New city auditor announced

News 100 blueBy Staff

July 14, 2021



The City of Burlington announced the appointment of Maciej Jurczyk as the City Auditor starting August 16.

The City Auditor reports directly to the Audit Committee, a standing committee of Burlington Council. The Audit Committee is comprised of both City Council members and citizen members, of which three members were directly involved in this hiring process.

city auditor

Maciej Jurczyk: newly appointed city auditor

Maciej brings over 20 years of internal audit and organizational performance experience. He has worked in both the public and private sectors. More recently, Maciej was with the City of Brampton in various audit and business improvement capacities as well as Director Internal Control & Organizational Performance for Niagara Region. Maciej was a member of the City of Burlington Audit Committee for four years as well as a member of the Halton Region Joint Audit Compliance Committee.
City Auditor role

The Office of the City Auditor is an independent office. The City Auditor sees the whole of the organization and supports the City in the achievement of its strategic, department and service-oriented goals and objectives. The work of a City Auditor includes:

• assessing how risks are managed
• providing recommendations to increase the certainty of achieving goals and objectives
• looking at operations through a continuous improvement lens to support enhancements
• advising and consulting management and staff during the development of new opportunities and projects to enhance internal controls and minimize risk.

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Deputy Chief Wilkie Appointed as Member of the Order of Merit

News 100 blueBy Staff

July 14th, 2021



On July 13, 2021, Deputy Chief Roger Wilkie was presented with the Member level of the Order of Merit of the Police Forces by RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki.

Wilkie Rober HRPS

Deputy Chief Roger Wilkie: MOM

The Member of the Order of Merit (M.O.M.) specifically recognizes exceptional service or performance of duty over an extended period, usually at the local or regional/provincial level. Normally, recipients are invited to a ceremony where they are presented with the insignia of the Order of Merit of the Police Forces by the Governor General at Rideau Hall or la Citadelle. This year, due to the pandemic, the presentation was virtual in nature.

Established in October 2000, the Order of Merit of the Police Forces honours the leadership and exceptional service or distinctive merit displayed by the men and women of the Canadian Police Services, and recognizes their commitment to this country. The primary focus is on exceptional merit, contributions to policing and community development. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is the Order’s Sovereign, the governor general is its Chancellor and a Commander, and the commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police is its Principal Commander.

There is a rigorous nomination and appointment process involved in receiving this recognition, with a focus on exceptional merit, contributions to policing, and community development and/or implementations.

Deputy Chief Roger Wilkie began his career with the Halton Regional Police Service in 1996. Throughout his career he has served in uniform operations in the Town of Milton, Town of Halton Hills, City of Burlington and Town of Oakville. He has worked in the Drug Unit, Mobile Surveillance Unit, Homicide Unit, Criminal Investigations Bureau, Domestic Violence Unit and as the Executive Officer to the Deputy Chief. He has also led several areas as the Operations Commander in Milton and Halton Hills, District Commander in Oakville, Critical Incident Commander for major public safety incidents and the Commander of Emergency Services, Training, and Human Resource Services. He was promoted to Deputy Chief of Regional Operations in 2018, and in October 2019, he started in his current role as Deputy Chief of District Operations.

In addition to his role as Deputy Chief, he is Vice President of the Executive Board of the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police and is also the Co-Chair of the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee.

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City Council starts a six week break - back at it September 6th

SwP thumbnail graphicBy Pepper Parr

July 14th, 2021



They waved to the cameras once the motion to adjourn was passed – and with that the seven members of Council were off for the summer.

They return to a thick schedule of meetings September 6th.

Some have set out pretty hectic schedules for themselves; others are taking a break.

Meed Ward - at lectern

Mayor Marianne Meed Ward

Nothing specific from the Mayor – she will network with her tribe and shore up the weak spots.

Stolte May 5

Ward 4 Councillor Shawna Stolte

Ward 4 Councillor Stolte is going to hold Pop Up meetings in parks throughout her ward. We lost count at seven locations. They will take place on Wednesdays from 5:00 to 7:00 pm.

Bentivegna plans on something a little more subdued – he will be meeting with small groups of five or six in back yards to listen and to ensure that they know he will be running again.

AB Apr 20

Ward 6 Councillor Angelo Bentivegna

Bentivegna is very effective in working a crowd; he plunges right in and makes friendly. He isn’t as available for media – basically he doesn’t respond; he used to – early in his first campaign he posed for pictures and talked about his plans as a city councillor. When he didn’t like what we had to say – he stopped talking.

Sharman Jan 2020

Ward 5 Councillor Paul Sharman

Councillor Sharman is going to focus on his Orchard Park community – it might have to be virtual. He has an annual Appleby Line event that might make it out of the Covid19 social distancing limitations.

Ward 1 Councillor Kelvin Galbraith will be taking part in a couple of community events. The Rolling Horse Tour d’Aldershot is on his calendar. Summer is cottage time for the Galbraith household.

Every member of Council will begin, or have already begun, looking at their election prospects.

Lisa Kearns

Ward 2 Councillor Lisa Kearns

Ward 2 Councillor Lisa Kearns will be doing some Zoom broadcasting. A usually reliable source told the Gazette that Kearns told him she would not be running for the Council seat even if she lost the attempt to gain the Liberal nomination for a seat in the Legislature.

We all know how that event went – she dropped out the day another candidate threw her hat into the ring.
Kearns can be mercurial at times. Will she live up to the statement she is reported to have made?

