By Pepper Parr
May 14th, 2018
The City of Burlington has established its first Urban Design Advisory Panel, created to help achieve design excellence in the city.
The Urban Design Advisory Panel is made up of nine design experts, representing a cross section of design disciplines from architects and landscape architects to urban designers and planners.
 Set backs and spacing were set out n considerable detail in the Guidelines.
Meeting monthly, the panel provides independent and objective professional urban design advice to staff in Burlington’s Department of City Building on development applications for all tall and mid-rise buildings and public development projects, studies and policy initiatives.
The advisory committee members are:
Ken Coit (Chair)
Jana Kelemen (Vice Chair)
Nigel Tai
Naama Blonder
Jessica Hawes
Brad Smith
Wai Ying Di Giorgio
Alex Taranu
Matt Reid
Members of the committee are highly qualified design professionals who currently possess full membership for a minimum of ten years in at least one of the following professional associations:
Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC)
Ontario Association of Architects (OAA)
Canadian Society of Landscape Architects (CSLA)
Ontario Association of Landscape Architects (OALA)
Canadian Institute of Planners (CIP) or
Ontario Professional Planners Institute (OPPI).
 The guide lines are not mandatory but it didn’t take developers very long to make extensive use of them. There wasn’t any public input on the creation of the guidelines.
What’s missing from this list is at least two people who are not professionals; people who have a “feet on the street” sense of the city.
Nothing on what this advisory committee has done in the past. Will dig into that.
Jim Young, the Aldershot who delegates to city council frequently, once said: “Have you ever heard a city appointed advisory committee disagree with the city.”
To learn more about the panel, please visit
By Staff
May 14th, 2018
As a visitor to Burlington from the UK Derek Newton parked his rented car in the No Frills parking lot.
 The signs are not small
Newton complains that “ with no knowledge of local parking issues we walked on to Burlington water side with the intention of doing some shopping on the way back.
“Was Disgusted to find our car gone on our return and even more so when we found out it cost us $300 dollars to get our car back.
“As a visitor how would we have knowledge of the parking issues your having in Burlington and some better signage would be appreciated as it’s ruined our holiday and certainly will not be returning to Burlington or praising its beauty to anyone.
Thanks for ruining what was a lovely holiday so far but going home with a sour taste !
By Pepper Parr
May 14th, 2018
Add another name to those that will be on the ballot for the ward 2 city council seat.
Roland Tanner, a member of the Shape Burlington committee and also a member of the committee that was set up to monitor what Shape Burlington managed to achieve; in hindsight it doesn’t appear to be very much.
Both Tanner and his wife hold doctorates and operate a research company
 Roland Tanner, ward 2 candidate
Tanner contributed to the Burlington Engagement Charter process and Save the Waterfront campaign to oppose the re-zoning of Old Lakeshore Road for high-rises.
Roland is a member of the Burlington Downtown Refugee Alliance, a collection of Burlington churches and citizen groups who have sponsored a family of Syrian refugees to settle in Burlington and assist them with their transition to Canadian life.
Tanner said that he is “running to tackle the challenges facing Burlington Ward 2 where citizens increasingly feel the way the city is changing is beyond their control, especially in the downtown core. As 24 storey buildings threaten to become the new normal in downtown, Burlingtonians fear the things they love about their city will be lost.”
Tanner is keen to emphasize his campaign is about promoting positive solutions to the current problems, not simply pointing out the challenges.
“I was part of the Shape Burlington Committee in 2010 which called for City Hall to ‘re-invent itself” by welcoming innovative new ways of bringing citizens into the decision-making process. Unfortunately, despite the subsequent Engagement Charter, I don’t feel we are any further forward in bringing about a genuinely engaged community. Engagement isn’t about more town hall meetings, it’s about making citizens partners in the process of shaping our city, along with City Hall staff, non-profits, businesses, and yes, even developers. City Hall must listen, engage and empower its citizens to build a truly innovative community of which we can all be proud,” said Tanner in his nomination announcement.
A man worth watching.
By Staff
May 14th, 2018
The hard news is that here will be lane restrictions on Lakeshore Rd from John Street to Martha Street between May 14 to 25, 2018
Monday, May 14 at 7 a.m. to Friday, May 25 at 7 p.m.
Please watch for signs and barricades.
That’s the news part. That news came from Doug Conway, Utility Coordinator, Capital Works.
 Somehow the transportation people didn’t get the message from the Utility coordinator.
The Utility Coordinator is the person who keeps in constant touch with the utilities, (Hydro, Region, telephone, cable and gas companies) that have pipes or wires underneath the asphalt.
They talk to each other regularly, or they are supposed to – but somehow someone missed a meeting and wasn’t aware of the work the Region was doing on water main upgrades while the New Street Road Diet experiment was underway.
No one at city hall ever explained how that came about.
By Pepper Parr
May 14, 2018
Didn’t take long for mayoralty candidate Marianne Meed Ward to hop on a good story and turn it to her advantage.
The Toronto Star did a lengthy piece on Sunday about the development planned for the downtown core.
Meed Ward was out the gate this morning with a note to her followers – it went like this.
Residents have been warning about the negative impact of over development downtown on loss of retail, community character and more, and now others are taking notice.
The Toronto Star wrote a front page article today on how Burlington’s growing pains became an election issue Toronto has had their own problems with growth that focuses relentlessly on adding population without planning communities: traffic congestion, crowding, lack of community amenities, loss of retail.
 Councillor Marianne Meed Ward and Mayor Goldring.
That’s headed our way if we don’t get our downtown plan right. We’re already seeing the focus on counting units, not quality of life.
The promise of growth isn’t delivering. Don’t believe the justifications offered for over-intensification:
• “it’s good for business” TRUTH: We’re losing retail and commercial space, up to two-thirds in one proposal
• “we have no choice, the province is making us” TRUTH: the province sets broad forecasts for growth, which we’ll meet well ahead of time. How, where and how much we grow is up to us
• “we have to protect the rural area” TRUTH: the rural area has been protected since 2006 and is not at risk of development. No one should pit one area against another to justify over-development.
• ”it will bring affordable housing” TRUTH: the units being built don’t meet Halton Region’s affordability criteria.
We have a choice this election: the current mayor who says we have to accept this over intensification (up to 30 high-rises downtown in the new plan he supported) or scaling back the plan with an amendment after the next election.
 Retail that will disappear should the 409 Brant development be approved.
The choice is clear: responsible growth or over-intensification that will forever change the Burlington we chose to make our homes to live, work, play, raise our families and retire.
We can change the downtown plan with a new council, and I’ll do everything I can to make that happen.
Spread the word: share this message with your friends and neighbours so they know what’s at stake this election.
Meed Ward has always understood social media and used it very effectively. She did that in her 2010 campaign and again in 2014.
She will use it just as effectively this – the difference is – will she get the traction she needs to wear the Chain of Office. Her goal from her very first election has been to be the Mayor – Rick Craven beat her in that 2006 election. She moved from ward 1 to ward 2 and has a following there that cannot be beat.
The challenge is going to see just how well her support develops in the rest of the city.
Elections are usually lost by the person holding the office – are people in Burlington unhappy enough with Mayor Goldring to choose Meed Ward?
 Rick Goldring at the Mike Wallace 2015 campaign HQ – little did he know then that when Wallace lost he would come after Goldring’s job.
The worst news for Rick Goldring was learning that Mike Wallace decided to run – any Wallace votes will come from the plate Golding has his lunch on.
All we have to do is get the provincial election behind us – then focus on local. And if the prediction for a Doug Ford win are true – the direction Burlington can take will be a lot different.
Pay attention – this stuff matters

By Staff
May 14th, 2018
Burlington has made the big time press. The Toronto Star did a long piece on Sunday about the city’s growing pains. The last time Burlington got this kind of press from the Star was when we were building that $14.4 million dollar “mistake by the lake” – The Pier – for the second time.
Here is what the Toronto Star had to say.
