By Pepper Parr
December 7th, 2024
 Ontario Auditor General Shirley Spence
“They just do whatever they want with no consideration for the rules, for accountability, for transparency and frankly, for what the data and science are telling them. This is a government that’s off the rails and they’re doing whatever they want at enormous expense to the people of Ontario.” So said the Auditor General for the province.
For the most recent fiscal year ending March 31, 2024, the Ontario government spent $103.5 million on advertising. This was over three times as much as what was spent in the previous fiscal year, $33.7 million, and the most the government has ever spent on advertising in a year.

Figure 1 shows the trend in government advertising expenditures over the past 10 fiscal years. As shown, spending follows a wave-like pattern that correlates with Ontario’s provincial elections. Spending climbed to peak in 2017/18 and again in 2021/22, the years immediately preceding provincial elections (held in June 2018 and June 2022). Spending dipped significantly in 2018/19 and 2022/23, the years immediately following those elections. The trend in expenditures was also impacted by higher costs in 2020/21 for health-related advertising about the COVID-19 pandemic.
Figure 2 lists the top 10 advertising campaigns by expenditure. These 10 campaigns accounted for $95.2 million (or 92%) of the total amount spent on advertisements in 2023/24. The expenditure amounts include both the cost to create and/or produce the advertisement and to distribute it in the media.
The Act applies only to advertisements published by “government offices,” namely provincial ministries, the Cabinet Office and the Office of the Premier. We do not review advertising by government agencies, such as Metrolinx or LCBO, or institutions in the broader public sector that receive government funding, like hospitals or colleges.
Under a 2005 agreement, we have the authority to review third-party advertising when an independent organization is funded by the government to promote something. If a government office funded the item, approved the content and permitted the party to use the Ontario logo, then the Auditor General is required to review the advertisement.
Second, certain kinds of ads that government offices purchase are exempted from our review. For example, job advertisements for specific roles are not considered eligible for review, as well as public notices required by law or for urgent matters affecting public health or safety.
Digital Advertising
This is the area that raises eyebrows.
Following Regulation 143/15 of the Act, our Office does not review some kinds of digital advertising engaged in by government offices. We do not review ad items that run on social media platforms, for example, advertisements on Meta, X or Instagram. We also do not review spending on search marketing services such as Google ads or search engine optimization.
Although we do not review these kinds of digital advertising items, we are empowered to report how much the government has spent on them.
Figure 4 compares what was spent by the provincial government on reviewable and non-reviewable digital advertisements (social media and search marketing services) in 2023/24.
In the past fiscal year, the government spent a total of $12.8 million on digital ads and services that were excluded from our review. This marked an increase of more than 250% from the year prior, when $4.9 million was spent.
The majority of social media advertisements were run as part of larger, reviewable campaigns that used different delivery channels. For example, the Ministry of Transportation’s “Winter Safe Driving” campaign cost approximately $873,000 of which $156,000 was spent on social media advertising.
Some advertising campaigns were distributed solely via social media, such as the Ministry of Finance’s campaign about the Fall Economic Statement that cost $92,600.
Figure 4 shows the annual amounts spent by the government on social media and search marketing services over the last eight fiscal years. Non-reviewable search marketing services and social media buys are only a fraction of the digital media landscape.
The Auditor General cannot force the government to do anything. The reports issued are public and frequently result in strong public reaction – something some governments are known to respond to.
Her recommendations and the government response.

By Pepper Parr
December 6th, 2024
“They just do whatever they want with no consideration for the rules, for accountability, for transparency and frankly, for what the data and science are telling them. This is a government that’s off the rails and they’re doing whatever they want at enormous expense to the people of Ontario.”
Who said that: The Auditor General for the province.
How does the Auditor General get the job?
The Legislative Assembly of Ontario appoints the Auditor General for a 10-year term. The appointment is made by Order of the Legislative Assembly after a bi-partisan panel of MPPs unanimously recommends a candidate. The legislature must also approve any removal of the Auditor General.
The Auditor General is an independent officer of the Legislative Assembly who is responsible for:
 Shelley Spence: Ontario Auditor General
Ensuring financial transparency
Holding public-sector organizations accountable
Examining the province’s Public Accounts
Auditing the accounts and financial transactions of Crown agencies
Carrying out performance audits of government activities and programs
Assessing compliance with legislation and government directives
Reporting on their examination in an annual report
Shelly Spence, the Ontario Auditor General had a lot more to say about the Ford government.
Tune in tomorrow – we will have more for you.
By Staff
December 6, 2024
Unless things dramatically change, the Ontario government’s much-touted target of building at least 1.5 million homes across the province by 2031 won’t happen. It’s that simple, according to several industry experts – and basic math.
The reality, driven home by everyone from politicians and housing advocates to urban planners, is that we need new homes built now – or we won’t be able to accommodate our growing population and the relentless housing crisis will worsen. Ontario’s current climate, however, isn’t exactly one that facilitates the widespread construction of new homes. And the obstacles are plenty.
In the wake of recent eyebrow-raising reports that reveal slowing housing starts and disheartening projections, the big question is: Will Ontario actually reach its target? For many, it’s already more of, “Just how far off will it be from hitting it?”
The Perfect Storm For Slow Builds
Before we jump into it, it’s important to consider how we got here in the first place. Factors include a combo of high and rising land costs, heightened interest rates, rising development fees, construction costs, and bureaucratic delays that have slowed development activity across the province. “The greatest contributors to the province’s slow speed of new home construction has been the increase of development charges, the continued problem of too much red tape, and federal sales taxes,” Residential Construction Council of Ontario (RESCON) president Richard Lyall tells STOREYS.
Of course, high interest rates and inflation don’t help either. “For the last year and a half, the biggest barrier is the cost to build at a rate that the market can absorb,” says Justin Sherwood, senior vice president, communications and stakeholder relations for Building Industry and Land Development Association (BILD). “The last five years has seen a significant increase in the cost of construction from both a labour and material perspective. Construction inflation in the GTA has resulted in nearly an 80% increase in the cost to build a condominium and 98% in the cost to build a single family home since Q4 2019.”
Paired with high land values and sky-high municipal fees to build and the result is a cost structure that is out of line with the market’s ability to absorb, says Sherwood. “As a result, pre-construction sales have plummeted since mid-2022, new projects are not financially viable and starts are following a similar trajectory to sales,” he says. “This is why BILD has been advocating that governments of all levels do something to address the taxes, fees, and charges they put on new homes that adds 25% to the cost of an average new home in the GTA.”
CMHC housing outlook, housing starts data
CMHC Sees No Return to Pre-Pandemic Price Levels in Annual Housing Forecast CMHC Sees No Return to Pre-Pandemic Price Levels in Annual Housing Forecast
The Provincial Government’s Tough Target
To achieve its ambitious goal, Ford’s government has set housing targets for the province’s 50 largest municipalities. They’ve also established a $1.2 billion Building Faster Fund to incentivize municipalities to meet these targets. Municipalities that achieve at least 80% of their annual target receive funding, with additional bonuses for those that exceed their targets.
Late last month, however, the Ford government revealed that housing starts had declined since the last budget… but still said they’d meet target goals. While the province needs at least 100,000 new homes built per year to achieve the target, their fall economic statement reveals that Ontario is not on track to make this a reality between 2024 and 2027. In fact, projected housing starts fall in each of these years. The fall economic statement revised the 2024 housing starts projection from 87,900 to 81,300. This comes significantly short of the Ontario government’s goal of 125,000 new homes in 2024, as outlined in the statement.
Despite passionate voices from opposition parties, the provincial government says it’s doing just fine in the new home-building department, thank you very much. On its website, a tracker boldly reveals the province’s housing supply progress, based on monthly housing starts and ARUs data provided by the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). Figures show that the Province reached 99% of its housing start target of 110,000 new homes completed in 2023 – with 109,011. Meanwhile, the province saw 89,217 starts in 2023, as well as the addition of 9,879 residential units, which includes non-residential space that is converted to residential units and residential to residential conversions.
“Ontario has achieved the highest housing starts the province has seen in over three decades,” wrote Justine Teplycky, director of communications for provincial housing minister Paul Calandra, in an email to STOREYS. “However, as a result of high interest rates caused by the federal government’s runaway tax-and-spend policies, including the federal carbon tax, homebuilders across the province face a challenging economic environment that is impacting the pace of new home construction.”
As a result, Teplycky says the government is taking proactive measures to address everything from legislation delays to filling the missing middle. “Our government is redoubling our efforts to support the building of even more homes faster by cutting red tape and streamlining approvals,” says Teplycky. “We’ve introduced a new Provincial Planning Statement to provide municipalities with greater flexibility to build more housing. We’ve introduced common sense rules to help encourage the construction of garden, laneway, and basement suites. And we’re investing over $3 billion to address what municipalities have identified as the number one obstacle to building housing, critically needed housing-enabling infrastructure.”
In true Ford government form, Teplycky says these initiatives are more impactful than proposed solutions from other political parties. “In contrast, the NDP wants to double down on inflationary spending with a $150 billion dollar scheme that proposes to build only a fraction of the homes we need, and the Liberals are proposing to copy the federal government with a retail sales tax that will make everything we buy more expensive,” says Teplycky.