The long break gives the people elected to represent the interests of the tax payers time to think about what they have managed to get done and what they want to do with the time left in this term of office.

The achievements have been significant – they set a different direction in terms of the development that is taking place and will take place.

They have also come to learn more about the strengths and weaknesses are of their fellow council members and what they can achieve personally.

Some rude awakenings for several.

For those that decide to run again – most of them will – but they aren’t all going to retain their seats.

The Mayor will run again – she loves the job and, truth be told, there is no one out there who can beat her at this point in time.

Also true – she was the best choice the city had for Mayor in 2018

The budget could trip her up – there are too many changes coming on the expense side. Insurance premiums are going to sky rocket for the municipal sector – and there isn’t much councils can do.

Spending on small items will add up –a reported $100,000 for Rainbow Crosswalks comes under the Mayor’s “want to have”. She used to talk in terms of must have and nice to have.

There are two members of Council with Mayoralty aspirations – both realize this is not their time – 2026 might be.


City Manager Tim Commisso

City Manager Tim Commisso has done a fine job of rejigging the way the administration is to operate and put some very qualified people in place. He has a number of top level positions that will see retirements – Legal and Finance might not change while the pandemic has to be dealt with but once things are secure they will want to live different lives.

Will Commisso renew his contract? Probably not – but his work isn’t done yet.

However, his replacement gets better every day.  And a majority of Council thinks she great.  Awesome was the word used by several.

Salt with Pepper is the musings, reflections and opinions of the publisher of the Burlington Gazette, an online newspaper that was formed in 2010 and is a member of the National Newsmedia Council.

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If you need proof of your vaccinations.

News 100 blueBy Staff

July 14th, 2021



needle and vaccine

People can prove they are fully immunized by showing the physical or emailed receipt that was provided to them at the time of vaccination.

Vaccination receipts can also be downloaded or printed through the provincial portal.


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The Babes deliver - again

graphic community 3By Staff

July 14th, 2021



The Burlington Food Bank has a number of groups that are consistent supporters both in terms of help and sending dollars.

Earlier this week, Robin Bailey met with the Babes who presented him with a cheque for $240.

Daniel (Dover) Forsyth who took first prize in our regular season (Burlington Old Timers Hockey Club) BOHC hockey pool and asked BOHC to arrange for his winnings to be split between the Club’s favourite charities.

The Hospice and the Food Bank – a 50/50 split.

Bowser Babes

Shown are Suzanne, Robin, Tanje and Johanne from the BOWSER Babes. Someone got sloppy with the masking protocol.

Here’s hoping your broken ankle heals well Johanne! All fingers are crossed that vaccinations in Burlington increase so that we reach the numbers needed to be able to open up hockey for the Fall.

BOWSER is a big part of the community aspect of the club donating their time at the arenas during the hockey season. Thanks Babes and Thanks Dan!

Rumour has it the Club in return for the generous donation provided Dan with one get-out-of-the-penalty-box for free cards.

If you are in need or know of someone who could use our help, PLEASE have them email us at or call 905-637-2273 to make arrangements to have food dropped at their door or make arrangements to pick it up through our curb-side pickup option. If you are a resident in Burlington, we are all here to help. Don’t struggle – give us a call.

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City manager now has the authority to make $250,000 spending decisions - he has to tell Council in September how many times he did that

News 100 blueBy Pepper Parr

July 14th, 2021



Council is on their summer break until September 6th.

The city will wake up each day – do the things a city does and hope that the wheels don’t fall off.

The City is still in a declared State of Emergency which puts the day to day running of the city in the hands of the Emergency Control Group (ECG).

What if they have to do something quickly – really quickly to deliver the services council has approved?

Council found a solution for that – they gave the city manager delegated authority to spend $250,000 without referring to council before getting the cheque signed.

Pretty decent amount in terms of pocket change for city manager Tim Commisso to carry around. That kind of cash could certainly burn a hole in one’s pocket.

Commiso July 5 a

City manager Tim Commisso

To be serious this is just prudent management that allows the City Manager and his delegate (when the City Manager is absent) to make the decisions normally deemed to be decisions of Council. Such decisions would be limited in dollar value to $250,000 at a maximum per individual decision. In making these decisions, the City Manager and his delegate will have the support of Burlington Leadership Team and Emergency Control Group.

This authority begins on July 14 and stays in place until September 6.
The City Manager and the Mayor will stay in touch and if a situation crops up that is more than critical the Mayor can call a Special Meeting of Council and do the necessaries.
The City Manager is required to report any and all decisions made under this delegated authority to Council in the September Corporate Services, Strategy, Risk and Accountability committee meeting.

In addition, the City’s Corporate Continuity of Governance & Operations Plan describes the importance of the succession of leadership, particularly when involved in an emergency situation, to ensure the City of Burlington can carry out mandated responsibilities. In the case of the ECG, this succession is clear between the City Manager and his alternate, namely the Executive Director, Environment, Infrastructure & Community Service.

FLOOD man walking in water Harvester Road sign

It was a relatively light downpour – it just lasted a long, long time.

Many will remember the crisis that occurred when during a Sunday in August 2014 rain began to fall and it kept falling. When it was all over the city had to deal with the 191 mm of rain that flooded basements, underpasses and large open areas.

The preparations in place at the time taught city council that things had to change.

In May 2020, the City’s service re-design strategy outlined a responsive and highly measured approach to resuming delivery of City services and operations. This strategy included a framework for governance and decision making, clearly outlining those decisions to be made by Council and those that could be made directly by the Burlington Leadership Team/ECG/Service Leads.