How Burlington’s growing pains became an election issue
Downtown Burlington has become a battleground over plans for more highrise development, with some worried that rapid intensification will destroy the charm that drew them to the city in the first place.
By Tess KalinowskiReal Estate Reporter
Sun., May 13, 2018
Kelly Childs moved to Burlington in 2008 looking to escape “the hustle” of Toronto.
It broke her heart when she learned that the block where she and her daughter operate Kelly’s Bake Shoppe had been sold to a condo developer.
The cupcake emporium on Burlington’s main drag draws thousands of customers in a busy week with the promise of luscious treats, part of a charming strip of stores and restaurants leading to the lake.
On a recent weekday morning, Kelly’s was crowded with a group of moms and babies. But directly north, the Blossom Lily restaurant, Thomasville furnishings, Elizabeth Interiors and Celli’s restaurant are already closed or have moved.
 421 Brant
The nearby 23-storey Carriage Gate Homes development and its “twin tower” — a developer has already filed a proposal for a 24-storey sister building — are displacing those stores. The notices on the empty shop windows and impending construction across from city hall have become a rallying point for a polarized community in advance of the fall civic election.
Residents and businesses are divided among those who believe tall buildings will feed the vitality and sustainability of the city and those who worry development will drive up prices, pushing out Burlington’s character and dwarfing its civic buildings.
“I’ve never seen this kind of tension — I’m going to call it the pitchfork. There are so many residents that are waking up to it,” Childs said. “It’s like the ether has just worn off and they’re going, ‘What the heck have we been silent to?’”
Burlington is the latest battleground in the Toronto region where municipalities are struggling to welcome more residents without planting them on farmers’ fields and environmentally sensitive areas. Guided by the province’s anti-sprawl growth plan, intensification zones with denser housing are rising around newly expanded transit lines.
Early estimates in the new official plan call for an additional 14,000 people and 1,200 jobs to be added to the downtown, beyond 2041. Up to 72,000 residents and 60,000 jobs are expected in the areas surrounding the Aldershot, Burlington and Appleby GO stations beyond 2041.
Burlington’s downtown should never have been considered one of those zones, say local critics.
Childs says she’s not blaming anyone. “It’s no slight to the developers. We’re all in business and do what we do. The developers love to build, I love to make cupcakes,” she said.
But, in the absence of a compromise, Childs says, “To me (highrise) creates more a generic downtown. It takes away the uniqueness of some storefronts.”
The last time Burlington was so rattled by a civic issue was probably the “Mistake by the Lake,” say the locals, citing an epic, seven-year municipal ordeal to install the scenic pier at the foot of Brant St. By the time it opened five years ago, it cost $14.4 million.
The recent onslaught of development applications has spurred residents to show up in force for public meetings and even post “Height Is No Solution” lawn signs.
 Marianne Meed Ward – candidate for Mayor
Downtown Councillor Marianne Meed Ward says “hyper-intensification” will push small businesses off Brant St. with higher rents, replacing them with generic chains, traffic jams and inadequate parking. It won’t enhance the city’s housing needs and it will be wildly out of scale with the heritage surroundings, she said.
“We’re seeing store vacancies because nobody can get long leases because these sites are being assembled for redevelopment,” said Meed Ward.
There are 35 active development applications at the city, including official plan and zoning bylaw amendments. Construction is already underway downtown on a midrise condo west of Brant St. across from the Performing Arts Centre, and there’s another residential building east of Brant and a massive hotel-condo going up on the lakefront.
 The Nautique – to go up at the corner of Martha and Lakeshore Road.
Burlington has asked for a review of an Ontario Municipal Board decision that would allow Adi Developments to build a 26-storey condo north of Lakeshore Rd., just east of Brant St.
“We have over 90 buildings both residential and commercial within the downtown boundaries that are heritage properties. Only a quarter are designated under that act, which protects them from demolition,” said Meed Ward. “The rest are not protected, so you can imagine a two-storey heritage building — if you are allowing 17-, 20-, 23-storey buildings — the air rights above that property are far more valuable than keeping and retaining the heritage.”
The lone No vote on Burlington council’s recently adopted new official plan, Meed Ward says she is running for mayor.
Residents like retiree Penny Hersh agree with Meed Ward that the plan, the blueprint for how Burlington will grow, was passed in haste and with too few specifics. Hersh is among the organizers of the group behind the lawn signs, Engaged Citizens of Burlington (ECOB). It organized a workshop in February to encourage more civic election participation. Nearly 100 people turned up.
 Penny Hersh on the right.
Hersh lives in a 15th-floor condo near the Bridgewater residential-hotel project under construction on Lakeshore Rd., comprising a 22-storey condo, another seven-storey condo and an eight-storey hotel. She says she knew about the development when she moved there and isn’t complaining. She didn’t move to downtown Burlington to look at the water.
“I moved downtown because I wanted to be able to walk … Burlington wants to be a walkable community but in the downtown there are a lot of seniors. No one’s getting on their bicycle to cycle up to the No Frills (grocery store) in January,” she said.
Hersh says she’s fine with development around the city’s three GO stations. But designating downtown Burlington as an intensification zone and mobility hub, based on its tiny bus depot, makes no sense.
“We aren’t fighting the highrises. We’re just asking for a sensible, smart plan,” she said.
With a population of about 183,000, Burlington was dubbed Canada’s best mid-sized city five years in a row by MoneySense magazine based on its relative wealth, safety and high employment. It shelters commuters for both Toronto and Hamilton and has maintained a sense of identity through its downtown even as malls and big box stores — including an Ikea — flourish all around.
 Mayor Rick Goldring
Mayor Rick Goldring says he’s aware of the angst around intensification. Highrise “is a symbol of something in other communities that people don’t want to be like,” he said. But he argues Burlington has no choice.
“We’re at a different place than we’ve been in our history. We don’t have any more greenfield remaining. The days of building single-family-home developments are behind us,” he said.
Going forward, the city’s focus is on creating more mixed-use, walkable, transit-friendly neighbourhoods around mobility hubs.
He likens it to building the Performing Arts Centre. Back then some residents thought the city didn’t need and couldn’t afford the 718-seat venue. They worried that it would be “elitist,” that tickets would be too expensive. Nearly seven years after the curtain went up, Goldring says it’s difficult to imagine Burlington without the theatre.
The mayor concedes that Burlington’s older highrises haven’t always been thoughtfully designed. But new tall building guidelines adopted last year and an urban design panel will ensure newer towers connect to the city’s other features, he said.
The new “Grow Bold” official plan, prescribing where growth will be concentrated, still has to be approved by Halton Region. It will be followed by a new transit plan recommending frequent service on some key routes, says the mayor. But the first significant changes aren’t likely to happen until fall 2019.
 Brian Dean, executive director of the 435-member Burlington Downtown Business Association.
“I can’t think of one issue that has kicked the hornet’s nest in the residential mind more than this series of deliberations on the official plan,” said Brian Dean, executive director of the 435-member Burlington Downtown Business Association. “It will be a huge wedge issue for the upcoming election.”
He calls the opposition “the most concentrated, vociferous group of residents I have seen in 20 years.”
In the business community and even among the association’s 12 board members, “there is very little consensus over whether this period of unprecedented development is the best thing since sliced bread or the death knell of the downtown,” he said.
Downtown Burlington tends to draw empty nesters, many of them snowbirds. Dean says more young professionals and families would improve business in the slower shoulder seasons.
But the size and price of the new condos won’t attract those buyers, says Meed Ward. There is also no commitment to an affordable housing component — “another lost opportunity,” she said.
“People are saying we are not getting what we need in housing … what is being delivered will end up in congestion and sun-shadowing impact, changing character, glass and steel architecture, rising prices for business and pressure on the parking supply, and then the taxpayers will have to help build more,” she said.
 Deputy city manager Mary Lou Tanner
Deputy city manager Mary Lou Tanner, Burlington’s former chief planner, says she isn’t surprised by the “concern” because it is the first serious conversation about growth in a couple of generations.
When city officials reviewed pictures of downtown Burlington from 20 years ago, what they found wasn’t exactly Mayberry.
