By Pepper Parr
December 10th, 2020
When the plans that worked wonderfully in the past can’t be used this year – what do you do?
You pivot and get creative.
The Gift of Giving Back, one of the most effective programs for collecting food and involving young people in the process – had ten years of success behind them. They were looking forward to another year – when BAM – COVID hit the world and everything was turned upside down.
Jean Longfield and her team at The Gift knew that food was going to be needed even more this year – they also knew that the food drives that has tonnes of food arriving at a selected high school in the city wasn’t going to be possible.
Volunteers are the backbone of the people that have in the past collected tonnes of food. Above, a volunteer digs out a blue bag while the woman on the right stands by waiting to weigh the food that arrives.
They needed to find a place that was easy to get to – storage space would be nice but they could get by with just enough space to hold what came in each day.
Burlington Centre came through for them. (Have you noticed how often Burlington Centre has come through for those groups that are out there helping the community?)
The Gift people put together a program that would stretch out for several weeks and placed an order for hundreds of those iconic blue bags that get dropped off at houses throughout the city. People are asked to fill the bags and drop them off at the Burlington Centre.
So far it is working – there is the odd hiccup – but they seem to be able to overcome the small problems.
Hours of operation are set out below. If you don’t have a blue bag – put what you want to give in a box and drop it off.
Best entrance to the Centre to get to the Gift of Giving Back is the main entrance on the Guelph Line side – lots of parking.
Walk in through the main doors – turn right when you get to the elevator and walk 50 yards or so – you can’t miss the place.
Be generous – there are a lot of people out there hurting about now.
By Pepper Parr
December 10, 2020
When I talked to my doctor last he mentioned that I would probably get my Covid vaccination around June or July.
I fully expected to visit my doctor when I was told to and get a needle stuck in my arm.
Turns out that is probably not the way vaccinations will be done.
This could well be the location for some of the mass – public vaccinations.
During a Council Standing committee earlier today we learned that there will likely be mass – public vaccinations at Nelson Arena and the Haber recreation centre,
When the vaccine has arrived the public will be told where to go to be vaccinated.
City Manager Tim Commisso said he expected this would probably be a top down process; the federal government will let the provinces know when the vaccine is available and the municipalities will handle the administrative part of the mass vaccination process under the guidance of the Regional Public Health Unit.
By Pepper Parr
December 10th, 2020
There are some things that you don’t want to miss watching.
The tearing down of the Berlin Wall in Germany.
President Obama speaking to the students at Notre Dame University.
There are others of course.
This evening Burlington Green has arranged for a screening of the film I am Greta. Her story is one parents will want their high school level students exposed to – great stuff.
Greta Thunberg’s international crusade to bring climate justice to the forefront is an important story, the film explore the behind-the-scenes journey about how she become a force of nature.
Registrants will be sent a confirmation email with a ZOOM link to the event.
By Staff
December 10th, 2020
Burlington Foundation announced it has awarded $141,000 in funding to 10 charities through the second round of the Emergency Community Support Fund (ECSF), funded by
the Government of Canada.
Echoing the previous round, this funding supports charities who are addressing
critical needs affecting vulnerable community members in Burlington greatly impacted by COVID-19. Through the first round, the Foundation was pleased to deliver $335,370 to 18 front-line charities serving Burlington, bringing the total funding delivered between Rounds 1 and 2 to over $476,000.
With the second wave of Covid-19 striking communities and driving an unrelenting demand for emergency relief, the second round of the ECSF has been a critical way that support has continued to flow to charities serving our most vulnerable.
Established by the Government of Canada as a $350 million fund in May, the fund
has been implemented with Community Foundations of Canada, in partnership with local foundations across the country, the Canadian Red Cross and United Way Centraide Canada.
Colleen Mulholland, President and CEO of Burlington Foundation.
“It is anticipated that one-third of charities may not survive the financial destruction of this pandemic,” says Colleen Mulholland, President and CEO of Burlington Foundation.
“That distressing potential reflects why Burlington Foundation continues to monitor community closely and is committed to bringing vital, rapid relief to our charities and the most vulnerable community members they serve.”
Charities Awarded Round 2 Funding:
Imagine Canada, an advocacy and research group that aims to strengthen the charitable sector, released a report earlier in the pandemic that vividly describes the devastating impact that Covid-19 is having on our charitable sector, with many charities struggling to stay open while having to rapidly pivot services and programs. As reported in May, 69% of charities have experienced decreased revenues with nearly three quarters of charities (73%) reporting that donations are down. In September, Imagine Canada shared that our charitable sector is expected to suffer a loss that could reach upwards of $15 billion in revenues this year.
“The staggering loss of revenues that we have experienced is likely to continue well into the immediate future – and at a time when the need for the services of many charities is on a steep rise, “says Colleen. “Since the start of this pandemic, Burlington Foundation has been honoured to partner with generous fundholders, donors and our federal government to deliver rapid relief – providing $783,540 to 65 charities working tirelessly to support
our community.
“As this challenging year comes to a close, we continue to monitor our most pressing needs and are pleased to currently have $150,000 in remaining Pandemic Response Funds for a further granting initiative early in the new year. Never has the support of community been more important than right now. Please considering giving what you can – 100% of your gift supports our local charities.”
By Pepper Parr
December 9th, 2020
In a couple of weeks the kids will be coming home for the holidays.
I know of at least one student who expects to be on the plane on the 21st arriving from the Maritimes where the virus spread has been pretty limited relative to the rest of the country.
Her brother will be coming home from an Ontario university west of Burlington.
Given the rules these students will be required to self-isolate for 14 days. Count them – December 21st + 14 days gets them to January 2nd or third.
What are the chances of that actually happening ? These are decent people in the process of becoming adults.
They come from good families with parents who are going to want them to do the right thing.
Checking in with friends, getting together for coffee because there is nowhere they are able to scoot off to for a drink is what you do when you are home from school.