The decisions of Council are in accordance with the following approved framework:

Guidelines for ECG spending

There are five question the City Manager and his leadership have to ask when they are making a decision about the delivery of services.

City staff looked at a number of options before arriving at a recommendation:

1. Hold decisions until the resumption of committee and Council meetings in September – NOT RECOMMENDED

This option would hinder the City’s ability to respond to changes in the Provincial re-opening regulations and orders in a timely manner resulting in further financial impacts, potential loss of service and significant reputational damage.

2. Seek approval of Council to delegate decisions up to $250,000 per individual decision to the City Manager (or his delegate in his absence) –RECOMMENDED
This option is consistent with the application of all formal delegated authority decision making by the City whereby authority transcends from Council to an identifiable staff member. In discussion with the City Clerk, delegating most COVID re-opening activities to the City Manager through the Council break would be most appropriate. The City’s current policy framework, with the Delegated Authority By-law and Procurement By-law have Council established approval limits that will be respected throughout this time. In September, a report to CSSRA as an addendum would report the COVID-related activities during the break. When the dollar threshold is expected to exceed $250,000, the City Manager and City Clerk will confer with the Mayor on the need for a special council meeting.

3. Seek approval of Council to delegate decisions to the Mayor – NOT RECOMMENDED
This option is not consistent with the application of all formal delegated authority decision making by the City. Delegation of authority, as is the case with all areas under the existing Council approved Delegated Authority by-law, sees the authority transcend from Council to an identifiable staff member.

4. If and as required, Mayor to call a special meeting of City Council to consider and approve COVID related service redesign decisions – NOT RECOMMENDED
This option is contrary to Council’s prior approval of the annual Council Meeting Calendar which specifically sought to re-establish an extended break during July and August. In so doing, both Council and staff are
afforded the opportunity to “lead by example” and support measures that address ongoing fatigue and stress caused by many months of COVID emergency response. However, there is a provision in the recommendation for the City Manager and City Clerk to confer with the Mayor on a call of a special council meeting should the $250,000 per individual decision threshold be exceeded.

Joan Ford, the city's Director of Finance knows where every dollar comes from and where every dollar gets spent.

Joan Ford, the city’s Chief Financial Officer is on top of every financial decision made – her counsel is sought and respected by the City Manager.

The Chief Financial Officer continues to have corporate oversight of all COVID-19 service re-design decision impacts and reporting to Council. The City Finance team, working closely with other staff, have applied extraordinary due diligence in securing COVID related funding (approximately $20 million in total). As a result, the City is very well positioned financially to address any impacts arising from additional service redesign decisions in July and August.

As long as it doesn’t rain in August and assuming that the vast majority of the public act responsibly and get their vaccinations – we could be in for a decent summer.

The announcement yesterday by the Chief Medical Officer for the province that he expected a wave of infections in September is certainly a bummer.

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Brant Museum re-opens - features a Space Exhibit - starts July 20

eventsblue 100x100By Staff

July 14th, 2021



Things are opening up

Brant Museum transformedThe Brant Museum announced today that they have a special feature on Space that will run from July 20 – September 18, 2021

Health in Space: Daring to Explore is a special exhibition developed by the Canada Aviation and Space Museum, one of three museums under Ingenium – Canada’s Museums of Science and Innovation, in collaboration with the Canadian Space Agency.

Brant museum SpaceHealth in Space demystifies the health challenges — such as variable gravity, radiation, and isolation — that astronauts face while living and working in space. Through authentic artifacts and captivating interactive activities, this exhibition will engage visitors to better understand Canada’s role in advancing health research.

Discoveries in this field will be essential for the success of future deep-space expeditions, and may also help solve medical challenges on Earth.

Health in Space also includes video interviews with Canadian astronauts, which offer first-hand insight into their experiences. A special section within the exhibition highlights astronaut David Saint-Jacques’ recent mission, from his selection and training to the experiments conducted while aboard the ISS.

The hours of operation are Tuesday to Saturday, 10am – 3:30pm, with COVID-19 protocols and procedures in place to allow the public to safely enjoy the galleries and exhibition.  Visitors can purchase tickets in advance online or in-person.

Museum hours: Tuesday to Saturday, 10am – 3:30pm with COVID-19 protocols and procedures in place to allow the public to safely enjoy the galleries and exhibition.

Entrance fee:  

$10 – adults

$8 – seniors

$6 – child

$30 – family (2 adults and up to 4 children)

Free – child under 3

Did you know…

Did you know that David Saint-Jacques was the most recent Canadian to go into space? Before he was an astronaut, he worked as a doctor in Puvirnituq, Nunavik, a remote community in Northern Quebec where he had to make work with minimal resources, just like in space!

Canadarm in space

Canadarm in use – serving the shuttle

Did you know that there is no “up” on the International Space Station (ISS)? The ISS is a small space, so all four walls are covered with workable equipment, therefore, whichever way an astronauts head is pointing is considered “up”. Also, switches have an very visible “On/Off” on them, since there is no “up” to show that it’s on.

Did you know that the Neuroarm was inspired by the same technology and principles at the Canadaarm? The NeuroArm allows surgeons to do very delicate operations while a patient is inside an Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) machine.

Did you know that Mercury is the smallest plant in our solar system? It is only about 40% larger than the Earth’s moon.

