Commisso undergoes an hour long grilling over his performance - council decides to exercise the provisions of his contract

By Pepper Parr

July 12th, 2022



We reported earlier today that the Mayor had some “Urgent Business” on the Agenda which she wanted to revise.

After a bit of time on some procedural stuff Council did go into CLOSED SESSION, stayed there for a bit over and hour and came out with a motion that read:

Direct the executive director of human resources to execute on the performance clause in accordance with the city manager’s employment contract.

The public has never seen the contract – they are rarely made public.  It is clear now that there was a “performance clause”

Councillor Kearns was the first to comment on the motion saying:

Councillor Kearns was chosen as the person who would speak to the decision made on the Commisso contract.

“This motion is a strong signal, although it is contained within a contract. It’s a strong signal about accountability and responsiveness to deliver results for the constituents that we serve. We know that this happens from the very very top and the very, very top also sets culture and objectives and we’ve moved from a year to year to a four year to a much longer view.

“And the objectives that are set out with the city manager, you know, are very much tied to those. So what this reflects is us having the ability to carry out and execute on a section within his contract that is directly tied to performance and it is our role through our governance roles to make sure that we are asking for and having those deliverables met and also stretching out to performance development.

“So this really is something I’m quite proud to support as anyone who has been watching along we did have quite a long time have a very robust dialogue and all of that dialogue centered around how we can all together serve our constituents in the best way possible. So I am of course pleased to support this and I have it seconded by Councillor Sharman.”

There were no other speakers.  The Mayor added “we appreciate the work you do for us, Tim and subjecting yourself to a review like all others in the corporation have to go through is leadership by example. We had a thorough discussion, and we’re happy to have you.

A recorded vote was required – the decision to approve the motion was passed unanimously.

At the close of the meeting Tim spoke for a moment and said this assignment is the one he is most proud of in his municipal career.

There were clearly issues with at least some of what Commisso was getting done and what wasn’t getting done.

The Mayor was not exactly effusive with her comments.  As the seconder Sharman made no comment.

What was it that made this matter one of “Urgent Business” ?  Something.

We have some information but the source would be identified were we to publish.  The practice of keeping everything under wraps is never healthy – but that is the route this cancel is taking

Related news story:

Council agenda get revised to handle some Urgent Business

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Something is up - Council in closed session to Review City Manager performance - outside counsel taking part

By Staff

July 12th, 2022



Two items were added to the City Council meeting Tuesday afternoon as “Urgent Business”

The Mayor revised the Agenda to bring these two items to the top of the Agenda because outside counsel was to take part

They two items are:


Integrity Commissioner RFP/Contract Approval

Re-Appoint Principles Integrity as the Integrity Commissioners for the City of Burlington and its local boards pursuant to section 223.3(1) of the Municipal Act for a term to December 31, 2026.

Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement and any ancillary documents between the City of Burlington and Principles Integrity for integrity commissioner services, in a form satisfactory to the Executive Director of Legal Services and Corporation Counsel.


Confidential verbal update regarding City Manager Performance Review

Pursuant to Section 239(2)(b) of the Municipal Act, personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees.


It would be hard to come up with a reason for outside Counsel to be involved in the issuing of a new contract for the services of an Integrity Commissioner – but one never knows.

The second item – a Performance Review of the City Manager and the job he has done.  The review is a normal part of how municipalities operate – by why a need for outside counsel?

It will be interesting to see what comes out of the Closed Session.

Has Tim Commisso finally had enough and wants out of his contract and has a lawyer in the room?

Something is up!



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Has Kimberley Calderbank taken the first step to running for office in 2022 ?

By Pepper Parr

July 12th, 2022



Is this the first step[p into entering the race for the ward 2 council seat?

The line in an item on the LinkedIn platform read:

Is Kimberly Calderbank getting ready to get back into politics ?

Looking to hire a Coordinator.
Work from home/Virtual opportunity.
The candidate will work with both Yellow Robot Marketing and Black Robot (Print shop).
Detail-oriented, and experienced. Positive, can-do attitude.
Tasks may include –
Liaise with clients
Coordinate print schedule
Review/Proof-read social media posts and schedule
Source opportunities for speaking engagements/business growth
Excellent customer service.
Past work experience with not-for-profit/charity is a great asset.
Please email your interest/resume to

I never saw the Yellow Robot operation as a not for profit – it is certainly a going concern.

The background story might be that Kimberly Calderbank is bringing in some administrative help to free up the time she will need if she decides to challenge Lisa Kearns for the ward 2 city council seat.

It will be a much smaller list of candidates in 2022

In the years since the 2018 municipal election Kimberly has grown professionally. She serves as the media lead for the Halton Police Services Board and for the Ontario Police Services Board. She does media for the Food4Life and was a Cogeco commentator during the Sound of Music parade.

Kimberly Calderbank has an itch for public service. This may be the year she makes a move.  She once told this reporter that she wanted at some point in time to be Mayor of the city.

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School board trustee Leah Reynolds hangs up her spurs - passes the torch

By Pepper Parr

July 12th, 2022



For Leah Reynolds it was always about the students

After 8 years of public service Leah Reynolds said: “I’m retiring at the end of the school board term.”

“I have decided not to run in the 2022 Municipal Election.

I’m humbled and grateful to have served as a Trustee for the Halton District School Board (HDSB) and represented students and families from the Aldershot and Downtown Burlington Communities (Wards 1 and 2) these last 8 years.

“I want to express my thanks to the constituents who allowed me to represent them at the HDSB board table. My gratitude goes out to all my volunteers and supporters who inspired me and did everything they could to get me elected.

“My decision to step up and get involved was because schools are the heart of our community. As a parent, I advocated and volunteered for well over 20 years, including as a council member and school chair. I volunteered for in-school reading, and nutrition programs. I was active in community projects that included fundraising for playground equipment and auditorium renewals.

“Those early years provided a solid foundation for me to serve eight years as your Trustee. I am proud to deliver on my commitment for improvements to the future of high school programming, with support for skills trades, and a solid plan for school amalgamations that included transitioning and expanded programming for students with special needs.