A report published on November 14 from the Financial Accountability Office of Ontario drove home the reality that Ontario’s new home construction wasn’t looking as promising for 2024 as it (sort of) was for 2023. According to the report, the province saw a total of 20,600 housing starts in Ontario in 2024 from April to September – a 16.9% decline from the 24,800 starts in Q3 of 2023. Most notably, the construction of single-family homes has dramatically dropped. In 2024 Q3, 77% of total housing starts were multiple dwelling units, while 23% were single detached homes. In fact, the construction of single detached homes is on track for the lowest level of annual starts since 1955.
The report cites “affordability challenges, changes in household preferences, and planning efforts aimed at increasing density” as reasons for this declining share of single-family homes. Indeed, in places like Toronto’s core, single-family homes – especially new ones – are becoming an increasingly rare sight.
The report outlines that, to meet its goal of 1.5 million homes by the end of 2031, it would require an average of 34,100 units per quarter, beginning in 2021 Q1 – and that’s not currently happening. From 2021 Q1 to 2024 Q3, Ontario has started an average of 22,900 units per quarter. “To reach the government’s target by the end of 2031, an average of 39,900 units would need to be started per quarter beginning in 2024 Q4,” reads the report. “This represents a 74% increase in the pace of units started since 2021 and about 5,500 above the highest number of starts ever recorded of 34,400 in 1973 Q3.”
To say this seems like a pretty challenging prospect – for housing starts to nearly double – given the current state of things, would be a vast understatement.
When it comes to the future of housing starts, a new report from RESCON isn’t exactly a hopeful one, indicating a predicted decline in housing starts in the upcoming years. Inevitably, this decrease is expected to worsen the current housing shortage throughout the province.
In Housing Market Outlooks in Ontario, RESCON’s analysis underscores the mix of factors that are negatively impacting the construction of new homes across Ontario. A relentless culprit is climbing construction costs. The report highlights that the rising cost of land and government-imposed fees, such as development charges, are the primary factors driving up housing prices. Due to these increased costs, constructing new low-rise housing, in particular, is becoming financially unviable.
This is particularly true in the infamously pricey Greater Toronto Area (GTA) region. Here, municipal fees for single-family homes have jumped $42,000 from last year to a head-shaking average of $164,920. Meanwhile, apartment fees have climbed $32,000 to $122,387. Adding insult to injury when it comes to prices, the report found that approval delays cost developers between $2,672 and $5,576 per month, depending on the municipality. This can raise the cost per unit by up to $90,000.
The report’s long-term outlook presents two scenarios, with both anticipating a continued decrease in housing starts and employment until 2025. A gradual recovery is projected between 2026 and 2028. By the end of 2028, however, conditions will not have fully recovered. As a result, housing availability is expected to remain limited, keeping prices elevated.
Ontario Lags Behind Other Provinces In The Race To Build Homes
Figures released recently from the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) reveal that Ontario housing starts fell significantly behind the national trend between January and October 2024. While the rest of Canada saw an average increase of 14,000 housing starts, the province initiated 13,000 fewer homes during the same period compared to the previous year.
Meanwhile, a new Smart Prosperity Institute (SPI) report authored by Mike Moffat, Economist and Senior Director of Policy and Innovation at SPI, shows that Ontario has lagged behind the other provinces when it comes to new homes for quite some time now.
According to the report, data for 2024 suggests that Ontario’s homebuilding rate per capita is worsening. The province has consistently ranked in the lower half nationally over the past six years. While British Columbia had eight communities and Quebec had four in the top 20, only three Ontario communities — Pickering, Oakville, and Kitchener — reached this level. In fact, Ontario’s cities and towns accounted for 13 of the 20 lowest spots in per-capita homebuilding. These included Aurora, Brampton, Peterborough, St. Catharines, Ajax, Windsor, Burlington, Halton Hills, Sarnia, Sault Ste. Marie, Sudbury, Thunder Bay, and North Bay.
“If we can identify what jurisdictions and municipalities are doing well, then we can start to identify why they’re doing well and adopt the best practices that they’re doing,” says Moffatt. “Kitchener, for example, has done a good job in allowing for density and their official plan has been quite helpful zoning-wise when it comes to welcoming diversity of housing types.”
While every province is obviously dealing with the same aforementioned high interest rates, things like provincial differences in approval times influence the outcome. “Why can a municipality like Edmonton return an approval in six months, but it takes on average 20 months in the GTA?,” asks Sherwood. Tellingly, Alberta has seen record-breaking numbers of housing starts in the first half of the year.
It’s Everyone’s Problem
The housing supply crisis is an issue for all Ontario residents – even those who own appreciating houses with manageable mortgage payments. “Housing affordability is at an unprecedented level which is having a broader impact on the economy and lowering quality of life for many,” says Lyall.
In his report, Moffat outlines the consequences of six years of slow growth on the homebuilding front. In no uncertain terms, he highlights how Ontario’s inability to build new housing has resulted in record-low vacancy rates, sky-high rents, record food bank use, and an unofficial estimate of 234,000 Ontario residents experiencing homelessness.
“Today’s housing starts are the housing supply of tomorrow,” says Sherwood. “If ‘starts’ are the lowest level now since 1955, then over the next few years the new supply coming to the market will be the lowest level since 1955. This will mean price appreciation, when the objective of the entire exercise of expanding supply is intended to increase affordability. But this isn’t just about putting roofs over people’s heads – it’s about the socio-economic wellbeing of the economic engine of Canada. What happens when young families and workers leave the region in pursuit of housing choices and prices they can afford?”
The SPI report highlights how inadequate housing has contributed to a “brain drain” in Ontario. Over the past four years, the province has seen a net outflow of over 100,000 people to other provinces, says Moffat. This migration pattern suggests that a significant number of educated and professional individuals are leaving Ontario in favour of better housing options and improved living conditions (and, perhaps, remote work culture).
Recent record-breaking immigration won’t fill all the holes, either. “It’s a question of who is leaving, and we are losing a lot of talented young people just starting out their careers,” says Moffatt. “It doesn’t help out society if people go to school here but realize that they can’t afford to live here and move out to Edmonton, where wages are the same and home prices are half as much. We desperately need these people – the ones most likely to leave – in our province.” Our cities only work if we have a robust middle class, says Moffatt. “We need to have nurses, teachers, doctors, and electricians live within the city,” he says. “There’s no point being an aging person in the city if you can’t find a personal support worker or all of the services you need.”
As for the fortunate set who already own their homes, they should care too. “On one hand, I live in a single-family, detached home, so some may think people like me benefit from housing scarcity and high prices,” says Moffatt. “But, I want my daughter to also be able to afford a home and she won’t be able to do that if housing is scarce. You may like housing scarcity as a homeowner, but you’d probably like to have a teacher at your kids’ school and nurses in the hospital. So, we can’t price the middle class out of our cities.”
Furthermore, as highlighted in RESCON’s report, employment in new residential construction has peaked and will likely fall further in the years ahead. The slowing construction of new homes could lead to widespread job losses both in the housing sector and industries linked to construction.
What needs to be done? Clearly, something. Experts agree that it comes down to cutting development charges, speeding up the permitting process, zoning reform, and better land use planning to accommodate our growing population.
“With a critical need for new housing, it is imperative that all levels of government take immediate action to boost construction by lowering taxes, fees, and levies and reducing the red tape and bureaucracy which slows the industry and adds to the cost of housing,” says Lyall. “To spur the market, we need conditions that allow builders to build houses that people can afford. Otherwise, we may be in dire straits as new home construction stalls and unemployment in the industry rises.”
RESCON’s report states that for new home sales to rebound, affordability must be restored to previous levels. This can be achieved through a combination of lower interest rates and reductions in government-imposed costs and land prices. However, both scenarios are unlikely. The report also highlights other challenges that need to be addressed, including delays in land use approvals and infrastructure development, the limited availability of developable land for builders, and stricter mortgage regulations that have reduced the borrowing capacity of buyers.
“If we lower fees, we can lower costs, more people can afford to purchase pre-construction, we get more housing starts and we increase supply,” says Sherwood.
Lyall tells STOREYS new actions could have a positive impact. “For example, the recent plan floated by the federal Conservatives to remove the sales taxes on new housing sold for under $1 million, the recent announcement that Vaughan would dramatically cut its development charges back to 2018 levels, and new efforts by the Province to further reduce red tape could all help,” he says.
The City of Toronto recently passed a package of measures to offset the cost to build crisis by reducing development costs and property taxes for a defined period — but Lyall and Sherwood say it falls short.
“This package recognized the problem, but defined the solution so narrowly that only a handful of projects could qualify – specifically the city’s own Housing Now projects,” says Sherwood. “If those projects were finding it challenging to proceed, on city donated lands with federal financial support, is it no wonder that market-rate projects for the average resident are struggling. While BILD applauds the City for taking a small step forward, we are calling for a much more comprehensive package to jump-start the estimated 30,000 stalled units in the City of Toronto alone. Addressing stalled out residential construction requires a package that delivers development charge and property tax relief for stalled purpose built rental projects and development charge relief for stalled condo projects.”
If immediate action isn’t taken, the grim reality is that we will have a serious shortage on our hands, with the crisis worsening, in the near future. There is room for optimism, however. “We have a dynamic, vibrant, and innovative homegrown residential construction sector in the GTA,” says Sherwood. “They have literally built the communities, towns, and cities of where we all live and work, and many local home builders are now some of the largest home builders across North America, building across Canada and the United States. In the right environment, with the right supportive policy framework today’s challenges are solvable and our industry can deliver.”
