It will be a scrappy team that battled their way to winning the IBL semi-final: Toronto Maple Leafs go against London.

sportsgold 100x100By Staff

August 28, 2016



What a game!

What a playoff season!

While Burlington didn’t make it out of the quarter finals the InterCounty Baseball League has been very exciting.

Will the hot playoff season do anything for the Burlington Bandits; probably not.

It’s hard to tell what the people who own and manage the Bandits think – they don’t return telephone calls or emails. Tough to build any franchise loyalty that way,

Baycats player sports

The Barrie Baycats will be playing to win a third consecutive IBL title.

The final game of the best of 7 semi-final series between the London Majors and the Toronto Maple Leafs went into the ninth inning with a 5-4 lead. They couldn’t hold it.

Toronto scored six runs in the top of the ninth inning to upset the regular season champion London Majors 10-6 Sunday night at a game played at Labatt Park. The Leafs, who dropped the first two games of the series, will face defending champion Barrie starting this week.

Baseball - player at bat with lights

With evening games usually starting at just after 7 pm spectators can expect to be watching the game under lights.

London led 5-4 going into the ninth, but the Leafs tied the game when Connor Lewis doubled home a run. Grant Tamane gave the Leafs the lead with a two-run home run off a light pole in left field. Sean Mattson added an RBI single and Ryan White singled home a pair to finish the inning.

Dan Marra went 3-for-5 with two runs, Jonathan Solazzo added a pair of hits, and Jon Waltenbury had three hits, two runs and an RBI.

Justin Cicatello (1-1) picked up the win in relief, giving up an unearned run on two hits in 5.1 innings. Cicatello struck out four without walking a batter. Starter Brett van Pelt went 3.2 innings and gave up five runs on seven hits, walking four and striking out two.

For London, RJ Fuhr had two hits, two runs and two RBI. Keith Kandel had an RBI, Michael Ambrose had two hits and drove in a run, while Humberto Ruiz went 2-for-4 and scored twice.

Elis Jimenez (2-2) pitched into the ninth inning but gave up six runs (three earned) on 11 hits over 8.1 innings, walking one and striking out six.

getting new - yellowiNew 880 am in London put it very well when they reported: “The Majors will have great successes to look back on through the winter, but they were hungry for the team’s first title since 1976 and no matter what they try to focus on, the ninth inning of Game 7 will be tough.”

The finals will be between the Barrie Baycats and the Toronto Maple Leafs; a team that has proven to be very scrappy.

It will be an interesting and exiting series.

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Maple Leafs push London Majors into a seventh game in the IBL semi-finals - team that advances to the finals will be known Sunday night.

sportsgreen 100x100By Staff

August 27, 2016



They did it – the Toronto Maple Leafs have forced a seventh and final game against the London Majors . Game 7 will determine who Barrie in the IBL final. They crushed the Majors 16-4 Saturday night at Christie Pits to tie the best-of-seven semifinal 3-3.

Justin Marra homered and drove in four with a pair of runs to lead the Leafs, while Grant Tamane had a three-run blast in the eighth inning. Sean Mattson had two hits, two RBI and two runs, Jonathan Solazzo went 3-for-4 with two RBI and a run, Ryan White had two hits with a pair of RBI and scored once, and Jon Waltenbury had four singles and two runs.

Dan Marra singled and scored twice, Brendan Keys drove in a run and scored twice, and Connor Lewis had a double, RBI and three runs.

Mike Wagner (4-0) picked up the win, allowing three runs on 11 hits over 6.2 innings, walking three and striking out seven.

For London, RJ Fuhr doubled, tripled and had an RBI with two runs. Byron Reichstein had two doubles and an RBI, Chris McQueen and Kyle Gormandy each singled twice and scored once, and Keith Kandel had an RBI.

Owen Boon (1-2) was pulled after five outs and gave up eight runs (two earned) on eight hits, walking one and striking out one.
Game 7 is Sunday night in London at 7:05.

London will have the home field advantage but that may not be enough to take a gritty baseball team that has come back again and again to win.

The Barrie Baycats are getting a rest – they are going to need everything they have if they find themselves going up against the Toronto team.

This just might be a Hwy 400 series final.

The Maple leafs ground out a seven game win over the Brantford Red Sox to win their quarter final series.


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Rivers on Peace keeping; arms sales and the departure of Stephen Harper from the House of Commons.

Rivers 100x100By Ray Rivers

August 28, 2016



Canada’s Lester Pearson won the Nobel Peace prize for his pioneering work in peacekeeping during the 1956 Suez crisis, a conflict which threatened to pit the US against fellow NATO members the UK and France.

Canada has been one of the strongest supporters of peacekeeping from that get-go. That is until the previous federal government and Mr. Harper virtually shut down the country’s contribution to UN peacekeeping operations and changed our global affairs perspective from honest-broker to aligned-party.

Peacekeepers - Canadian

Canadian armed forces serving as United Nations Peacekeepers

But then Mr. Harper had shunned the UN and it had in turn shunned Canada, shutting us out of a Security Council seat many thought would go to Canada. We once led the world with 3300 peacekeepers in the field, today there are just 34 – down to a mere one percent of our historic past. An all-time low at a time when the demand for UN peacekeeping operations is at an all-time high.