This kind of getting caught up doesn’t get done on the telephone but it does get done.
Expecting the rules to be rigidly adhered to is a huge stretch; the outcome will be a rises in the number of infections both in every town in the province and in the communities to which these students return.
Something to think about.
How much higher will that blue line go once the students return to the universities and colleges?
Salt with Pepper is the musings, reflections and opinions of the publisher of the Burlington Gazette, an online newspaper that was formed in 2010 and is a member of the National Newsmedia Council.
By Pepper Parr
December 9th, 2020
Transit was showing some very impressive ridership increases; city council was impressed – it looked as if a service that was costing the city a bundle was in the process of turning a corner.
Ridership was growing – senior use grew by 40% +
The new Director of Transit brought a depth of experience to the job and knew the business of moving people better than anyone the city had running that service in a decade.
Then Covid 19 became a reality and for months the transit people didn’t see a dime – transit was free so that people could get to work.
The plans to look seriously at a fleet of electric buses is underway – but the kind of money needed isn’t readily available.
The transit people and council learned during a workshop that a transit fleet could not be a combination of diesel and electric – it had to be one or the other. The cost of running the two systems side by side was prohibitive.
From the left: Councillors Stolte, Kearns and Nisan at a traditional photo op.
Then along came a grant from the federal government for six buses – all diesel – looked like a step backward.
Tuesday morning council got a look at a transit five year plan that showed promise.
A brisk, smartly delivered presentation where transit staff had most of the answers at their fingertips covered the following:
Service Strategy and delivery
Mobility Management
Customer Experience
Travel Demand Management
Director of Transit Sue Connors run a happy shop that is creating a service the city is going to need.
There are challenges:The first step was to get people back to work and using transit. Then determine what is involved with an electric fleet and at the same time consider if hydrogen is a possibility.
CUTRIC (The Canadian Urban Transit Research and Innovation Consortium had been engaged to model the transit service to determine just what would be needed were Burlington to take the electrification plunge.
The first report from CUTRIC was a disappointment, reported Director of Transit Sue Connor. The distance between the stops was a problem.
Electric buses need to be charged and the locations of those charging stations is critical – and at a million a pop there were limits as to just how many Burlington could afford.
The current fleet consists of 63 buses scheduled to grow to 73 in the next four years.
Operating the system day in – day out is job one – figuring out where the growth is going to come from and how it was going to be paid for was job two.
Arterial routes, particularly when arranged as a grid, are easy to remember and the roads used are better-known by the wider community, reducing barriers for new customers. The September 2019 route modifications have already moved in this direction, and the plan is to move in this direction for all future services. A grid -based system also allows for convenient transfers between routes at intersections, providing greater connectivity to more destinations than a single local route could. Where gaps are left in the network, alternative service delivery options such as on-demand transit services will be explored as a more cost-effective solution.
Besides new buses – transit was going to need a second campus with a larger garage to accommodate the vehicles. They are squeezed very tight right now.
Don’t leave home without it – and don’t lose it.
The fare box – something that doesn’t get used anymore (do they even have the things on buses now?) are replaced by the Presto cards.
If Mayor Meed Ward has her way they won’t be needed either. She is of the view that transit should be free.
Connors had said to Council that she was meeting with the Finance people to go through the financial challenges later in the day. In a very telling comment Meed Ward said to Sue Connors: “Regardless of what Finance does, I’ll put it there.”
Ward 5 Councillor Paul Sharman, who has never been a true fan of transit, has seen the writing on the wall. He said he was impressed with the data but that he was reading it a little differently than the Mayor and the rest of his council colleagues. He also said that he has seen three transit business plans – the “first two didn’t hold water”. He is quite correct – the quality of the work delivered by consultants in the past was not very high.
Transit is going to need a lot of money.
Putting WiFi on the buses will cost $90,000 a year.
Driving the need for more buses is the fact that population growth is not being matched by any new roads – those days are basically over for Burlington. In order to get around people are going to have to use transit. The elected officials are going to have to deliver a service that is comfortable and reliable; making this happen will call for a major cultural shift.
There are a lot of passengers who will use the bus at no cost.
Burlington Transit is going through a lengthy and detailed Business Plan that sets out much of what they are going to have to deal with going forward.
The reality transit has to deal with was set out in the Business Plan:In September 2019, Burlington Transit introduced a new service model, based on a grid-based system and increased service frequency. The early results of this service enhancement showed that ridership had increased over 14 percent from September 2019 to February 2020, compared to the same time a year prior. When the pandemic shut down businesses and lock down began in March 2020, ridership dropped by 75 percent. The pandemic has identified the need to review the numbers and adjust the forecast.
Strong leadership at transit, a staff that is motivated and capable of finding creative and innovative solutions should get Burlington to the point where there is a system that people will want t use.
Can Mayor Meed Ward make it a totally free system? And is it something she really wants to spend a lot of her political capital on is a question only she can answer.
By Staff
December 8th, 2020
The City of Burlington Community Planning Department is in receipt of the information package, dated, October 27, 2020 as circulated electronically by the proponent’s consultant planner.
The ARA package included an Agency Utility Letter, including copies of all technical reports/studies and plans related to the Application, a copy of the Notice of Application for a License (Form 1), and Notice of Public Information Session (Form 2).
The Community Planning Department is actively engaged in the review of applicable land use development applications, including amendments to the Niagara Escarpment Plan, Region of Halton Official Plan and City of Burlington Official Plan as well as the application for Aggregate Resources Act (ARA) License, as it relates to the proposed extension of the Burlington Nelson Quarry.
A coordinated review through a Joint Agency Review Team (JART)(established in 2020) involves cross-consultation with agency partners (including, NEC, MNRF, Halton Region and Conservation Halton) and the applications remain in the early stages of review. It should also be noted that the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) cannot issue an Aggregate License without approval from the Niagara Escarpment Commission.
