did not.

I sent her the following shortly after the phone call:

“Good morning, Emily,

 Ryan here with the Burlington Gazette, we spoke on the phone this morning. I’m hoping I can drop by the office for a brief chat this afternoon if that works for you.

I look forward to speaking with you.



I called to follow up on August 24th, she answered on my second attempt.

Brown said she could not take an interview all week as they were discussing strategy at her office. I asked her about the following week and she made no firm commitment.

I said I would follow up with her next week and fully intend to but at this point we needed to begin covering Emily Brown so my publisher made the decision to go ahead with what we had.

We will talk to Emily Brown whenever she chooses to make herself available.  Our belief is that informed people can make informed decisions; our role is to inform people.

As credentialed media we adhere to the view of the National Newsmedia Council that a strong democracy is possible when those who strive to lead are transparent and held accountable.


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Was our reader wrong ? City hall thought so.

By Pepper Parr

August 26th,2021



We ran a story last week on small events that were taking place in the downtown core that were not very well promoted.

A trusted reader provided the information.

The Communications unit at city hall took exception and asked us to correct the story.

Their view was that:

None of the events in your post was organized by the Mayor or her office. The Mayor was also not at the Aug. 21 event and did not “open” the event as your post claims.

  • CRAFT Live Marquis Music Series is an extension of a Community Support Fund project which took place virtually over the winter on YouTube and YourTV. Bling Events International presented these live music events in recognition and celebration of Black, African, Caribbean, Canadian appreciation month – which was a proclamation Carlene Ling (Event Organizer) requested and received through the Mayor’s office. This means the Mayor endorsed it but was not the organizer
  • The event for Indigenous people was not promoted because we were in a different stage of the pandemic and there were very restrictive gathering numbers
  • The Islamic prayer was organized by the mosque with a three-day turnaround time. There was no time for a wide promotion

Most of these events are listed as “pop-up events.” The nature of pop-up events is that they are not intended to have a large promotional campaign and not intended to draw large crowds. These work quite well for our pandemic situation and precautions.

The communications people added:

About the Community Support Fund

The Community Support Fund program will join existing programs to provide financial support to residents and community groups who want to enrich and connect the Burlington community through sport, recreation, art and cultural experiences. The combined fund will simplify the funding process and make it easier for Burlington residents and community groups to access financial supports to enhance their community’s well being. The amalgamated Community Support Fund brings the Love my Neighborhood, Community Development Fund, The Neighborhood Matching Fund and the Arts and Culture Fund together temporarily during COVID-19 and is intended to create a sense of community.

This fund will help a variety of sport, recreation, art, and cultural events, programs and projects in Burlington neighbourhoods and communities. The fund supports two types of applications:

  • Community gatherings/Neighborhood parties/Health and fitness classes and similar events for an amount of up to $1,500 per application
  • Special projects for an amount of up to $5,000 per application

Applicants can apply for funding one-time per year. The program is designed to recognize the importance of supporting Burlington’s communities during these challenging times. By providing access to funding, the City is looking for innovative ideas to connect and enhance our community; events/activities that can offer exciting and meaningful opportunities to strengthen and nourish community spirit.

Did we get it wrong?  Was our reader misinformed.  We have worked with this reader for some time.

Here is what we published on the 23rd:

It appears that the Mayor is sponsoring or holding events in the downtown core but not telling very many people about them

That has some residents ticked.

Mayor Meed Ward just may be doing the right thing.

The Caribbean Association was giving it a go –

What the city doesn’t need is large crowds of people gathering to take part in an event. Tough to maintain social distancing under those circumstances.

Holding small pop-up type events does help give people something to do.

Our reporter toured the downtown area and on up to the Orchard and then on over to Bronte Creek Park and found few people outdoors – they heat was surely part of the reason for people staying home.

The Mayor opened Black/Caribbean month. Residents are complaining that no one was notified. “The only way I found” said our reader, “about last night was chatting with one of the girls involved. I was watching the BPAC music and she said I should come to City Hall on the 21st for a party. I asked if she was sure and she said Yes – the Mayor is putting it on.

“That’s when I went to the tourist office to dig a little deeper. They send out happenings in Burlington all the time.

“Marianne told me the last time, they didn’t want to advertise the prayer celebration for the indigenous kids, prayer for the Muslim family (hundreds of attendees), pride party… so as to keep the numbers down.

“Is that not selfish to the rest of Burlington?

Wasn’t much of a crowd..

Ward 2 Councillor Lisa Kearns got wind of the event and sent out a late notice. Our reader thought this should have been “virtual”

“Pretty much like all the rest of MMW’s “events”. If we can’t celebrate CANADA DAY (except virtually), how is it we can celebrate all these other days outdoors?

Our writer though that the downtown business people might have been able to benefit as well had there been more notice.

“Two Saturday ago”, continued our reader (who chose not to be identified) the same thing. Party at Spencer Smith Park put on by the mayor and nothing advertised so that we could all attend. I found out after the fact.

“I’m not sure if you are aware, but next Saturday it’s back at Spencer Smith again.”

There are times when the Mayor can’t win for trying. Managing public expectations is not a simple task.