So, in keeping with the international re-engagement Mr. Trudeau promised during the last election, his government announced a dramatic reversal of previous policy, substantially increasing both financial support ($450 million) and peacekeepers (600). Ironically this announcement came on the very day that Mr. Harper announced his resignation from Parliament and politics.

In an article in this paper three years ago, I raised the fact that the Harper government had been supporting growth for Canada’s manufacture and export of arms, noting that this comprised the sum total of his industrial economic policy. There are a large number of armament exporters in the world. The USA, Russia, France and China dominate the international market.

The United NNations 2014 Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), governs the international trade in weapons for its signatories and restricts sales to nations which use them against their own populations. Over 130 nations have signed and almost 90 ratified this treaty but China, Russia and Canada have yet to do so. In addition there are UN nation-specific sanctions and arms embargoes which must be observed by all UN member nations. South Sudan and Libya are two sanctioned nations.

Streit - armed vehicle

It is an ugly brute of a vehicle that can only do harm to the people outside of it.


It was an unfortunate discovery that Streit, an Ontario company, had been selling armoured vehicles through a third party in 2014 to both of these nations. The federal Liberals were caught off-guard and holding the bag left them by the previous government. This became particularly embarrassing since it followed the Trudeau government’s refusal to disallow another Harper era mega deal to sell armoured vehicles to Saudi Arabia.

That deal, worth $15 billion dollars and negotiated in 2014, would make Canada the second largest arms supplier to the Middle East, after the USA. The hypocrisy was ripe when a former Tory cabinet minister, Tony Clement, raised the issue, presumably to embarrass the governing Liberals with the tricky dilemma over this lucrative job-creating deal that his government had negotiated.

It was a tough decision. After all it is hard to call yourself a peacekeeper when you are peddling weapons of war to the very people whose cross-fire may put you in harm’s way. So there were no tears by the federal Liberals to finally see the backside of Mr. Harper as he heads off for new employment better suited to his particular skills.

I didn’t disagree with everything he and his government accomplished in their time in office – but he was a disaster in foreign affairs, and that goes for his regressive policies in criminal justice and prison management as well.

stephen-harper scowl

Former Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

Mr. Harper presided over the poorest economic growth rate in Canada’s modern history. His efforts to water down environmental protection notwithstanding, he never built a single oil pipeline. His fixation with petroleum contributed to the economic collapse of his adopted home province. And not least of all, we should remember how he hid in a closet during that gun fight on the Hill.

The British government recently declassified a number of papers from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, included in a link below. These are pretty frank depictions of how the Brits viewed our leaders in the eighties – Mulroney, Turner and Pierre Trudeau. Though nobody who lived through that era should be surprised.

Former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau has died at his home in Montreal September 28, 2000 at the age of 80. Trudeau was Canada's prime minister from 1968 to 1979 and from 1980 to 1984 and is seen here performing a pirouette in Ottawa after the proclamation of the Constitution Act April 18, 1982. PJ/ME

Former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau is seen here performing a pirouette in Ottawa after the proclamation of the Constitution Act April 18, 1982.

Despite all of Pierre Trudeau’s antics and progressive (radical) policies, what most worried them was his 1984 peace campaign. It is hard to understand how his naive bopping around world capitals on what ultimately became a hopeless venture would trouble anyone. How could seeking peace be dangerous? A “bloodless and over-intellectual approach” was their bottom line.

I suspect that Canadian diplomats had some equally choice words for Maggie Thatcher, as well. In the present day I would expect someone in our Global Affairs would point out that David Cameron was even more naive than Pierre in calling that stupid Brexit vote. I wonder how today’s British diplomats regard the younger Trudeau – the darling of the international press in his first year in office. He is flamboyant, but not quite like his father.

And I wonder how those foreign eyes would sum up Mr. Harper – other than to say, as I do, goodbye and good luck.




Ray Rivers

Ray Rivers

Ray Rivers is an economist and author who writes weekly on federal and provincial issues, applying his 25 years of involvement with federal and provincial ministries.  Rivers’ involvement in city matters led to his appointment as founding chair of Burlington’s Sustainable Development Committee.  He was also once a candidate for public office at the provincial level.


Defence Industry –   Streit –   More Streit –  South Sudan Sanctions –   Saudi Weapons –   Canada Exports to Mid-East –   Burlington Gazette Oct 2013 –   Abandon Peace Keeping

Back into Peace Keeping –  Suez CrisisWhat UK Diplomats Really Thought

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Toronto has to win the next two games in the IBL series to face Barrie in the finals.

sportsgold 100x100By Staff

August 26th, 2016



One more game and London will be playing the Barrie Baycats for the Intercounty Baseball League pennant.

But don’t count on this semi-final series ending quite that easily.

The Toronto Maple Leafs have come back from the edge time after time.

The London Majors won a 7-5 game 5 over the Toronto Maple Leafs Friday night at Labatt Park.

London leads the best-of-seven semi-final 3-2 and can wrap up the series Saturday night in Toronto.

Baseball - player at bat with lights

They will be playing under the lights on Saturday.

Cleveland Brownlee led the Majors with a single, double and three RBI. Carlos Arteaga singled and drove in two, LeJon Baker had an RBI and run, Chris McQueen had two hits and a run, and Keith Kandel singled and doubled.

Oscar Perez (3-0) went the distance, allowing five runs (four earned) on 13 hits with a walk and nine strikeouts.