“There were a lot of vacancies, there were boarded-up buildings on Brant St. and in other commercial areas. There were surface parking lots across the street from Spencer Smith Park (on the lakefront),” said Tanner.
So Burlington invested about $150 million in improvements such as the arts centre and adjacent parking garage, the pier and park.
“When the public sector makes that kind of significant investment in a downtown, it’s a good thing because it creates that confidence and that vibrancy,” she said. “What we’re now seeing is that (development) demand is starting to ramp up a bit.”
Meantime, said Tanner, the city is planning to preserve Brant St.’s historic elements by having them replicated in new buildings where possible.
 Gary Scobie
Retiree Gary Scobie’s ECOB lawn sign declares his status as an engaged resident. He has been to city hall to voice his opposition to the downtown development.
“The downtown residents are getting the first taste of what it means to be an urban growth centre,” he said.
“I think we’re trying to build a skyline just to impress the neighbours, and who are the neighbours?”
You can see the original of the story HERE
The photographs are from the Burlington Gazette photo bank.
By Pepper Parr
May 14th, 2018
We do politics differently in Burlington.
Somewhere along the way the Tory’s in Burlington came to the conclusion that the Gazette was a Liberal newspaper and decided that they would not keep us aware of their events.
We are frequently able to dig up some of what they are doing. We hear from the other political parties.
This “shyness” on the part of some of those elected to office is disturbing.
The politicians seem to feel that we are supposed to write nice thing about them – and on many occasions a piece of reporting does put the politician in a positive light.
At the municipal level we used to meet for lunch on occasion with several of the members of council. We have done tours of a ward with Council members. When the news is critical or points out a short-coming – the lip curls.
The Mayor decided some time ago that the Gazette is biased and unfair. We didn’t hear that from Rick Goldring during his first term of office. His 59 second comment on how good a job the Gazette was doing was a little embarrassing. The comments were made during Goldring’s first term. He had a change of mind during his second term. In the world of politics the relationship with media is often fractious. Rather than invite media into their office and talk through the concern – in Burlington they decide that you’re biased.
The politicians and many of the civil servants don’t understand media and the role it plays. Behind that is the lack of an understanding of what their own role really is – they are there to serve. It is an honourable profession – many – not all, fail to honour the work they do and they diminish themselves in the process.
We are all accountable.
The Gazette gets it in the ear from readers and we publish what they say. We are members of the National NewsMedia Council – we pay an annual fee to that organization – it amounts to more than my monthly rent – and when someone takes a complaint to the Council we are required to respond and if the Council comes to the conclusion we made a mistake and were wrong we have to publish that finding. They are in the archives.
When Mike Wallace was the Member of Parliament he got very upset with the articles we wrote when he was mismanaging the flow of information at a parliamentary committee. Politics is the art of the possible between competing interests. The role of the politician is to listen, and ensure that the interests of the public are heard, understood and acted upon.
Recently we have heard politicians say that they are not hearing from the “majority” – they seem to feel that if they don’t hear from half the population then those who do speak up are just cranks who don’t like the idea of change – the nimby’s.
 The Mayor wasn’t comfortable enough with the Chain of Office to wear i outside th Council Chamber during his first term. He wore it for a TV interview in his second term.
Early in his first term of office we recall a conversation with the Mayor and how people interacted with him in a supermarket or on the street – he was surprised that they saw him as someone special. A Mayor is the Chief Magistrate – what people are responding to is the office of the Mayor and the role a Mayor plays. The fact that it is Rick Golding is not the issue.
The public expects their Mayor to lead and to be seen as a leader.
 The tension between Councillors Meed Ward and Craven is close to measurable, Neither has ever been a fan of the other.
We have heard members of the current city council squabble like children over whether or not the Councillor for ward 2 can involve herself in anything that takes place in ward 1. Every member of the Burlington city council is also a member of Regional council where they represent the city – not just a ward.
During the working through the 2010 Strategic Plan I was approached by a member of council – no need to embarrass the member at this point, who said “You should do something about Meed Ward”. I was stunned – did this member really think the role of media was to go gunning for a member of council?
The job is to report on what city council does and to hold them accountable and to put what they say and do in context and to remind them what they had said previously.
The Gazette also provides a forum for anyone to make a comment on a specific news story. Some of the comments don’t get published – I am constantly surprised at how nasty some people choose to be. Our experience has been that the really nasty ones come from an email address that cannot be verified.
 Jim Young
 Gary Scobie
We have been very proud to have been able to publish the delegations made by Jim Young and Gary Scobie and Dee Dee Davies; less proud when we were required to publish situations where we were wrong.
Saying we are exceptionally under-resourced may be true but I isn’t an excuse.
Many of the politicians in this city seem to feel that media is in place to publish what they write and not ask any questions. Who taught them that?
City Council talks about transparency and accountability and seem to feel that if they say they are accountable and transparent – then they are. When more than 30 people delegate on an issue that argument gets shot full of holes and the wind is taken out of the sails.
While the provincial election is taking up most of the oxygen and attention it is worth noting that there are now four new candidates under 40 and a fifth expected later this week.
Two of the incumbents have chosen to retire.
There is a change in the air – new blood and fresh faces.
Salt with Pepper is a column of opinion, reflection, observation and musings of the Gazette Publisher.
By Pepper Parr
May 14th, 2018
In less than a month; the fourth Lowville Festival will welcome Sarah Harmer home for what will surely be a sold out concert that will take place at St. Georges Anglican Church on the north side of Dundas that is normally seen as Lowville.
Two well-known headliners will draw well – the final event: Truth and Illusion is the sleeper. June Cupido, who describes herself as a coach, dramaturge and director who takes each member of a cast through an intense creative process to come up with a heartfelt monologue.
The performances are not the equivalent of that great American musical Oklahoma. Cupido describes then as “deep, dark and delicious” and adds that “I have always been intrigued by the idea of personal stories and storytelling as a means of developing a script. I want to take an audience on a thought-provoking journey and explore the stories we tell each other and how they connect us.”
 June Cupido:
She titles her monologue-based production Truth and Illusion because it examines how our lives can be guided by two separate forces – what lies in our heart and soul (the truth) and what we project to the outside world (the illusion). “It is this process of delving into our own psyche to reveal the truth behind the illusion that will result in a monologue for each performer” – deep, dark and delicious indeed.
Each Truth and Illusion production is not the same. Cupido first presented in Oakville where the theme was Separation, which she wrote and performed as her own monologue; the second was on the theme of Creative Fires; Cupido was the creative director and performer; and the third, Dream Narratives, dealt with dreams, dreaming and dream narratives, where she was the dramatist and creative director.
The Lowville Festival production of Truth and Illusion will bring together six performers whose stories will uncover a personal journey. All actors will be on stage at the same time, with each taking their turn in the spotlight as they address the audience. Each monologue reveals personal transformation as the actors explore a part of their life that isn’t necessarily what it appears to be.
The members of the creative team come from diverse backgrounds, yet each offers a story that speaks to society as a whole. Bringing together their tales communicates larger stories to a broad audience. The monologues will transcend cultural boundaries.
This is drama at its best and deepest – think in terms of Pirandello’s Six Characters in Search of an Author.
Cupido has taken the Lowville Festival production a step further; collaborating with Michael Mulroony, who has developed a set of musical motives and backgrounds based on the ideas, emotions and themes to support the monologues. “Think of what Michael is doing as a Greek Chorus that supports what is taking place on the stage:, said Cupido.
The audience will be engaged in a Q&A panel discussion with the cast and creative team after the performance about the process. If theatre is your passion – this is something you will want to see and be part of.
The Lowville Festival team are to be congratulated for bringing a performance like this to their event.