Did you know that astronauts go swimming to train for spacewalks? Floating in space is a lot like floating in water. Astronauts practice spacewalks underwater in a large swimming pool and train seven hours in the pool for every one hour they will spend on a spacewalk!

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Burlington Chamber of Commerce advertising for a new President

News 100 redBy Staff

July 13th, 2021



The Burlington Chamber of Commerce announced today that they are hiring, a President and CEO.

Carla Nell

Carla Nell joined the Burlington Chamber of Commerce in July of 2019

Expressions of interest including resumes and covering letters will be accepted by the Chamber until at 4:30 p.m. on July 21st,

At a recent Police Services Board meeting Halton Regional Chief of Police Steven Tanner said that he was in a common law relationship with Ms Nell and had travelled to the United States with her during the Christmas holiday season.

At the time Chief Tanner had obtained permission to leave the country from the then Chair of the Police Services Board Mayor Rob Burton.

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Brave App – Another Tool to Prevent Fatal Drug Poisonings

graphic community 5By Staff

July 13th, 2021



In the first six months of 2020, Halton Regional Police Service (HRPS) officers responded to 168 suspected drug poisonings. One-third of those victims overdosed while alone, and nearly one in five did not survive.

In their media release the police explain why a new service has been put in place and the outcome they hope will be realized.

“We have been asked why we have taken a harm reduction approach to the overdose crisis in our community. The answer is simple: our goal is to prevent overdose deaths. Ultimately, a life saved today is an opportunity for recovery tomorrow.

“In an effort to ensure our community is aware of any and all resources available to them, we would like to introduce you to the Brave App.

“The Brave App is designed to connect people at risk of overdose with help they need: an ally they can talk to, a human supporter to help them stay safe, and digital monitoring technology to help them when they’re in danger. The app connects them with a community of overdose responders, and/or professional emergency first responders.

“The app is another tool that can be used to reduce the harms to individuals, families and communities from substance use, and is a complement to the services and resources that are available in Halton. The Brave App is not a substitute for calling 911.

“The Brave App was developed independently by Brave Technology Co-op, a multi-stakeholder cooperative in Vancouver B.C., and is not affiliated with the Halton Regional Police Service.

Brave app

Designed by people who use drugs.

How the App Works
1. A person at risk of overdose can use the app to connect with remote, peer support through a voice call.

2. If your supporter thinks you might be overdosing (through a pre-determined span of non-response), they will request access to the details of your private Rescue Plan.
This plan can include your location, access instructions, and an emergency contact to call instead of, or in addition to, calling 911.

3. You will then receive a 10-second countdown alert letting you know that information will be shared unless you indicate that you are ok by dismissing the alert.

4. If you are unable to dismiss the alert, then that information will be revealed to your supporter, who will only use it for the purpose of sending help.

Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act
If you use the app, and your Rescue Plan includes calling 911, our frontline officers and other first responders in Halton carry naloxone and we want to assist. As a reminder, the Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act provides broad legal protections for anyone seeking emergency support during an overdose, including the person experiencing an overdose.

This means that individuals, including youth, will not be charged for offences such as simple possession for calling 9-1-1 in an emergency.

People who request supervision remain anonymous and their location is only revealed if it is necessary to keep them safe. If there is no overdose, then their location is not shared. No account is needed to use the Brave App, and you don’t need to share your name, number, e-mail, or mailing address. No personal information is shared with responding Emergency Services unless it is part of the pre-determined response and only if the Rescue Plan is activated.

Learn More
The Brave App can be used by anyone with a mobile phone and internet access, and is available for download, for free, on both Apple and Android phones.

Click HERE to learn more about the Brave App

Photo credit: Sara Wylie, National Day of Action | February 21, 2017

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The screens will come alive on Friday - social distancing ? No mention of that

News 100 redBy Staff

July 13th, 2021



CineStarz - popcorn

Expect the pop corn to be available. Some notice on how social distance seating will be handled would have been useful.

Cinestarz Upper Canada, the movie theatre on Brant, published their schedule early this morning. First feature is on Friday.

An interesting run of films but not a word on how seating will be handled or what they have taken in the way of social distancing.

An unfortunate corporate practice.

Shortly after publishing this story we learned of the Stratford Festival announcement of their plans to open.  Prominently displayed on their web site was the protocol they will follow to protect those who attend live theatre.  Something similar should appear soon on the CineStarz web site.


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Council to hold its last meeting until September - much has been achieved - still a lot left to do and some unfortunate practices have crept in

SwP thumbnail graphicBy Pepper Parr

July 13th, 2021



City Council meets at 1:00 pm this afternoon for their last meeting until September.

The agenda for that month is loaded.

There have been very few delegations since the first lockdown in March of 2020 – those that did take place left little impression on those listening.

During the period of time the city was in a State of Emergency with its affairs guided by an Emergency Control Group they met whenever it had to –seldom less than twice a week. The City is still in a State of Emergency, which is where the city manager thinks it should remain for as long as possible.

Provincial funding goes to those who are in a State of Emergency.

Last week Council went through an impressive schedule of Standing Committee meetings that were both controversial on some levels and solid governance on others.

The Mayor’s ill-advised tweet about support she got from some of her colleagues but not others was petty politics at its worst – while the comment from Councillor Sharman on the decision by Human Resources to do away with annual performance reports was excellent governance.

Sharman Jan 2020

Councillor Sharman was not amused.

We will let you know when the annual performance reviews are put back in. Sharman will beaver away at this – expect him to prevail.

Will we see that decision as a Staff Direction? That might be expecting a little too much.