“While these last few years have been the most challenging, I supported changes always with the lens of student achievement and well-being. Leading through a pandemic, I did my best within the limits of what we were provided. I was so proud to have been part of a system that shifted our collective focus to improving wellness, equity, and inclusion, and increased awareness of Indigeneity and the environment. We did this while encouraging innovative new approaches to how schools can evolve and continuously improve.”

Reynolds represented wards 1 and 2 during a period of time when the high school in her wards was threatened with closure.

Leah Reynolds with Marianne Meed Ward The two women were always close when they both represented ward 2 residents.

Reynolds, who has always been close to then ward 2 city Councillor Marianne Meed Ward, got tangled up in a sticky situation during the tumultuous school board debates.

“We all want our students to see themselves at our board table. It is my hope that candidates from all backgrounds will put their names forward in the next election.

Related news story:

Reynolds accused of being coached during a school board debate

Resident writes Open letter on the coaching issue

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CDH provides an Interpretation of Age Census Data and struggles to reorganize and stay relevant

BY Pepper Parr

July 12th, 2022



Community Development Halton (CDH) has been struggling with budget issues, as has every not for profit organization in the Region.

They parted ways with their Executive Director and some staff and are now looking for other not for profits to share the space they have on the South Service Road.

Their intention is to turn the space into something bigger than a CDH office – they want to create a community hub where organizations with similar interests can share space, share resources and more importantly share ideas and look for some intellectual pollination

It has been a turbulent couple of years for CDH – the pandemic didn’t help and the disruption that took place when Joey Edwardh  resigned made it difficult to get a firm grip on what the organization was going to become given the gaps at the leadership level.

It is currently an organization with not much in the way of leadership or anyone with experience in the complex subject of community development.

There have been significant shifts in the make up of the Board – it is a complex job that calls for an understanding of just what the purpose of the organization is and then getting buy-in from the larger community and then being able to leverage that community acceptance into some funding.

While the job description of the Executive Directors includes fund raising none of them managed to raise as much as a dime.

Ted Hildebrand spent 20 years plus with Community Development Halton but was not seen as a future Executive Director – it took time and considerable effort to resolve that parting of ways.

One of the services CDH has been able to continue delivering is the “Community Lens” – reports that take a closer look at issues significant and relevant to the work CDH struggles to do.

Jan Mowbray served as the President of the Board for two terms and struggled to re-build a board that had in the past been unable to meet the governance need.

Ann Lawlor,, Chair of Community Development Halton Board

Mowbray ended the number of terms she was permitted to serve as a Director and Board Chair and was replaced by Ann Lawlor,  who is  a member of the Halton Hills Town Council.

Having elected people serve on the Boards of not for profits has never been a particularly good idea.  Mowbray served as a Councillor in Milton for two terms after which she turned her attention to CDH.  She now serves as an adviser to Law while she gets a grip on just what the organization does and figures out how they can begin to once again serve the community

The Community Lens reports are good, exceptionally good on occasion, that alone id not enough to justify the amount of public money they receive.

Board members are not remunerated.

Median age and average age are commonly used to describe the age of a population.

Both metrics enable historical comparison of a population or comparison between populations. When a population is divided into various age groups, the age distribution pattern is a useful tool for government, non-profit organizations and businesses to plan, develop and deliver their age-related goods and services.

For example, the size and rate of change of the children’s age group provides vital information for the planning and delivery of children’s education. A non-profit agency serving seniors is interested in the growth of the various age groups over 65 years old. Businesses can better target their products and services to clients in various age groups

Age distribution can be presented in a population pyramid. Each horizontal bar represents an age group (e.g., 0-4 years old) and the proportion (percentage) of the total population. The pyramid is divided into two halves, one for male and the other for female. A pyramid with a wide base and narrow top indicates a young and possibly growing population. On the other hand, an inverted pyramid with a narrow base and wide top, points to an ageing and potentially shrinking population.

The pyramids displayed above show the age distribution of the population in Halton’s local municipalities. They capture a decade of change between 2011 and 2021. The 2021 pyramid (in red outline) is superimposed on top of the 2011 pyramid (in grey).

City of Burlington

Its median age was 44.4 years in 2021, the highest among the four municipalities. The top portion of the pyramid continued to widen. The senior age groups experienced faster growth than the other age groups. They accounted for 21% of the total population in 2021. Over one in five residents was a senior. Among the 6,100 seniors over the age of 85, over two-thirds were women. There were no significant changes in the other age groups.

Town of Oakville

Its median age was 41.6 years in 2021. The top portion of the pyramid was also widening. There was a noticeably narrow mid portion indicating a shrinkage of the 35 to 59 age groups. The share of the child population under 9 years of age decreased by about 2%.

Town of Milton

It was the youngest municipality in Halton. Its median age was 36 years in 2021. However, the base of the pyramid has contracted. The share of the 0-9 years age group old has decreased from 18% to 16%. Although the share of its senior population has increased, especially in the 65 to 79 age groups, the pyramid still has a relatively narrow top in comparison with the bottom.

Milton also has a much more diverse population.

Town of Halton Hills

Its median age was 42 years in 2021. To some extent, the shape of the pyramid resembles that of Oakville. All the above 55 years age groups had increased their shares of the total population.

The challenge now is for each community to take this data and lay it into a bigger data set that includes the number of new residents who will arrive in 2031, then 2041 and then 2051 – time frames that the Region does its planning around.

How many seniors will there be and what will they need in the way of services.  Parks and Recreation, cultural activities that fit into the mindset of that demographic.

What the public doesn’t see is – just how does CDH work?  Has consideration been given to making their Board meetings public and perhaps some of the committee level work as well.

Room for growth – because the population they are serving is certainly going to grow.

The biggest challenge CDH has is improving its relevance.  Losing much of the financial support from United Way was not a good sign.





















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Your Guide to the Most Popular Sports Betting Options

By Maria Gracious

July 12th, 2022



Before you start betting on sports, it’s critical to understand the most frequent bet kinds offered by oddsmakers. It’s amazing how many individuals wager on sports without recognizing what they’re doing or just don’t care.