 Sarah Harmer
Event dates are:
Sarah Harmer in Concert, Friday June 8th, 7:30 pm – St. George’s Hall – 7051 Guelph Line (north of Derry Road) Tickets $50 advance/ $60 from June 1st
 Ben Heppner
Ben Heppner in Concert: with the Lowville Festival Choir, Saturday June 9th, 7:30 pm. St. George’s Hall
Truth and Illusion: Two Forces present in every moment: Sunday June 10th, 7:00 pm – Lowville United Church
Tickets will go on sale on the Festival Website:
By Staff
May 13th, 2018

The Barrie Baycats, winners of the InterCounty Baseball League trophy in 2017, whipped the Burlington Herd Sunday afternoon at Coates Stadium in a 15-1 win.
Jackson also singled as part of the Baycats’ 18-hit attack. Kevin Atkinson went 4-for-5 with three RBI and two runs, Kyle DeGrace singled and doubled and had two RBI and two runs, Ryan Spataro went 3-for-5 with two doubles, a single and four runs, Jordan Castaldo singled twice, scored twice and drove in a run, Branfy Infante and Steve Lewis each had two hits and two RBI, and Jeff Cowan drove in a run and scored twice.
Emilis Guerrero (2-0) benefitted from the offence, going five scoreless innings and scattering four hits with a walk and five strikeouts.
Daniel Ohorodnyk had two hits and an RBI for the Herd. Jensen Park singled twice.
Rich Corrente (0-1) took the loss, giving up four runs on eight hits over five innings with three walks.
It has been a tough weekend start for the Herd; they were up against the two top teams.
By Staff
May 13, 2018
Summer hasn’t favoured us with much in the way of warm weather so thinking about outdoor theatre in the evenings might not be top of mind – but the RBG summer Shakespearean theatre Trevor Copp has put on for the past three years will be part of the summer season – August 13-17, 20-24, 27-31.
The offering this year: Macbeth: Conspiracy Theory
Copp explains what he is doing this way: “Shakespeare’s classic story of fate and vengeance is re-imagined as a conspiracy story thriller.
 Trevor Copp
“Macbeth’s pact with unseen forces to become a tyrant King unfold with consequences beyond his darkest imaginings. This highly physical interpretation is performed outdoors at the stunning grounds of RBG’s Rock Garden and features outstanding emerging talent.
Note the day when you plan your summer – and if you have guests visiting – include this event in your plans.
Tix will be available next week through
More on this as the summer approaches…..
By Staff
May 12, 2018
The Kitchener Panthers had a 6-0 win over the Burlington Herd Saturday afternoon at Nelson Park.
It was the first game of the season for the Herd and second for the Panthers, who lost their season opener.
Hauck (1-0) threw 82 of his 135 pitches for strikes, striking out 12 and walking four.
Offensively, Keegan Marsden went 3-for-5 with three RBI. Mike Gordner and Brian Burton each had two hits and scored twice. Gordner added an RBI, and Burton swiped a base. Mike Andrulis added a sacrifice fly, and
Mike Glinka singled, tripled and scored a run.
For Burlington, Jensen Park singled and Robbie Cant doubled to pick up the Herd’s hits.
Clay Miller (0-1) took the loss, allowing one run on one hit with four walks and seven strikeouts over four innings.
The scheduled game May 12 between the Brantford Red Sox and Guelph Royals at David E. Hastings Stadium was previously rescheduled to Tuesday, June 12 at 7:30 p.m.
Future games
Sunday, May 13
Burlington at Barrie, 2 p.m.
London at Kitchener, 2 p.m.
Guelph at Toronto, 2 p.m.
Hamilton at Brantford, 2 p.m.
Thursday, May 17
Barrie at Burlington, 7:15 p.m.
By Pepper Parr
May 12th, 2018
What a day it was.
A second member of council opts for a pension cheque and new names pop faster than you can say Jack Rabbit.
A name with credibility and depth is said to be making a trip to the Clerk’s office to register as a candidate for the ward 2 seat. Sources tell the Gazette that Roland Tanner, former president of the Burlington provincial Liberals at one point, is going to register his nomination papers for Ward 2 on Monday.
Rene Papin got his nomination papers for the ward 1 seat in faster than we thought was possible. Did he have advance notice?
Papin has been a Conservative for as long as we can remember – he was hoping to be the candidate for the provincial seat but the constituency wouldn’t have him and, being the good party member he is, – he didn’t push for the nomination. He should have.
A loyal reader who gets us via Facebook said: “Wow, new councillors for Wards 1, 2 and 3. Perhaps a new mayor. Perhaps changes in wards 4, 5 and 6.
The newest nominations are shown in red.
Can we expect to see any withdraws as the field in some wards thickens?
Will the expected Tanner nomination in ward 2 help the school board trustee make a decision ?
The list as of the close of business is as follows:
Rick Goldring
524 Wicklow Rd., Burlington, L7L 2H8
Marianne Meed Ward
497 Martha St., Burlington, ON, L7R 2R1
Mike Wallace
268 Tuck Dr., Burlington, ON, L7L 2R1
Home phone: 905-639-0185
Fax: 905-634-9822
Councillor / Regional Councillor Ward 1
René Papin
Councillor / Regional Councillor Ward 2
Kimberly Calderbank
David Cherry
1312 Hammond St., Burlington, ON, L7S 2C2
Lisa Kearns
Councillor / Regional Councillor Ward 3
Lisa Cooper
1299 Princeton Cres.
Home phone: 905-331-8469
Mobile phone: 289-259-9880
Fax: 905-331-8469
Rory Nisan
Gareth Williams
Councillor / Regional Councillor Ward 4
Jack Dennison
3087 Lakeshore Rd., Burlington, ON, L7N 1A3
Shawna Stolte
Councillor / Regional Councillor Ward 5
Paul Sharman
5070 Spruce Ave., Burlington, ON, L7L 1M8
Xin Yi Zhang
Councillor / Regional Councillor Ward 6
Angelo Bentivegna
Blair Lancaster
3210 Hazelwood Ave., Burlington, ON, L7M 2V4
Ken White
Regional Chair
(nominations are filed with the Region of Halton)
Gary Carr
Halton District School Board Trustee – Wards 1 & 2
Halton District School Board Trustee – Wards 3 & 6
Andrea Grebenc
Halton District School Board Trustee – Ward 4
Richelle Papin
3134 Terraview Ct., Burilngton, L7M 1E9
Margo Shuttleworth
Halton District School Board Trustee – Ward 5
Amy Collard
Halton Catholic District School Board Trustee
Arlene Iantomasi
772 Old York Rd., Burlington, ON, L7P 4X9
Maria Lourenco
Conseil scolaire Viamonde
(nominations are filed with the City of Hamilton)
Conseil scolaire catholique MonAvenir
(nominations are filed with the Town of Oakville)
By Staff
May 11th, 2018
 Councillor Rick Craven holding a memory stick with the budget on it.
Dear Friends,
I am writing to advise you that I have decided to retire at the end of this term. I will not seek re-election. It has been an honour to represent the residents of Ward One at Burlington and Halton Councils for the past 18 years. I have really enjoyed my work and hope that I have contributed to the growth and wellbeing of our community.
I look forward to this new stage in my life but will remain at your service until the new Ward One Councillor takes office in the fall.
Rick Craven
By Ray Rivers
May 11th, 2018
“I guess we’ve come to expect that everything about Ford is fake,” she said. “The stories are fake, his facts are fake and now we know his supporters are fake.” (Deb Matthews – Liberal campaign co-chair)
Matthews was commenting on reports that Doug Ford’s team had hired actors to sit in the audience and cheer for him at the City TV leaders’ debate earlier this week, the first such head-to-head of the campaign.
 The actors
Though, rather than actors, what the event really needed was a director to bring order to the chaotic muddle the TV station had the nerve to call a debate. For one thing the leaders were forced to stand for the entire time, looking awkward and uncomfortable and…sad. It was absolutely the worst format for a debate. In that formation the loudest and most persistent eventually overcomes the others – as if that kind of behaviour is what we most desire in a premier.
Horwath and Ford mostly talked in general platitudes and Wynne kept getting into the weeds – an occupational hazard when one actually understands the files. The leaders were then scored for their performance by instant phone-in polls, which no doubt were also populated by another lot of actors from each of the three parties. And what with the street interviews and backgrounders and endless number of moderators, it was a bun fight to behold.