City Council meeting - before COVID

We used to get this: City Council meeting – before COVID

The meeting today will be swift – there is next to nothing on the Agenda page in terms of documents that are going to be approved.

Council with clerk

Now we get this. All the Council members were present – they don’t always all appear on the screen at the same time

The City Manager’s work plan – all the things he is going to get done, was not available to media during the Standing Committee meeting.

Some of the narrative in the City Manager’s report was available but the specifics, what was going to get done and when, was not available and the city communications adviser we dealt with said it would not be available.

Public participation was a feature of the Goldring council – there were opportunities to speak – even though they didn’t listen all that well.

This Council is using the pandemic, and the phrase “an abundance of caution” as a reason to keep the public away – and at this point they have succeeded. We no longer hear from Gary Scobie, Jim Young or Blair Smith to name just a few.

During the last Standing Committee  last week we did see some rumbling on the part of Councillor Stolte about finding a way to involve living, breathing members of the public.

Stolte got jerked around but her point was made. The City Clerk did set out his concerns – there were a lot of them, few with much in the way of merit.

Council will wish us all a fun summer and be away from their posts until September. Some will begin thinking about their re-election plans. Two of the seven are at risk with a third in for a surprise once his constituents get roused.

Salt with Pepper is the musings, reflections and opinions of the publisher of the Burlington Gazette, an online newspaper that was formed in 2010 and is a member of the National Newsmedia Council.

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New items added to the City's Lending Library program - courtesy Tim Hortons

News 100 blueBy Staff

July 12th, 2021



More play equipment available to borrow through the Lending Library, thanks to donation from Tim Hortons
Burlington residents can now borrow more play equipment from the City’s Lending Library program, located at Brant Hills Community Centre at 2255 Brant St.

Thanks to a donation from Tim Hortons, the City was able to purchase more equipment, so now more families can play together, get outside and try new activities.

The play equipment is available to borrow for free (with a credit card deposit) for a one-week period. Equipment bookings can only be made online. Pick up and drop off is located at the east entrance, through Duncaster Drive. All items are disinfected between each use.

Bikes and Pickle Ball equipment can be picked up at the Seniors’ Centre

For a complete list of play equipment available to borrow, visit online reservations. Check the website regularly as new items are frequently being added.

Examples of equipment to borrow:

Play lend scope

A telescope is expensive – before buying one you might want to borrow what the city has in its Lending Library.

• Archery set
• Beginners astronomy kit
• Bird watching kit
• Giant outdoor matching game
• Large Connect 4 game
• Lawn darts
• Portable practice target net
• Stilts set
• Bikes, including a three-wheeled bicycle

For more information on the Lending Library program, visit

Link to the site showing what is available is HERE


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Traffic will be a bit slower on Walkers Line north of Britannia - bridge being replaced.

News 100 greenBy Staff

July 12th, 2021



For the cyclists that use Walkers Line there is a reward while they wait for the construction work to be completed. Work has begun and is expected to be completed by the end of August.

The Bridge Replacement work being done on Walkers Line 1.7 km north of Britannia Road will result in a new bridge width of 1.5 metre on each side.

Bridge work will be staged, west side then east side. Roadway will be reduced to one lane and controlled with a temporary traffic signal.

The new bridge will meet the high water demands from heavy rainfall events and will be constructed with an upgraded traffic barrier and railings.

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Income Inequality in Halton - disturbing differences

News 100 redBy Staff

July 12th, 2021



The widening income gap between the rich and the poor can impact negatively on economic growth, standard of living, health and well being, and social inclusion. High income inequality also raises a moral question about fairness and social justice.1 In Canada, the income gap between the top 1 percent and the median household has been historically large and is growing steadily larger.2

Custom tabulation from Statistics Canada’s taxfiler data file provides an opportunity to learn more about income inequality in Halton Region. Determining the share of total income by population deciles is one of many ways to measure income inequality. The population is divided into ten equal groups (10% each) from the poorest (lowest decile) to the richest (highest decile) – according to the distribution of values of a particular variable. Then the proportion of total income captured by each group is calculated. If each group has 10% of the total income, there is no income inequality.

cdh Income differencesUsing the most currently available data, in 2018 the highest decile (10%) of the population in Halton has by far the largest share (25%) of the total after-tax income (disposable income) and the bottom decile captures only 3%.

Oakville has a wider gap between the highest decile (28%) and the lowest decile (2.1%) than the other three local municipalities.

The concentration of income/wealth becomes more skewed when looking at income of the top 1 percent of the population.

The top 1% of Halton’s population (5,730 individuals) has 7% of the total disposable income. The top 1% of Oakville’s population (2,040 individuals) has 8.3% of the town’s total disposable income.

Another measure of income disparity is to compare income levels of various income groups. The population is sorted according to their average disposable income and then divided into 10 equal groups (deciles) each containing 10% of the population.

In Halton, the average disposable income for the top decile (top 10% of the population) was 9 times higher than the bottom decile (bottom 10% of the population). In other words, on average, for every after-tax dollar earned by individuals in the top decile, those at the bottom decile earned 11.2 cents. In Oakville, the difference is 13 times. The individuals in the bottom decile earned only 7.5 cents. In fact, the bottom decile in Oakville has the lowest average after-tax income among the local municipalities.

CDH GRAPH 2 jULY 2021The impact of Covid-19 on the income gap among Canadians has been pronounced.

According to a CIBC Economics report,3 Covid-19 has resulted in a dramatic widening of the income gap.