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Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives identifies the Care Economy as something critical and in need of changes

By Staff

August 25th, 2021



The Gazette has decided to look to the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives for guidance on just what the issues are in the election that is underway.

The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives is an independent, non-partisan research institute concerned with issues of social, economic and environmental justice.

Founded in 1980, the CCPA is one of Canada’s leading progressive voices in public policy debates.

Seniors have earned the right to respect and dignity as they enter retirement.

There are important choices to make during this election. The CCPA sends us the best information they have based on their ongoing research.

“The big question they suggest  is whether we all, by default, revert to the “same old, same old” after the pandemic crisis. Or will we seize the opportunity to build back better, recognizing that this last mile will be the hardest?”

They identify what the define as the Care Economy as a major issue.

The COVID-19 pandemic forced a well-overdue conversation to the forefront: In times of crisis, who gets sidelined? And what must our governments do to protect the most vulnerable?

The CCPA team has spent the last year publishing research that highlights the impact of COVID-19 on Canadians.  Their conclusion? Without significant policy changes and significant investments in the care economy, it’s likely that seniors, care workers, women, and marginalized people will continue to be sidelined, with devastating consequences.

As we dive head first into this election season, all political parties will need to show how they will make sure that no one is left behind.

Seniors: To better protect seniors, who experienced the most devastating impacts of COVID-19 in the first few waves, Canada needs to transition away from for-profit care models.

The pandemic has taught what we were doing that was wrong with those in long term care. The profit motive has to be removed.

The Care Economy: COVID-19 has shown us how essential care work is to our economy, from child care to long-term care. We need more publicly led services.

Women’s Return to Work: Women need to be prioritized in the post-COVID recovery, with more affordable, publicly funded child care options, a safer and more inclusive work environment, and decent work opportunities.

Tackling Discrimination: Now that we’ve uncovered the inter-sectional impacts of COVID-19, it’s time that all political parties dismantle barriers to full participation in society.

Something to think about as we listen to what each of the political parties have to say as they vie for our votes.

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Shop Small Crawl gets a mixed response from downtown merchants - runs through to September 5th

By Max Bowder: Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

August 26, 2021



Brant street is home to numerous small businesses that have fought hard to stay alive as business entities during the Covid Pandemic.

To encourage customers to continue shopping at these businesses the Burlington Downtown Business Association created a late summer promotion called the Shop Small Crawl that has over 35 businesses participating in the down town area with gifts ranging from free $50 gift cards to $500 grand prizes.

“It’s a great multi level networking concept so all the businesses are really together,” said ODDSPOT store manager Rich Marcone.

The promotion in its earliest days was said to bring in lot of eager customers from both in and out of Burlington attracting age groups from teens to mid 40’s.

Its reaching clients from a larger area and not just local,” said Natasha Farley of lingerie D’Amour.

The Shop Small Crawl has been running since August 21st and will continue until September 5th.

“Definitely the first day, I saw a lot of people interested in it the first day (August 21st),” said Julia Smith of Cento Gardens.

After the weekend passed businesses were expecting the promotion to keep bringing in more customers but due to Covid paranoia as well as most people keeping busy with work throughout the week, business in stores has slowed down to the pace it was at before Shop Small Crawl happened.

Some businesses say that the promotion had little effect on the traffic that comes through their area; most rely on their local and loyal customers.

“I haven’t necessarily seen a huge uptick in clients in association with it,” said Burlington Physiotherapy & health clinic employee Kate Reeds.

Despite the low turn outs, the Brant St. businesses are still optimistic about the campaign bringing in more business while others feel that the campaign was effective for a little while but not strong enough to bring big turnout after getting to the middle of the week.

“It’s a great benefit for everyone involved,” said Joe Dogs Gasbar Grill manager Adona Brown.

Businesses such as Cento Gardens continue to promote the Shop Small Crawl with social media promotions.

“We are putting it on our Instagram,” said Jennifer Klassen of Cento Gardens.

All Brant Street businesses say despite the staggering success of the campaign it was a very good way to support small, local businesses and hope that the Burlington Downtown association create make more programs like this in order to keep small businesses afloat during the Covid pandemic.

“We always support these programs because its downtown and all the businesses downtown work together on this … anything related to downtown we will support,” said Klassen.

Clothing stores in the Brant street area are having continued success with their online offerings selling to loyal customers.

“We’ve had online business that helped quite a bit,” said Ally Tesoni of Joelle’s.

Brant street businesses have felt connected to each other not only because of the program; they are all struggling to not go bankrupt.









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Ward 3 residents in for a bit of a treat.

By Staff

August 25th, 2021



Some nice news!

Expect to see Ward 3 Councillor Rory Nisan on hand with the new addition to his family.

Summer time – opportunities to get out and mix with people – wearings masks and keeping that social distance in mind at all times.


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Casino Tournaments Online for Free and for Money

By Julie Saunders

August 25th, 2021



You can have fun playing free slots in all online casinos. But if you want to win real money, you have to play for real money. And if you want to add a big prize on top of the money you can win from slots, you should join casino tournaments. These fun events allow you to compete against other players and try your luck for a big prize just by playing games. So, what exactly are casino tournaments, and what should you consider when choosing them? We answer these questions below.