For Toronto, Jonathan Solazzo singled, doubled and hit his fifth home run of the playoffs. Solazzo finished with two RBI. Ryan White and Jon Waltenbury drove in a run apiece, while Grant Tamane had three hits and scored once at the top of the order. Sean Mattson doubled twice and scored twice, and Brendan Keys added a pair of hits.

Marek Deska (1-3) took the loss, giving up five runs on eight hits over 5.2 innings. Deska walked one and struck out three.

The winner of the series will face defending champion Barrie in the final.

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Social Fusion meeting started when the rain started - draws a surprising number of people

eventspink 100x100By Staff

August 26, 2016



He’s back!

The guy who runs one of the more successful networking groups for small business operations in the area – held his first group meeting last night – at a time when the rain was just pouring down.

Social Fusion Network Burchill

First Social Fusion meeting for the independent operators crowd.

As James Birchill put it – remember he is a shameless self-promoter – “ The weather outside was frightful … but the attendees were so delightful! … I know, I should go … I should go.”

After a season long hiatus Burchill held his first Social Fusion network meeting at the Beaver & the Bulldog at the Waterfront Hotel – it went well.

That as many people showed up with the rain going full bore and non-stop was a pleasant surprise.

The September meeting is scheduled for the 22nd  – register here if you think you want to attend.

Planning for another Trade Show for this community is in the getting ready stage. The venue may change – the Performing Arts centre added a hefty $5000 to the price of renting their space which was out of the price range Burchill has to work within.
One can only wonder why the BPAC price had to be hiked quite that much.

While summer isn’t yet over – Burchill is thinking about a private Christmas Dinner – something that would come in at about $35 a plate.  You can make it your “corporate” Christmas Party. Expect Burchill to come up with some really swift idea for a gift exchange – that could be hilarious.

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New Street on a road diet - nice but bumpy

News 100 blueBy Staff

August 26, 2016


The debate continues but the marked bike lanes on New Street are almost ready to go.

One bike user gave it a go day before yesterday – he liked what he saw.  It is a very quick trip – 49 seconds on a weekday.

We will have a look at the traffic on a weekday morning and in an evening as well and see what it looks like.

Keep in mind that this is a pilot project.

New Street road diet – video clip

The bike rider did say: “I was skeptical, but it’s nice – even if VERY bumpy!”

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Burlington Transit announces an earlier start to Route 10 weekdays

notices100x100By Staff

August 26, 2016


Burlington Transit announces an earlier start to Route 10 weekdays

Route 10, runs on New to Maple, will now starts earlier weekday mornings.  It begins at Appleby GO station at 5:28 a.m.

An additional trip starting at 5:48 am has also been added.

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Leafs win a wild 4th semi-finals game that took close to four hours to complete - included a bench clearing brawl.

sportsgold 100x100By Staff

August 24, 2016


Game 4 of the Intercounty Baseball League semifinal between London and Toronto Wednesday night took almost four hours to complete and featured a little bit of everything.

There were four home runs, a bench-clearing incident and subsequent protest in which players left the field, an ejection, and a game that ended up 8-2 in favour of Toronto.

The Maple Leafs tied the best-of-seven series 2-2 with Game 5 scheduled for Friday night at Labatt Park in London.

Leafs beating the Majors

Toronto Leafs beat the London Majors in this game – stands could have been fuller.

Justin Marra went 3-for-4 with a home run, two RBI and two runs in the win. Sean Mattson hit a three-run blast as part of Toronto’s four-run first inning, and Jonathan Solazzo added a solo shot to lead off the eighth. Brendan Keys singled and drove home a pair of runs.

Brett van Pelt (2-1) picked up the win after going eight innings and allowing two runs on five hits with six strikeouts and three walks.
Majors starter Elis Jimenez (2-1) took the loss, giving up eight runs on nine hits in seven innings, striking out six and walking three.
Offensively, Keith Kandel hit a solo home run, while Brett Sabourin had the other RBI. LeJon Baker singled twice.

Baker was also involved in the incident that led to a lengthy delay to end the top of the fourth inning. A close play at third base with Baker and Solazzo led to pushing and shoving and the benches clearing.

Words were exchanged between players from both teams, and an alleged racial slur directed at one of the London players resulted in the Majors leaving the field in protest for 65 minutes.

Baycats player sports

Barrie Baycats will go up against either London or Toronto in the final playoff.

Play resumed and the game was completed prior to the midnight curfew at Christie Pits, but not before Toronto reliever Adam Garner was ejected with two outs in the ninth inning for throwing a pitch after time was called.

The winner of the series will face defending champion Barrie in the final.

This is baseball at its best.

Will it be a 401 or a 400 series?

2016 IBL playoffs
Kitchener Panthers vs. Barrie Baycats
Barrie wins series 4-0
Game 1: Barrie 8, Kitchener 1
Game 2: Barrie 2, Kitchener 0
Game 3: Barrie 10, Kitchener 5
Game 4: Barrie 3, Kitchener 0

London Majors vs. Toronto Maple Leafs
Series tied 2-2
Game 1: London 5, Toronto 0
Game 2: London 9, Toronto 6
Game 3: Toronto 7, London 4
Game 4: Toronto 8, London 2
Game 5: Friday, Aug. 26 at London; 7:35 p.m.
Game 6: Saturday, Aug. 27 at Toronto; 7:30 p.m.
Game 7: Sunday, Aug. 28 at London; 7:05 p.m.