The data shows that this has been fuelled not only by the expected loss of many low-wage jobs, but also by an unexpected increase in the number of high-wage jobs in the fourth quartile of the wage scale, which had year-over-year growth of more than 9% or 260,000 jobs.

In fact, the report goes on to say “…if it were not for the increase in high-wage jobs during the recession, the overall level of employment today would have been almost one million below the pre-recession level.”

As we come out of the pandemic, how we respond to those that have been most impacted is critical to recovery.
If you have any feedback/suggestions on the issue of income inequality in Halton, you can contact us at data@

Community Development Halton would like to acknowledge the ongoing financial support of the Regional Municipality of Halton.


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The first 'LIVE' entertainment - educational based event announced

artsorange 100x100By Pepper Parr

July 12th, 2021



They have been offering programs for young people and putting on theatrical performances at the Performing Arts Centre that has been some of the best seen on those stages.

The only thing missing was a larger audience.

KooGle cast

Koogle has put on some of the best summer theatre fare the city has ever seen.

The Putnam County Spelling Bee, staged in 2015, was one of the smartest summer entertainment events this critic has seen at the Performing Arts Centre.

Like everyone else, Koogle is edging out of the lockdown offering a virtual program for July and a live program for August.

Hopefully the move in the 3rd stage that starts on Friday will hold and we get to the point where a normal normal begins to be real.

Details on their July virtual program can be found below

Koogle July program

The August program is going to be live – location not determined yet – details below.

Koogle August events

Register HERE for the July virtual program

Register HERE for the August LIVE program

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Unpopular 400 series highway - GTA West - moves into phase 2

News 100 blueBy Staff

July 12th, 2021



The Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is in Stage 2 of the GTA West Transportation Corridor Route Planning and Environmental Assessment (EA) Study.

After confirming the Preferred Route and 2020 Focused Analysis Area on August 7, 2020, the GTA West Project Team commenced developing the Preferred Route to a preliminary design level of detail.


With the decision made to proceed with the highway – MTO moves to Phase 2

Stage 2 focuses on a new highway and transit corridor.

Extending from Highway 400 in the east to the Highway 401/407 ETR interchange area in the west.

Includes a 400- series highway and transit, and potential goods movement priority

To further meet the public’s needs and address community questions, a Webinar will be hosted by the GTA West Project Team on July 28, 2021 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

The transit corridor will be 60m of the total ROW, will run parallel to the GTA West highway and will:

Gta West row

Right of way for a highway that will have lanes for buses as well

Allow buses (and potentially in the future, light rail vehicles) to operate on express schedules.

Include stations at strategic locations and provide transit connections with buses onto major arterial roadways, Highway 401, 407ETR, Highway 410, Highway 427, and Highway 400.

July 28, 2021 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.  Zoom registration link: .

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Step Three of the Roadmap to Reopen at 12:01 a.m. on Friday, July 16, 2021.

News 100 yellowBy Staff

June 11th, 2021



The province in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health is moving the province into Step Three of the Roadmap to Reopen at 12:01 a.m. on Friday, July 16, 2021.

In order to enter Step Three of the Roadmap, Ontario needed to have vaccinated 70 to 80 per cent of individuals 18 years of age or older with one dose and 25 per cent with two doses for at least two weeks, ensuring a stronger level of protection against COVID-19.

Step Three of the Roadmap focuses on the resumption of additional indoor services with larger numbers of people and restrictions in place. This includes, but is not limited to:

Outdoor social gatherings and organized public events with up to 100 people with limited exceptions;


Community meetings like this will not take place during this stage of the Re-Open

Indoor social gatherings and organized public events with up to 25 people;

Indoor religious services, rites or ceremonies, including wedding services and funeral services permitted with physical distancing;

Indoor dining permitted with no limits on the number of patrons per table with physical distancing and other restrictions still in effect;

Indoor sports and recreational fitness facilities to open subject to a maximum 50 per cent capacity of the indoor space.

Capacity for indoor spectators is 50 per cent of the usual seating capacity or 1,000 people, whichever is less. Capacity for outdoor spectators is 75 per cent of the usual seating capacity or 15,000 people, whichever is less;

Indoor meeting and event spaces permitted to operate with physical distancing and other restrictions still in effect and capacity limited to not exceed 50 per cent capacity or 1,000 people, (whichever is less);

Essential and non-essential retail with with capacity limited to the number of people that can maintain a physical distance of two metres;

Personal care services, including services requiring the removal of a face covering, with capacity limited to the number of people that can maintain a physical distance of two metres;

Brant Museum rendering

Museum can now be opened to the public.

Museums, galleries, historic sites, aquariums, zoos, landmarks, botanical gardens, science centres, casinos/bingo halls, amusement parks, fairs and rural exhibitions, festivals, with capacity limited to not exceed 50 per cent capacity indoors and 75 per cent capacity outdoors;

Concert venues, cinemas, and theatres permitted to operate at:

up to 50 per cent capacity indoors or a maximum limit of 1,000 people for seated events (whichever is less)
up to 75 per cent capacity outdoors or a maximum limit of 5,000 people for unseated events (whichever is less); and up to 75 per cent capacity outdoors or a maximum of 15,000 people for events with fixed seating (whichever is less).

Real estate open houses with capacity limited to the number of people that can maintain a physical distance of two metres; and

Indoor food or drink establishments where dance facilities are provided, including nightclubs and restobars, permitted up to 25 per cent capacity or up to a maximum limit of 250 people (whichever is less).