By Staff
December 6th, 2024
Earlier this week we celebrated Giving Tuesday
Thousands of organizations were asking for help.
Some made the target they had set out – others may not have done as well.
That doesn’t mean they aren’t worthy.
Eagles Nest, an NGA that serves Burlington and parts of Hamilton – they will help anyone who knocks on their door is looking for support.
Real Life Isn’t Perfect
 Counselling and mental health support is expensive. Eagles Nest provides low cost financially supported help.
Why is mental health so important? Because, unlike a holiday movie, real life isn’t always picture perfect.
Statistics tell us that one in five Canadians experience mental health issues. Anxiety, depression, trauma and difficult relationships are unwanted guests around many dinner tables.
Mental health issues affect not only the person, but spill out to affect relationships, families and communities.
Eagles Nest Makes Getting Help Easier
Finding affordable, local mental health services can be difficult. Eagles Nest is a registered charity that helps people care for their mental health, understand themselves and learn new tools for healthy relationships.
We provide counselling, coaching and support programs to adults, youth and children. All our services are fully subsidized or low cost because we think everyone should be able to care for their mental health.
Will You Help?
To help sustain our existing mental health services, our goal is to raise $35,000. Every $50 donated provides one hour of mental health services. A donation of $200 provides someone with a month of service.
Your donation will be appreciated. Click HERE to help
By Staff
December 4th, 2024
Hard to go wrong with an event that is labeled Art with Heart.
The event takes place December 11th, from 12:30 to 7:00 pm in the Holland Room at the Burlington Public Library
Described as a powerful and inspiring showcase celebrating creativity, resilience, and the profound connection between art and mental wellness that came out of a five-week program designed to foster self-awareness, personal growth, and empowerment through expressive arts, mindfulness practices, and reflective journaling.
Guests will have the opportunity to view powerful pieces. The displayed works, ranging from vivid paintings to intricate mixed-media pieces, provide an intimate glimpse into the participants’ journeys of self-expression and wellness. Reflecting their creative journeys, the series empowered local residents and fostered greater self-awareness, mental wellness, and resilience. Each work is a testament to the transformative impact of combining creativity and mindfulness.
By Pepper Parr
December 5th, 2024
Committed is the word I came away with after a lengthy interview with Paul Paletta, the President of Alinea, the developers that are moving forward with plans for the 120-acre King Road site, the three hundred plus acre Bronte Creek property and other notable development projects in the region. Given the magnitude of their development projects and their impact on the city over the next several decades I felt it important to sit down with Alinea’s CEO to better understand his history and vision.
Paul Anthony Paletta, the third son in a family of four boys, attended high school in Aurora and chose McGill University for his post-secondary education beginning in 1987. He graduated four years later with a Bachelor of Commerce. He wanted to study law but his father wouldn’t hear of it and so he returned to the family business. When back in the family business his father put him to work on the management of a significant part of the sales and marketing operation.
 His Father put him to work on the management of a significant part of the sales and marketing operation.
While at McGill he was invited to apply for the job of running the computer centre in the business school, an operation that employed forty students. The first sign of management skills was evident. Paul is the only one of the four boys in the family to complete a university degree.
“My Dad would call me a couple of times a week when I was at McGill asking when I was coming home – I had to explain to him that a university degree was a four-year undertaking.”
Paul is what they used to refer to as ‘a company man’ – the only organizations he has ever worked for are his family’s business. Beginning with Paletta Bros Meat Products Ltd. where he started as a nine year old boy answering the phone on Saturdays.
“They didn’t ring very often said Paul, “sometimes they didn’t ring at all and at times when they rang it was a wrong number.”
Pasquale Paletta, Pat, the name that everyone used, insisted that his children work for the company.
Pat was born in Spezzano dela Sila, Cosenza, in the very south of Italy. Like most of Europe, in 1949, Italy was struggling to recover from the Second World War. The family decided to emigrate to Canada and landed in Thunder Bay. Pat Paletta was then 18 years old; penniless, he worked at the local hospital, grain elevators and a Safeway store.
In 1951 the family moved to Hamilton where he worked in several of the local meat stores.
In 1953 Pat purchased his first cow: it was the beginning of what eventually became the largest privately owned meat packing company in eastern Canada. The first plant was in Hannon; in 1963 the family purchased property at Appleby Line and QEW in Burlington and opened a federally inspected meat packing plant in 1964.
In 1967 Pat started the real estate division which grew to become the largest employment and residential capacity in the Region and is now the single largest catalyst of economic activity in the region for the foreseeable future.
Paul was born in 1968.
The meat packing business was the foundation that allowed the Paletta’s to begin buying up property. Pat had the capacity to see over the horizon and had learned the art of identifying property that was a good long term prospect.
The Paletta’s were a Hamilton family; that is where Pat met his wife Anita; they married in 1961. The four boys, Angelo, Remi, Paul, and Michael – their sister, Gloria, who died at a very young age were raised in Burlington.
They moved to Burlington in 1964 and lived in south Burlington before eventually moving to north Burlington in 1979.
I asked Paul Paletta when he first realized his father was moving out of the meat processing business and into full-time land development.
 From the left: Michael, Remi, Anita, Pat, Angelo and Paul
“It wasn’t a sudden decision, my father had decided many years before that land was where the growth was; the meat and poultry businesses were what created the profits that allowed us to buy land.”
And buy land they did. The organization is the largest land owner in the Region.
The first serious job with the company had Paul involved in the costing of cattle for the beef processing business. “This was the point in my career where I learned from the mistakes I made and learned that hard work and reputation mattered.
“I learned from my father the importance of knowing your client and meeting their needs.”
 Paul Paletta – everything has to be thought through before he makes a decision.
In 2000 Paul was made President of Tender Choice Foods after serving as vice president for a period of time.
Tender Choice was originally a partnership known as Stoney Creek Foods . “We were silent partners at the start in 1984 and bought out the partners in 1985. The company added poultry to its product line in 1988.
Tender Choice Foods Inc. was sold to a private equity group in 2016. They did not purchase the buildings. The operated Tender Choice Foods rented space. Paletta International kept their administration offices in the building.
The company was now out of the meat and poultry business.
The offices and poultry production facilities on Paletta Court, then owned and operated by a third party, but which included the Paletta administration offices in adjacent space were totally destroyed in a December 2017 fire.
With nothing in the way of space to operate the poultry business the new owners of Tender Choice Foods declared bankruptcy.
Pat Paletta died in February of 2019
It was at this point that the direction of Paletta was in the hands of the four boys with Angelo and Paul leading; at the time Angelo was seen as the voice of the company
Differences cropped up and it became evident that a reorganization would have to take place. Paul and his brother Michael assumed ownership and control of the family business in 2021, rebranding it as Alinea with a new resolve to develop the family’s land holdings bringing new investment to Burlington.
 Bound by the rail line to the south and Hwy 403 on the north – running from King Road to the Aldershot GO station – it is the largest piece of undeveloped property in Burlington.
Much of the land the Paletta’s owned within the urban boundary was zoned as employment lands. Burlington wasn’t building all that much in the way of factories or high-rise office towers at the time.
But when changes were made to the Ontario Planning Act that changed the definition of employment lands to permit much-needed residential development, the 120 acres at King Road and at its development site off Burloak could now be fully developed. Paul and his team, and it is very much a team with a significantly different operational approach to development than his brother Angelo, knew what they wanted to do but before they made any decisions they sought the opinion of the mayor and City Council, and a wide range of other potential stakeholders. They also travelled and looked at everything they could to see what worked and what didn’t work.
Paul and his team travelled to Europe, the Middle East and throughout North America to investigate other notable mixed-use communities; particularly those with an educational component. Paul and the members of his team wanted to see what had been done to create a Live, Work, Play community – a relatively new concept to the development world – it would become a focal point for the Alinea Land Corporation.
The development of the 120 acres at 1200 King Road will, in time, shift the focus from the downtown core of Burlington to the west – closer to Hamilton.
In advancing this project Alinea took a significantly different approach. Instead of making a development application Paul and his team met with the city and asked what they would they like to see; what did they think was needed?
The City had created the Burlington Land Partnership with the intention of working with the development community going forward.
 Stakeholders, organizations that might become a part of how 1200 King Road was developed toured the site.
There were numerous tours of the 120-acre property. Groups from the Planning department toured the site; stakeholders and public interest groups walked through the property.
There are very solid working relationships with Mohawk College to look at post-secondary school opportunities.
I toured the site with Dave Pitblado, the Director, Real Estate Development – Alinea Land Corporation, and saw potential that was far beyond anything Burlington had ever seen before.
The Official Plan changes and the zoning issues had been resolved.
Alina and the city are at the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and Letters of Intent stage.
I asked Paul where the Bronte and King Road developments would be in a decade.
 Paul Paletta is quick to say that decisions have not yet been made – they wan to listen and have created some renderings to get the conversation started.
“I think it is realistic to think we could have shovels in the ground in 2026. Build out will take 10 plus years.”
“The rate at which buildings are constructed will be determined to a significant degree by market conditions.”
Burlington is committed to creating 29,000 homes by 2030 Paul expects that there will be something in the order of 9,000 residential units at King Road site ultimately, which will have a different name at some point in the future.
Paul said he could see purpose-built rental housing on the site – again dependent on market demand. If the demand for housing is not evident then we are not going to be building.
 Alinea expects there will be something in the order of 9,000 residential units at King Road site ultimately. The market will determine the rate at which construction will take place.