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Trial for the protester who gave water to pigs in sweltering heat as they were being trucked to Fearman's for slaughter began this morning.

News 100 redBy Staff

August 24, 2016

Burlington, ON

A trial for an animal rights activist charged with mischief for giving water to pigs that were in a sweltering truck on their way to slaughter began this morning.

Pig trial - Anita Krajnc

Anita Krajnc

Anita Krajnc of Toronto faces jail time or a maximum $5,000 fine for providing water through the narrow openings of a metal trailer to the pigs as they were headed to Fearman’s Pork Inc. in Burlington, Ont.
Krajnc, 49, is part of the group Toronto Pig Save, which held a vigil outside the pork processing plant on June 22, 2015.

The comments being made by readers who are following a twitter news feed by CBC reporter Samantha Craggs are diverse to say the least.

Worth tuning into.

The protesters have been on the scene for a number of years – they are persistent. Fearman’s is taking a beating in the public relations world.

Pigs being watered - trial

That pig may not be human but the look in its eye says it is in serious distress.

The charge of mischief is for giving pigs water in a sweltering truck while they were on their way to a slaughterhouse in Burlington.
Krajnc said her group stands on a traffic island at Appleby Line and Harvester Road once a week to “bear witness” to the animals going to slaughter at Fearman’s Pork Inc.

‘In legal circles, people are scratching their heads’ said lawyer Gary Grill.

On June 22, Ktajnc said, temperatures were high, and her group poured water through the holes. In court documents, Halton police refer to it as an “unknown liquid.”

The Halton police have had to manage calls from the slaughter house every week – at one point the protesters managed to actually get to what is called the hog chute – the spot where the pigs are off loaded from the truck into the plant.

On June 22nd, Krajnc said the driver got out and told them to stop, and she quoted a Bible verse at him about giving water to the thirsty.

“He said, ‘They’re not humans, you dumb frigging broad,'” she told CBC News.

The pork farmer who owned the pigs, Eric Van Boekel of Oxford County, contacted police the next day, court documents say. Police investigated and pursued the mischief charge. Punishment for the charge ranges from a fine to up to 10 years in prison.

Pig trial supporters

Anita Kranjc supporters outside the courthouse

Gary Grill, Kranjc’s Toronto-based lawyer asked: “Taxpayers are paying for this.”

Grill said the question isn’t how he and co-counsel James Silver will defend the case, but how the Crown will prove that what Kranjc did was criminal mischief.

Kranjc, 48, said if she is fined, she will refuse to pay.

The trial continues.

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School board announces new web site - but you can't get to it. E for effort; F for failure.

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

August 24, 2016


The new web site is now accessible.  Looks pretty good.  The search engine is very good.  More comment to follow.

The Halton District school Board announced with some fanfare that their new web site was now live – click to get to it.

They get an e for effort but they fail at the execution – the site doesn’t load.

It will – they will fix it. Usually things like this are tested, tested and tested again before going live.

HDSB web site oopsIn their media release the board does say some functions may not be accessible to users. These functions may take 24-48 hours to deploy. “We appreciate the patience of parents/guardians, staff and community members as we work to get the website fully operational to provide an improved web experience.”

“The new website – which will use the same web address – is designed with parents/guardians particularly in mind. The fresh clean look, designed by web developer eSolutionsGroup, will provide users with accessible content which is enhanced with photos of Board students and staff members.”

The new homepage uses the latest web design elements to effectively bring users’ attention to important updates. Remaining on the site is the popular Spotlight on Schools feature where the Board shares news on engaging learning experiences in schools. The new website will include video options as another way to engage users and assist in conveying the exceptional learning taking place in our 105 elementary and secondary schools. News releases will have a prominent place on the new website, keeping stakeholders up to date on Board decisions, changes and key events and dates taking place throughout the school year.

The homepage will allow user’s quick access to many popular topics such as Find my Local school, Report a Student Absence, Transportation and Program Accommodation Studies, plus get the most recent social media updates. There will be large sub-menus to make navigation faster, an improved search engine and a translation function.

Beginning in the design phase, the Board gathered input from school communities to learn what they wanted to see in a new website. Several parent and staff focus group sessions were held in various parts of the region to ensure many voices and opinions were heard.

Given the increasingly mobile world we live in, the new website will operate much better on smartphones and tablets, making for a better user experience.

The old web site was almost a disaster – upgrading what they had was one of the leading priorities for Director of Education Stuart Miller.

We will let you know how it works – when we see it.

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Maps set out what experts believe temperatures will be in the future as a result of climate change.

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

August 24, 2016


There is very little wind left in the “climate change is a plot to scare the world” argument. The federal government has instructed all its members to get into the community and ask for ideas on what can be done about managing the change we are going to see in our climate.

This summer taught us what it is going to be like when we get exceptionally hot weather over a longer than normal period of time.
Just how bad is it going to be?

The New York Times recently published a series of maps showing what NASA estimated the changes in temperature in the decades ahead.

Climate change # 3

Note that the American do not use the metric system of measurement.


Heidi Cullen, chief scientist for Climate Central, an environmental research group and the author of  “The Weather of the Future” points out that 14 of the 15 hottest years have occurred since  2000

Based on the map data, the number of 100 degree plus days will skyrocket making working or playing outdoors unbearable and sometimes deadly

“The quality of the food we will be able to grow and the impact on our water supply will only get worse”, she said.