What Is a Casino Tournament?

Casino tournaments are usually monthly events. Casino management selects a set of games, mostly from a particular supplier, and makes them part of the event. These games are almost always slot machines, and players who play them during the event period earn points for various achievements. These points determine your place on a scoreboard: the more points you earn, the higher your ranking.

The Games offered are really varied – all kinds of choices

When the tournament is over, the top 10 ranked players split the grand prize among themselves. Other players get consolation prizes such as free spins. But in this respect, the rules of each casino are different. Some casinos reward the first 50 players, others only the top 5. Therefore, it is very important to read the terms and conditions before participating in a tournament. In this way, you can understand what you need to do to win and learn where you need to be in the ranking to win prizes. Speaking of prizes, the amount is variable: most casino tournaments have a prize pool ranging from EUR 10,000 to EUR 100,000.

Types of Casino Tournaments

Casino tournaments are basically divided into two categories: free and buy-in. Free tournaments are the most common nowadays, and you only need to be a member of an online casino to participate. In other words, you do not need to pay any additional fees. If you are a member of the casino and play the games included in the tournament, you will automatically participate. Buy-in tournaments, on the other hand, are quite rare nowadays. You must purchase a separate ticket to attend these events. So, you pay an additional fee, and the tournament only covers ticket holders.

It is possible to divide casino tournaments into two categories according to the way of earning points too. In these events, you win points based on either the bet amount or the prize amount. The latter is more advantageous, and you should prefer it whenever possible. To briefly explain both:

  • Sometimes it is the name of the game that makes you feel lucky.

    Bet-based tournaments: In this type of event, points are earned according to the amount of the bets. For example, a player who deposits 100 EUR in a slot game included in the tournament gets 10 points. The player who deposits 10 EUR can only earn 1 point. In these tournaments, it doesn’t matter how much you win in games. The total money you spend matters, and even if you don’t win a single prize, you can still win the tournament if you’re the one who spends the most.

  • Prize-based tournaments: In this type of event, points are earned according to the amount of payouts. For example, a player who wins 100 EUR in a slot game included in the tournament gets 10 points. The player who wins 10 EUR will have to settle for 1 point. It doesn’t matter how much you bet. Those who win the most in the games get the highest points. Therefore, if you are lucky enough, you can participate with a budget of only 1 EUR and still win the grand tournament prize.

As mentioned above, prize-based tournaments are better because they are based on luck, not budget. That’s why it’s essential to read the Terms and Conditions. This is how you can find out if your tournament is bet-based or prize-based. In this regard, it is recommended not to expect much from bet-based tournaments if you are playing on a limited budget. You can still get a certain place in the ranking and win a consolation prize, but it will be impossible to get into the top 10 (unless you have enough budget).

If this is what you are and you are on a roll – have fun.

One of the best things about casino tournaments is that the prize is wager-free. So, if you win a prize, you don’t have to complete a wagering requirement to be able to withdraw it. Even if you don’t make it into the top 10, you can still win a prize. Moreover, all you have to do for this is to continue playing the games you are already playing. It is possible to participate in this event almost every month and try your luck again. For all these reasons, it is strongly recommended to participate in casino tournaments: you can have fun and make additional profit.

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An application was received by the city for a Christmas market that would be set up on the Elgin promenade - no word on who made the application

By Pepper Parr

August 24th, 2021



An event application has been received by the city for a Christmas market that will make use of the Elgin Promenade from December 9th to 12th.

The White areas designate space that the applicants want to use for an annual Christmas Market. There would be live music on some of the evenings.

No one seems to know who submitted the application – the Gazette was told that it was not the BDBA Burlington Downtown Business association. The membership there must be just short of livid.

After a very tough year and a half a glimpse of hope and someone wants to set up shop and take business away from the downtown merchants?

Brian Dean – Executive Director Burlington Downtown Business Association working the phone.

Really nice idea – just not this year.

The merchants on Brant and John Street and other locations in the downtown core are just beginning to recover from the terrible winter, spring and early summer – this is not the time to kick these people in the shins and allow someone who doesn’t have any skin in the game come along and scoop the business.

Brian Dean, Chief guru of the Burlington Downtown Business Association must be howling.

No name that we can see on the document that were sent to people living in the immediate area identifying just who is behind the idea.

And not a peep so far from the Ward Councillor or the Mayor?

The Elgin Promenade is at the top right – the Elizabeth Street Parking lot stretched out behind.

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How much public notice should there be - Mayor can't get a win for trying

By Staff

August 23rd, 2021



It appears that the Mayor is sponsoring or holding events in the downtown core but not telling very many people about them

That has some residents ticked.

Mayor Meed Ward just may be doing the right thing.

The Caribbean Association was giving it a go –

What the city doesn’t need is large crowds of people gathering to take part in an event. Tough to maintain social distancing under those circumstances.

Holding small pop-up type events does help give people something to do.

Our reporter toured the downtown area and on up to the Orchard and then on over to Bronte Creek Park and found few people outdoors – they heat was surely part of the reason for people staying home.