For these reasons, it is the opinion of the City of Burlington Community Planning Department that to review and comment on the specifics of the ARA License Application is premature given the anticipated duration of the review process and the relative early stage of analysis at this time. We therefore object to any form of ARA approval prior to a further evaluation and decision regarding land use impact, compatibility and appropriateness of the proposed development in the context of provincial and municipal (Region and City) policy.
In its initial review of the applications, City of Burlington staff and peer review consultants have also identified several areas concerning the proposal where either there has not been sufficient information or data provided; where analyses are not sufficiently coordinated with other key areas of review; or, where methodological bases of the information presented in the submitted plans, studies/reports remains undetermined or is inconsistent.
Five general theme areas of concern related to this information have been identified, as follows:
Effects on Surface Water Quantity and Quality
Improved coordination and cross-referencing between the applicant’s various disciplines is needed to perform a holistic review and analysis of issues related to groundwater, hydrology (quality and quantity) and impacts on surface water. This includes, but is not limited to, assessment and reporting on any/all water quality issues;
Confirmation of the suitability of the analytical tools selected by the applicant to simulate the existing and proposed drainage conditions and the accuracy of modeling techniques, assumptions and interpretation of results. This may include additional QA/QC of the monitoring data collected from gauging stations and clarity on the selection of locations for the gauging stations, as the data collected at these stations is applicable to the overall study;
Further assessment by the applicant of potential impacts to the municipal infrastructure and mitigate measures (roadside ditches along Colling Road) and predicted impacts to the surface water features resulting from the proposed quarry extension is needed;
A number of hydrologic features will essentially be lost, including an existing pond within the west expansion, as a result of the proposal and additional assessment is required by the applicant to demonstrate that the lost functions are appropriately replicated in the post-development conditions; Further review is needed by the applicant of the potential impacts to the Willoughby Creek flow regime and the effects on Medad Valley, as well as new surface water.
The conveyance features proposed within the subject lands and their impact on municipal infrastructure as a result of the expansion of quarry operations.
A mutually agreed upon Adaptive Management Plan is needed that addresses the technical comments of the Joint Agency Review Team (JART)(including a schedule for updating the plan), as are details also needed about the long-term rehabilitation plan and potential financial liabilities related to ongoing and future operations.
Natural Heritage Effects
There have been several natural heritage features with potential for impacts noted in the proponent’s submission that have been identified for further scoping within the study area.
These include provincially significant wetlands (outside of the 120 metre buffer for adjacent lands); significant wildlife habitat; significant woodlands; fish habitat (zone of influence to be confirmed); and landscape connectivity. Additional need for the evaluation of Species at Risk was also identified. The further consideration and analyses of these matters may involve the coordination and review of other technical studies and reports in the context of natural heritage, including potential and/or indirect impacts that may result from the proposed development (i.e. connections and linkages between natural heritage features, surface water features and groundwater).
Additional information is required to ensure the protection and reduced impacts of the proposed development on significant natural heritage resource areas, features and functions; particularly as it relates to mitigation and monitoring.
The assessment of long-term, cumulative impacts of future uses and long-term rehabilitation (after-use) plans may require additional clarification and data support.
Agricultural Effects and Existing Farming Practices
The Agricultural Impact Assessment (AIA) submitted by the applicant concludes that the permanent loss of the subject agricultural lands is inconsequential, yet the analysis is not systematic and does not examine impacts relative to pressures on the agricultural system at a broader scale (i.e. climate change, demand for settlement area boundary expansions, aggregate extraction, cemetery lands etc.), nor does it address the cumulative effect of the incremental loss of a finite resource over time;
The agricultural lands within the southern study area have been characterized in the AIA as fragmented, implying lower value/viability. However, the overlapping natural features, limited rural residential uses, and passive recreational uses within the area are generally considered compatible and complementary uses in relation to agriculture. Further, in terms of land use designation, the area is contiguously mapped as prime agricultural lands. Therefore, a comprehensive AIA is required for these lands.
The AIA notes that the average parcel sizes are indicative of smaller, ‘hobby-sized’ farms, implying lower value/viability. The PPS, 2020 does not make a distinction for ‘hobby’ farms and section notes that “In prime agricultural areas, all types, sizes and intensities of agricultural uses and normal farm practices shall be promoted and protected in accordance with provincial standards”.
The extent of soil disturbance within the western study area is presumed as beyond rehabilitation, according to the study. Insufficient information has been provided to validate this claim. The AIA speaks to the consideration of “another property located farther away” but does not provide any detail with respect to the evaluation of this alternative site in relation to the proposal.
The AIA notes that an expansion to an existing site is less detrimental to agriculture than a new site, based on the use of existing haul routes. Yet it does not assess the impacts associated with an intensification of the existing aggregate use, i.e. increased quarry traffic on existing haul routes, as well as the extension of the life of the quarry and the long-term disturbance to agricultural operations within the area.
The AIA notes that an open-water feature can provide benefits to the agricultural area by providing flood attenuation and fresh water for irrigation purposes, yet does not present supporting evidence identifying a need/demand for flood attenuation or irrigation within the subject lands.
Human Health (Air Quality)
A technical peer review of the applicant’s Air Quality Study, as included with the application submission is ongoing, with particular focus on matters related to methodology, findings and conclusions associated with any potential air quality impacts of the proposed quarry extension.
The City of Burlington expresses concern with the planned future for existing industrial land uses (i.e. processing facility) on the quarry lands and the prospect of the continuation of those activities in the context of an expanded quarry operation. There has not been consistent or adequate detail pertaining to the use of the existing quarry lands for an industrial use in the event that aggregate resource extraction ceases (or is substantially reduced) on that portion of the quarry operation and its resultant conformity with applicable legislation and policy related to the Niagara Escarpment Area. It should be noted that concerns have been raised by stakeholders with respect to the timelines of the receipt, review and comment on the ARA License Application and the change in format.