It is not going to be a pretty picture.


Climate change # 2 by 2060Climate change # 3


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Mayor and Burlington Foundation partner to bring the next Mental Health talk to the community.

eventspink 100x100By Staff

August 24, 2016



In his first term of office as Mayor Rick Goldring came up with a number of very good ideas – his Inspire Burlington series was one of them.

On October 5th, the Mayor is partnering with the Burlington Foundation to present #SickNotWeak: Michael Landsberg Talks Mental Health at 7:30 p.m. at the Burlington Performing Arts Centre.

Landsberg - mental healthMichael Landsberg is a Canadian media personality known for his work on TSN’s Off the Record and Naylor & Landsberg. His experience with depression led to the creation of #SickNotWeak, a not-for-profit organization that provides mental health education and support.

“We know from reports like Burlington Foundation’s Vital Signs and feedback from residents that mental health is an important issue in our community,” said Mayor Goldring. “Michael is someone living with depression who has an inspiring story to share. I invite residents of all ages to come to this evening of discussion, awareness and support.”

Burlington Foundation launched the Mental Wellness Alliance in 2014 with a focus on a Speaker Spotlight Series that aims to keep the conversation going about mental health and wellness, breaking down misperceptions and promoting healthy communities.

“As part of Burlington Foundation’s mental wellness leadership work, we know that reducing mental health stigma is a critical need in our community,” said Colleen Mulholland, President and CEO of Burlington Foundation. “We are thrilled to bring Michael to Burlington to draw even more attention to this important issue. Events like this one go a long way in encouraging people to have conversations around mental wellness.”

Landsberg’s presentation will be followed by an opportunity for questions from members of the audience.
Admission is free and all are welcome. Reserve a seat online at or, or call the Office of the Mayor at 905-335-7607.

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Identity thieves never stop - a more recent attempt at stealing your money from you.

Crime 100By Staff

August 24, 2016


“You are only able to use your existing security device until 26 August 2016” said a note from what the sender wanted us to believe was from the TD Bank.

Identity theft - many facesThe message was not from the TD Bank – it was from someone who wants the reader to think that.

The message goes on to say:

“Effective 27 August 2016, you will be required to log on to your Web Business Banking with the new synchronized master key. To avoid any disruption to your Web Business Banking service, we encourage you to upgrade immediately.”

“Your online security is our priority, for more detailed information please see the attached PDF document enclosed.”

“Your new Security Device upgrade is pin-protected and will provide you with an additional level of protection. All Web Business Banking users who do not upgrade there Security Devices in due time will be deactivated and unable to authorize transactions.

[TD Canada Trust]
[Commercial Banking Operations]

The spelling mistake we highlighted it in red for you is one of the give aways – banks don’t communicate with their clients this way.

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Lydia Santia to explore a fleeting relationship with her suburban childhood at MoonGlade September 15 - a 5 hour happening.

artsorange 100x100By Pepper Parr

August 24th, 2016



Lydia Santia

Lydia Santia

Lydia Santia was an Honors Studio Art student at McMaster University.

She grew up in Etobicoke, Ontario.

Lydia Santos OK

Portraying repetition and futility?

She is primarily focused on projection installation and its implications regarding portraying repetition and futility.

Her work is centered in exploring a fleeting relationship with her suburban childhood and the implications this relationship carries for her as an adult.

Santia spends her adult life challenging her typical upbringing in a comfortable home in a suburban neighbourhood. She currently lives in Hamilton, Ontario and holds a BFA degree from McMaster University.

Lydia has exhibited her work in Toronto and Hamilton; her work is owned in several private collections.

getting new - yellow

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Will employers see improved transit service for their workers - several pilot projects are being worked up.

News 100 greenBy Pepper Parr

August 23, 2016


As we move into the fall and the workings of the city take on a more business-like manner much will be said about the Strategic Plan and how it is going to guide and direct the growth of the city.

Mary Lou Tanner

Burlington Director of Planning Mary Lou Tanner

And make no mistake the operating word will be growth. City Director of Planning told council that her department was going to  build “Bold, Smart and  Beautiful.”

One of the four pillars that hold up the Strategic Plan is the City that Moves – which covers everything from more opportunities to walk to the places people want to shop and visit, changes in road lane configuration to accommodate bicycles (see the story on that issue – it has close to 50 readers aroused enough to make comments) and improvements on the public transit file.

Transit, which somehow fell out of favour with this council some time ago and was basically starved for financial resources

Doug Brown and Susan Lewis look over a 1982 copy of the city's bus schedule.

Doug Brown and Susan Lewis look over a 1982 copy of the city’s bus schedule.

Doug Brown who knows as much about transit as anyone in this city maintains that “since Burlington Tranit’s inception in 1975, Burlington has never had a first rate transit system. The transit system was good enough in 1982 to attract my family to Burlington. Among the systems good points at that time were: $0.70 fares that were also accepted by the Lakeshore GO bus within Burlington; 15 minute daytime service on the major routes; and a first class terminal on Elizabeth St.

“Since the late 80’s, the under-funding and micro-management of Burlington Transit by City Council, combined with City growth, has led to a long series of service cuts, fare increases, and a reduced ridership base comprised largely of those who do not have access to a car (youth, seniors, low-income, disability).