Paul makes a strong point when he says he is concerned that the people who are going to benefit the most from the development are not at the table – today’s high school, community college and university students.
 Alinea rests on a solid foundation: the mission is to create a more xxx perception of what the corporation will be doing in the decades ahead.
Paul is very aware of the Paletta public perception. He knows too that the past cannot be changed – but the future is going to be much different.
The ownership and leadership changes of the Paletta family business, with Angelo taking a share of the holdings and going off on his own while Paul and his brothers creating Alinea and making Alinea the kind of company Pat had always wanted is well on its way.
The legacy is important said Paul. The family has been an instrumental part of what Burlington has become and with the 1200 King Road site getting to the point where decisions will be made public Burlington will enter a new phase of its growth.
Whatever happens with the King Road site it will bind Burlington even more tightly with Hamilton, a city that has shed some, certainly not all, of its steel-making past.
The port of Hamilton reaches out to the world which opens up huge potential for the landowners in the Region.
I closed the interview asking Paul if the hockey arenas shown in the architectural renderings suggested that an NHL level team might be part of the long-range plan. Paul had little to say other than that he is a shareholder in the Ottawa Senators, which makes it a little difficult because Paul has been a Boston Bruins fan for as long as he has been interested in the game.
He sits on several of the Senator’s corporate committees and its Board and has a working relationship with NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman. He is in touch with Bill Daly, deputy commissioner and chief legal officer of the league on a regular basis. Make what you will of those connections.
It’s going to be both an interesting and exciting time for the Alinea operation.
Paul Anthony Paletta is totally committed to taking the deliberate yet cautious steps to making it happen.
Pasquale Paletta would be pleased
By Staff
December 5th, 2024
On the president-elect’s musings over Canada as 51st U.S. state, a mere 5% of Canadians are interested.
From Truth Social posts deriding the U.S. trade deficit with Canada, to this country’s fentanyl production and the resources allocated to monitoring what was once hailed as the globe’s “longest undefended border”, to dinners at Mar-a-Lago, followed by yet more Truth Social posts, this time featuring the Maple Leaf and … the Matterhorn … it has been a month of whiplash in the world of Canada-U.S. relations.
 Immigrants crossing the border into Canada with police officer watching. Pillar is the International Boundary marker
The common denominator, of course, is American president-elect Donald Trump, and his threats of a whopping 25% tariff on all Canadian exports into the U.S, tied to various complaints about this country’s actions, or perceived lacks thereof, on defense spending, border security and the drug trade.
New data from the non-profit Angus Reid Institute finds a high level of anxiety within the Canadian public when it comes to the threat and potential consequences. But Canadians stop short of asking the federal government to roll over and do entirely as Trump demands.
Overall, 86% say they’re concerned (44% “very concerned”) about the threat of tariffs from Trump. Asked how they feel the Trudeau government should approach these threats, however, half of Canadians say they prefer a hardline approach – that is, even if the tariffs are ultimately implemented, they do not feel Canada should let itself be bullied.
One in three would take a cautious approach to negotiations (33%), while one-in-10 would do whatever the U.S. demands to avoid being hit with the 25% tax on goods. Notably, the vast majority of that latter group is comprised of those who would support the Conservative Party if an election were held.
After Trudeau made his first trip to visit with Trump in his second go-round as president (though he won’t be inaugurated until January), Canadians are offering lower levels of confidence in his government than they did in 2017. At that time, 60% said they had confidence in the Trudeau government to handle Trump. Now 42% say the same.
One item spoken about by Trump and Trudeau,whether a joke or not, it is not something Canadians are willing to entertain. After Trump quipped that Canada could simply become the 51st American state to avoid any negatively impacting U.S. policies, just 5% of Canadians say they would like to see this country join the U.S.
 Gordie Howe Bridge crossing the Detroit River. Maybe it shouldn’t be completed?
By Staff
December 5th, 2024
Starting on Saturday, December 7, Lakeshore West rail service will be temporarily modified every weekend until end of service on Sunday, December 22 to allow for critical track work along the corridor.
As trackwork continues, Lakeshore West service will be adjusted on the following weekends:
December 7 and 8, 2024.
December 14 and 15, 2024.
December 21 and 22, 2024.
During the weekends listed, Lakeshore West trains will operate hourly between Union Station and West Harbour GO stations. Please check schedules before you travel as trip times on the Lakeshore West Line will be adjusted.
GO Bus connection times will also be adjusted, there may be longer than usual wait times.
- Customers connecting to GO buses on Routes 12, 15 and 18 may experience connection times from eight minutes earlier to up to 49 minutes later. Please check schedules in advance and plan your trip ahead.
More information about Lakeshore West service adjustments and alternate route options is available HERE.

By Pepper Parr
December 5th, 2024
The item was on the consent agenda, which meant it wasn’t supposed to get any attention.
 No one asked the CAO to speak to his report.
And not a single member of Council asked a single question of CAO Hassaan Basit. It was, unfortunately, a missed opportunity
Burlington’s growing and evolving economic and tourism landscapes necessitate a critical examination of how the City delivers and governs these services. Currently managed by independent boards, as part of the City’s Agencies, Boards and Commissions (ABCs), Burlington Economic Development (BED) and Tourism Burlington have historically provided adequate flexibility and autonomy to respond to local business and tourism needs.
However, changes in legislation over the years, increased economic complexity, a growing and changing population, and evolving City priorities present an opportunity to assess whether the current model continues to serve the community optimally.
A recent announcement from Halton Region indicates a shift of its economic development services to local municipalities which means a reevaluation of Burlington’s current approach. This presents both challenges and opportunities.
A periodic review of this nature helps ensure the City remains competitive, accountable, and capable of meeting stakeholder expectations.
Staff will be undertaking a review to evaluate the current structure, effectiveness, and potential integration of BED and Tourism Burlington into the City’s governance framework. This review will consider alignment with City goals, operational efficiencies, stakeholder needs, and transparency. Three potential pathways are outlined:
maintaining the status quo,
conducting a third-party review,
or proceeding with integration.
The ABC model was adopted historically to navigate restrictive legislation under the Municipal Act, which limited municipal involvement in economic development activities. These limitations included restricting the ability of municipalities to engage in certain activities that could be seen as business-related, including offering direct incentives or engaging directly in economic development activities that competed with the private sector.
These restrictions made it necessary for municipalities to operate their economic development arms externally through separate entities and, specifically to economic activities at the time, this structure offered several advantages:
- Operational Flexibility: ABCs could move more freely in responding to business needs and economic opportunities without being bound by the rigid constraints of municipal governance processes.
- Governance Autonomy: By being arm’s-length from the municipality, ABCs were seen as more able to work closely with private-sector partners and advocate for economic opportunities.
- Avoiding Legal Restrictions: The Municipal Act at the time limited municipalities from engaging in what was deemed “commercial enterprises” or providing certain types of financial incentives to businesses. ABCs provided a legal workaround by being separate entities, not directly bound by these restrictions.
Over time, legislative changes have allowed municipalities greater leeway in managing their own economic development. In particular, changes to the Municipal Act and the introduction of new regulations such as the Ontario Regulation 599/06 (Municipal Services Corporations) enabled municipalities to directly take on economic development activities.
In 2023, the City of Burlington initiated a comprehensive review to enhance its relationships with ABCs and Joint Ventures (JVs), with a focus on accountability, governance, and alignment with City objectives.
 A sleepy little office with a collection of brochures.
A significant development during this period was the proposed merger of Tourism Burlington and BED into a single independent ABC. This merger, was guided by the Joint Board Governance Steering Committee formed in late 2023. Milestones included a September 2023 Letter of Intent between TB and EcDev to explore governance integration, Council’s November 2023 receipt of an updated strategy report, and February 2024 discussions on shared operations and marketing.
There was also a Council directive in March 2024 to expedite the merger by January 2025 in order to deliver the Municipal Accommodation Tax (MAT) program (Local Board Governance – Merger of Tourism ).
In January 2025, Halton Region will cease providing economic development services, except for its Small Business Centre, transferring responsibility for these programs to local municipalities. This decision stems from legislative changes, including Bill 23 and the Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act (Bill 185). These acts have reshaped the responsibilities of Halton Region, transitioning it to an upper-tier municipality without planning duties and emphasizing local governance for services connected to economic development and land use planning.
The transfer is part of a broader regional service transition plan developed collaboratively with local municipalities, ensuring local needs guide economic development efforts.
 Population growth expected to take place in the Region.
Burlington is also experiencing steady population growth and is projected to see a continued rise in residents through 2051. As of 2021, the population was approximately 186,948, reflecting a 2% growth from 2016. This trend is expected to continue, driven by regional development plans and increased housing demands, and by 2051, Burlington’s population is expected to grow by over 40 percent.
These demographic shifts highlight the increasing demand for cohesive economic development and tourism strategies, making it essential to ensure the governance structure supporting these efforts remains agile and aligned with the city’s evolving needs. A review of Burlington’s Economic Development and Tourism framework would provide a critical opportunity to address these trends strategically and ensure that services are equipped to support long-term growth and community development.
Strategy, Process, and Risk:
The City recognizes the dedication and expertise of the current volunteer boards and their significant contributions to the objectives of Economic Development and Tourism. This review is not a reflection on the performance of the boards or staff but is intended to identify opportunities for improvement and future growth.