A Public Information Session (PIS) required as a component of the review process.
While the City recognizes and appreciates the rigour of provincial regulation pertaining to public consultation and the restrictions on public gatherings implemented to contain the spread of COVID-19 (as documented in the August 2020 Aggregate Resources Program Bulletin: Resuming Aggregate Application Timelines and Public Consultation under the Aggregate Resources Act (Post COVID-19)), issues of public access to this process persist.
While the City Community Planning Department understands that the prescribed format for information sessions is not established through regulation and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) has provided guidance on alternate virtual public information sessions to facilitate verbal exchange between parties, the City Community Planning Department reasserts that maximum public disclosure and access is paramount.
At present, the format of the consultation described in the Notice of Public Information Session appears focused on a format that may solicit direct communication between the proponent and an interested individual rather than among and between the larger stakeholder community and the proponent.
A virtual public information session in a format that is widely available for a public exchange between all parties (simultaneously), and which is initiated and coordinated by the proponent, is technically possible, and should be a minimum requirement. The City of Burlington Community Planning Department appreciates the opportunity to provide comments in response to the circulation of the ARA License Application, and requests notification of any future meetings or updates on the review of this file.
The City of Burlington reserves the right to raise further issues as the review of these applications progresses.
By Staff
December 8th, 2020
The Nelson Aggregate application for licenses to expand their quarry operation in rural Burlington is getting a lot of attention.
The city of Burlington earlier today recommended the sending of a letter of objection to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry registering their objections at this time while the Region is sponsoring a Virtual meeting Thursday evening that CORE makes sound like an occasion to beat up on the quarry operators.
The meeting is to give people an opportunity to put their questions and concerns directly to Nelson and do so publicly.
The official Public Information Session with Nelson Aggregates (ZOOM Meeting) is happening this Thursday December 10th, 6:00pm – 8:00pm.
CORE in their announcement said: While this is short notice , we are grateful for the efforts of Halton Region Council (with support from their staff) who voted unanimously to contact Nelson Aggregate to schedule and support the delivery of a virtual public information session.
Turnout for a CORE meeting on the west end site
Without their work, the public consultation required by the Aggregate Resources Act would have been limited to one-on-one telephone conversations with a Nelson aggregate representative.
Here’s the link:
Again from CORE: “This meeting is your chance to voice your opposition to Nelson Aggregate’s plans to blast two more gravel-pits out of Burlington’s escarpment DIRECTLY to representatives of Nelson Aggregate. It is SO important that there are a high number of participants at the meeting. We wouldn’t want the folks at Nelson to make the case that the community is losing interest in the ‘No Quarry’ fight. So, this coming Thursday (at supper time) plate your dinner and bring it with you to wherever you’re zooming in from…BUT please, don’t miss this meeting.
Questions will be entered in the ‘chat room’ throughout the meeting and presented to Nelson’s reps by the moderator, so if you’re shy about speaking in the public, no worries: you won’t have to do so in this zoom-meeting format.
Related news story:
City sends Ministry a letter
By Staff
December 8th, 2020
The Halton Regional Police have arrested and laid charges against one male and one female in relation to a series of purse thefts in the City of Burlington and Town of Oakville.
Between August and October of 2020, these thieves targeted older adult females shopping in grocery stores and retail spaces. These thieves waited for the victims to lose sight of their purses then proceeded to steal them before fleeing the scene.
In two of the incidents, thieves attempted to use the stolen credit cards for cash withdrawals at local banks. The estimated loss is projected to be over $10,000 including purses, cash, cell phones, key fobs and personal items.
Investigation by the Burlington Criminal Investigations Bureau led to the charges against the following individuals;
Zaneta STOJKOVA (39 year old female from Brampton)
- Theft Under $5,000 (7 counts)
- Fraud Under $5,000 (2 counts)
- Use of Disguise with Intent
- Breach of Probation
Rene STOJKA (39 year old male from Brampton)
- Theft Under $5,000 (4 counts)
- Fraud Under $5,000
- Fail to Comply with Release Order
Evidence recovered by Regional Police.
On December 4th 2020, Investigators from Burlington and Oakville executed a search warrant at a residence in the City of Brampton. As a result; the following items were seized
- 12 Purses
- Various Items of Clothing used to Disguise
- Various perfumes
- 2 Cellular Telephones
- $700.00 in Canadian, American and European Currency
Both STOJKOVA and STOJKA were held for a bail hearing.
The public is reminded to reduce their risk when shopping and only bring your driver’s licence, health card and a few financial cards. Protect your personal identification number at all times and use TAP whenever possible. Don’t let your belongings out of sight and become distracted while shopping.
Any fraudulent activity on your financial cards should be reported immediately to your bank and to police.
Anyone with information is asked to contact Detective Constable Derek Gray of the Burlington Criminal Investigations Bureau – Older Adult Abuse Investigator at 905-825-4747 ext. 2344.
Tips can also be submitted anonymously to Crime Stoppers. “See something? Hear something? Know something? Contact Crime Stoppers” at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS) or through the web at
By Pepper Parr
December 8th, 2020
Running of Council business in Burlington is done using a Standing Committee structure.
Burlington has three such committee with two additional committees: Budget and Audit
Ward 1 Councillor Kevin Galbraith chairing a Standing committee
The name of a Chair for each committee is put forward by the Mayor. Those nomination are put before Council where any council member can nominate someone else for the job.
The nominations are put to a vote. The results of that vote then go to a Council meeting where they are confirmed. The practice in Burlington has been to put a new committee chair in place each year.
The current council took its place for the first time in December of 2018; just two of the seven had any municipal council experience. The Mayor had to look at what she had and choose what she thought at the time was best for the city. Some worked out very well, others not so well.