The Mayor opened Black/Caribbean month. Residents are complaining that no one was notified. “The only way I found” said our reader, “about last night was chatting with one of the girls involved. I was watching the BPAC music and she said I should come to City Hall on the 21st for a party. I asked if she was sure and she said Yes – the Mayor is putting it on.

“That’s when I went to the tourist office to dig a little deeper. They send out happenings in Burlington all the time.

“Marianne told me the last time, they didn’t want to advertise the prayer celebration for the indigenous kids, prayer for the Muslim family (hundreds of attendees), pride party… so as to keep the numbers down.

“Is that not selfish to the rest of Burlington?

Wasn’t much of a crowd..

Ward 2 Councillor Lisa Kearns got wind of the event and sent out a late notice. Our reader thought this should have been “virtual”

“Pretty much like all the rest of MMW’s “events”. If we can’t celebrate CANADA DAY (except virtually), how is it we can celebrate all these other days outdoors?

Our writer though that the downtown business people might have been able to benefit as well had there been more notice.

“Two Saturday ago”, continued our reader (who chose not to be identified) the same thing. Party at Spencer Smith Park put on by the mayor and nothing advertised so that we could all attend. I found out after the fact.

“I’m not sure if you are aware, but next Saturday it’s back at Spencer Smith again.”

There are times when the Mayor can’t win for trying. Managing public expectations is not a simple task.

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Hot weather and a concern about a 4th Covid19 wave kept people away from restaurants and parks.

By Max Bowder: Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

August 23rd, 2021



Bronte creek Provincial Park and local businesses in Burlington experienced low attendance over the weekend: was it the hot weather or concern over what appears to be a fourth Covid19 wave?

The usual crowd didn’t show up for the skateboard pad at Norton Park.

There were a handful of families in various parks  celebrating birthdays and giving children a chance to get outside.

Attendance was very low compared to their capacity during the summer season. Residents appeared to be hesitant about going to public places feeling it is safer to stay isolated at home.

Many families that did decide to go out this weekend enjoyed activities such as playing on the playground, riding bikes and hiking.

Traffic at the splash pads was very low. Maybe everyone was out of town at a cottage?

These low turn outs are being contributed to Covid cases on the rise while entering the fourth wave of Covid, being stuck in stage 3 of reopening and low vaccination rates.

Parks in the Orchard area also had low attendance despite the park facilities getting infrastructure upgrades.

Residents preferred to stay home over the weekend;  TV shows and board games for the family seemed to be what people were choosing to do..

Burlington has fallen short of its goal of having 90% of residents being vaccinated with 824,536 vaccine doses administered as of August 22nd.

The Covid19 new infection rate for the province on Sunday was 722 with two deaths.  The Delta variant is clearly out there – those not vaccinated are at serious risk – and when they are at risk we are put at risk as well.

The Bronte Creek parking lot was close to barren.

Public health experts have been warning about a 4th covid wave for months saying that the Covid Delta Variant will be the driving force in increased cases.

The un-vaccinated are still the most at risk and are encouraged to get vaccinated.

“They call it the ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated,” said infectious diseases specialist Dr. Anna Banerji, told Global News earlier in the week.


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Are the Rainbow Crosswalks becoming a political issue?

By Staff

August 20th, 2021



Seems there is still some mileage in the Rainbow Crosswalk issue.

The decision to create Rainbow crosswalks through out the city left a bitter taste in the mouths of several members of City Council.

Then it looked as if it had died down as an issue.

Mayor Meed Ward has taken the Crosswalk issues to heart,

Councillor Sharman thinks what the Mayor is doing is disrespectful.

Yesterday Councillor Paul Sharman, who was one of those opposed to what the Mayor had her heart set out on doing, posted a tweet letting his supporters know that he thought what the Mayor was doing was “petty opportunism.”

Several Gazette readers have called the Mayor’s decision as going after the “gay vote”.  Is there such a thing in Burlington ?

There is a large number of people who strongly support the rights of groups that are sensitive about how the public reacts to them.

Mayor Meed Ward has chosen to position herself as a champion of those people which is good.  Let’s not let that “championing” become exploitation.


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Scouts Canada had zero transmissions of covid19 cases; continue to run a safe program

By Max Bowder: Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

August 20th, 2021



With students heading back to school in the fall,  parents are also looking for extra curricular activities their children can take part in.

Parents are  searching for programs that offer social connection, a sense of normalcy and fun in an environment that puts safety first.

Scouts Canada which is a non-profit youth service organization that helps children of all ages get in touch with nature, have great adventures, learn outdoor skills and care for the environment as well as be good and helpful members of their community.

“Scouts Canada is a youth serving organization, each section … is designed for the age group kids get to choose what interests them and then help lead their own adventures,” Andrea McLoughlin, customer service.

Getting Scouters outdoors where they understand nature and lean to care for the environment.

The organization has operated for close to 115 years and  currently has 50,000 youth participating all around Canada supported by 12,000 volunteers.

Scouts Canada did not shut down during pandemic with the exception of putting a short hiatus during emergency breaks and continued to operate while in the pandemic although needing to scale back in person activities, put mandates in place and have virtual programs.