City staff will be commissioning a neutral, third-party review to analyze the following (this list is not exhaustive and can include additional areas of analysis):
- Historical and Legislative Context: Assessment of how legislative changes have created opportunities for in-house models.
- Service and Strategic Alignment: Evaluation of current services that BED and Tourism Burlington offer and their alignment with City priorities.
- Resource Allocation: Analysis of cost efficiencies, staffing optimization, and reduction of duplication.
- Comparative Analysis: Lessons learned from other municipalities transitioning to in- house models.
- Operational Feasibility: Examination of functions like procurement and TechPlace’s role in a restructured framework.
- Stakeholder Perspectives: Inclusion of feedback from businesses, tourism partners, and residents.
- Governance Options: Exploration of potential governance structures to support ongoing community involvement.
Options Considered:
Option 1: Maintain the Status Quo
Maintaining the current ABC model without initiating a review or pursuing integration retains the existing structure and operational practices.
Option 2: Conduct a Third-Party Revie
Commissioning a neutral, evidence-based review provides a balanced and informed approach to evaluating the current structure, understanding its strengths and gaps, and exploring the feasibility of alternatives, including integration.
Option 3: Proceed with Integration Directly
Moving forward with the immediate integration of BED and Tourism Burlington into the City’s governance framework without conducting a review.
Among these three options, maintaining the status quo provides stability but risks failing to address pressing issues of alignment, accountability, and efficiency. Proceeding directly with integration carries significant risks of missteps and operational disruption due to the lack of a thorough understanding of existing challenges and opportunities.
Conducting a third-party review stands out as the most prudent and strategic option. It allows the City to assess the current state comprehensively, consider stakeholder perspectives, and make data-driven decisions about the optimal structure for Burlington’s economic development and tourism efforts. This balanced approach ensures Burlington remains future-ready while upholding transparency and accountability to its residents, businesses, and stakeholders.
Staff have budgeted a maximum of $50,000 for a third-party review and report. Funding is included in the 2025 Corporate Affairs budget.
 Hassaan Basit: This evidence-based approach ensures decisions are aligned with Burlington’s goals of transparency, accountability, and sustainable growth.
Burlington has the ability to assess the most effective approach to its economic development and tourism functions. While the current economic development and tourism efforts seem to be generally effective, evolving legislative, operational, and strategic priorities warrant a thoughtful review. Conducting a third-party assessment offers the City an opportunity to identify strengths, address gaps, and explore the feasibility of integration without committing prematurely to structural changes. This evidence-based approach ensures decisions are aligned with Burlington’s goals of transparency, accountability, and sustainable growth. By proceeding carefully, Burlington can position itself to meet future economic and tourism challenges effectively while maintaining the trust of its stakeholders.
 Freeman Station
What the report, written by CAO Hassaan Basit, doesn’t include is pulling the Cultural arms into the mix.
The Performing Arts Centre and the Museums of Burlington serve the community and draw tourists to the city. What could also be included is the Freeman Station – if the city ever gets around to finding the keys to open the doors to the public.
Related news story:
Burlington doesn’t rank all that well on the culture scale.
By Tom Parkin
December 5th, 2024
Mortgages contracted at the ultra-low rates of 2020-22 will cost $15B a year more in payments; over-mortgaged Toronto to be the epicentre.
Individual households and the broader economy will be hurt by two million mortgages facing renewal at higher interest rates starting next year, says a November report from Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.
The pain is an echo from the interest rate hikes that started in spring 2022 after governments left it to the Bank of Canada to fix an inflation surge.
 Tania Bourassa-Ochoa
In 2025, 1.2 million fixed-rate mortgages come up for renewal and another 980,000 face renewal in 2026, according to the CMHC’s Fall 2024 Residential Mortgage Industry Report.
CMHC deputy chief economist Tania Bourassa-Ochoa found 85 per cent of these 2.2 million mortgages were previously contracted when the Bank of Canada’s policy rate was at or below 1% and were previously financed between 1% and 2% interest. The policy rate was under 1% from March 16, 2020, to April 14, 2022.
CMHC foresees $15B economic impact, but TD report draws sunnier picture

Bourassa-Ochoa believes current mortgage rates already significantly factor in expected future rate cuts by the Bank and therefore mortgage rates on five-year terms will not fall much further in 2025.
The CMHC report estimates the two million mortgage holders will collectively pay about $15 billion more a year and cites an example of a $500,000 mortgage jumping in cost by $950 each month. Affected Canadians will give priority to debt payments and essential purchases and cut back on other consumer goods, CMHC believes.
Clarification: Yesterday’s Data Shows post on electricity reported Ontario had started “no major projects” since 2018. As the post reports, Ontario has started refurbishment projects. It has started no major project to increase generation capacity.
But while the CMHC report focuses on the impact on those who borrowed during the ultra-low rates era and face renewal, a recent TD Bank report focuses on those holding mortgages contracted during the period of 5.25% peak rates and can soon renew at lower rates.
The rate peak of 5.25% ran from July 13, 2023 to June 5, 2024.
The November 20 TD Bank report contends those who contracted mortgages at the interest peak and will now renew at lower rates will offset the impact of those facing a renewal cliff enough to avoid a recession or systemic risk.
TD reports many Canadians shifted to shorter-term mortgages to be able to take earlier advantage of falling rates and the total aggregate amount Canadians spend on mortgages will now decrease by 1.2 per cent in 2025, not increase 0.5 per cent, as they previously projected.
The TD and CMHC reports highlight how different groups will experience mortgage renewal differently in 2025. No doubt these will lead to different political responses.
Toronto likely epicentre of broader economic impact
The impact epicentre of those facing a renewal cliff will be the Greater Toronto Area due to high debt levels. Lured by nearly free money between 2020 and 2022, driven by a fear of missing out, and amid a provincial failure to spur construction, many GTA households took on massive mortgages to purchase overpriced housing.
The ensuing housing crisis rapidly inflated Toronto prices throughout 2020 and 2021. And in early 2022, Toronto seized Vancouver’s long-held title of Canada’s most expensive city, according to Canadian Real Estate Association data.
But the pain won’t just be for owner-occupiers. Higher mortgage costs may cause some owner-investors to try to pass on higher financing costs to residential tenants. Others may sell investment properties, pushing condo prices, already well down from the 2022 peak, even lower. Developers may further delay project completions until prices turn up, deepening the housing shortage.
And all those hurt by the renewal cliff will carry the pain into their local economy through lower consumption, and likely already has.
Recent Statistics Canada data shows retail sales in the rest of Canada hit a new high in September while Ontario retail sales remain below a peak in February 2022. That was the month before interest rates started moving up and the Toronto housing crash started. Higher mortgage renewals certainly won’t help retail sales.
However events play out at the aggregate level, Ontario’s housing failure is deeply implicated in the province’s ongoing economic troubles, especially in the GTA. And these troubles will continue despite $60 million in publicly paid partisan advertising telling Ontarians it’s just a vibe-cession.
By Jeannie Løjstrup
December 5th, 2024
Canadian players have long since converted real money online casinos into their favorite pastime. However, in order to get the most out of your gaming experience, you need to know key concepts such as Return to Player. RTP is a metric that can make or break your successes and experience in a game in a casino.
For instance, real money casino in Canada like SurfPlay offer Canadian players a safe and wide variety of gaming platforms to choose from, while maximum gaming options involving high RTPs are available. Testament to this is that these platforms are transparent and fair meaning players can play their favorite games without strain.
What Is RTP?
 RTP (Return to player) is the yield that a game is predicted to return to the people over time. It’s a theoretical figure
In a casino, RTP (Return to player) is the yield that a game is predicted to return to the people over time. It’s a theoretical figure based on millions of spins or rounds, and it shows you roughly how much of your wagered money you’re going to win back.
Let’s say that one slot game has an RTP of 96%, this implies that it will pay back on average $96 for every $100 bet. Of the remaining percentage—4% in this case—the house edge is how much the casino profit margin is.
Why Is RTP Important for Canadian Players?
This allows Canadian players to understand RTP, and make use of it by making informed decisions about which games to play. Here’s why RTP matters:
 The fun and excitement of winning
Informed Choices
The higher the RTP percentage of the game, the better the returns it will offer to players over time.
Managing Expectations
RTP predicts the real chances of getting the pay, offering players realistic expectations of how much they should win.
Fairness and Transparency
RTP values are displayed for the sake of fairness on reliable online casinos like SurfPlay in order to gain their players’ trust in Canada or wherever they may be playing.
Maximizing Value
Players who choose games with competitive RTPs play longer, and their bankrolls may last longer, there are some things that you should consider when choosing your games.
RTP in Popular Casino Games
There are different ranges of RTP for different casino games, depending on their rules and mechanics.
1. Slots
The RTP slots are from 90% to 98%. The high value games are games with RTPs higher than 96% for the player. Popular examples include:
2. Blackjack
 Blackjack is a game you can play with more than 99% RTP
High RTP is associated with Blackjack, where you can play with more than 99% RTP if you play Blackjack with optimum strategy. Some variants include the best returns such as Classic Blackjack and Atlantic City Blackjack.
 RTP in roulette depends on the variation:
3. Roulette
RTP in roulette depends on the variation:
European Roulette: 97.3%
American Roulette: 94.74% (Due to the extra double zero)
4. Video Poker
With perfect strategy, video poker games such as Jacks or Better can have RTPs up to 99.54% and these kinds of games can be a real favorite for strategists.