Councillor Paul Sharman: Not a happy camper for much of the Monday Standing Committee meeting.
In that first year she did not put Councillor Sharman in a chairmanship role deciding to give the newbies a chance to learn. Sharman appears not to have accepted the Mayor’s wisdom or forgiven her for what he saw as a personal slight. Some of that came out at the Monday meeting.
The nominations for new Chairs/Vice-Chairs for 2021 are as follows:
EICS: Environment, Infrastructure & Community Services Committee
Chair: Councillor Paul Sharman Vice-Chair: Councillor Kelvin Galbraith
CPRM: Community Planning, Regulation & Mobility
Committee Chair: Councillor Kelvin Galbraith, Vice-Chair: Councillor Shawna Stolte
CSSRA: Corporate Services, Strategy, Risk and Accountability
Committee Chair: Councillor Lisa Kearns, Vice-Chair: Councillor Rory Nisan
Council Workshop: Chair: Councillor Angelo Bentivegna, Vice-Chair: Councillor Paul Sharman
The role of Deputy Mayor was a different matter. Mayor Meed Ward decided to take a much different approach. Yesterday’s Standing Committee moved into a Workshop mode where there was considerable discussion on just what a Deputy Mayor is and how the role would be carried out.
There was some fascinating discussion which the Gazette will report on in a separate article. In order to cover the month of January next the Mayor appointed the Councillor for ward 1 as the Deputy and the Councillor for ward 3 as the Alternate.
By Pepper Parr
December 7th, 2020
Why the city could not say they were grateful for the initiative and the money that the Burlington Seniors’ Community Initiatives (BSCI) put up to refurbish a bus shelter and install the fittings to make it heated is hard to understand.
What we got was notice of a photo opportunity where the Ward Councillor, perhaps even the Mayor, will strut their stuff and talk about the how great the city is.
The Burlington leadership team, referred to as the BLT, will also be on hand for the photo op.
The people who raised the money were at one time the operators of many of the services that were provided at the Seniors Centre.
The Bistro, the heart of the Seniors’ Centre.
The Bistro, which is a very profitable operation, was an idea the seniors came up with.
They were unceremoniously pushed out when the City Manager at the time sent one of his threatening letters telling them their time had come to an end.
There is a reason for the bus shelter being across the street from the entrance to the seniors’ shelter where the bus could pull up – no one has said just what that reason is.
Hopefully the recognition of Burlington Seniors’ Community Initiatives contribution towards the purchase and installation of the City of Burlington’s first heated transit shelter is full-throated and heartfelt. Not a lot of respect of the one group for the other.
Will there come a time when the seniors get to have more direct involvement in their affairs?
Regional Chair Gary Carr getting a workout on a piece of equipment while Mayor Meed Ward does her Hallelujah while peddling away on equipment paid for by a senior citizen group.
BSCI put up the money for the sports equipment at Burloak Park; they recently put $5000 into the Meal Bag program at Wellington Square and paid for some much needed PPE at another church – the Baptist church got funds to do an upgrade of their kitchen.
Hopefully some of that remarkable history will get a mention at the photo op on Friday: 1:15 pm at Transit Stop 45 on Burlington Teen Tour Band Way.
By Pepper Parr
December 7th, 2020
City Council meeting as a Standing Committee on Monday went through a very heavy agenda.
They had information coming at them from half a dozen directions – some critical decision will end up being made based on what they heard.
One can reasonably wonder if the diet was a little too rich.
Rendering of the view from Harvester looking north – GO tracks are at the top. The property is currently owned by the Attridge school bus people who have come to an arrangement with GO
There was a good presentation from Metrolinx on where the layover facility is going to be located. On Harvester at Walkers Line.
Executive Director Sheila Jones orchestrated a review of the kind of corporate organization the city would like to end up with when they have completed the reviews and the high level thinking.
In terms of a management development session it was as good as it gets – the one fly in the ointment was that council members were asked to hold their questions to the end of the presentation – when they got to that point they were tuckered out and had very little in the way of questions.
An early look at the future functional design of the city organization.
The presentation deck they were given is well worth more time from the members of Council – hopefully they will be able to find the time to think through and reflect on what they learned.
The Gazette will have a fuller story on this for you later in the week – for the moment – take a look at the development of the org chart – loads on information in there and lots of questions.
In a related story we look at the decision to put the culture file back in in with Parks and Recreation; it didn’t work very well when it was within that department last time and there is not much to suggest it will work this time either.
Councillor Sharma n speaking to Angela Paparizo
At the risk of using a pun, the issue is one of vastly different cultures.
There was a lot of time spent on the role of a Deputy Mayor. Mayor Meed Ward put forward a memorandum what she felt was a serious flaw in the governance of the city.
Some very good work done on that file. More on that issue soon.
By Pepper Parr
December 5th, 2020
There was no new snow on the ground but there was a Santa sitting as a passenger in a Fire Truck as it rolled through the streets of xxx Saturday afternoon.
Pumper #4, part of the Burlington Fire department fleet on duty – carrying Santa Claus through different neighbourhoods.
The Fire Truck, Pumper # 4, was being used to let children know that Santa Claus was still around but he, his sleigh and those reindeer would not be in a parade this year.
A pandemic kept him away from the parade. However the |Parks and recreation department got creative and came up with a way for Santa to have a parade of hi won with a police escort.
The afternoon, Saturday Santa was in Tyandaga, Brant Hills and Mountainside
On Sunday he will be in Headon Forest, Palmer, Tansley and Millcroft
Santa getting ready to head out to the Tyandaga community to say Hello to the children and assure them that he will be visiting Christmas Eve.
Every weekend between now and Christmas Santa will be in different parts of the city.
Families gathered on street corners as Santa toured part of the city. Photos by Denis Gibbons
The Parks and Recreation people didn’t want the Fire Truck to stop and have people gathered around – tough to maintain social distancing under those conditions.