Here’s a quick breakdown of each of the key bets available from the bookmakers.

Understand the most frequent bet kinds offered by oddsmakers.

Point Spread
Point Spreads betting is the most prevalent type of gambling for most sports bettors, commonly known as handicap betting. Point spread wagering is well-known among football bettors, but it’s also a popular technique of gambling on basketball. In most sports, the home team is listed second, while the away team is listed first.

Because it’s so simple, point spread betting is popular. For newbie bettors, the easiest way to grasp it is to add or subtract the point spread from their team’s score. If you bet on the underdog, then add to the point spread, and subtract points if you bet on the favorite. You win the bet by covering the point spread after doing your math.

Totals, commonly known as under/over bets, are the same throughout most betting markets, irrespective of which sport it is. The idea is straightforward. The bookmakers estimate the total amount of points achieved in a given game, and bettors can gamble on an amount under or over that figure.

Also, remember that the total includes all points scored in a game, not just those scored in normal time. Extra points are added to the total if a game goes into overtime.

Moneylines are the simplest form of betting. Moneyline wagers, also known as win betting or line bets in various areas of the world, don’t include any form of point spreads. When betting on Moneylines, gamblers are betting on the contest’s winner. There’s no point differential.

Futures, often known as outright bets, are wagers placed on events that occur weeks or months later. However, they can be gambled on for a shorter duration until the event is determined. Future markets, unlike point spreads or total wagering, can’t push. Bettors either win or lose their wager. The most prevalent future bets are based on big sports championships.

Many online bookmakers refer to propositions, as props for short. Props are marketplaces that are unrelated to the game’s final conclusion or score. They’re point spread and total derivatives that act as a game inside a game for gamblers. Originally, they were just novelty wagers, but they’re now available regularly for several sports.

Props are classified into two types: player props and team props. “Who will score first?” is one of the most wagered on prop bets, although the prop bet markets available for bettors to choose from are extensive. Many prop bets on various sporting events are available at several sportsbooks. It’s up to the oddsmakers’ creativity, but proposition markets provide an infinite number of possibilities.

Final Words
One of the major advantages of online sports betting is the diversity of betting possibilities accessible. The betting options mentioned above are only a tiny part of the oddsmakers’ wagering arsenal. However, it’s advised that beginner bettors stick to them before moving on to more intricate and advanced bet types.

There’s a lot of value to be discovered in the markets mentioned above. If you line up your bets correctly, you should have no trouble starting your online sports betting journey while following our guide.

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Burlington Green is pumped! They have set up their offices in the old Pump House

By Pepper Par

July 12th, 2022


Wednesday, July 20th, 2022 / 1:30 – 2:30 PM
Light Refreshments & Small Group Tours

Burlington Green has pulled of a really smart opportunity.

I was tipped off that there was a major news story coming – that was as much as the informant would say.

Then the announcement came out that the Pump House on Lakeshore Road was going to serve as a EcoHub for Burlington Green – what a great idea.

Then I wondered how that came about – put a bunch of questions to Any Schnurr who tried at first to slide by them – a little more poking the near and Any explained.

A significant piece of the city’s infrastructure history has been repurposed – fitting that it becomes the new home for Burlington Green

The city had posted a Request for Proposals i=on their web site.

Someone at Burlington Green immediately saw the benefits for their organization.

The Pump House served as a private residence when it no longer pumped water

They put together a response and the city bought it – and why not. The Pump House is a significant part of the city’s infrastructure history. At one point that location pumped all the water Burlington needed to households across the city. Burlington was probably a town when all this happened.

The building underwent some major upgrades – the roof was replaced and some of the architectural features were given some help.

The inside was basically bare – running water and heat.

The basement is dry – for a building that close to the lake to have a dry basement attests to some solid construction work.
The city then put out proposals and found a woman who wanted to set up a beach xxx operation. You could rent chairs, umbrellas, paddle boats. It was a good idea but when Covid19 shut down the city it wasn’t viable – rent had to be paid and there were no customers.

The building was empty – again.

This is one of those win win situations. A part of the city’s heritage was being put to good use and an important part of the city’s not for profit community had a new home.

The current pumping station and water treatment plant are just across the road.

Hopefully Amy will learn from this experience that getting as much information as possible out as early as possible is part of being transparent and accountable.

The Mayor will apparently cut a ribbon – we thought she might go for a swim.

You are asked to reserve at:

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Many elected leaders determined to be managers - Elected officials need to concentrate on where they add value.

By Pepper Parr

July 11th, 2022


Many elected leaders determined to be managers – Elected officials need to concentrate on where they add value.

“Leading: The Real Value of a Mayor and Council” by George Cuff, is back on shelves. 

Council members have a budget that will cover the cost of the book.

Municipal management guru George Cuff makes a compelling argument that municipalities today are not nearly as well served as they should be – because their elected leaders have, in many instances, determined they would rather be the managers. As a result, far too much effort and time is being spent on how staff can do a better job in their roles, without recognizing that, in order to do so, elected officials need to concentrate on where they add value.

Leading others is a simple yet profound duty and privilege, writes Cuff, as he digs into questions around leadership and what it requires from those who step forward at the local level.

Coming from someone with a excellent reputation backed by years of municipal level experience and tonnes of consulting assignment – this is a guy Councillors might want to listen to.

The Gazette has blown its gift budget for this year – we would haved like to have been able to buy a copy of the book and have it sent to the seven members of Council.

George Cuff barely got through high school having found sports and girls a distraction from his studies. As a result, he did not go directly to University but began work as an accountant with the Royal Bank and then after a couple of years there, he moved on to an oil and gas company where he continued his frustration as an accounting clerk.

George B. Cuff – has wisdom to share with municipal Councillors.

Cuff set up his own firm of George B. Cuff & Associates Ltd. (1984) and since then has focused on providing advice and counsel to rural and urban governments, provincial departments and agencies and other groups involved in some aspect of governance and public service. His work has become more focused over time on the art of governance and the elements that help organizations become more effective.