Scouts Canada has had great success in its programs with no reported transmissions of covid-19 cases.

They have ensured the health and safety of the scouting community by implementing a 5-stage reopening plan which provides members and families with clear easy to follow guidelines to ensure safe in-person adventures.

Some provinces are even in Stage Five, which effectively lifts internal restrictions for all Scouting activities while deferring to all municipal and provincial public health restrictions.

Some of the guidelines includes indoor gatherings up to 25 people and outdoor gatherings up to 50 people, cohorts (Patrols) of a maximum 8 youth, and overnight camping allowed in cohorts only, with tents or shelters preferred, Face coverings and physical distancing are required.

Orienteering – learning to use a compass and know where they are in the woods and the direction they need to go – a great Scouting experience.

“Our mission really is creating well rounded youth who are active members of the community, who care about the environment, who have faith and life skills … who can take on any adventure and be prepared for it,” said youth program specialist Siobhan Ward.

Registration for January to December 2022 Scouting opens on September 1 for existing members, with registration for new members starting September 15th. New members who join before 2022 will benefit from free participation in Scouting for the remainder of 2021.

Executives of Scouts Canada worked fast to go in different direction when covid slowed them down in March but when members turned to virtual meetings, they came up with new strategies which they say came organically despite not meeting in person for almost a full year and ran incredible programing.

Scouts Canada also sponsors the Program No One Left Behind which subsidizes costs for families experiencing hard ship.

“Providing a safe environment for young people in Canada to connect with their peers and get outdoors is our number one priority this fall,” said Executive Commissioner & CEO, Andrew Price.

Chopping wood, learning to light a camp fire and how to put it out properly. Before they do that the marshmallows get roasted.

The virtual programs still give children the experience of scouts Canada even from their houses by giving kids exercises and explore their local communities.

Scouts Canada is looking for volunteers to help fill a number of rewarding roles including running Section meetings, as well as positions focusing on finance, administration, teaching first aid and outdoor skills, leadership, communications, fundraising or property management.

Adults of all ages can sign up at,

Max Bowder is a second year journalism student at Sheridan College.  He is part of a team with the Gazette on the Local Journalism Initiative funded by the federal government.  Before enrolling at Sheridan Max volunteered in a community in Argentina  where he worked with young people.  He is a Burlington resident who helps out on the family farm in Milton.

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PES (Pro Evolution Soccer) Franchise replaced with Free-to-Play eFootball

By Dink Delorme

August 17th, 2021



Fans religiously waiting for a new iteration of the famed PES franchise will not see a PES 22.

The 26 years of football and competing with the FIFA franchise is over.

Konami shut down the PES and created a new game. The silver lining is that the new game eFootball will replace PES in the fall – it will be free-to-play. What will be free for the fans on start is still unknown, and so are the possible upgrades and items you can buy with in-game purchases.

Major change in the way a brand is being marketed – free to everyone.

Will Konami Just Change the Name of the Game?
Huge Japanese game developer was synonymous with “real” football, while fans of the PES franchise mocked FIFA.

Konami developed a strong brand from the football game and sold a ton of merchandise and millions of PES games. Knowing that Konami produces hundreds of video slots, it’s weird they didn’t make the PES slot game.

The title and monetization are not the only things changed for the new eFootball game. The upcoming football game will be the first for Konami on Unreal Engine 4. So far, they have developed PES on Fox Engine, which they created for the Metal Gear Solid game franchise.

The most significant change in game play will come on a rebuild one-on-one system named Motion Matching, where all players will have unique reactions and some of their signature moves.

What More We Know so Far
The Unreal Engine-powered eFootball will be a free game available for most systems, including PS5, PS4, Xbox Series x, Xbox Series S, Xbox One and PC. In addition, the game will supposedly have cross-platform play, and after the release, there will be eSports tournaments.

In the game trailer, we saw Lionel Messi speaking about his passion for football. After that, Konami brought more big names to the game and used motion capturing on former Barcelona and Spain national team star Andres Iniesta. Gerard Pique is another player showcased in the trailer.

PES had problems with licencing clubs and players throughout its illustrious past, and for eFootball, we know there will be Manchester United, Barcelona, Arsenal, Bayern and Juventus. The Italian club will be exclusively in eFootball and will not appear in Electronic Arts FIFA. Another two Seria A clubs will be solely on eFootball: Napoli and Roma.

There is no information about other clubs and leagues, which leads us to monetization.

What Will Players Get in a Free-to-Play Game?
All biggest licenced clubs will be available at launch to the players. However, some speculate eFootball will come out as a barebone game, and you will have to pay for additional game modes, like career and others.

The game will probably have a battle pass system that offers rewards. For example, match Pass will enable new items or unlocking certain things in-game. In addition, there will be an option to buy the items without finishing challenges.

In the eFootball official reveal trailer, we saw little game play from the match. Still, plenty of close-ups focused on facial expression and natural player movement in various attacking and defending situations.

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Online registration for fall recreation programs opens August 28 - preview August 20th

By Staff

August 16th, 2021



Parks and Recreation will open online registration for fall Adult, Youth and pre-season Aquatic Leadership programs beginning Saturday, Aug. 28.