The Fire Truck drives slowly and Santa flashes his smile to everyone.
Here is the schedule.
Dec. 5: Rural Burlington, Tyandaga, Brant Hills and Mountainside
Dec. 6: Headon Forest, Palmer, Tansley and Millcroft
Dec. 12: Alton Village, the Orchard, Corporate, Pinedale and Elizabeth Gardens
Dec. 13: Longmoor, Shoreacres, Roseland and Dynes
Dec. 19: Aldershot, Central and Plains
Dec. 20: Make-up inclement weather date, if needed.
By Staff
December 5th, 2020
It follows that if Burlington has a magnificent monument celebrating and recognizing the occasion when Terry Fox ran through the city that someone close to Burlington would get behind a drive to put Terry’s image on the $5 bill.
Craig Gardner, keeper of the Fox flame for this city
Craig Gardner, who is the keeper of the Fox flame for this city had a conversation with former Canadian Football League (CFL) great Tony Gabriel asking what he could do to help ensure Terry Fox would be selected for the new $5 bill.
While Gardner was doing Food bank delivery a week or so ago he got a call from Tony Gabriel former CFL all-star asking what he could do to help ensure Terry Fox would be selected for the new $5 bill.
Oakville Burlington North MP Pam Damoff
Gardner put Gabriel in touch with Oakville Burlington North MP Pam Damoff , who is also the Oakville Terry Fox run chair, and they now have an official government petition for people to sign now till early January.
Terry is one of eight short listed to be on the currency.
The federal finance minister will decide in early 2021.
Here is the link to the petition
Make it so people:
Putting Terry Fox’s image on a $5 bill would please a lot of Canadians
By Staff
December 4th, 2020
Santa’s Holiday Magic Trail
Santa’s Holiday Magic Trail is an innovative alternative to the traditional Santa Claus Parade. Due to COVID-19, the traditional Santa Claus Parade will not happen this year as the City continues to follow public health direction and the need to maintain physical distancing and avoid crowding.
No reindeer this year – an antique fire truck and with the Ho, Ho, Ho man ringing a bell
Santa’s Holiday Magic Trail will feature Santa Claus riding on an antique fire truck with a police escort through different Burlington neighbourhoods each weekend in December.
To keep residents safe, the truck will not make stops and residents are asked to view Santa from within their own household or if outdoors, follow public health direction and maintain two metres physical distancing from anyone not from your household.
Each day, Santa will be moving throughout the neighbourhoods from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., weather permitting.
Dec. 5: Rural Burlington, Tyandaga, Brant Hills and Mountainside
Dec. 6: Headon Forest, Palmer, Tansley and Millcroft
Dec. 12: Alton Village, the Orchard, Corporate, Pinedale and Elizabeth Gardens
Dec. 13: Longmoor, Shoreacres, Roseland and Dynes
Dec. 19: Aldershot, Central and Plains
Dec. 20: Make-up inclement weather date, if needed
For resident safety, the exact route of the SHMT cannot be posted in order to avoid potential gatherings along sidewalks awaiting his arrival. Santa will safely move through neighbourhoods and residents are asked to avoid gathering. The fire truck and police escort will sound their sirens occasionally.
Anyone who sees Santa can use the hashtag #SpotSantaBurlON to notify neighbours of his location and spread the magic.
Santa will not be stopping to accept letters, milk or cookies or posing for photos. Please use caution and stay safe when near the road.
Information is posted on
By Pepper Parr
December 4th, 2020
It was an amendment to the parking bylaw submitted by a Council member to be heard during a full Council meeting.
Matters like this are usually dealt with at a Standing Committee where the heavy lifting gets done.
This one was a doozy and it had a level of urgency if one was to believe the Ward Councillor who put it forward.
The parking bylaw had already been changed at least four times this year.
Council learned that the revenue to the city from parking pre-Covid was between $90,000 and $100,000 a month.
That is not chump change
Mayor Meed Ward saw the debate as “sausage making”‘ and ‘grass roots democracy at its best.’
Mayor Meed Ward said the decision to allow the item – it was not on the agenda – was partly because “We love grass roots democracy – adding that these things should be brought to Standing Committee first.
Ward 4 Councillor Shawna Stolte wasn’t comfortable either; she wanted to defer the matter to sometime next year. “I am bothered” she said “that this did not come to committee.”
Councillor Kearns took a pass on taking her amendment to Standing Committee – went straight to Council – and got away with it. The issue was urgent.
Councillor Kearns explained that there was a significant degree of urgency – the downtown merchants were looking for every advantage they could get and wanted to see a program that encourages people to come downtown to shop by offering them a deal they couldn’t turn down.
The urgency of course was put very well by the Mayor who said “It’s Christmas time”.
Kearns wanted council to pivot from a decision they made a few months earlier (when they agreed to end the Free P program) and respond to a changing situation at a time when speed is essential.
Councillor Nisan didn’t want to see a possible $300,000 hit to a reserve fund hung around his neck. Said it was a ‘lot of money.’
Councillor Nisan asked: How would this work if we were to implement it? He clearly had not read the Kearns memo. He later said he “would take one for the team” then later said he wasn’t “going to put that one on my shoulders” – eventually saying ” this was too much money – a possible hit of $300,000.
He was right – there is a big risk.
Council eventually decided to change in the parking bylaw that would give everyone coming downtown an additional 90 minutes of parking once they had put as little as a quarter in the parking meter.
Once a driver figured out just how this worked they would realize that they could add another quarter and get another 90 minutes free. There was nothing to stop someone from parking all day long for a buck and a half.
Councillor Bentivegna – spoke for the small independent business owners who were struggling.
Ward 6 Councillor Angelo Bentivegna, who has positioned himself as the spokesperson for the small business sector was direct and blunt when he said: “There are 440 businesses asking you to do this – they are asking for your help now.”