Cuff has published over 450 articles as well as ten books on local government. He has three “how to” books (Cuff’s Guide Volumes One and Two as well as his “Executive Policy Governance” which was published in 2014.

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Excellent program put together by the Historical Society for Heritage Week

By Staff

July 11th, 2022



A little early to plan for what you want to do during Heritage Week.

Set out below is a list of what is planned.

A huge improvement over past Heritage Week initiatives.  Kudos to the people at Heritage who put this together

Date Event
Monday, Aug. 1 at
11 a.m.
Opening Ceremony at Centennial Square. In-person. No registration required.
Tuesday, Aug. 2 at
6:30 p.m.
Aldershot West Bike Tour. In-person event. Maximum 20 participants. To register, email
Wednesday, Aug. 3 at 2 p.m. Burlington Museums virtual lecture. Virtual event. No registration required. Join the lecture at
Wednesday, Aug. 3 at 6:30 p.m. Halton Freedom Celebration Virtual Festival. Virtual event. No registration required. Visit
Thursday, Aug. 4 at
6:30 p.m.
Burlington Public Library presents Between the Lakes Treaty. In-person event. Register online at
Thursday, Aug. 4 at
6 p.m.
Laking Garden Heritage Walk at Royal Botanical Gardens (RBG) In-person event. Maximum 20 participants. Registration is required at
Friday, Aug. 5 at
6:45 p.m.
Burlington Historical Society Walking Tour of Greenwood Cemetery
In-person event, maximum 25 participants. Register online at
Saturday, Aug. 6 at
9 a.m.
Tour of Lowville. In-person event. Register online at
Saturday, Aug. 6 at
10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Freeman Station – Garden of Canada. In-person event.No registration required.
Sunday, Aug. 7 at
1 p.m. – 3 p.m.
Maple Park Community Garden Drop In. In-person event. No registration required.
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Large windows at Alton Library smashed - Police have very little information

By Pepper Parr

July 11th, 2022



Perhaps a book that was overdue just had to be returned.

Whatever it was – car went through the windows of the Alton branch of the Burlington Public Library.

No one was injured and the staff managed to get the building opened this morning with little in the way of service disruption.

The Alton Recreational Centre has a high, a public library and some of the best recreational space in the city.

The property is owned by the city with the three jurisdictions sharing the use of the space.

An incident like this wasn’t in the operational plans.

“We are very glad to be able to welcome people back into the branch so soon,” says Amanda Freeman, Branch Manager. “This library is busy with families, especially during Summer Reading Club. We are very grateful to all our BPL staff and partner organizations for getting us back into operation so quickly.”

A small area of the branch is closed off with barriers until the damage can be fixed more permanently.

The remainder of the space is still open for browsing, borrowing, programs, and study.

No one was seriously injured in the collision. It occurred before the branch opened Saturday morning.

Police report that:

A vehicle drove through the glass at the library on July 9 at approximately 9:00 am.  I am not aware of any charges or injuries at this time.

The Gazette followed up and got this:

“Unfortunately I cannot confirm any other details.  Accident reports are completed by the officer and then sent off to the Ministry so I am not able to view the report.  The officer is on their 4 days off currently so I am not able to confirm with them either.  From what I see there does not appear to be any evidence to support that it was a deliberate action.”


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Two of the Seven Members of Council Managed to make it to City Hall on a Beautiful Summer Day

By Pepper Parr

July 11th, 2022



Council met this morning – as a Standing Committee to review a major report on Community Benefits, Section 37 and Development charges.

It was an important matter that had good discussion that we will report on at length later this week.

Council attendance – those with an X didn’t manage to make it to city hall. That 5:00 is the clock that lets people speaking how much time they have left..

The “news” at this point is that two of the seven members of Council actually made it to city hall.

Councillors Sharman and Bentivegna were in the council chamber – the other five:  the Mayor, Stolte of ward 4, Nisan of Ward 3, Kearns of ward 2 and Galbraith of ward 1 chose to take part from the comfort of their homes.

This is becoming a habit – and not a particularly positive one.

Getting ready to announce her candidacy for Mayor Anne Marsden said:

“Speechless especially following a great weekend weather wise. Perhaps they don’t want any delegations to look them in the eye, given they have managed to avoid that for most of their term. It took forever and repeatedly banging away at in-house delegation was a right.before they folded but chose to protect themselves from delegations looking them in the eye by allowing Council and Committees to be hybrid full-time rather than if sick and should not be attending in person.”

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How often do Canadians play at online casinos


By Andrew Johnson

July 11th, 2022



The online casino industry is among the fastest-growing sectors, especially in Canada. With around 20 million online casino players, Canada is among the top eight countries in the world in terms of spending money at online casinos. The online gambling industry is reported to generate approximately $100 billion in revenues by the end of 2023. Canada earned around $3.5 billion from online gambling last year. This is because of the popularity of online casinos and the relaxed gambling laws in Canada, unlike other countries like the U.S.

Canadian Casino Player’s Demographics
According to statistics, most Canadian players play casino games at any online Canadian casinos between 4 pm and 6 pm, and 8 pm to 11 pm, with Mega Moolah, a popular progressive slot being the most popular casino game. It is important to note that nearly 80 percent of online casino players are males; however, it is important to note that the number of females using mobile devices for playing online casino games outnumber men. Regarding the age groups, online gambling is more prevalent in the age group of 20-35. This age group makes up around 16% of total online casino players, while all the other age groups are in the single digits. The younger generation prefers playing fast-paced casino games, while the older people prefer playing comfortable and relaxing casino games like bingo.

Canadian Casino Player’s Preference
Canadian loves sports betting. It is evident from the fact online sports betting is the top online gambling activity. While males prefer sports betting, females in Canada prefer luck-based games like bingo. In terms of table games, poker is the most preferred game of Canadians, with 59% of players playing this skilled game of cards.