Adult registration will open at 9 a.m. and Youth and pre-season Aquatic Leadership program registration will open at 11 a.m.
Programs will be viewable online at on Aug. 20, 2021.

Swimming lessons and additional Aquatic Leadership programming will be announced in September.

All City programs will continue to follow public health guidance when required, including physical distancing, capacity limits and wearing masks or face coverings. Individuals participating in an in-person program will be required to fill out the mandatory health screening form at before each session.

Chris Glenn, Director of Recreation, Community and Culture said, hopefully: “Another season, another great set of recreation choices for residents to participate in for fun, exercise, learning or social opportunities. Our catalogue of programs is always changing to add new and interesting options on top of our traditional favourites that you’ll see every season.”

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The Most Popular Casino Payment Methods in Canada

By Norbert Fraught

April 16th, 2021



The methods available for making deposits and withdrawals is undoubtedly one of the most integral parts of the iGaming industry. Keep reading to check the most popular payment methods in Canada.

Online gambling is an activity that is becoming more and more popular in the Canadian market over the past few years. One main reason for this is the increased level of convenience and easy access that online casinos and sports betting sites bring players, allowing them to engage in their favorite pastime from just about anywhere at any time.

Deposits and withdrawals methods are an essential aspect of online casinos that often influence players’ choice of where to play.

Of course, to play free slots no download, or just about any casino games for real money from the comfort of your own home, you will have to transfer money into your casino account. This is why deposits and withdrawals methods are an essential aspect of online casinos that often influence players’ choice of where to play. Thankfully, Canadian players have access to a plethora of payment methods that are fast, secure, and readily accessible for making deposits and withdrawals at online casinos.

In this article, we will be looking at some of the most popular payment methods that gambling enthusiasts use to make deposits and withdrawals at online casinos in Canada.

Commonly referred to as the national debit card for Canada, Interac is one of the most popular, safest, and reliable payment methods that Canadian players use to deposit and withdraw funds at online casinos. It is a Canada-exclusive interbank network that links participating Canadian banks and other financial institutions for the purpose of electronic funds transfer and transactions. Simply put, Interac is a payment service that allows Canadian players to fund their casino account directly from their bank or credit union accounts. In addition, this payment method provides an extra layer of protection for players online since there is no need to share sensitive financial information. Over the years, Interac has launched many branded services, and the two most popular ones you will find in most casinos include:

Interac e-transfer Service
Interac Online
Reasons for its Popularity
As we have mentioned before, the number of online casinos featuring the Interac payment method is on the rise, and it has become the first choice for millions of Canadians. However, this popularity doesn’t come solely because it is a local service but is based on several reasons. Below are some of these reasons:

Interac is available for both deposits and withdrawals. Many popular payment methods are usually only exclusively for deposits, and players would have to find another method when they want to withdraw. The flexibility of Interac makes it a neat and valuable method.

Depositing money with Interac into an online casino is instant. But, on the other hand, withdrawal through Interac is also fast and almost instant.

With Interac, you can use the Canadian dollar and don’t need a currency converter.
Interac is relatively safe and secure, which means that your financial information remains private.

Interac is not expensive. Depending on your bank and casino of choice, it may cost little to nothing to fund your casino account through Interac.

The way you remit and receive funds from your sporting activity is important.

Perhaps the most popular payment method for funding online casinos in Canada and the global market is the credit/debit cards payment method. And when it comes to credit/debit cards, Mastercard is one of the oldest and most reputable ones you will find online. When you go online to gamble, you will find that almost all online casinos accept deposits and withdrawals through Mastercard.

Reasons for its Popularity
Here are some of the reasons why Mastercard remains one of the most popular payment methods for players in Canada:
Mastercard allows high limits transactions, meaning that players can deposit or withdraw huge amounts of money at any time.
Due to its popularity, Mastercard is available at virtually every online casino that caters to Canadian players.

Mastercard provides top-rated safety measures such as fraud detection technology, secure code password protection, and others to keep players safe from intruders.
With Mastercard, deposits occur instantaneously, and though it may take a while depending on online casinos, withdrawals are also fast.

Mastercard ensures that their services are only available at licensed and legit online casinos.

With roots dating as far back as 1958, Visa is arguably the oldest, largest, and most used payment method in the digital world today. It is considered one of the most reliable and easy-to-use credit/debit card payment methods for making deposits and withdrawals at online casinos in Canada. Like the Mastercard method, almost every online casino worth its salt accepts Visa.

Reasons for its Popularity
Don’t make the mistake of assuming that Visa is only prevalent in the Canadian market because it happens to be one of the oldest forms of online payment method on the market. On the contrary, it is popular because it offers a wide range of benefits to its users.

Some of these benefits include:
Visa gives its users access to credit.
Visa provides deposit and withdrawal transactions with little to no fees from casinos.
Visa provides fast transactions for both deposits and withdrawals. Deposits are instant, while withdrawal may take some extra time.

As one of the most well-known payment methods globally, Visa is security conscious, and its services come with the best security measures, making transactions safe and secure for players.