So, How do you Identify High-RTP Games
1. Check Game Details
There’s nothing to be ashamed of; transparent casinos such as SurfPlay list RTP values in the game descriptions, stating clearly what percentage of your bet is expected to be paid out
2. Read Reviews
Regulars often prefer to take note of RTP (Returns to Player) of popular games in online reviews.
3. Test Games
The majority of online casinos will provide a demo version of a game where the player can try mechanics and RPT performance with no real money wagered.
Misconceptions About RTP
While RTP is a useful tool, it’s important to understand its limitations:
RTP Is a Long-Term Metric
This is a very useful RTP percentage because it was based on millions of rounds, and individual gaming sessions will not show these averages.
No Guarantee of Winnings
Having a high RTP doesn’t promise you a high frequency of wins. All it really means is the game is designed to return a specific percentage to players over time.
Variance Matters
A game with high variance (volatility), often a high RTP, will provide you with fewer frequent wins. Understanding variance is important — if you can find out what is being paid out for variance, then you can match your game style to the right game.
RTP and Responsible Gaming
RTP can be used to foster responsible gambling practices. Here’s how:
- Set Realistic Goals: Knowing RTP allows players to get a realistic idea of what level of return to expect, thus minimizing the likelihood of running after losses.
- Choose Budget-Friendly Games: How to play RTP games is so simple that players can even play them for hours without ending up with an empty wallet.
- Play for Entertainment: Enjoy the game more, not just the wins. RTP guarantees you fairness, but nothing can predict a winner or a loser of a game. A gaming outcome can be randomly found anywhere.
No matter what is their gambling interest and a good reason that makes them want to have fun, Canadian players looking for real money casinos to play into should definitely start with learning what RTP is. Luckily, by highlighting games with competitive RTPs, one can find a balance. Plus with trusted platforms such as SurfPlay, players can enjoy the fun without fear.
Not only does RTP guarantee fairness, but it also gives players the opportunity to make strategic choices that reflect their aspirations and budget at play. Whether you’re spinning the reels on a high RTP slot or strategizing at the blackjack table, knowing this most important metric could equal as much as an additional 100x your buy-in.
By Pepper Parr
December 4th, 2024
Each year, Culture Days recognizes communities from across the country for their dedication and efforts with the Top Participating Communities listing. Hailing from large urban centres, towns, and rural areas alike, each community is a recognized champion of arts, culture, and creativity.
Culture Days is a national arts and culture campaign in Canada that takes place in the fall. It’s a non-profit organization that aims to:
Build a network of cultural connections
Provide opportunities for Canadians to participate in and appreciate all forms of art and culture
Raise awareness of the importance of arts and culture in communities.
The organization released some rankings data.
Let’s take a look at the data. In the Overall category Oakville, Milton and Halton Hills ranked in the top 10. That amounted to three of the four Regional municipalities being ranked with Winnipeg and Toronto – not too shabby at all. In the Mid-size cities, Burlington ranked 9th out of the ten.
What’s behind the data? Why does Burlington rank so poorly? The biggest reason could be that the city Recreation, Community and Culture staff don’t seem to really get behind the Culture Days program; Culture doesn’t seem to rank with Community and Recreation.
Unfortunate for a city that has a Performing Arts Centre and a Student Theatre.
By Eric Stern
December 4th, 2024
Five precious minutes, that’s it, that’s all the time a taxpayer is allowed at a council meeting. I spoke to Council on November 25th, 2024. Following the meeting, Counsellor Nisan posted this on the LinkedIn social media platform.
 Ward 3 Councillor Rory Nisan
“A lot of frankly unacceptable comments were made today by a delegation, disrespecting our excellent City of Burlington staff. Not only were they unfair but also misinformed. At the time I was focused on the written submission and should have spoken up.”
During my time I raised three issues.
1 – What is the tax increase
I was disheartened when Hassan Basit presented the “overall” tax increase as 4.97% on November 4th, when the police services budget had been released on October 30th, and the “overall” tax increase was known to be at least 5.76%. I wondered aloud if Mr. Basit had misrepresented the truth. If I had been talking to friends about Basit’s statement I would have used words other than misrepresent.
I did not misrepresent any of these numbers or dates.
The Burlington budget book states facts such as the “Net City Tax Levy” is increasing by 8.3% and Burlington taxes on existing homeowners will increase by 7.51%.
An honest presentation of the tax increase would say that Burlington is increasing its portion of your tax bill by 7.51% and total taxation by 8.3%. I maintain that the numbers the city shares, the 4.97% or 5.76% increase numbers, misrepresent the facts but I don’t work for the city and I’m not Councillor Nisan.
If someone wants to tell me that the 8.3% increase in tax revenue, shown on page 17 in the 2025 budget is wrong I am happy to listen
 Eric Stern – BRAG spokesperson
After I delegated Councillor Nisan asked the CFO, Craig Millar, what the tax increase was and, using a word salad, Millar answered with something like 3.76%. Nisan accepted his answer without question. Delegates are not allowed to ask questions so that’s it. The culture at city hall has devolved to the point where if the “CFO said 3.76%” it must be true. Who cares what’s on page 17 of the budget book.
2 – City of Burlington website statistics
On November 18th Leah Bortolotti spoke, in council chambers and on video, about 6.7 million people visiting the website annually. The 2025 Burlington budget states, on page 48, “our website—with its 1.5 million annual users”.
I stated that only 200,000 people live in Burlington. I may have misrepresented the population of the city. The population is difficult to track, it’s not like a website where software keeps track of visitors, users, and IP addresses for you. I publicly apologize for any misrepresentation of the population number.
Using Ms. Bortolotti’s number, if 6.7 million people are visiting the website maybe we can collect $1 a year from those millions of people, who must live outside of the city, to offset costs.
Another idea is that staff tell city councillors and the public how many residents visit the website, and how often. The 6.7 million number is being used to justify a web marketing SEO position. In the context of hiring another full-time staff member at a cost of at least $148,000 a year, residents should be told how many people use the website to book recreation, pay parking tickets, or look for information. Council Bentivegna was the only council to question the 6.7 million number but staff did not provide any additional details.
 Eric Stern at the lectern in Council Chambers
3 – I spoke about our mayor’s story of bus drivers quitting for higher pay and how this was not reflected in the turnover numbers that staff presented to the council and the public on November 18th as being 5.3%, with over 3% of those people leaving due to retirements. I stated that this is lower than comparative private-sector numbers and “This indicates the city has the right mix of salary, benefits and working conditions. An average, across-the-board, salary increase of 4.58% when inflation is 2.5% sounds high.” Inflation is difficult to predict so I may have misrepresented the inflation number. I wanted to say a normal reaction to bus drivers leaving to work in other cities is to increase the wages or salaries of bus drivers. I did not say that because there was not enough time and I apologize if I misrepresented a common private sector approach to this problem.
Considering the somewhat glaring errors the BRAG team found in the budget, the 14 pages of issues we submitted for follow-up, and the confusing information from the city on tax increases, website users, and pay raises. Nisan’s comment that I was “disrespecting our excellent City of Burlington staff” rings hollow. It is time for Council and staff to start respecting residents and taxpayers.
Eric Stern is one of the founders of BRAG – Burlington Ratepayers’ Action Group
By Eric Stern
December 4th, 2024
The Burlington Residents’ Action Group (BRAG) learned very quickly that if you put six people in a room and ask a question you’ll get six different answers. Worse still, five of those answers won’t agree with mine.
Our goal is to represent the community and one way to do that is through surveys. I know that the GetInvolved Burlington website also does this. I’ve found the city surveys to be long on questions and short on important details like costs. We’ve tried to keep our surveys short and quick. Results are/will be posted on the BRAG website and, when possible, shared with our council.
“Pausing” the Sound of Music Festival (SOM) hit me as a major decision with impacts on the entire city. The city shared a meeting agenda on Wednesday or Thursday before a meeting the following Monday (December 2, 2024).
We put together our survey before the Burlington Gazette reported that the $95,000 unpaid debt the SOM Festival has is to the city in the form of unpaid invoices. I read this to mean that when city staff perform a service for the festival the city invoices the festival. This is a reasonable business practice but also very different than a $95,000 bank loan with unpaid interest piling up. I updated the survey on Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024 to include this new information.
You can read/fill out the survey here:
Here are the results of the survey

- 1% want to have a temporary pause meaning no SOM in 2025.
- 25% of people clearly choose the option to scale down SOM.
- 5% of people clearly want SOM to continue without changes.
This means 62.5% of respondents want to see some form of the Sound of Music Festival in 2025.
Fourteen people did not choose one of the three options and instead commented.
Here are the comments.
Why is every option allowing SOM to not pay back the money council gave them? None of the above. Pay the money back with interest and no more SOM festivals unless they SOM can fund them themselves. |
SoM repay all money owed and cancel any further grants if that’s how they run their business |
Remove all funding until they can prove to run without it. |
Have SOM pay back everything owed over longer timescale, host smaller event. |
The time has come to realize that big is not best and if they cannot be self sustaining then its time to mothball the Sound of Music Festival |
Fold it |
Option 3 with added stipulation that no further deficits are allowed from 2025 onward. All spending must have proven and defined funding. |
Gated Access. $5.00 per adult entrant |
Going to need a better breakdown of their budget for 2025 before making a decision. Seems way too vague. |
The Sound of Music must not be cancelled. Period. Work out something to please the majority, but it is too much of a good thing to be cancelled even for one year. |
More of a business versus more something-for-nothing approach would be a good start. |
No further SOM until amount owing + interest is paid in full & future festivals have a feasibility study |
No forgiveness and no grant |
SoM has seen better days… |
Knowing that the $95,000 debt is internal money and not a loan from a bank may have changed the results.