Find a place to play online casino games that is safe and fun at the same time

Legality of online casinos in Canada
Online gambling activities fall in the grey area in Canadian law. According to Canadian law, operating an online casino within Canada without a valid license is illegal. However, since no particular laws target offshore online gambling sites, Canadians can play casino games safely and legally at any offshore casino.

The Canadian Gaming Commission oversees the online gambling industry and resolves any major issue. However, individual provinces govern the laws regarding online casinos and other betting activities. Since there is no nationwide legislation to regulate online gambling in Canada, it helps that each province can develop its casino regulations.

Any online casino in Canada must have a valid license from the local authority to operate legally. In addition, the local authorities of the provinces must enter into a special agreement for games to be played across provincial borders. Each province except Saskatchewan has at least one online casino.

Why Canadians prefer playing at online casinos
The number of Canadian players in online casinos has touched a new high, which resulted in Canada becoming a significant contributor to the online casino industry. There are many reasons why Canadian players are thronging online casinos. Some of the reasons are:

Easy of Convenience
Online casinos offer people the chance to play casino games from the comfort of their homes. Since online casinos can be accessed anywhere and anytime, they fit into the everyday schedule of people perfectly, thus saving both time and money.

Casino Bonuses & Promotions
Online casinos offer several casino bonuses to attract new casino players to their website and retain their existing players. Players can claim these casino bonuses to play casino games and win real money. In addition, online casinos run different promotions from time to time for their players.

Several Payment Methods
Online casinos provide several popular payment methods like Visa, Mastercard, PayPal, Neteller, and more. These payment methods provide a safe and secure environment to transfer money to and from the casino.

There are all kinds of computer games you can play on line.

Plenty of Casino Games
Since online casinos are not bounded by physical space, they can host plenty of casino games. As a result, online casinos have vast quantity and quality of casino games than any land-based casino.

Future of the Canadian Online Casino Industry
The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted several sectors, and the land-based casinos are one of them. Because of the different restrictions and health concerns, people don’t prefer to visit land-based casinos, which resulted in the shut down of many land-based casinos. Although many industries have suffered due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the online gambling industry didn’t slow down, resulting in the significant number of online casinos Canada has ever seen. The demand for new games is enormous right now, and the online casino industry is taking full advantage of this.

So, we can safely say that the future of online casino industry in Canada is looking pretty good.

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Lessons about Clean Energy from a by-gone era


By Ray Rivers

July 10th, 2022



If there is anything certain in this very troubled world we live in, it’s that clean electricity is the future. Eventually it will replace every aspect of our lives that were once dominated by fossil fuels. And yet the history of electricity is relatively brief and the lessons not universally accepted.

Niagara Falls holds a special place for Canadians. It is the most popular tourist spot in the country, bringing in over 12 million tourists who spend more than $2 billion a year. And while there are the casinos and the tacky amusement arcade, it is the magnificent 167 foot high waterfall that tourists come to see.

This year the Niagara Parks Commission added an attraction, hoping to lure a thousand visitors a day. They opened up the 2200 foot water spillway tunnel in the historic power plant which takes visitors near the base of the falls. It is a view rivalling that of the ‘maid of the mist’ boats. Commissioned in 1906 the hydro power plant is now a museum and loaded with educational information about the role hydro electricity has played since its inception.

Not all water power projects are alike. The James Bay hydro project in Northern Quebec, poised to become the largest in the world, couldn’t be more different. Development of the Hydro Quebec project required flooding 11,500 square kilometres of wilderness, forcing thousands of indigenous James Bay Cree and Inuit out of their homes and villages.

Over 10,000 caribou were wiped out in the process. And even worse, flooded forest vegetation is now rotting, releasing mercury into the huge water reservoirs and making the fish inedible. The mercury is mostly a result of pollution from coal burnt in southern electricity plants and absorbed by the vegetation as it grew.

But no rivers were dammed at Niagara. As much as three quarters of the water exiting Lake Erie is now channelled to giant water turbines while the rest tumbles over the falls to entertain the tourists. And the good news – the diversion of water from the falls has been slowing down the rate of natural erosion, thus extending the life of the falls.

If you look closely to the centre left you can see the tunnel opening where the water is returned to the River.

Ontario gets about a quarter of its electricity from hydro power sources and Niagara is a major contributor to that. The demand for electricity is expected to increase as our population grows and as society converts from its current fleet of gas guzzlers and fossil fuel space heating. But there are few opportunities for clean water power left in Ontario.

Burning coal or gas for electricity production in Ontario never really made sense for a province with neither coal mines nor significant gas production. That was the case even before we understood the dangers of smog, acid rain and climate change. Nuclear energy allowed the province to get off coal and it currently supplies over half of the province’s electricity. But getting to reliability for the nuclear power facilities has been a long, costly and problem-plagued pathway.

New nuclear development, even with small modular reactors, is both costly and could take years to become operational. Recent research indicates that, though smaller in size and output, the new proposed small nuclear reactors (SMR) generate more nuclear waste per kilowatt hour than the larger heavy water facilities they’re intended to replace. The elephant in the room is the disposal of nuclear waste. Nobody anywhere has a viable solution to the steadily accumulating waste. Currently there are over three million highly radioactive spent fuel bundles lying in swimming pools, as ‘temporary’ storage.

In many ways the closest relative to that Niagara Falls water turbine is the wind turbine. Excepting solar energy and the emerging potential for green hydrogen, wind is the safest and cleanest form of renewable energy. Wind towers are relatively low cost, can be located easily, and produce significant amounts of energy depending on the blow, obviously. Wind towers have been blamed for occasional bird and bat collision deaths, though nothing compared to office towers, oil spills and mostly domestic cats. And even water power ends up killing some fish.

Wind power development in Ontario grew rapidly from nothing at the beginning of the millennium to about 8% by 2018 before the Ford government killed new renewable energy projects. Germany, by comparison, is planning to be 80% reliant on renewable energy by 2030. In the first quarter of this year Germans are already producing half of its electricity with renewables, the bulk of that being wind power, a source which has more than trebled over the last decade.