Other Council members had issues with what was beginning to look like a Council Advisory Committee – the Downtown Parking Committee (DPC) crafting a bylaw and expecting it to be rubber stamped.
The Burlington Downtown Business Association wanted the change made as well. Odd though that Brian Dean did not personally delegate – unusual for him. He sent a letter.
Mayor Meed Ward was making it very clear that by-law decisions were made by Council. She was “not on for being a rubber stamp.
What members of Council needed to know was “can we do this”? When it comes to where is the money comes questions – this council continually turns to City Treasurer Joan Ford who explained that the city decided some time ago the downtown merchants would not be required to provide parking spaces for their customers.
City manages parking – using money that comes from the downtown business people.
The city would provide parking lots and space on the streets – operate them and collect the revenues.
The merchants would pay a parking levy that would appear on their tax bill.
Any surplus between what it cost to run the parking operations would get put into the reserve funds – of which there are now three.
The Parking Reserve fund is one of the healthiest in the city with a balance of $9.56 million.
The finance people are in the process of splitting that healthy and hefty balance between three new reserve funds it was to create. One reserve fund would be for growth – money needed to build new parking lots; a second would be a reserve fund that would be used for renewal and a third available as a Parking Stabilization fund to cover those occasions when operation costs exceed the revenue in any one year.
So there was plenty of money in the various parking reserve funds and there was a very healthy cash flow – as much as $100,000 a month.
Now the merchants wanted the city to give the parking away during December – and at the same time arguing that this was not an extension of the Free P parking program that got to the point where it was so badly abused that the merchants asked that it be shut down.
COVID changed everything. The merchants and service providers were looking for every advantage they could find – the 90 minute parking bonus looked like a good fit.
The concern was – how long would this parking deal last ? If the financial hit was going to be in the $100,000 a month range – how many months was the city prepared to give up that kind of revenue?
Councillor Nisan (Ward 3) began to see close to half a million slipping away if the 90 minute bonus program ran for six months.
No one appeared to be on for that much basically free parking. Certainly not for the best Canadian city to live in.
The motions, amendments and amendments to amend began to look like a game of snakes and ladders.
At that point in the debate, the Councillors got into one of those snakes and ladder games where there were motions, motions to amend motions and motions to amend an amendment already on the table
The game has friendly amendments that sometimes work. At other times there is a motion with the mover unable to find someone to second it.
They played this game for close to an hour and finally arrived at a point where the new program would be in place until April – and it would be a pilot program with a clear end date.
Determining that end date was a struggle. The idea was to change the bylaw and look at the data and if the data said the program was working continue with it. If it wasn’t working – put an end to it.
The parking the city has in place is a pretty sophisticated set up. There is a small electronic puck in every parking spots that tells the traffic operations people in real time if there is a car in that spot.
Thus the city knows how many people are parked on the street or in the parking lots and what the churn is – how long do people stay in a parking space.
This kind of data keeps a wide smile on the face of Councillor Sharman. He will tell you that with the right data you can solve any problem.
The understanding was that the traffic people would run their numbers every day. And while it wasn’t specked out as to just who they would give this data to – it seemed that City Manager Tim Commisso would be the receiver of the information and telegraph it to the mayor and her colleagues.
Will BDBA Executive Director Brian Dean get to see the parking data daily?
No mention as to when the public would hear about this and it wasn’t made all that clear that the BDBA would get a peek at the spreadsheets either. They are in place as a local board with a mandate to promote the area as a shopping, dining and entertainment area. They are also a chartered member of the Downtown Parking Committee whose members contribute $300,000 annually via their tax bill as a Defined Parking Area levy.
The issue was – can the city afford to let $90,000 to $100,000 slip out of its hands every month?
Councillor Sharman made it clear that that wasn’t going to happen; he wanted to see at least three month’s worth of data which meant the program would run to at least the end of February
There are approximately 1598 individual parking spots. City parking operations have to adjust and pivot to reflect the new realities of commerce during the pandemic.
The recommendations were examined and discussed at length, and by vote of the majority, DPC voted:
This was basically a 3-2 vote – not a ringing endorsement is it?
Councillor Sharman got pretty close to reflecting the chance Council was taking. He was content with seeing what the data had to say at an April Standing Committee meeting. If along the way he said it is clear the parking bonus wasn’t working “we will stop it fast”.
Treasurer Joan Ford pointed out that the budget is going to have to reflect what happens.
By Nicole Ramberg
December 4th, 2020
Environmental, social and economic sustainability are integral components in a thriving society; it is important to recognize local examples that highlight social and economic sustainability.
Each year at Sustainable Hamilton Burlington’s Annual Evening of Recognition the Business Sustainability Awards are announced recognizing businesses that best exemplify what it means to be sustainable.
Winner of the 2019 Social Initiative Award
Conservation Halton was the winner of the Social Initiative Award for 2019 for their impactful project carried out, which was a prime example of how social sustainability plays a role in society.
Sustainable Hamilton Burlington (SHB) is a non-profit social enterprise, whose purpose is empowering businesses to act, innovate and participate in creating a more sustainable future. Sustainable Hamilton Burlington was originally launched by Sandi Stride and a Founding Board of Directors in 2011.
Sandi Stride, founder of Sustainable Burlington Hamilton.
Prior to forming the organization, Sandi got her undergraduate degree in physical geography and went on to work in the environmental field, followed by several years in advertising, marketing and sustainability consulting. In this time, she noticed a disconnect between business operations and sustainability. “After a pretty short time, I realized if we didn’t get businesses on board, we’re not going to make progress with the environment”, said Sandi. In taking a look at Hamilton – her focus at the time – Sandi thought that by promoting sustainability within the area’s businesses, positive impacts could be made with respect to the city’s social, economic and environmental progress as well as its brand image.