Ford is the clear front runner in the polls, which has nothing to do with his policies or even his qualifications for the job. His alternate facts on the state of the economy and unemployed are just plain inaccurate – lies, or worse, ignorance. And his rationale for another tax cut makes absolutely no sense given a recent report by the OECD indicating that Canadians actually pay lower taxes than Americans.
 PC Leader Doug Ford faced a barrage of questions from Liberal Premier Kathleen Wynne and NDP Leader Andrea Horwath in Monday’s CityNews debate in Toronto.
Ford has locked onto a couple of wedge issues which are working for him, such as the outrageous salary paid to the chair of Hydro One – “the six million dollar man”. But Ford’s unproven allegations about the Liberals rewarding their friends and unfounded claims of corruption are unworthy of someone wanting to be Premier. This kind of politicking will only reinforce the comparison Kathleen Wynne is trying to make between Doug Ford and Donald Trump.
Ford has also accused the Liberals of cooking the books, and has found an ally in Ontario’s overzealous auditor general (AG). Her’s is a complicated, arcane argument, that the surplus money the province holds in pension assets should not be counted in order to make the budget appear balanced. Her position is untenable, however, given that she and previous AG’s had accepted that way of accounting in the past. And it begs the question of whether she would still feel that way if the pension account were in deficit, thus creating a provincial deficit.
 Doug Ford
But Ford is on solid ground attacking the size of Ontario’s growing debt, particularly as the latest provincial budget just serves to increase the debt. Of course his piety on this matter is compromised, actually shot to hell, when he acknowledges that his promises will also increase the provincial debt. In fact his promises ring in around $16 billion, more than either of the other two. Added to that, Ford’s proposed cancelation of Ontario’s cap and trade carbon tax would add another $2 billion or so in lost revenue.
Ford might have more credibility were he equipped with a fully costed campaign plan. He could always fall back on the one his party had approved last November, when Patrick Brown was still leader. Instead, we find him just alluding to the billions he plans to throw into the very areas where he also plans to make undisclosed ‘efficiency’ cuts of some 4% (~ $6 billion) from the budget.
Presumably one can always find efficiencies in a budget the size of Ontario’s. Yet as Wynne tried to point out before being drowned out – actually talked over – by the other candidates, Ontario’s government has the lowest per capita cost of any in Canada. That would make Ontario already the most efficient in the country. And does anyone believe Ford’s claim to be able to cut costs without eliminating jobs and laying off the civil servants whose programs get axed.
 Andrea Horwath
NDP leader Horwath gave the warmest and most sincere TV performance, but she failed to make any clear winning points, leaving the question of how she differs from the current premier up in the air. That shortcoming was partly a casualty of the format, in which policy questions were allocated a mere 45 seconds.
The Premier was even more challenged trying to sum up 15 years in a 45 second commercial sound bite. And after 15 years in office people need to understand the rationale for policies like renewable energy, cap and trade carbon taxes, the Green Belt, measures taken to help lower housing prices across the GTA and so much more.
If Wynne loses this election, which looks inevitable at this point, it will be less about what she and her party have done than her failure to explain it. Wynne is clearly the most intellectual of the leaders. Yet egg heads tend to get caught up in the details and miss the big picture. Populists resonate better with the public. And in the war of style over substance, style usually wins.
 Kathleen Wynne
There will be more opportunities for debate among these pretenders to the throne, hopefully in a more traditional debate format. That would give Andrea Horwath more opportunity to explain the math and strategies behind her campaign policies. It would allow Mr. Ford to become more confident in front of the cameras and to get a handle on the files he needs to better understand in order to win a debate, let alone govern the province. And it would offer Kathleen Wynne more time to better account for her party’s record and why.
Ray Rivers writes regularly on both federal and provincial politics, applying his more than 25 years as a federal bureaucrat to his thinking. Rivers was once a candidate for provincial office in Burlington. He was the founder of the Burlington citizen committee on sustainability at a time when climate warming was a hotly debated subject. Tweet @rayzrivers
Background links:
Ford’s Actors – Lower Taxes in Canada – Coyne on Ford – McParland on Ford –
By Pepper Parr
May 11th, 2018
Jim Young was doing it again.
Making statements that made people uncomfortable. His kind of truth is a little difficult to take. At time people want to suggest to Jim that he “lighten up”.
He was delegating Thursday afternoon on the matter of the LaSalle Park Marina and the need for a spend of $4 million to keep the place open past April of 2019.
Jim Young said:
“My delegation on behalf of Engaged Citizens of Burlington today is a plea for common sense. A plea for fiscal responsibility and a request to consider more appropriate ways to allocate funding so that the community benefit of that spending is more evenly spread and put to better uses.
 Jim Young
“ECoB worries that $4 million is a lot of money to spend to help protect the private property of a small group of citizens who are surely among the most able to provide that protection and insurance for themselves.
“We worry that our city may invest this $4 million only to find that the property at La Salle Park reverts to the City of Hamilton in a few years.
“In a city where last fall we had to provide emergency funding to keep our transit system operating legally, might better use be made of that $4 million by our transit system?
“In a ward that has no community centre for seniors, children or adult recreation, might $4 million be better directed towards their needs?
“In city with another 2 wards which similarly have no community centre, might we better serve more of our citizens by allocating this money to that end?
“In a city committed to intensification with so far no supporting Transit Infrastructure in place or planned, that money would allow an 8% increase in the Transit Operating Budget for each of the next 5 years to help achieve those intensification plans. Might this be a better investment?
“In a city committed to increasing and improving cycling with a plan to provide a safe North / South Highway and Railroad Crossing might $ 4 million go a long way to building that?
“Can a city that rejected a $100,000 annual expenditure to provide free off peak transit to around 35,000 poor and isolated seniors, in all conscience, justify $4 million dollars to provide docking improvements for a few hundred fairly wealthy boaters?
“That money would provide free transit for seniors for the next 40 years.
“The people of Burlington are engaged and paying attention to city affairs like never in recent history.
 The option the LaSalle Park Marina Association hopes is chosen through the Environmental Assessment due March 2013.
“By adopting Option A and removing yourselves from the Marina Business you can demonstrate that you are sensitive to and attuned to the needs and wishes of ordinary Burlingtonians for whom a boat is a luxury while Transit, Community Centres and Cycling are real and widespread needs.
“At the end of the day La Salle Park Marina is not the city’s business to be involved in. It belongs to an incorporated body, La Salle Park Marina Association on land that belongs to the City of Hamilton and which may very soon revert to that city.”
The members of the Burlington Boating and Sailing Club and the LaSalle Park Marina take exception to being referred to as “rich people” who are being given a benefit that others don’t get.
Membership in the Marina is $9200 – up front. $5200 of that is an initiation fee and $4000 is part of the annual fee structure that has a declining balance approach. The two clubs don’t talk all that much about fees and what it costs to be a member.
They tend to dwell on the benefits the city gets and wonder aloud why a city on the edge of one of the largest lakes in the country should not have a marina.
To their credit the Marina has entered into joint ventures with the city for more than 35 years and has never defaulted or even been late with a payment. They want recognition for what they have done.
The issue gets complex with a deadline for the new breakwater the sailors must have and what that will do to the formation of ice in the winter and what that will do to the Trumpeter swans that have taken up residence in the same location as the marina.
 Trumpeter swan – magnificent creatures that many think need the marina space at LaSalle Park to survive the winters. Nonsense according the Marina Association.
What the boaters face are overfed swans that should not be fed by the public who love the birds.
The swan people would like to see the boats somewhere else – the sailors feel the same way about the swans.
Meanwhile Burlington is unable to come to terms with the city of Hamilton on a price for the water lots that Hamilton owns.
It is messy – and the leadership needed isn’t coming out of city hall.
$4 million is a lot of money – but the LaSalle Park Marina has always met their obligations under the Joint Venture agreements they signed with the city.