Many people added comments:
How much profit does local businesses make the weekend of Sound of Music? |
Sound of music is at the heart of what Burlington is. We should be striving for more events, not less. |
You guys are spending $40 MILLION on a single ice rink at the Skyway Community Center! How much is that place going to cost to operate? Including debt it must be at least $4M a year. Or if the ice is used 1000 hours a year, $4000 an hour (even including an hourly rental fee of $500 doesn’t help the math).
But $90K is too much to maintain a cultural institution? Lets be real, the Sound of Music is significantly more valuable to the City of Burlington than a single ice rink. |
Money needed for more important things! |
If Sound of Music is loosing money, Taxpayers should not have to pay for it period. Most people who attend this event are from our of town and do not have to pay for operations or expenses. |
Spend more money on it not less, the bigger talent brings more people. The talent has sucked. Also consider all the money the small businesses downtown lose out on if you don’t run it. Option 2 is a slap in the face to the entire city. |
How did the festival go from a multi million dollar festival to hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt. Sounds like mismanagement and the board should be held accountable for repaying tax payers money! |
I felt for a while the weekend was getting too big and unfocused. Return more to its roots. Close less of Brant St. |
There is no such thing as a free anything. Over the past few years the SOM has cost the taxpayer money. This taxpayer money could be better spent. Time to move on – times change and people are not prepared to come and pay to attend this festival. |
SOM should continue annually including 2025. It should be affordable to all entrants with a $5.00 entrance fee plus a Food Bank item per adult. There should also be a Seniors VIP Event as in a previous year! Seniors would gladly pay an additional entrance fee featuring Burlington restaurants food and paid alcoholic beverages. |
The festival needs to be reimaged and refocused on not being a headline festival, but back to a community event. |
This Festival is an Icon of Burlington Heritage….surely the city has pet projects of lessor stature that could be reduced. |
SOM should charge admission imho.It has been sold as a tourism draw without any hard evidence.Most come from Burlington and nearby towns.
I would also like to see the RibFest moved out of our park. |
I enjoy downtown more when it’s not crowded with garbage all over. I’d prefer money to go to improving the city and services within it. |
Option 3 costs taxpayers the least of all options, but why can’t that option also include “”Going forward, all future grants would be contingent upon the establishment of a detailed service level agreement, incorporating principles from the recently endorsed Accountability Framework, to ensure clear expectations and accountability moving forward.” |
2024 sound of music was a disaster. Poor choice of artists and little reason to attend otherwise. AIM the music for the 25-40 year old range and I bet you would get a much better turn out. If the the sound of music continues to cater to the 50+ range I don’t see it making money. The budget for 2025 is so vague I don’t see how I could make an informed decision. |
Looks like it’s time for a scaled back version of SOM. Perhaps less days, 2 maybe. |
Why are you debating spending $250k on a festival so many people attend when there are so many other options to save money? |
Love SOM but seems like more financial discipline is required vs losses experienced in 2024 despite record attendance. BOD sounds to be on right track but needs to deliver their promise |
Maybe if SOM invested in more popular main events for youth instead of older canadian rock artists we would get a better turnout and more revenue? |
Hopefully you will scale down or eliminate other unnecessary happenings in Burlington. All these events are nice to have however we need to tighten our belts as households are having a tough time managing finances. |
COB needs to pick a lane or get out of the way. What is the value proposition of the S.O.M.? The SOM’s value proposition being the sum total of the full mix of benefits or economic value that it need to deliver to the current and future customers/patrons (not COB) who will buy (versus get for free) the products (merchandise) and/or services (music and atmosphere in this case). S.O.M. is somewhat of a brand, but they need an overall marketing strategy |
We need to make this thing work. This is a huge draw for the core, and a point of pride for the city. Cut elsewhere to find the money to support this event short term, plan to make it self sufficient in the future (bigger sponsorship deals, higher vendor fees, solicit donations throughout the weekend and at the parade.) |
Please don’t cancel the festival. It’s one of the things that keeps me proud of this city |
The loss of revenue to the businesses in Burlington if the event was cancelled would be devastating. As well as the loss of community to all those that attend. |
There is a huge cost local businesses by cancelling and it will be hard to bring it back |
– reduce the grant for next year from $150,000 to $105,000 and use the $40K to pay down the $125,000 loan
150000-105000 is 45 000
Where’d did that 5000 go? |
Why is the city making so many new hires |
My favourite event of the year, please don’t cancel! |
Sound of Music is very valuable to the community, but has grown to the point it is too large for the location and the organizers are not able to control the cost structure. Scaling back the number of stages and performers, while still keeping the overall ethos and retaining all of the core revenue-generating activities would be advisable to keep this festival sustainable without depending on additional funding from taxpayers. It really should be making money for local charities. Need to increase the margins on food, drink & merch. |
We love sound of music and look forward to it yearly |
Charge a nominal admission to recover costs and prevent future losses. |
Personally, I think the major change occurred when the professional hired staff came onboard a number of years back. They instituted the paid/ticketed prefest the week or two before. The purpose was to help raise funds for the larger 4 day event in the middle of June. So what went wrong? Was this not the fund raising success that it was touted to be? (It would of costs of its own to stage)
What was the cause of the riff or major falling out between the strong, loyal and hard working corps of volunteers and this hired paid for staff?
The atmosphere of the festival really has changed… it used to have a real family feel to it. Then it changed… really skewing to a younger aged crowd, and forgetting the older demographic. |
pay the loans back No forgiveness [period |
Scale it down for sure. Getting too big for the venues and the parking/traffic. Also need to charge an admission fee to all. The days of a “free” SOM are over. |
If they can’t make a profit in 2025, then cancel future years. |
Don’t cancel the event.. So many people enjoy that event. |
The benefit to the city overall is much greater than the small costs presented here. Hotels, restaurants, AirBnB’s, local vendors, residents, employees, and volunteers all benefit from this fantastic event. We have attended for years and attend every day if we can. 3 days out of 4 this past year. Very well run. We are VERY lucky to have this event in Burlington. |
By Pepper Parr
December 4th, 2024
Alexandra Petri, a Washington Post columnist didn’t think President-Elect Donald Trumps comment about annexing Canada and making it the American 51st state was a joke
The headline on her December 4th, column read – I’m not afraid to say it: Annexing Canada is not a good idea.

Petri explains: “This all started when Trump threatened to add 25 percent tariffs to all goods coming from Canada. Then, according to Fox News, Justin Trudeau objected on the grounds that this idea was stupid, so Trump said that if Canada didn’t like it, it could become our 51st state. And then there was “nervous laughter.”
In an attempt to put some spin on the issue, which the Trudeau government wants to get off the front page, Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc said the incoming president’s suggestion was said in jest.
“The president was telling jokes, the president was teasing us. It was of course on that issue in no way a serious comment,” LeBlanc told reporters on his way into a cabinet meeting.
Don’t you just love the way the politicians try to get your mind off an issue and onto something else?
It’s never going to happen – what the comment revealed is that Trump is totally out of control and we are going to have to put up with the man until at least November of 2026.
Burlington’s Steve Warner doesn’t share that view. He maintains that: “Unfortunately, around 2050 or so, Canada will be annexed by the USA. It will be for the vast supply of fresh water which Canada has, and the land that will be needed to house the many US refugees, from rising sea levels. People will poo poo this but it is going to happen unless Putin blows the world up in the next few years.”
By Nicolai Ryan Klausen
December 5th, 2024
Looking around with consideration to the trend for cryptocurrencies, one will note evidence that sports betting received enormous changes. Simply said, placing sports bets with cryptos attracts great attention among avid bettors due to several apparent reasons: the main peculiarities are quicker processing, added privacy and global reach – crypto sporting bets are gradually shaping gambles from the inside out. The article discusses the key differences between crypto sports betting and traditional betting, throwing light on the accompanying benefits and challenges of this new face of betting.
Speed and Efficiency: Instant Transactions with Crypto
 The speed of the block chain transaction marks a big change.
One of the most striking differences, which sets crypto sports betting far apart from regular sports betting, has to do with the speed of the transaction. Traditional means of payment, including credit cards, bank transfers and e-wallets, can easily take several days, both for deposits and withdrawals, thus delaying the punters who want to join the action.
On the other side, Placing sports bets with crypto enables near-instant transaction times. Cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, are decentralized systems where the processing of transactions may take just minutes. Such immediacy makes it easier for bettors to deposit funds, place their bets and withdraw their winnings instead of waiting for extended periods. The speed advantage is mainly seen in live betting when events unfold and bettors should act fast.
Lower Fees and More Cost-Effective Transactions
Yet another great benefit of crypto sports betting has to do with reduced transaction fees compared to traditional methods. With these traditional sites, each time you deposit, some bookies will charge you for every withdrawal, while many more will charge on currency conversion. Some may have a fee per transaction when it comes to credit cards or banking transfers, or one could incur currency exchange fees.
Another huge advantage of using crypto to place sports bets is much lower transaction fees. This is because blockchain can execute quicker transfers without the involvement or mediation of a bank or any other form of payment processor. Consequently, a bettor can afford to save some money on every transaction, making crypto betting much more cost-effective for them in the long run.