Meed Ward in a mask

Mayor Marianne Med Ward can still wear her mask in public.

Face coverings in indoor public settings and physical distancing requirements remain in place throughout Step Three. This is in alignment with the advice on personal public health measures issued by the Public Health Agency of Canada, while also accounting for Ontario specific information and requirements. Face coverings will also be required in some outdoor public settings as well.

The pandemic is not over and we must all remain vigilant and continue following the measures and advice in place, as the Delta variant continues to pose a threat to public health.”

The province will remain in Step Three of the Roadmap for at least 21 days and until 80 per cent of the eligible population aged 12 and over has received one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine and 75 per cent have received their second, with no public health unit having less than 70 per cent of their eligible population aged 12 and over fully vaccinated.

Other key public health and health care indicators must also continue to remain stable. Upon meeting these thresholds, the vast majority of public health and workplace safety measures, including capacity limits for indoor and outdoor settings and limits for social gatherings, will be lifted. Only a small number of measures will remain in place, including the requirement for passive screening, such as posting a sign, and businesses requiring a safety plan.

Ontario’s epidemiological situation is distinct from other jurisdictions and the Delta variant is the dominant strain in Ontario, which is not the case with some other provinces. As a result, on the advice of the Chief Medical Officer of Health, face coverings will also continue to be required for indoor public settings. The Chief Medical Officer of Health will continue to evaluate this need on an ongoing basis.

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School Board Trustees explain their decision to rename Ryerson Public School

background graphic redBy Staff

July 11th, 2021



shuttle worh and Tracy

Trustees Margo Shuttleworth and Tracy Ehl Harris delegating virtually before a city Standing Committee.

Halton District School Board trustees Margo Shuttleworth and Tracy Ehl Harris delegated before a city Standing Committee earlier this week to explain what the Board of Education was doing in the matter of renaming a school.

We have heard from many voices in the community and had many conversations which culminated with formal requests from community members, including those who are survivors of residential schools to consider a change in name of our school on Woodview Drive.

Of course, we have also heard from some who feel we are discounting the positive contributions of Egerton Ryerson to the Canadian education system. He did indeed create school boards, making textbooks more uniform, and making education free. He also advocated for the separation of Church and State within education….. apart from the education for Indigenous children.

For Indigenous students he drafted a Ryerson Industrial Schools Report which supports the creation of industrial schools. These schools have been called manual labour schools, industrial schools, boarding schools, and residential schools. They included religious instruction which Ryerson felt necessary to assimilate and civilize Indigenous children, .

students with nun

Instruction for the most part was delivered by Clergy

We need to be accountable to the legacy that Ryerson also left behind and the trauma and hurt it causes our students and their families to feel. We must be compassionate to the hurt and trauma that has been part of his legacy.

I am going to read for you an overview of The Ryerson Experiment compiled by Nishnawbe Aski Nation ( Nishnawbe Aski Nation Indian Residential Schools in Ontario, 2005 ). This group represents 49 First Nation communities within northern Ontario with a population of membership (on and off reserve) estimated around 45,000 people.

In 1845, a report to the Legislative Assembly recommended that industrial boarding schools be adopted for the education of Indian children. In 1847, Dr. Egerton Ryerson, the Chief Superintendent of Education for Upper Canada (Ontario) suggested a method of establishing and conducting the industrial schools for the benefit of Indian children.

Their purpose should be to “give a plain English education adapted to the working farmer and mechanic” and in addition “agriculture, kitchen-gardening and mechanics so far as mechanics is connected with the making and repairing the most useful agricultural implements”. To attain their objective, it would be necessary for the students to reside together, with adequate provision being made for their domestic and religious education. Dr. Ryerson especially deemed the latter essential. “With him (the Indian) nothing can be done to improve and elevate his character and condition without the aid of religious feeling”.

boys prayers before bed

Spiritual guidance was part of the curriculum at the residential schools.

For this reason he insisted that the animating and controlling spirit of each Industrial School “should be a joint effort of the Government and of the religious organization concerned. Decisions on the appointment of the School Superintendent, buildings to be erected and conditions for admission of pupils were also to be made jointly. The Government would be responsible for inspection and the laying down of general rules and regulations as well as making financial grants to support each of the operating cost, and provide spiritual guidance for the pupils.

It was these experiments that lay the foundation for residential schools. Ryerson’s approach was to separate Indigenous children from their parents in order to achieve assimilation and although it can be recognized that he made many contributions to the education system, this piece of his legacy has had a traumatic and harmful impact on a part of our school community.

The name Ryerson, for many, brings up experiences of trauma and mistrust of the education system. We value all students who are part of our HDSB community and we must live up to our commitments in recognizing the harm that some of our school names may have.


The delegation was then passed to Board of Trustees  Vice Chair Tracy Ehl Harrsion  to give an overview of policy and links to our Multi Year Plan

I am going to discuss the policy overlay at the Halton District School Board that compels this renaming process.

The Board adopted a new strategic multi year plan in late 2020.