Which is more than the Trumpeter Swan people can say when it comes to educating the public about not feeding the swans and then doing something to actually prevent that – maybe having one of their group on hand every weekend telling people not to feed the swans?
By Staff
May 11th, 2018
This Saturday, the New Democrats in Burlington will open their campaign office – in the same location that political party has used for years; located at 2232 Mountainside Dr, Burlington.
 Former Burlington Mayor Walter Mulkewich guiding his latest NDP candidate Andrew Drummond, in the orange shirt, around town. This time the New Democrats just might have a shot at the seat.
Andrew Drummond, the NDP candidate for Burlington will formally open his campaign office – the same faces will be in the room that were there last time. But this time out there will be more spring in their step.
The people of Burlington just might become part of what is, at this point, a not so quiet growing dislike for Doug Ford and the feeling that they have had enough of the provincial Liberals.
The campaign is short – four weeks and in the world of politics that is a lifetime.
Money is being spent faster than any drunken sailor ever spent. The late Jack Layton showed the public what can happen when a public is dis-enchanted – and the Ontario public is very disenchanted right now.
 Andrew Drummond – NDP candidate for Burlington.
Andrew Drummond, a Burlington resident for 14 years, has spent his entire 15-year professional career in the telecommunications industry and currently works on Large Enterprise Strategy for Rogers Communications. He decided to run for office to combat the effects of the growing inequality gap in the province.
He is young, brings a fresh face to the party – no baggage.
Worth a look – Andrea Horwath is going to make sure you hear the NDP story.
By Pepper Parr
May 11th, 2018
 A richly deserved recognition – Friends of Freeman Station named Burlington’s BEST for heritage.
It is one of the few occasions when this crowd wore suits.
But there they were on the stage accepting the recognition long deserved for saving the Freeman Station.
In the acceptance speech Ron Danielson said:
“It is my great pleasure to accept the Burlington Best Heritage Award on behalf of the Friends of Freeman Station. This award is a fitting tribute to the many volunteers who have put their hearts, souls and labour into restoring Burlington’s historic 1906 Grand Trunk Railway station, known as Freeman Station.”
 They had every reason to be smiling. Councillors Meed Ward and Lancaster pose with five members of the Friends of Freeman Station after the Council meeting that approved the entering into of a Joint Venture that would have the Friends moving the station and taking on the task of renovating the building.
It was the intervention of Councillors Meed Ward and Lancaster who held off the rest of Council and gave the Friends of Freeman the time they needed to find a place to put the station that was in pretty rough shape but salvageable despite the comments made by a city engineer.
When they found a home – the task was to get the building moved and begin the renovation.
It was a labour of love and a process of continually begging.
Their success is one of the best stores this city has to tell about itself. The politicians will swoop in and take the credit – and to their credit they did come up with funds, albeit late in the game.
This is a citizen success story – and Wednesday night at the Performing Arts Centre a bunch of guys who were pretty good with a hammer and a paint brush were recognized for the heroes they are.
By Pepper Parr
May 10th, 2018]
We have probably seen all we are going to see in the way of significant nominations to both the Board of Education and City Council.
At the Council level, except for ward 1 Councillor Rick Craven, all have filed nomination papers.
At the school board level there are nominations for each of the four seats, except for the ward 1& 2 School Board trustee seat.
Many expected the incumbent, Leah Reynolds to run for the ward 2 City Council seat but she hasn’t made a move yet. Reynolds is believed to be Marianne Meed Ward’s choice but the quality of the candidates already nominated in ward 2 might be a little more than Reynolds could overcome. Smart move on her part.
Amy Collard could be acclaimed again. A plus for the people of ward 5.
 He loves his Ward, he knows his constituents and their needs. Is there life beyond city hall for Rick Craven?
There are rumblings and rumours that ward 1 Councillor Rick Craven may cash in his chips and join his wife in retirement.
 Judy Worsely: Is she being set up as the candidate for the ward 1 city council seat?
Many have noticed that he is giving Judy Worsely, a faithful ally, and the Executive Director of the Aldershot Business Improvement Area opportunities to speak. Ms Worsley was delegating at city hall earlier today on the LaSalle Park Marina matter.
Worsley was a third place finisher for the Ward 1& 2 HDSB trustee sea.
One Gazette reader asked: “If he is not running, why is he not saying so? I speculate he’s delaying so as to keep other challengers from organizing, clearing the path for Judy.”
 While he could be chippy at times he was without doubt the best Committee chair this council had and knew the Procedural bylaw better than anyone else.
Another sent us a note moments ago saying: “Rick Craven has told his friends by email that he is retiring.” And added YAHOO!
That will certainly shake things up in ward 1 where there hasn’t been a really credible candidate come forward.
There are several who have been encouraged to run for the Council seat but no one has made that trip to the Clerk’s office.
Salt with Pepper is a column of opinion, reflection and observations of event in Burlington.
By Staff
May 10th, 2018
The Burlington Arts and Culture Fund (BACF) grant program award funding support to 20 arts and cultural projects.
The BACF received 25 grant applications that were reviewed by a jury of peers and city staff. Decisions were based on artistic merit, program merit, strategic initiative, and city, community and economic impact.
$50,000 in funding will support 20 arts and cultural projects across Burlington to foster creativity and enhances opportunities for Burlington residents to experience and engage with arts and culture.
The grant program was approved by City Council in September 2017 as part of the Cultural Action Plan.
The BACF is facilitated to nurture the quality and capacity of the arts and culture sector in Burlington. The program is administered by the City of Burlington’s Arts and Culture Section and applications are reviewed in part by a peer assessment jury. City funding provided under this program must be used to further an applicant’s not-for-profit activities. Funding will not be provided for major capital projects including but not limited to the purchase of land, equipment, fixtures or physical facilities. Applicants that have received any form of city funding in the same calendar year, are not eligible for BACF funding.
Project Name: A Lyrical Affair to Remember
Applicant: Daniela Carnevale and Alanna Smith
Funding: $710
A Lyrical Affair to Remember will host its10th Anniversary Cabaret evening at the Burlington Performing Arts Centre studio theatre in February 2019. This event will feature Lyrical Affair in collaboration with guest performers from the past nine seasons. The project will provide learning and training opportunities for emerging artists and technicians alongside the professional theatre technicians at the Burlington Performing Arts Centre. “The mission is to create these shows to share our talents and expertise with the community while at the same time providing opportunities for additional singers of all cultural backgrounds to join us. Lyrical Affair is unique to Burlington because it provides cabaret performances with a focus on a variety of musical styles including Broadway, jazz, pop and rock to name a few.”
Project Name: Art in Action Studio Tour
Applicant: Art in Action
Funding: $2,300
Art in Action assists artists in becoming self-sustaining entrepreneurs and encourages a social community for artists in Burlington and surrounding areas. For the past 15 years it has successfully provided opportunities for artists to engage the community by demonstrating their skills and providing a venue to highlight their talent. The Art in Action Burlington Studio Tour is free to the public and the only one of its kind in Burlington. Art in Action functions due to financial support and sponsorship from its members and local businesses. This allows Art in Action to sustain itself while providing an ongoing scholarship to any Halton Region graduating student pursuing further education in the arts. Art in Action is proud to say that, to date, it has offered six such scholarships. The successful student also receives free membership and a guest spot on the tour. This exposure has proved to be invaluable to the student and showcases Art in Action as a progressive, inclusive, organization.
Project Name: A Song for Peace
Applicant: Burlington Civic Chorale
Funding: $2,000
The Burlington Civic Chorale (BCC) is planning a three-part project to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War and highlight Canada’s role in worldwide peacemaking. The concert is part of the chorale’s three-concert season providing choral music to the Halton region. Elements include: Commissioning and performing a choral work by an Ontario composer; The text, created by a Burlington writer, which is based on excerpts from the 1957 Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech and lecture of Canadian diplomat and eventual Prime Minister, Lester B. Pearson; Seeking publication of the commissioned work, so that it is accessible to choirs and audiences across Canada and around the world; Boosting the reach of their premiere performance and promoting other performances of the work through a professional video of 12 to15 minutes that includes behind-the-scenes footage, brief interviews, and the complete performance, to be shared and promoted via social media.