Privacy and Security: A More Secure Betting Experience
 Crypto currency transactions get encrypted and go through block-chain technologies, hence an additional layer of protection.
In any online transaction, security and privacy are always a concern; this is especially true when it comes to sports betting. Traditional betting platforms require the punter to give out private information, such as credit card details or bank account numbers, which are easily susceptible to data breaches or fraud.
On the other hand, placing sports bets with crypto enhances privacy and security. Cryptocurrency transactions get encrypted and go through blockchain technologies, hence an additional layer of protection. Since most platforms do not ask for sensitive information about a person, crypto sports betting offers the possibility to place wagers much more securely and anonymously. This already appeals to those bettors who want to leave their identity private and are concerned about it in online gambling.
Global Accessibility: Bet From Anywhere in the World
Traditional sportsbooks have largely been hampered by regional restrictions to do with licensing laws. In some cases, bettors from certain countries may not be allowed to use a particular platform or might face some limitations regarding the types of bets they are allowed to make. Furthermore, there are also currency restrictions that may further limit international participation in traditional sports betting.
Crypto sports betting has global accessibility. In nature, cryptocurrency is decentralized and considering how so long as there is access to an internet connection and one has a digital wallet, anyone across the world can bet on whatever. In this respect, crypto sports betting sites grant access to users with limited regional access to classic sportsbooks and enable them to use almost any variety of betting sites. The borderless nature of cryptocurrency has made crypto sports betting appealing to many international players.
The User Experience: Simplicity and Innovation in Crypto Sports Betting
Most of the old betting sites have somehow frustrating processes for registration, comprising long-term verification processes that torture a lot of new bettors. Too often, these verification means include submission of proof for one’s identity and address, which contributes to tiring account creation along with access to betting itself.
With crypto sports betting, the process is often much easier. Most do not require nearly as much personal information and one can create an account and start placing bets in a very short amount of time. Often, placing a sports bet with crypto is as simple as linking a cryptocurrency wallet and making a deposit. Furthermore, the integration of cryptocurrencies often leads to innovative features such as provably fair games that increase trust and transparency in the system.
The Future of Crypto Sports Betting
 Crypto sports betting will no doubt attract more and more bettors from across the globe.
Crypto sports betting will continue to be one of the most popular applications as more and more people start using cryptocurrencies. The continued development of blockchain technology may bring further enhancements to the sports betting experience, such as faster transaction times, improved security and even greater transparency.
Furthermore, the rise in DeFi platforms may also extend into the future of crypto sports betting. The more accustomed punters become to dApps, the more we are going to see such platforms without traditional operators offering unique betting opportunities.
Crypto sports betting ensures access, security and efficiency, hence making the aspect quite exciting in the gambling world and its growth and development will no doubt attract more and more bettors from across the globe.
By Pepper Parr
December 4th, 2024
It shouldn’t happen but it could happen.
The Conservative Opposition in the House of Commons has blocked the government’s legislative agenda since the last week of September.
 Pierre Poilievre wants an election – the sooner the better.
The Opposition has a serious responsibility to oppose a government – but freezing the normal day to day business of a government is as irresponsible as you can get.
The Conservatives plan to introduce a motion on Thursday and the debate and vote are set for Monday.
 Singh has said he will not support a Non-confidence Motion
NDP leader Singh says he is not going to vote non-confidence and trigger an election. If that happens the Non-confidence Motion will fail.
The House is due to rise on December 17th, and return on the 27th of January, 2025
That means there will not be (but you never know with this current bunch of Members of Parliament) an election called until sometime in the New Year.
The next federal election will take place on or before October 20, 2025,
By the time the House of Commons returns President-Elect Donald Trump will have been sworn in as President – and no one knows what he will do. Few see any rays of sunshine coming out of Washington during the first couple of months.
How bad can it get? Wait and see.
The good news is – the federal government is going to lift the GST tax and send you all a check for $250 and the provincial government will send you a check for $200.00
By Pepper Parr
December 4th, 2024
There is a change taking place. The signs are there.
One of those signs is the news that the Ontario New Democratic Party raised $825K in 60 Days, More Donors than Conservatives and Liberals Combined
 New Democrat party leader and Leader of the Opposition in the Legislature – Marit Stiles
“The funds came from 15,640 contributions, showcasing the growing trust Ontarians are placing in Marit Stiles and the NDP to replace Doug Ford’s Conservatives after six years of schemes and scandals.
“The Ontario NDP’s strong grassroots support, with an average contribution of $52, underscores growing confidence in Marit Stiles’ positive vision for the province and her campaign for a government that will build homes, hire doctors, fix schools, and make life more affordable.
“This isn’t just about numbers. It’s about people—thousands of Ontarians stepping up because they believe we can build a province where everyone has a chance to thrive,” said Ontario NDP Provincial Director Kevin Beaulieu. “This grassroots strength is what sets our movement apart—it’s driven by everyday Ontarians who are ready for a change.”
All these comments come from the communications people at the NDP offices; that is their job – to tell their story.
Your job is to listen, keep yourself informed, and make an informed decision when the time comes to cast a ballot.
The past two months are part of an ongoing streak of fundraising success for the Ontario NDP. Since Marit Stiles began her campaign to defeat Doug Ford in the next election, the party has raised a total of $8 million—an unprecedented achievement for an Official Opposition in Ontario.
 Oliver Parker on the left speaks to a resident during his door-to-door campaign asking people to sign up as Liberals and vote for him when the nominee is determined. Andrea Grebenc has a bigger public profile and is campaigning as well. The nominee will be selected on December 15th
In Burlington, the Liberals are heading towards the occasion when they will select their candidate. Andrea Grebenc and Oliver Parker are seeking the Liberal nomination – that decision will be made on December 15th.
The Progressive Conservatives do not yet have a candidate for the election that many expect to take place sometime in Q1 or Q@ of 2025. Natalie Pierre announced recently that she will not run for the Burlington seat in the Legislature.
The Progressive Conservatives have yet to announce when they will begin the process of selecting their candidate.
While the NDP has done very well in raising funds – the Burlington NDP association has yet to say a word about what their plans are.
By Tom Parkin
December 4th, 2024
Ontario’s current private electricity contracts and public generating capacity will be insufficient to meet growing demand starting in 2029, according to a recent report from the Independent Electricity System Operator, the crown agency that manages Ontario’s grid.
The IESO report cites new industrial demand from data centres and steel mills as key drivers of higher electricity demand. The federal and provincial governments have provided billions in public investment to switch steel mill furnaces off coked coal to electricity, an effort now underway.
According to the United Steelworkers Union’s Canadian director, cleaner production should become a competitive advantage for Canadian steel jobs.
Looming electricity gap poses a risk to jobs
But while Ontario jobs are increasingly demanding and dependant on electricity, supply isn’t forecast to keep up.
A long-known impact on Ontario’s generating capacity comes from scheduled refurbishments of major generating stations.
At the Bruce Nuclear Generating Station, which supplies about 30 per cent of Ontario’s power, one generator is currently being refurbished and will remain offline until 2027. Four more generators will be refurbished over the next five years.
The entire Pickering Nuclear Generating Station, which supplies about 14 percent of Ontario’s electricity, will be offline for scheduled refurbishment from the end of 2026 until the mid-2030s.
No supply or demand initiative ready to fill the looming gap
Although rising demand and scheduled refurbishments have been long-known, one of the PCs’ first priorities after election in 2018 was to scrap new power projects, including some already under construction, costing taxpayers $213 million. No major projects have been started since the PCs’ election six years ago.
 Premier Ford has been talking about cleaning up the hydro mess for years – but hasn’t managed to get much done.
The Ford PCs have publicly mused about a Bruce station expansion, but that’s not a solution for 2029. Consultations, licensing and construction would take 10 to 15 years.
Strategies to cut demand are also lagging. Evaluations of the province’s Conservation and Demand Management Framework, which provides incentives to consumers to become more energy efficient, have shown its initiatives have been effective, but the current plan expires at the end of this month without a new plan of additional incentives approved and in place.
 Keeping the flow of electricity going will become much harder when there isn’t enough electricity available to meet the coming demand.
And while a gap looms, filling it with imported power has become more difficult due to big reductions in hydroelectricity available from Quebec.
Todd Smith, who served as minister since 2021, was shuffled out of the energy portfolio this summer, and replaced by Stephen Lecce. The switch suggests Ontario’s electricity gap has moved past being a policy challenge and is now being considered a crisis communications issue.
Stephen Lecce, Minister of Energy and Electrification announced a media event today at 9:00 am. He will be joined by Sam Oosterhoff, Associate Minister of Energy-Intensive Industries, to provide remarks.
By Staff
December 3rd, 2024
 I offered them a chance to bring forward a confidence vote and they voted it down.
Speaking in the House of Commons today Burlington MP Karina Gould, who is the Government House Leader said:
“You just can’t trust anything these Conservative MPs say. We are offering Canadians a tax break for the holidays and the Conservatives voted against it.
“I offered them a chance to bring forward a confidence vote and they voted it down.
“Time and time again we see them talk a big game but when it comes down to it, they can’t deliver. In contrast, we are delivering a tax break for Canadians this holiday and moving forward with important measures to help make your life a little bit easier and a little bit more affordable, even as Conservatives play their ridiculous partisan games.”