Ecopayz is a global payment solutions provider that offers instant, safe, and reliable payment services to Canada and the international market. Established in 2002, Ecopayz is one of the longest established e-wallets in the world. Like most e-wallets, ecoPayz acts as a gateway between your bank account and your online casino account, allowing you to fund your account without providing your financial information effortlessly. With two decades of experience in the financial industry, ecoPayz is an experienced player in the digital payment industry, offering its services to more than 155 countries and supporting more than 50 currencies. So naturally, many casinos in Canada support this payment method, and it is among the most popular options you will find in Canada’s online gambling market.

Reasons for its Popularity
Ecopayz has been providing payment services to casino players in Canada for many years now. Below are some of the reasons why it is very popular:

You can use ecoPayz for both deposits and withdrawal transactions, which is not the case for many banking methods.
Transactions at casinos using ecoPayz are quick and easy, with deposits occurring instantly and withdrawals being instant up to a few hours.

Using Ecopayz adds an extra layer of protection for players as their financial information is never shared when players pay online.

Ecopayz uses the latest security and fraud protection technology.
By using electronic operational and physical security measures, ecoPayz protects players against viruses, spyware, and attacks from hackers.

Rounding up our list of popular casino payment methods in the Canadian market is the world’s most popular online prepaid payment method, Paysafecard. Paysafecard is a prepaid online payment method that provides shoppers and online casino players with 16-digit PIN code vouchers, which they can use to make payments online. Customers can buy these vouchers from local sales outlets that sell them. They come in these amounts in Canada: 10, 30, 50, 100, 150, 0r 250 CAD. Naturally, the card also works with online casinos, and you will find that tons of online casinos support this method as a means of processing payment transactions.

The best part about the Paysafecard payment method is that it is entirely independent of bank accounts and credit cards and does not require you to provide your personal information. The only downside is that you can only use the Paysafecard for making deposits and cannot use it to make withdrawals.

Reasons for its Popularity
Here are some of the reasons why Paysafecard is popular in the Canadian casino market:

The Paysafecard does not require players to provide any personal, bank, or credit card information.

The prepaid principle of the Paysafecard guarantees absolute security when you are making deposits online.
Depositing with Paysafecard is quick and easy.

Paysafecard does not give the means of overdrawing funds, thereby giving players some form of forced control over their spending.

Other notable mentions include:

American Express

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Two days of Jazz on the Patio SOLD OUT - good crowds - great music

By Pepper Parr

August 16th, 2021



We asked Tammy Fox, Executive Director of the Performing Arts Centre if it was safe to say that the Jazz on the Patio event was a SOLD OUT occasion?

Elise LeGrow letting it fly – check the specs.

Want to hear a Happy Voice response?

Yes every performance sold out. Incredible weather. Couldn’t have asked for a more rewarding return to live music!

Hopefully there will be more in the way of outdoor music. The people of Burlington need something to make them feel good.

Can a da – remember – it was THE theme song that pulled the country together during Expo 67

Maybe Tammy Fox could impersonate the late Bobby Gimby and lead a small band along Brant Street and out to the end of the Pier.

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Some of the history of the city gets a bit of spit and polish

By Pepper Parr

August 13th, 2021



The small details are what often reveal what is underneath the surface.

A community where people pick up after other – when there is a candy wrapper on the ground they pick it up, tuck it into their pocket and throw it away when they come across a waste container.

When crossing a busy street and an older person is spotted they pause and ask if they can walk across with them because the crossing light might be just a little short on the time it gives.

A very attractive fountain has been repaired and refurbished. Some of the cultural history now on display

There is a fountain that now sits in the small park immediately to the north of city hall where the Cenotaph stands and where there are a couple of Vimy Oaks taking in the sun and doing their osmosis thing.

The fountain is older than the city. It was paid for by citizens who wanted to commemorate the life of King Edward VII – the closest he ever got to Burlington was Niagara Falls.

The citizens if the city were God and Country first people proud that they were part of the British Empire.

Looking very imperial, King Edward ruled at the end of the Victorian Age when the British Empire ruled the world.

Some of the official portraits of Edward VII – first son of Queen Victoria )  are resplendent – a true representation of his time.  He wouldn’t get the time of day now – that was then.

The fountain was first located next to the Royal Theatre on Lakeshore Road – tucked in between the theatre and what was then a Royal Bank.

It was later moved to Spencer Smith Park where is was on display for a long period of time – (no one seems to have exact dates) then when natural decay took over it was put in storage.

In 1977 the Optimist Club put up the money to have it refurbished and this time it was placed next to city hall in a space that will be given a new name later in the year.

The fountain which has water troughs at its base that seem a little small for a horse to drink from – some doubt that a horse ever drank from the fountain.

A metal band at the top of the fountain explaining the what and why of the Fountain

All no matter – the King Edward VII fountain is back in place; rust removed, holes patched and a glistening coat of paint making it just as attractive today as it was when it was first unveiled.

Although the fountain hearkens back to the days of colonialism, it is rightly situated near the Cenotaph in Veteran Square where the Remembrance Day ceremonies are held.  Proof positive that Burlington does try to respect and keep its heritage – they are the kind of people who pick up those candy wrappers.