“I think ridership is probably the best indicator if how well the system is performing. In the mid-80’s the transit modal shore hit a peak of 7% Since that time, ridership has declined to the present 2%. The Ontario Municipal Board has imposed a requirement in our Official Plan that ridership reach 11% by 2030.”

While knowledgeable citizens argue the merits of the public transit system employers have to deal with the hard reality that they are having some difficulty attracting the labour they need due to poor transit service.
When the employers have a problem they go looking for solutions.

Enter the Burlington Economic Development Corporation (BEDC). The minds over there are being applied to the transit problem – especially as they relate to some of the larger employers along the North and South Service roads where transit service is sort of skimpy.


Burlington Economic Development Corporation Executive Director Frank McKeown

The BEDC formed an Employer Advisory group and is working with three different employers (they weren’t identified) to come up with a pilot program.

Anita Cassidy, Manager, special Projects acknowledged that the BEC is working on several possible pilot programs that will get announced in the fall. “We are working on bringing a pilot forward with three different employers” said Frank McKeown, Executive Director of BEDC.

Burlington has the distinct disadvantage of having one of the highest public transit ticket prices in the Greater Toronto Hamilton market area. It is also one of the few city’s that doesn’t use all the gas tax money from the federal and provincial governments to improve the transit system.

It will be interesting to see what the BEDC comes up with in September – something had to be done and transit couldn’t seem to make anything happen on their own.

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Well known cultural advocate and passionate environmentalist ready to premier her latest short film - The Frozen Goose

artsblue 100x100By Pepper Parr

August 23, 2016



Margaret Lindsay Holton has been a fixture on the Burlington culture scene for a number of years – she has also been a passionate advocate on environmental issues.

There are those who will remember the pin hole cameras she used to make and many who will remember her art.

The most recent short film – The Frozen Goose will be premiered at the Art Gallery of Burlington September 11th.

Holton H&SShe has done film work before; Frozen Goose is her production from start to finish – a process that put her through all the wringers that film production impose on people.

She started out with a budget of $87,000 – that got dropped to $15,000 when a sponsor she was sure she had took a pass. The $11,000 budget she paired things down to was what she had to go forward with. “I had to make it work” was the way Holton explained the drive and persistence she brought to the production.

She did some crowd funding – that’s seldom the deal those offering the service make it out to be.

The next step was to sell some of her art – had that not raised the needed funds – the family heirlooms were perhaps next.

Film producers spend as much time on the financial side as they do on the actual production of the film – and the production side is never a cake walk.

The production had 140 shots taken during 11 scenes in 11 different locations.

“One of the scenes required solid lake ice, but there was none to be had at the designated lake location, so, last minute, an alternate shallow pond, frozen solid, was used.”

Holton - Margaret Lindsay largeOriginally published as a short story in 2014 – The Frozen Goose focuses on the struggles of a rural Canadian family coping in the aftermath of World War One. Loss, anger and deep misunderstanding mingle with tender trust – and love – as a broken family inch towards the future.

It’s a part of the First World War experience that has never been fully explored.

“I got the filmmaking bug after working as a Production Assistant for the commercial film house of Roseanne McWaters & Derek VanLint back in the early 1980’s” she said, adding, “I went on from there to co-produce, co-direct and script a 54 minute ‘experimental documentary’ :In the Eye of the Hunter” with a Ryerson University Film & Photo Arts grad, Jane Walker Manchee, that was broadcast, 2 years later, on Rogers Cable 10.

Holton Bailey'sBrow.mlh

Margaret Lindsay Holton is an established artist as well as a filmmaker. Her work consistently sells quite well.

Holton SugarShackFreelton.mlh

At times Holton takes a sparse, almost minimalist approach to canvas. she has a strong following.

It was a big hit on the late night cable TV world; had a novel interactive ‘open-response line’ (predating the internet) that allowed viewers to verbally comment on the show after every broadcast. Comments were eye-opening, insightful, at times unnerving – and always invigorating. The film ran on Cable for 6 months in a late night slot.

Deepening her filming skills Holton attended two week-long Canadian Film Production industry seminars: one in New York City, and the other in Brockville, Ontario, (where she met the incomparable Peter Wintonick. Canada’s best documentary champion.) Peter and Holton became – and remained – good friends until his recent passing . Holton also worked one short summer as a P.A. in the Publicity Department at what is now called the Toronto International Film Festival, aka TIFF.

Holton has shot over 40 shorts, less than 20 minutes each. These have usually been embedded in published stories.

Cameron Brindle a 'Charlie' in TFG - Photo Credit - MLH Productions

Cameron Brindle is a budding young thespian, who turned 9 in January. Growing up, he showed a love of all things theatrical from a very early age. He honed his original talent as both an actor and director in countless games of dress-up with his sister, before starting his formal training in drama classes at the age of 4. For the last two years, Cameron has focused on improving his technique and developing improvisation skills, as an active member of the Waterdown-based Creative Theatre Company. He also regularly presents in school assemblies and is a member of the Glenview School Primary Choir. Cameron loves history, travelling and playing with his friends. He is an expert on all things ‘Star Wars’, and dreams of being a Jedi when he grows up. The Frozen Goose is Cameron first film.