Project Name: Authors in Your Neighbourhood
Applicant: Sylvia McNicoll
Funding: $2,825
Authors in your neighborhood want elementary students to have a positive interaction with a local writer to foster the love of reading and writing. The project will provide two elementary schools in each of the six wards with a free presentation between September 2018 and March 2019 and each school will be provided with an autographed set of the books that either Jennifer Maruno or Sylvia McNicoll will be speaking on. Following a discussion on the origins, characters, setting of the stories, the students will be inspired to read the work and it will be available for them to read. Approximately 1,200 students will learn more about the author’s writing process, as well as cover design, editing and other publishing process which will increase the depth of their reading enjoyment and encourage them to read the author’s work. Over 40 teachers, librarian-techs, and other teaching assistants will pick up pointers on inspiring proficient writing.
Project Name: Burlington – A City Through the Seasons
Applicant: Robert Todd
Funding: $3,010
The goal of this project is to capture seasonal images of the Burlington’s best sites and use the photographs as part of a touring exhibition. The project will incorporate 16 to 20 of the best images in this exhibition and promote Burlington’s public spaces that are free for everyone to access. The sites will be described in terms of their suitability for those with mobility limitations and will focus on walkable, bike-able and/or transit-friendly locations. The exhibition will be promoted through 8 x 10 photographs in various public locations throughout Burlington to showcase the beauty of its natural environment, architecture, heritage and culture. A guide of these locations will be completed and handed out during the exhibition itself. Both residents and tourists will be able to use this guide on their own to gain access to their favourite locations, based on the compiled images.
Project Name: Burlington Fine Arts Association Annual Juried Exhibition
Applicant: Burlington Fine Arts Association
Funding: $4,104
This project is the first step in building a relationship between the Burlington Fine Arts Association and the Burlington Mall, to bring original art out of the gallery and into a more accessible community venue and consumer space. The Annual Juried Exhibition will be hosted by the BFAA at the Burlington Mall in their new community room. Juried shows are beneficial for the artists because they will receive recognition for their work, have a chance to win a monetary prize, gain exposure and credibility, and learn from the experience of having their work judged by a knowledgeable juror. The community will see the best works that the BFAA has to offer as well as the vast diversity of artists and artistic styles showcased in Burlington. Throughout the exhibition, participating BFAA artists will interact with visitors on site, give live demonstrations and talk about their work and process. The community will learn about creative opportunities available at BFAA and will be able to view original, unique local art.
Project Name: Burlington’s Stars of Tomorrow
Applicant: Symphony on the Bay
Funding: $2,970
As part of its mission to demystify classical music and make it accessible to a broader audience, Symphony on the Bay has a keen interest in providing engaging opportunities for youth and young artists to access resources and performances. Burlington’s Stars of Tomorrow focuses specifically on the needs of two on-going initiatives – A Young Artists Competition and Youth Outreach Program. The Young Artists Competition (YAC) showcases talented youth musicians as featured soloists with the orchestra in a mainstage concert during Symphony on the Bay’s regular season. Symphony on the Bay has conducted this competition annually since 1991. “For the coming season, we plan to broaden the scope of performers to include a category of non-western music. This provides an engaging, culturally diverse musical experience for both performers and the audience. But more importantly, it exposes Burlington’s youth to the rich musical traditions of non-western cultures.”
Project Name: Burlington Welsh Ladies Chorus Concert
Applicant: Burlington Welsh Ladies Chorus
Funding: $500
The Burlington Welsh Ladies Chorus (BWLC) aims to foster creativity, stimulate culture and encourage social cohesion by involving the community in learning songs and singing in different languages without songbooks (as in the Welsh tradition) to entertain the public. “To succeed in our vision of creating an atmosphere of collaboration we look forward to connecting with other musical groups to promote cultural diversity.” The chorus is unique to the area in terms of its composition and delivery. The chorus aims to encourage women in Burlington to join the troupe in learning the esthetics of singing, how to sing in a different language in order to perform and socialize each other.
Project Name: Christmas Collage Ice Show
Applicant: Christmas Collage Fundraising Foundation
Funding: $2,000
Christmas Collage is a celebration of local talent performing in a choreographed ice show that combines all forms of movement on ice, as well as off-ice entertainment by various artists. This show is a collection of artistry and athletics through the movement of figure skating, hockey, synchronized skating, ringette, speed skating, sledge hockey and curling. The event includes over 100 on and off-ice performers including those of all ages, abilities, genders and cultures. Christmas Collage brings together all forms of movement on ice and fosters collaboration between community organizations such as the Burlington Skating Centre, Burlington Barracudas, Burlington Blast, Burlington Eagles, the youth curling program at Burlington Golf and Country Club and local Burlington speed skaters and sledge hockey players. In addition to the on-ice performances, the show features many off-ice entertainers from the local community including Burlington Student Theatre and the Burlington Footnotes, and other local musicians. The show provides an opportunity for many diverse members of the community to perform together and showcase Burlington’s talent in a unique celebration of the holiday season.
Project Name: Emerging Artists Series
Applicant: Rotary Club of Burlington Lakeshore
Funding: $2,600
Canada’s Largest Ribfest Emerging Artists Series is a showcase of local Burlington talent. The program aims to grant emerging artists the best opportunity to launch their career on a featured space at a professional-level. Three of the city’s most up-and-coming artists will be invited to showcase their talent. Canada’s Largest Ribfest Emerging Artists Series offers exposure to new and diverse audiences, networking and connection opportunities, artist relations, hospitality, stage management experience and knowledge to support the career development of the city’s emerging artists. Through the Emerging Artist Series, Canada’s Largest Ribfest will foster the career development of three of Burlington’s emerging artists, providing them with the opportunity to receive a total of six hours of featured space, professional-level airtime.
Project Name: Halton Freedom Celebration
Applicant: Halton Black History Awareness Society
Funding: $5,000
The multicultural 2018 Halton Freedom Festival incorporates a Freedom Celebration Festival at Spencer Smith Park on Saturday, August 4, 2018, a HBHAS Black History Speakers’ Forum on August 2 and an HBHAS Emancipation Art Exhibition from July 10 to September 1 at the Helson Gallery, Halton Hills Cultural Centre. The second annual Halton Freedom Celebration Festival is a free festival open to the public and will include musical and dance acts, youth and children’s events and artistic/musical and historical forums, an extensive marketplace of cultural cuisine, community and cultural association partners, genealogists, historians/authors and cultural/community contributors.
Project Name: The Healing Portraits Project
Applicant: Meraki Arts Collective
Funding: $3,500
The Healing Portraits Project will make an open call to the Burlington arts community, and match three artists with a different set of newcomers to Burlington (individual or group, with or without a translator) in particular, people who have come to the city displaced by violence in other parts of the world. The artists will create an artwork inspired by their story. The collective will capture the story of three artworks that inspire healing, meaning, beauty, and memory in the form of a video. The video itself will be an artwork for both participants and the public to reflect on how art inspires, reflects, connects, teaches, and heals. The Healing Portraits Project seeks to bring together local artists, refugee or newcomer families and connect with the community at large. The final product includes any 3 pieces of art (i.e. painting, sculpture, photography, etc.) that will be based on the stories, feelings, and images that come out of the meeting mediated by an art therapist between the artists and the newcomers. The project will capture the creative process on video to produce a short-film that tells the story of how these pieces of art came about. This short video will be presented together with the artworks themselves.