Related news story.

Fountain finally going to get the attention it needs.

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Online Gambling in Canada: The Good, the Bad and How to Win It All

By Clair Wood

August 12th, 2021



Gambling dates back to long before written history. The earliest dice date from around 3000 BC! Despite gambling stretching back for millennia, acts of gambling are still prohibited in various countries today, and many people believe there should be tighter restrictions in countries where gambling is legal. While the vast majority of people who enjoy gambling do so sensibly and only ever bet what they can afford to lose, purely as a form of entertainment, some gamblers become addicted and experience mental and financial problems. Many forms of gambling are legal in Canada. One area of concern for some is online casinos. Let us take a closer look at the good and the bad of online gambling in Canada.

The Legality of Online Gaming

Various forms of online gambling are legal in Canada, but the legislation surrounding online casinos is rather complex. In basic terms, casino operators cannot operate on Canadian soil but domestic players can legally play a wide variety of online gambling games like roulette and blackjack offered by offshore operators such as the excellent

Some Canadians believe a good option would be to make homegrown online casinos legal in the country so that tighter regulations and rules could be implemented.

The Bad

A recent Canadian Atlantic Lottery Corporation report states that gambling has the ability to cause harm. Furthermore, the Responsible Gaming Council has recently stated that there should be a link to outline whether gambling addictions stem from specific paths. The report included an outline to help deploy frameworks and strategies that will assist gamblers in knowing when to stop. Unfortunately, neither report was published in full publicly. But we do know some of the concerns that the reports raise.

One of the biggest concerns is the ease of access that gamblers have to online casinos. Issues about mental health are also raised. Other highlights include the suggestion that young people, particularly males, are at high risk of facing gambling problems and that patterns of addiction could lead people to substance abuse. The reports also call for Canada to follow the United Kingdom’s approach to credit cards. In April 2020, the UK’s Gambling Commission banned the use of all credit cards for any form of gambling, both online and offline. The reason is simple: when people have access to credit, they could gamble more and potentially become addicted and also much more easily fall into debt.

The Good

While all of the above concerns are very valid and need to be carefully considered, there are already rules and programs in place in Canada to help prevent people from becoming addicted to gambling or running into financial problems because of their gambling. Though whether more could be done is still up for debate. Some Canadians believe a good option would be to make homegrown online casinos legal in the country so that tighter regulations and rules could be implemented.

Regardless, the conclusions and recommendations on the above reports state there is no evidence that online gambling poses a big risk that leads to problematic gambling. It does seem that only a few players are at risk in comparison to the huge number of people who simply enjoy playing casino games and betting online. Furthermore, the Finance Minister has pledged that online gambling funds forwarded by the Atlantic Lottery Corporation will be used to support people with mental health and gambling addiction problems. So, some good is undoubtedly happening in Canada due to raising awareness about the risks of gambling.

How to Win It All

Whilst everyone likes winning, it should not be your one and only purpose when gambling online. If it is, it could lead you down the path to obsession and addiction. Most people simply enjoy the many gambling activities that are available online, from sports betting to playing roulette. If you win, it is a bonus.




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2SLGBTQIA+: An acronym that does not help the Pride Community

By Pepper Parr

August 12th, 2021



The definition appeared in a media release from the city’s communications department.

I had never seen something like this before.

2SLGBTQIA+ (TwoSpirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual)

This expansion of the acronym to refer to the community has gone too far.

The symbols are important -let’s not demean them with acronyms that lead to ridicule.

The fight to get the Pride community the respect it deserves has been long and hard; it has taken decades to get to the point where the community is recognized and not shunned, dismissed, shamed and hurt.

The political leadership has once again gotten over-enthusiastic and in the process hurt the people she chooses to speak for.

The Pride Community can speak for itself.

Gazette readers are commenting – some examples.

Brave step – smart move. One in every ward in the fullness of time.

Agreed (name withheld).  “I do not have the time of day for this passive aggressive approach orchestrated by the mayor. She created the survey (not staff). Now there are 2 rainbow crosswalks in Ward 2 and not one of them is in front of city hall. She will hide behind the survey results but we all know what her goal was.”

Another reader wrote:  “I was surprised to see the latest permutation of inclusivity symbols in this article (2SLGB….+). While I am fully in favour of demonstrations of support for people struggling to find their identity, there is a danger of going to extremes to include more and more subsets until everyone finds their own personal home. And let’s not forget there is another axis of identity being explored these days based on race, heritage, language and age. At some point our whole view of our society becomes a jumble of alphanumeric compartments that render it meaningless, while activists in each group clamor for special attention. Thus we become divided, not united.”

What the Halton Regional Police Service did was dignified and appropriate.

Let’s continue to raise the Pride flag and when we see instances of discrimination personally do everything we can to put a stop to it.
Support the Pride Community the way you would like your community to be supported.

Why the city communications department went to the lengths it did is both surprising and disappointing.

Salt with Pepper is the musings, reflections and opinions of the publisher of the Burlington Gazette, an online newspaper that was formed in 2010 and is a member of the National Newsmedia Council.

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