The cast consists of youngsters Hannah Ralph & Cameron Brindle who join acting veterans – Leslie Gray,
Rod McTaggart and John Fort.

Hannah Ralph as 'Bella' in TFG - Photo Credit - MLH Productions

Hannah Ralph – ‘Bella’ Hannah entered the Hamilton arts scene at an early age. She had her first stage debut at the age of 6 at the semi-finals of the Rise to Fame Youth Talent Search at the Western Fair. At the age of 14, Hannah has become an accomplished vocalist, multi-instrumentalist and actor. She is currently a member of the internationally recognized Hamilton Children’s Choir. She has performed most recently at Polyfolia Music Festival in Normandy, France, the Hamilton Juno awards, the PanAm games in Toronto, and as a cast member of the production of Apocalypsis at the Luminato Festival in Toronto. Hannah has also trained in the theatre with Lou Zambrogna of Hamilton’s Theatre Aquarius and has been the lead in local productions of The Wizard of Oz and Pinnochio. Hannah is currently attending acting classes at Lewis Baumander Acting Studios and studying privately with Michael Gordin Shore, in Toronto, where she is pursuing her acting career.


Holton is a member of the Filmmakers Alliance of Burlington (aka FAB.) and was, at one point, a very active member of the arts collective that has gone formal and is now calling itself an Arts Council.

The film is being premiered on September 11th, with two showing – one at 3:15 pm and a second at 4:00 pm at the Art Gallery of Burlington.

The film has a run time of 25 minutes.  There will be a ‘live’ musical interlude by fab folk group, with fiddler David Clarence MacLean, WhiskeyEpiphany, entertaining between shows.

Whiskey Epiphany is a Celtic/Acoustic/Folk band from Southern Ontario, Canada. The band was formed in 2011 and includes principal songwriter and vocalist/guitarist Mike Gravitis, his sister/vocalist Lianne Gravitis, bass/guitarist and banjoist Jack MacLean, his father/fiddler and mandolinist David Clarence MacLean and Dave Gould on percussion. Whiskey Epiphany performs regularly at many venues, festivals, corporate functions and weddings in Canada and the USA.

Tickets for the Premiere are available on-line ONLY.  Link is HERE




Leslie Gray as 'Helen' in TFG - Photo Credit - MLH Productions

Leslie Gray – ‘Helen’ Leslie Gray as ‘Helen’ in TFG – Photo Credit – MLH ProductionsActor, singer, dancer, choreographer, director, Leslie has worked in all aspects of the performing arts. TV/Film credits include Emily in Hacks (Comedy Network), Featured Photographer in Terry (Shaftesbury) and has appeared in Riding the Bus with my Sister (dir. Anjelica Huston), Darcy’s Wildlife, Missing, The West Wing, Man of the Year (with Robin Williams) and many more. She has on camera training with Jayne Eastwood, Bernadette Jones, Millie Tom, Laura Jones, Crystal Proctor and Anne Tait. Leslie is also a musical theatre performer with training from Sheridan College and has performed in over 40 musical productions across Ontario. She is currently the co-artistic director, along with her husband Christopher, of Burlington’s professional theatre company KooGle Theatre Co. This July Leslie will be playing “Logainne Schwartzandgrubenniere” in “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee” at the Burlington Performing Arts Centre. Leslie also teaches at Burlington Dance Academy (musical theatre and tap), Centre Stage Theatre School (guest teacher) and ArtHouse (musical theatre workshops).


John Fort as 'Tom' in TFG - Photo Credit- MLH Productions

John Fort is a Hamilton-based actor, known for his supporting roles in CBC’s Murdoch Mysteries and assorted indie low-budget productions. Known as a ‘scrapper’, John is an accomplished martial arts student, and has taken acting workshops with the Performing Arts Guild in Toronto under David Rotenberg, an advocate of the ‘method’ style of acting. John’s favourite actor is James Dean.




Rod McTaggart as 'Uncle Harry' in TFG - Photo Credit - MLH Productions

Rod McTaggart is an actor, entertainer and musician, recently known for his riveting performance in John Logan’s RED at the Burlington Performing Arts Centre. In 2014, he played in Adam Riggio’s ‘You Were My Friend’, Gary Santucci’s ‘Democracy is Dead’ and Norm Foster’s ‘Under the Bright Sun’. A mature actor, Rod centered ‘stage left’ after working as a Stage Manager for the Oakville Drama Series. His film experience includes, ‘Infirmity'(2016), ‘This is How We Walk’ (2012) – selected for The Short Film Corner at Cannes, and ‘Happy Birthday Day’ – selected for TIFF in 2012.

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Mayor gets elected to municipal board

News 100 redBy Staff

August 23, 2016



Mayor Rick Goldring has been re-elected to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) Board of Directors, Large Urban Caucus. The election was held at AMO’s 2016 Conference in Windsor last week.


Rick Goldring on the night he was elected Mayor of Burlington in 2010.

Goldring has served as chair of the Large Urban Caucus for the past two years. His new term will run from 2016-2018. The AMO board sets policy for the municipal organization that represents the interests of towns and cities across the province. Some municipalities (there are 444 in Ontario) have chosen not to be members of AMO.

In a statement released by the Office of the Mayor said: “An ongoing priority on the AMO agenda I will be focused on is sustained, predictable infrastructure investment for municipalities. Addressing this minimizes the impact on property taxpayers.”