  • The Multi-Year Plan (MYP) is a strategic four-year plan created collaboratively for the Halton District School Board (HDSB). The purpose of the MYP is to set direction and prioritize the collective actions of all stakeholders to ensure our efforts as an organization are aligned and coordinated to support the more than 65,000 students 9,000 staff and the broader HDSB
  • Five Key Areas & Commitments
    • Equity & Inclusion
    • Mental Health and Well-Being
  • Learning and Achievement
  • Environmental Leadership
  • Indigenous Perspectives and Awareness
  • The Board motion touches on a number of these commitments, including equity and inclusion, mental health and well being and Indigenous Perspectives and
  • Specifically the commitment related to Indigenous Perspectives and Awareness includes:
    • Provide opportunities for a whole community approach to understanding the  impacts of colonialism, past and present.
  • Foster engagement with Indigenous peoples, communities, practices, perspectives and realities to build awareness, mutual respect and shared
  • Enhance learning about Treaty relationships, Indigenous rights, residential schools and Indigenous peoples’ contributions to Canada to fulfil the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action for

These were not small schools. Above is a photograph of the Kamloops Indian Residential School where the graves of 215 students who attended the school were discovered.

 With this as our backdrop, as Trustee Shuttleworth indicated that the Board received a number of requests to rename Ryerson Public School. We also received a number of messages indicating that we needed to do research to understand the positive contributions Ryerson has made to public education. When the renaming requests were received, the School Naming and Renaming Policy and Governance Procedure and Administrative Procedure were followed.

These were updated in January 2021, to reflect the new MYP and the current social context.

Once of the guiding principles of the policy is to “Consider equity, diversity and inclusion in the school community;”. The Governance Procedure details what is under the purview of Trustees, while the Administrative Procedure details staff responsibilities, and the two dovetail. In summary:

Renaming requests are submitted to the Director’s office, and the Chair and Director determine whether or not to bring forward a report to the Board. According to the Procedure, the renaming of a school shall be considered if: a) the current name constitutes a significant departure from generally-recognized standards of public behaviour which is seen to undermine the credibility, integrity or relevance of the HDSB’s contemporary values; or b) the current name was appropriated from a culture or community without the necessary recognition or awareness process.

In this case, a report was brought forward to initiate the renaming, and it was unanimously supported by the Board. Next steps include:

  • Forming an ad hoc committee, involving staff, Trustees, and members of the school
  • Notifying and seeking pubic input and ideas from the whole community (staff, students, community) which are narrowed down by the committee, and vetted to ensure the uphold the MYP and the criteria of the
  • A short list of up to five, fully researched names, are submitted to the Board of Trustees for discussion and ultimate selection of one

This process for the current school under consideration, is to be wrapped up by the end of November 2021.

The discussion at the Board table was not an easy one, and certainly there are complexities. At the end of the day, the Board must uphold the commitments of the MYP. Its development reflects the ideas and values of thousands of people in the HDSB community. Now is our time to be true to those commitments, not only to the words, but to the actions that as a community we decided will make a positive impact on this and future generations.

During the discussion at the Board table, it was noted that the adjacent park has the same name, and as such, the Board wanted to alert you to the process that is going to be undertaken for the school.

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Comments section of the Gazette experiencing technical issues

News 100 blueBy Pepper  Parr

July 10th, 2021



There are problems with the commenting feature.

hearing aid

Some reader comments are not getting through.

Some comments made by readers are coming through while others are not.

The techies are working on the problem.

If you have a problem posting a comment send a note to

Realize that when you post a comment it sits in the pending section until it has been read over and approved.

There are occasions when a comment does not get published, usually because of the language used by the writer.

We apologize for the inconvenience and are working on the problem.


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City council hears from an Indigenous Elder on the matter of renaming parks and schools.

SwP thumbnail graphicBy Pepper Parr

July 9th, 2021



The Standing Committee on Environment, Infrastructure and Community Services met earlier this week and almost swooned as they listened to Stephen Paquette talk about why the Ryerson school and the park adjacent to it should be renamed.

The Councillors and the two school board trustees who took part as delegations were like high school students listening to a rock star.

paquette Stephen

Stephen Paquette.

Paquette on the other hand was sensible and balanced.

Sure he took a strong position on the getting rid of the Ryerson name but he said he could live with statues of Sir John remaining providing there was a plaque beside the statue putting the man’s role in context.

Unfortunately many are not as sensible and balanced as Paquette.

He taught the Councillors some important lessons; one being the way we choose to elevate some people and create a statue and put it in a public place without a full understanding of the person. He seemed to be saying the statues were more adulation than realistic accounting of the person.

The fear I have is that we will rename the park and the school and then move on to something else forgetting what the real issue is – first making amends for the harm we created and then giving the Indigenous people what they deserve. Decent housing and water they can drink.

A number of years ago Gord Downie stood on a stage and implored the Prime Minister who was in the audience to take care of the Indigenous people. And how much has been done for those people since that time?

I look to Paquette being the person who keeps our feet to the flame and helps us get to the point where the members of the First Nation are true equals.

I was impressed with the man – he is an Elder serving as a staff consultant with the Halton District School Board. He is an excellent spokesperson for his people.

Joseph Boyden, wrote a book: The Orenda. It is a hard book to read on the relationship between the Jesuits who came to Canada to civilize the “savages”. There was painful cruelty on both sides. Boyden created significant controversy writing on Indigenous people. Boyden is primarily of Irish and Scottish ancestry. A number of Indigenous writers and researchers came forward to publicly state Boyden did not have the right to speak on behalf of any Indigenous community because he was not a First Nations citizen and ultimately not Indigenous.

We are going to be dogged with controversy on the question of how we atone for some time. Hopefully the plight of the Indigenous people gets improved while we squabble.

Salt with Pepper is the musings, reflections and opinions of the publisher of the Burlington Gazette, an online newspaper that was formed in 2010 and is a member of the National Newsmedia Council.

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