A glass walled elevator drops to the bottom of the power station where it returns to the Niagara River.

Doug Ford has reversed Ontario’s leadership in combating climate change, embracing fossil fuels in lieu of renewable energy. The Province has invested $3 billion for gas plants during his first term. Mr. Ford’s opposition to renewable energy can only be described as ideological because it is certainly not economically rational. Wind and solar, not gas, are the least costly means of increasing Ontario’s electricity supply.

And it is shortsighted since the province will need substantially more electricity to accommodate the conversion from fossil fuels, be it space heating, electric vehicles or new industrial investment in the face of federal restrictions on greenhouse gas emitting sources. For example, Ontario is losing the proposed $2.5 B Windsor battery maker LG Chem because the government could not guarantee electricity supply. Ontario may claim to be open for business, but not if business requires electricity.

That old power plant at Niagara Falls is a learning centre with many lessons for all of us. Using renewable energy is one of them. As Mr. Ford embarks on his next four year mandate to govern the province, he would do well to take direction from that piece of valuable history.

The Gazette will be doing a feature story on the Power Plant – it is a truly amazing site – well worth a visit.

Ray Rivers, a Gazette Contributing Editor,  writes regularly applying his more than 25 years as a federal bureaucrat to his thinking.  Rivers was once a candidate for provincial office in Burlington.  He was the founder of the Burlington citizen committee on sustainability at a time when climate warming was a hotly debated subject.   Ray has a post graduate degree in economics that he earned at the University of Ottawa.  Tweet @rayzrivers

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Burlington born hockey player wanted to be drafted to the Montreal Canadiens, planned to learn French. He will play for Seattle

By Alan Harrington

July 10th, 2022



The NHL Draft was held this past week in Montreal.

The 60th time for this showcase of talent where the NHL Teams get to pick the finest young hockey players from around the world.

Usually the BEST players are from Canada – but this time – a Slovakian was chosen first overall.

2022’s first pick overall was by the Montreal Canadiens for Juraj Slafkovsky – a player from Slovakia .

If that wasn’t enough for Slovakia, the 2nd player chosen – Simon Nemec – is also a player from that nation – chosen by New Jersey..

The third player – Logan Cooley – an American from Pittsburgh was taken by Arizona.

Where are the Canadians?

Shane Wright was an outstanding payer when he was with the Kingston Frontenacs. Seen as the # 1 draft pick in 2022.

Especially since Ontario-born players make up about a fifth of the NHL players?

Well the answer came next as the Seattle Kraken embraced the services of Shane Wright to join their team.

Shane Wright is a Canadian – 18 years old – playing for Kingston Frontenacs of the OHL as a centre.

Shane was drafted by Kingston with “exceptional player status” becoming only the sixth player to be granted exceptional status after the likes of: John Tavares and Connor McDavid, . (And that was mentioned in the Burlington Gazette back on February 8 2021).

In 2020, Shane’s first year – he won the CHL Rookie of the Year award. Sidney Crosby won that award back in 2004 and John Tavares in 2006

So what hometown claims Shane Wright as their own??

Burlington, Ontario – birth home of the first Canadian hockey player selected in the 2022 NHL Entry Draft.

Here is how the sports world told the story:

“You gotta feel for Shane Wright. He was labeled as the top draft prospect in his class when he was granted exceptional status into the OHL as a 15-year-old back in 2019. It was pretty much Shane Wright and Matthew Savoie at the time.

Then Shane Wright took off and put up 66 points in 58 games as an under-ager during his first season with the Kingston Frontenacs to really separate himself as the consensus 1st overall pick. Then the global pandemic happened, then Juraj Slafkovsky had a preposterous draft year by being the leading scorer in the Olympics as a 17-year-old and also had over a point per game at the World Championships for Slovakia. There were rumblings a few weeks before the draft that the race would be tight between Shane Wright and Slafkovsky for the top pick but you figured the Montreal Canadiens would have to take the Canadian kid.

Selected as the 4th draft pick Shane Wright will play for the Seattle Kraken

Then the days leading up to the draft there was a lot of chatter that Slafkovsky could be the pick. And then last night with the 1st overall pick in the 2022 NHL Draft, the host Montreal Canadiens select…

For over a year, Shane Wright was labelled as the #1 pick.

Then when last night came around, not only did he not get taken off the board 1st overall but New Jersey didn’t need another center with the 2nd pick.

Then Arizona decided to stick with their plan and take Logan Cooley with the 3rd pick.

Finally the fourth overall pick came around for Seattle and somehow Shane Wright fell into their lap.

The first time the Seattle Kraken play Montreal will be a game to watch. Shane Wright is said to be very very upset – admits that he has a chip on his shoulder now.

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Car show on Brant Street draws hundreds

By Denis Gibbons

July 10th, 2022



In May of 1937 King George VI was crowned in Westminster Abbey and rode down the Mall with his wife Queen Elizabeth in a blue Rolls Royce.  A similar vehicle was featured Saturday at the Burlington Car Show in the downtown area, complete with a tea set in the trunk and a Coronation flag mounted on the spare tire on the passenger side.

Tea set in the truck of an antique Rolls Royce

Anastasia Karpenko serves herself from an old A & W car tray.

The Karpenko family, which recently arrived in the Bay Area from war-torn Ukraine, was very impressed with the bright yellow 1955 Ford belonging to Randy Matthews. It was built in Dallas, Texas.

The Karpenkos hail from the city of Kryvyi Rih, which amazingly is 122 kilometres long and is the longest city in Europe.

Positioned on the driver’s side window of the car is an A & W root beer tray, harkening back to the days when waitresses used to deliver food to drivers on roller skates.

An 1897 Fossmobile was Canada’s first gasoline car.

Ron Foss of Burlington drew a lot of attention with a Fossmobile, which was invented by his grandfather George Foote Foss of Sherbrooke, Quebec, as the first successful gasoline engine automobile in 1897.

This young fellow is just loving being behind the wheel.

Tommy Gun’s Original Barbershop, at the corner of New Street and Appleby Line, got a lot of free advertising when owner Jamie Delaye Quong showed off a black 1939 Chevy Master Deluxe.