Project Name: Meet Me at the Brant Inn
Applicant: KooGle Theatre Company
Funding: $2,000
Meet Me at the Brant Inn is a multi-year project to create a musical production about the historical Brant Inn. The Brant Inn located on Burlington lakeshore became one of North America’s most noted and successful nightspots. Some of the biggest names in show business graced the stage at the Brant Inn during the great depression, during the second world war and into the 50’s – where thousands, from all over North America would attend on a nightly basis. Lena Horne, Andy Williams, Ella Fitzgerald, Fats Waller, Benny Goodman, Liberace, Tommy Dorsey, Lawrence Welk, Louis Armstrong, Guy Lombardo, Johnny Mathis, and Duke Ellington to name a few – were headliners. Many local and Canadian bands were also showcased at the Brant Inn.
The story of The Brant Inn, which is a huge part of Burlington’s fabric, will be built by gathering stories from those who were fortunate enough to experience it. “The first year we will be meeting with as many people to hear their stories and work directly alongside a videographer who will record their stories with permission. These stories will potentially be used on stage throughout the musical via video projection of actual interviews that we have recorded with Burlington residents. These true stories will also help shape the storyline of the musical allowing Burlington residents to be directly involved in its creation.”
Project Name: One Burlington Festival 2018
Applicant: Roderick Nisan
Funding: $5,000
The One Burlington Festival will consist of different local exhibitors of different faiths and community organizations having cultural booths and different stage productions of songs and dance produced by the local participating cultural organizations. The festival will create concrete opportunities for positive interaction among the participating communities by supporting inter-cultural and inter-religious dialogue and understanding in a friendly, family-oriented environment. The festival provides attendees an enjoyable, informal experience of learning about local cultural and religious communities and the uniqueness of their neighbours. “It is in the discovery of the uniqueness of our cultural neighbours that we realize and come to understand the similarities of the values that we share.”
Project Name: Orchestra BST40 by STARS
Applicant: Student Theatre Active Representatives Society
Funding: $1,000
The Student Theatre Active Representatives Society (STARS) is a volunteer-run organization and registered charity that supports local youth arts organizations and initiatives by providing funding and volunteers to help foster the arts in Burlington. STARS supports youth arts productions in Burlington and youth participation in arts events in the Burlington area. This includes supporting arts festivals in Burlington, such as Beyond the Flounder; supporting arts productions in Burlington, such as those staged by Burlington Student Theatre; supporting youth participation in arts events such as the Rotary Music Festival; and, supporting youth participation in educational activities such as theatrical skills development workshops. The Orchestra BST40 by STARS project will support professional and semi-professional musicians and technicians to support a musical theatre production performed by Burlington youth at the Burlington Performing Arts Centre.
Project Name: PROSPECTS: An Evening of Dance and Discussion
Applicant: Form CDT
Funding: $2,000
PROSPECTS: An Evening of Dance and Discussion is a series of three dance performances. The performances are a mixed program comprised of five pieces of choreography around the same theme. There will be one longer work by Form CDT, a shorter work by Form CDT and then three guest choreographers. PROSPECTS creates the opportunity for local guest choreographers to present their choreography around a specific theme and invites the audience to give their feedback. All of the choreographers will talk about their choreography with the audience and participate in a post-performance social gathering and talk back.
Project Name: Redleaf Choir Project
Applicant: Redleaf Cultural Integration
Funding: $2,600
Redleaf Choir Project (RCP) promotes art and culture by providing individuals with a learning opportunity to practice and improve their singing skills. The program welcomes people from diverse backgrounds, especially newcomers and seniors. The project will take place at the Burlington Senior Centre and run from April 2018 through March 2019. The instructor and choir members will meet every second week to teach and learn new songs including basic singing skills. This project provides a life-long learning opportunity for people continuing to learn as they age and promotes a healthy lifestyle. It is also an effective way to build connections through the learning process. Redleaf Cultural Integration is also planning to reach out to other performing groups from diverse cultural backgrounds, to exchange experiences, and collaborate with them to perform together to promote multiculturalism.
Project Name: Rhythm ‘n’ Art Truck
Applicant: Kinga Zak
Funding: $ 2,400
This project that will foster creativity in Burlington through an engaging, novel approach to arts and culture. The first phase occurs in September 2018 and the second phase will be ongoing throughout the remainder of the year. In September, surprise, live dance performances will be presented in busy, public spaces by a group of hired professional, multicultural dancers. Led by a main facilitator, these dancers will be united in rhythm and unique in movement. Dancers will be wearing colourful hand painted costumes inspired by diverse cultures. This visual extravaganza will highlight diverse identities, perspectives, languages, cultures and artistic practices. The main facilitator will educate participants and invite the public to participate, dancing together to celebrate their uniqueness. The pop-up aspect of this project will take place from July through September 2018. These collaborative performances will be held in six highly-populated public locations – one in each ward.
Project Name: The Tragical Comedy of Mr. Punch
Applicant: Tottering Biped Theatre
Funding: $1,500
The Tragical Comedy of Mr. Punch is a graphic novel penned by one of the world’s foremost English fantasy/sci-fi writers, Neil Gaiman, with images by Dave McKean. In receiving permission to adapt this piece through Gaiman/McKean’s agent, the perfect opportunity to undertake a collaboration project between Tottering Biped Theatre (TBT) and Theatre Beyond Words (TBW) arose. This is a layered, complex novel that suggests mask work, puppetry, and shadow theatre in its form: allowing the transmission of decades of physical theatre knowledge to pass from a company that has represented Canadian physical theatre internationally for decades (TBW) to a young and keen professional physical theatre group (TBT) in the process of adapting the work. It is a legacy project with the potential to deepen Canadian physical theatre while at the same time developing a piece with the potential to tour.
Project Name: With Glowing Hearts
Applicant: Burlington New Millennium Orchestra
Funding: $2,000
A celebratory yet poignant concert presentation in honour of Canada’s heritage and the War Veterans who make Canada proud. This concert will feature some of Canada’s most talented performing artists including Mark Masri, Simone Caruso, Sarena Paton, Gavin Hope, Sarah Campbell Mills, the McMaster University Choir – a fitting tribute to the True North Strong and Free. Attendees will hear songs and narrative with respect to Canada’s contribution to world peace and free society. Some of the narrative will be presented with choral and orchestral. The mission of the Burlington New Millennium Orchestra is to present unique high caliber concerts to the people of Burlington featuring gifted performing artists from the local, national and international arts communities. BNMO will foster collaborations with other local arts groups and engage younger audiences through selective outreach programming.
By Staff
May 10th, 2018
You think you need to know what your local Member of the provincial legislature is going to do for you ? The Region of Halton also wants to know that they are going to do for the Region.
A questionnaire was sent out to all candidates seeking election as Members of Provincial Parliament (MPPs) in its local ridings asking for comments on five key advocacy issues, and asks candidates how they would address these issues if elected. Candidate responses will help residents make informed decisions on Election Day.
 Regional Chair Gary Carr – presses the provincial candidates on what they will deliver if elected.
Regional Chair Garry Carr, who will also be running for election – his turn comes in October – said “Halton consistently advocates for long-term, predictable funding and legislative changes that help us protect existing taxpayers from the cost of provincially mandated growth. By learning about party platforms through the responses to our questionnaire, residents can decide which candidate’s position best reflects their priorities for Halton’s future, and we can work with the successful candidates to ensure that Halton’s issues are adequately addressed.”
The Region’s questionnaire focuses on the following Regional advocacy issues:
• confirming Regional and Provincial regulatory roles in the proposed CN truck-rail hub;
• investing in roads and infrastructure to support growth targets;
• investing in adequate funding to support mandatory public health programs to close the $9.3 million funding gap;
• immediately investing in new technologies and establishing enforceable performance agreements for area Central Ambulance Communications Centres; and
• investing in safe, affordable and accessible government-assisted housing.
The questionnaire is part of Halton’s ongoing efforts to advocate for critical supports from other levels of government on behalf of residents. The Region will post responses on as they are received.
The Regional Municipality of Halton currently serves more than 550,000 residents in the City of Burlington, the Town of Halton Hills, the Town of Milton, and the Town of Oakville.
Ontario’s Places to Grow Act, 2005 mandates that Halton’s population grow to approximately one million people by the year 2041. To reach this target, the infrastructure and services required to support