AMO’s key advocacy priorities are focused on achieving fiscal sustainability for municipal governments, advancing federal, provincial partnerships for infrastructure and strengthening municipal legislative authority to advance local economic prosperity and environmental sustainability.

Municipalities will hold their elections in October of 2018 under a significantly different set of rules including changes on how people running for public office finance their campaigns.

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Getting ready for MoonGlade - at the Art Gallery in September - a 5 hour one time only happening.

artsblue 100x100By Pepper Parr

August 23, 2016



With a name like “No Vacancy” what was one to expect at an event that ran for just a couple of hours at the Waterfront hotel when it was first put on in 2013.

A murder mystery perhaps?

What the city got to see was some ground breaking art – described as “installations” which Jim Riley describes as a “three dimensional art form that is often specifically designed to use the walls, floor and space of a room as a sculptural artwork itself. The artist uses objects, video, sound or other material to create the artwork. The audience enters in to the space and becomes part of the actual artwork as opposed to passively looking at one sculpture, one painting one video or other singular artwork.

Doesn’t sound all that exciting when explained – you had to be in one of the rooms back in 2013 to appreciate what was being done.

No Vacancy put on a second event in 2014; it was one of those boffo – close to over the top events that was presented at the Village Square and given the name Cirque

The third year was put on at Old Lakeshore Road where the audience wasn’t as robust. Up until the 2014 event the group that put on the event did so without anything in the way of financial support from the city.

In 2015 and in 2016 a grant of less than $5000 each year was made available.

Each No Vacancy event is given its own unique name. The group has chosen MoonGlade for the 2016 that will take place in Brock Park, at the rear of the Art Gallery on Lakeshore Road and some space inside the gallery.

There will be 17 different individuals installing their work.

There will be a pop up arts gallery, live entertainment and a collection of food trucks.


Xiaojing Yan is a Chinese-Canadian artist born in Nanjing, China, who currently lives and works in Toronto, Canada

Among the installation artists will be Xiaojing Yan who is returning to the No Vacancy list.


A collection of ceramic spoons arranged to form a bridge – installation art at its very best.

Xiaojing Yan is a Chinese-Canadian artist born in Nanjing, China, who currently lives and works in Toronto, Canada. Xiaojing Yan received a B.F.A in decorative art from Nanjing Art Institute, China, in 2000, and an M.F.A in sculpture from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA, in 2007. The central themes running through her work concern immigration, identity, cultural difference, and transmigration. Often using traditional Chinese materials and practices within the contemporary aesthetic.
Yan’s work has been exhibited in galleries and museums in Canada, China and United States.

Her work was included in the featured project at Art Toronto 2014 and the featured exhibition “Beyond Geography” at Art Toronto 2012. Recent solo shows include “Hybrid Vigour” at The Latcham Gallery, Stouffville, Canada(2015);”Cloud Cell” at the Red Head Gallery, Toronto(2015, 2012), “Innocence & Experience” at Lonsdale Gallery, Toronto(2014), “Red and White Melody” at TRUCK Contemporary Art in Calgary (2014). In September 2017, Varley Art Gallery in Markham, Ontario will present her solo exhibition. And in November 2017, Suzhou Museum will present her first solo museum exhibition in China.


Xiaojing Yan was one of the artists that contributed to perhaps the most attractive collection of bike racks in North America

Yan has been in many public and private collections including the most recent permanent collection “Cloudscape” at Seneca College at Newnham Campus, Toronto, Canada (2013).

Yan is the recipient of the 2014 Outstanding Young Alumni Award from Indiana University of Pennsylvania and the 2013 Mandarin Profile Awards. Additional information on this installation artist can be found on her web site:

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Unneeded or expired medications can now be left at any Halton pharmacy - police ending their facility drop off locations.

News 100 redBy Staff

August 22, 2016


The successful prescription drug drop off awareness campaign run by the Halton Regional Police Service (HRPS) – Drug and Morality Unit (DMU), along with local partner pharmacies is transitioning from police facility drop off locations to locally based community pharmacy locations.

Expired or unused medications (prescription or over the counter) can be returned to any pharmacy in Halton. By responsibly dropping off your unused / expired medications to local pharmacies, you’ll not only ensure they’re disposed of properly – you’ll also keep them out of the wrong hands, preventing abuse, accidental ingestion and protecting our environment in the process.

The current police facility drug drop off collection bins will be removed August 31st 2016. The HRPS-DMU thanks their local community pharmacies for their support and looks forward to future proactive and preventative initiatives.

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Milburough Line road closure - August 26 to 28

News 100 redBy Staff

August 22, 2016



Milburough Line will be closed for traffic between Derry Road and Kilbride Street
from Friday, Aug. 26, 2016 at 6 p.m. to Sunday, Aug. 28, 2016 at 7 p.m. for Union Gas construction activities.

Union Gas - south of Derry

A Union Gas pipeline is being built across the top of Burlington – it will involve a number of road closures.

Please follow the detour route:

1. From the north, traffic will be directed east on Derry Road to McNiven Road, then south to Kilbride Street and west to Milburough Line.

2. From the south, traffic will be directed east on Kilbride Street to McNiven Road, then north to Derry Road and west to Milburough Line.

If you need more information please contact:
Susan Cudahy
Community Liaison
Union Gas Limited
Phone: 289-237-0068

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