Tommy Gun’s Original Barbershop, at the corner of New Street and Appleby Line, got a lot of free advertising when owner Jamie Delaye Quong showed off a black 1939 Chevy Master Deluxe.

The sixth annual car show, which attracted hundreds of spectators, was presented by Angelo Paletta and TNG Exotics to raise money for Joseph Brant Hospital.


This qualifies as a people jam with the cars sitting quietly at the side of the street.

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Road Closure – Walkers Line, Britannia to Derry Road

By Staff

July 8th, 2022


The bridge work on Walkers Line between Britannia Road and Derry Road will continue, resulting in a road closure July 18 – 22, 2022. 

A leisurely country drive through Escarpment country will be disrupted – Road closures.

From July 25 to 29, the roadway will be reduced to one lane when workers are on site and controlled with Traffic Protection Flagmen.

The work will include alignment changes, asphalt renewal, guide rail replacement (east side) and streetlight improvements.

The new bridge will meet the high water demands from heavy rainfall events and will be constructed with an upgraded traffic barrier and railings. The bridge width will be 1.5m wider on both sides.


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Municipal Election 2022 - very quiet at this point.

By Pepper Parr

July 8th, 2022



I was talking to a colleague about the October municipal election trying to get a sense as to how the public was reacting,  Everything appears to be so quiet.

The response was that: “We had something to fight for last time” adding that “the hope we had seems to have been misplaced.  Some of the antics at Council are just so embarrassing”

It seems so quiet.  Candidates are out on the streets.  All are pumping out as much as they can on social media.

There are new candidates filing their nomination papers but they don’t appear to be very active.

Ward 4 is busy – three new candidates; the incumbent finally filed her nomination papers.

Anne Marsden, an as yet to file nomination papers for office of Mayor

There will be a candidate running against Mayor Marianne Meed Ward.  Anne Marsden has been running in elections for years.  Indefatigable, blunt, certain of the issues and vocal.

Seen by many as the perpetual candidate Marsden took a stunning 17,407 votes in Burlington when she ran for Regional Chair.  Her total count for the Region was 41,136.

2018 election results

The vote count wasn’t a fluke – people were sending a message.

Keep that 17,407 in mind and then look at the race for Mayor in 2018.

2018 election results

Marsden got more votes out of Burlington when she ran for the office of Regional Chair than Rick Golding got when he ran for Mayor

Somewhere in those numbers there is a meaning to be teased out.

Marianne Meed Ward – running for re-election

If the dissatisfaction with Marianne Meed Ward is as deep as we suspect there could be one heck of an upset come October. Municipal elections usually have low turnout.  The current administration is doing more than we have ever seen a municipality do in trying to interest people in running for office.

Jane McKenna, who wants to be Regional Chair this time around, is driving around in Burlington and Oakville in a pickup truck with a huge sign in the back.

Profile she has – that’s the problem and we will leave it at that.

Gary Carr is running again.

Gary Carr running for re-election as Regional Chair

Our expectation was that Carr would retire from active politics and that a Regional Councillor would run to replace him. There are several that are more than qualified but Tom Adam, Colin Best and Zeeshan Hamid have shown no interest.

A Regional Chair has to have some on the ground experience to be able to do the job effectively. Is Carr running to ensure that McKenna doesn’t get to wear that Chain of office?

The public might be in for a very nasty election.  Power is the kind of thing wars are fought over – look at what is going on in Ukraine not to mention what appear to be desperate attempts on the part of Donald Trump to continue to be President.

Salt with Pepper is the musings, reflections and opinions of the publisher of the Burlington Gazette, an online newspaper that was formed in 2010 and is a member of the National Newsmedia Council.

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Car show on Brant - Saturday 10 am to 5 pm

By Staff

July 8th, 2022



The Burlington Car Show is back and will dominate Brant Street in downtown Burlington on Saturday.
This streetfest showcases 200 antique, classic, cruiser, muscle, exotic and iconic examples of the history of the automobile.

Pure muscle.

What: Burlington Car Show
Car show/streetfest on Brant Street in downtown Burlington Ontario. Over 200 cars on display
Red carpet exotic car display, specialty cars, museum cars, vendors and music Free admission

Where: Brant Street Burlington – Caroline Street to Lakeshore Road

When: Saturday July 9th, 2022 10:00 am – 5:00 pm

The Burlington Car Show is sponsored by Angelo Paletta and TNC Exotics as a fund raiser for the Joseph Brant Hospital Foundation. A part of the sponsorship an exotic car procession will travel along Lakeshore Road from Joseph Brant Hospital, at approximately 10:00 am, to join the show in a red carpet presentation of exotic automobiles.

Also on display will be the first electric GMC Hummer in Canada, presented by the Leggat Group.
As well, we are delighted to present an authentic replica of the Fossmobile, Canada’s first gas powered vehicle

There will be over 200 vehicles in total for people to view. The show footprint includes Brant Street from Caroline Street to Lakeshore Road. Open to the general public from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.


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Eight new electric vehicle charging stations coming to Burlington

By Staff

July 8th, 2022



If this were a chicken and egg issue – we are talking about the eggs on this one.

With funding support through The Atmospheric Fund (TAF), the City of Burlington is adding eight more level two electric vehicle (EV) charging stations throughout the City. Each station will have two charging plugs.

With these new stations, the city will have 30 EV charging stations.

The new charging stations are expected to be operational by the end of 2022 and will be located at:

  • Appleby Ice Centre (2 stations), 1201 Appleby Line
  • Haber Community Centre/Norton Park, 3040 Tim Dobbie Dr.
  • Mainway Ice Centre, 4015 Mainway
  • Mountainside Community Centre, 2205 Mount Forest Dr.
  • Nelson Recreation Centre, 4235 New St.
  • Tansley Woods Community Centre (2 stations), 1996 Itabashi Dr.

The TAF funding is helping the City to expand our existing inventory of charging stations that are primarily located in the downtown core, many of which were also supported through funding programs, to other areas of the city.

This is all part of the climate change response:

Electric mobility was identified in the community-based Burlington Climate Action Plan approved by City Council in 2020 as a key program area.

Supporting electric mobility efforts will help Burlington meet the target to become a net carbon neutral community by 2050 and is a top priority of Burlington’s Plan from Vision to Focus, “Supporting Sustainable Infrastructure and a Resilient Environment.”

The City is also partnering with BurlingtonGreen to develop an Electric Mobility Strategy as a community road map to support future investments in this area.

The City is also working on an Integrated Mobility Plan with a focus on moving people via sustainable options such as active transportation (walking, cycling, etc.) and public transit.



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Burlington isn't even on the list of the Best Places to Buy a Home

By Staff

July 7th. 2022



When the list of the Best Places to buy a home was published people who wanted to buy in Burlington knew the city didn’t have a chance of being anywhere near the top of the list.

Burlington isn’t even on the list of 35 cities.

What does it all mean?  More people will be looking into the Guelph market which might take some pressure off the Burlington market.

But for those owning homes in Burlington, those sky high prices are just fine.




1 Guelph (ON) ON $527,300 8.65 $65,567
2 London (ON) ON $394,622 7.6 $26,506
3 Victoria (BC) BC $678,700 12.16 $18,159
4 Ottawa (ON) ON $403,800 6.53 $-56,276
5 Kingston (ON) ON $366,549 6.54 $50,265
6 Brantford (ON) ON $426,037 8.36 $13,963
7 Hamilton (ON) ON $585,500 10.36 $50,934
8 Kitchener – Cambridge – Waterloo (ON) ON $491,241 8.57 $40,590
9 Abbotsford – Mission (BC) BC $858,132 16.59 $204,819
10 Windsor (ON) ON $313,281 6.07 $-12,225
11 Saguenay (QC) QC $178,811 3.66 $-5,046
12 Peterborough (ON) ON $435,964 8.61 $75,786
13 Trois-Rivières (QC) QC $166,280 3.91 $-32,594
14 Barrie (ON) ON $466,400 8.2 $29,017
15 Durham/Oshawa ON $576,702 9.48 $120,917
16 Gatineau (QC) QC $267,187 4.85 $-71,252
17 Québec (QC) QC $266,201 5.14 $-43,130
18 Sherbrooke (QC) QC $226,354 5.18 $-37,611
19 St. Catharines – Niagara (ON) ON $397,000 8 $-27,449
20 Kelowna (BC) BC $494,500 9.2 $-173,514
21 Greater Sudbury (ON) ON $250,495 4.49 $-95,121
22 Vancouver (BC) BC $1,017,900 19.58 $-147,910
23 Thunder Bay (ON) ON $219,203 4.13 $-100,435
24 Charlottetown (PE) PE $221,761 7.68 $-36,488
25 Montréal (QC) QC $353,400 7.54 $-38,332
26 Halifax (NS) NS $301,011 5.82 $-89,910
27 Toronto (ON) ON $767,800 14.83 $68,201
28 Winnipeg (MB) MB $266,600 5.2 $-97,045
29 Saint John (NB) NB $182,350 3.68 $-76,154
30 Regina (SK) SK $264,200 4.4 $-141,302
31 Moncton (NB) NB $199,050 4.09 $83,337
32 St. John’s (NL) NL $285,287 5.14 $-72,966
33 Saskatoon (SK) SK $282,500 4.84 $-89,994
34 Calgary (AB) AB $414,600 6.5 $-118,239
35 Edmonton (AB) AB $316,200 5.02 $-141,471


1 Guelph (ON) ON $527,300 8.65 $65,567
2 London (ON) ON $394,622 7.6 $26,506
3 Victoria (BC) BC $678,700 12.16 $18,159
4 Ottawa (ON) ON $403,800 6.53 $-56,276
5 Kingston (ON) ON $366,549 6.54 $50,265
6 Brantford (ON) ON $426,037 8.36 $13,963
7 Hamilton (ON) ON $585,500 10.36 $50,934
8 Kitchener – Cambridge – Waterloo (ON) ON $491,241 8.57 $40,590
9 Abbotsford – Mission (BC) BC $858,132 16.59 $204,819
10 Windsor (ON) ON $313,281 6.07 $-12,225
11 Saguenay (QC) QC $178,811 3.66 $-5,046
12 Peterborough (ON) ON $435,964 8.61 $75,786
13 Trois-Rivières (QC) QC $166,280 3.91 $-32,594
14 Barrie (ON) ON $466,400 8.2 $29,017
15 Durham/Oshawa ON $576,702 9.48 $120,917
16 Gatineau (QC) QC $267,187 4.85 $-71,252
17 Québec (QC) QC $266,201 5.14 $-43,130
18 Sherbrooke (QC) QC $226,354 5.18 $-37,611
19 St. Catharines – Niagara (ON) ON $397,000 8 $-27,449
20 Kelowna (BC) BC $494,500 9.2 $-173,514
21 Greater Sudbury (ON) ON $250,495 4.49 $-95,121
22 Vancouver (BC) BC $1,017,900 19.58 $-147,910
23 Thunder Bay (ON) ON $219,203 4.13 $-100,435
24 Charlottetown (PE) PE $221,761 7.68 $-36,488
25 Montréal (QC) QC $353,400 7.54 $-38,332
26 Halifax (NS) NS $301,011 5.82 $-89,910
27 Toronto (ON) ON $767,800 14.83 $68,201
28 Winnipeg (MB) MB $266,600 5.2 $-97,045
29 Saint John (NB) NB $182,350 3.68 $-76,154
30 Regina (SK) SK $264,200 4.4 $-141,302
31 Moncton (NB) NB $199,050 4.09 $83,337
32 St. John’s (NL) NL $285,287 5.14 $-72,966
33 Saskatoon (SK) SK $282,500 4.84 $-89,994
34 Calgary (AB) AB $414,600 6.5 $-118,239
35 Edmonton (AB) AB $316,200 5.02 $-141,471
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