After considerable planning, networking and creation of the volunteer Board of Directors, Sustainable Hamilton was incorporated in 2010, and officially launched in June of 2011. By 2015, they realized they were getting many inquiries from Burlington, so they rebranded and expanded their area. Over time, the organization (and the services it offers to members) has evolved, adding the internationally recognized B-Lab assessment, target setting on greenhouse gas emissions, a carbon accounting tool, a waste framework and other programs provides evolved into Sustainable Hamilton Burlington as we know it today.
Recently, the membership-based Sustainability Leadership Program (SLP) was launched by SHB as a way of bringing together all of the resources, frameworks and services they have developed, into a step-by-step series for businesses to progress through. The SLP guides its members into getting started in sustainability by helping them to quantify their operations into a single, comparable metric (greenhouse gas emissions), to have a broader understanding of the sustainability of their organization, and how they interact with their community. Ultimately, the SLP is designed to lead organizations to the point where thinking sustainability is part of the lens applied to everything they do empowering them to become leaders within their community and industry.
The Evening of Recognition is an event put on annually by SHB to recognize member achievements in the past calendar year. This past year, Conservation Halton received the Social Initiative Award for 2019, which recognizes a program, product, service or process that demonstrates outstanding innovation and impact on social sustainability. “Conservation Halton took the initiative to look beyond the traditional bottom line,” says Rafiq Dhanji, SHB Executive Director. “By engaging with the community, they showed us that simple actions can have a huge positive impact not only on society, but the economy and environment as well.”
Conservation Halton became a member of what is now the Sustainability Leadership Program in 2019, to support them in calculating and tracking greenhouse gas emissions, ultimately aiming to reduce such emissions to net zero. In doing so, they have been able to gain a better understanding of their corporate emissions, as well as benefit from the variety of SHB educational opportunities and events, like the Sustainable Business Conference and Expo.
The award presented to Conservation Halton by SHB was in recognition of their initiative that had a positive impact on the Burlington area, where they were able to turn an invasive insect problem into a positive outcome.
The Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) is a non-native insect from China and was accidentally introduced here as a result of improperly treated packaging material. There are no known natural predators of the insect here, which has allowed their population size to increase dramatically. Most species of North American Ash trees are vulnerable to this insect, and 90% of Ash trees in southwestern Ontario have been destroyed as a result. Adult beetles feed on the leaves, while the larvae feed on the inner bark, rendering the trees unable to function as usual.
The Emerald Ash bore has destroyed millions of trees and done serious damage to the tree canopy in Burlington. The Conservation Authority had to remove hundreds of trees from its properties.
Unfortunately, a number of ash trees on Conservation Halton properties have had to be removed as a result of EAB infestations. While dealing with the invasive species has been a challenge, they have been able to put a positive spin on the issue. A mutual contact of Notre Dame High School and Conservation Halton made the link between the woodworking class and the fact that Conservation Halton had extra lumber. The logs were delivered to the high school which allowed students to see first-hand the damage invasive species can do, as well as a chance to consider careers in urban forestry. The students were able to make live edge tables which were used in a fundraiser to support various school programs. The trees did have to be removed but the wood that was not badly damaged was put to good use and thus having a significant social impact on the Burlington community.
Sustainable Hamilton Burlington and Conservation Halton are two examples of organizations that share a common goal of working towards a more sustainable future. Through collaboration, education, and collective effort, we can all contribute to working towards that future.
Related news story:
Looking at sustainability differently
By Staff
December 4th, 2020
Another Town Hall on Covid19.
This next one will be on December 16th, between 6:00 and 7:00 pm.
There will be a sharing of information and answering of residents’ questions about our ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The format of this town hall will be different than the previous telephone-only town hall events. The December 16 town hall will be a virtual one, made available through Zoom, with attendees having the option to call in by phone or join in online.
Mayor Marianne Meed Ward will host this virtual town hall and will be joined by a panel of local leaders to help answer residents’ COVID-19-related questions, including:
• Tim Commisso, City Manager, City of Burlington
• Chris Glenn, Director of Recreation Services, City of Burlington
• MP Pam Damoff, MP for Oakville-North Burlington
• Dr. Dale Kalina, Medical Director, Infection Prevention and Control, Joseph Brant Hospital
• Eric Vandewall, President and Chief Executive Officer, Joseph Brant Hospital
• Anita Cassidy, Executive Director, Burlington Economic Development.
How to Participate
Residents who would like to participate in the town hall can do so in the following ways:
1. Join virtually: Residents are invited to join just before 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 16 to take part in the town hall via Zoom at If you have not downloaded Zoom before, you will be prompted to do so and create a personal account. Please be advised that more than one attempt may be required due to the high volume of traffic. A maximum of 1000 participants will be able to join in this virtual town hall. If we exceed 1000 guests, you will still be able to watch the recorded event online once it is posted at
2. Join by phone: Residents are invited to join by phone by calling 647-374-4685 and entering webinar ID 880 1886 1286.
Once the town hall begins, a moderator will provide participants with instructions for how to submit their questions to the leadership panel. As with previous public town halls, the focus of this event will be on the situation surrounding COVID-19. Participants are requested to ask any questions related to COVID-19, the city’s response, impacts to residents, businesses, services and programs, hospital and health-related questions, and the broader impact of the pandemic on our community.
A recording and related transcript of the town hall will be posted online after Dec. 16 at
commitment to providing the community with essential services remains a priority. Sign up to learn more about Burlington at and download the free City of Burlington app.
Mayor Marianne Meed Ward is “I look forward to the final public town hall of 2020 and engaging this time with residents both over the phone and virtually via Zoom. As always, our goal is to help answer questions related to COVID-19 so we can keep our community healthy, safe and supported through this challenging pandemic.”
Quick Facts
• Since the COVID-19 outbreak, the City of Burlington has hosted six telephone town hall events, on March 26, April 14, June 4, July 16, Sept. 23 and Nov. 18 to provide updates about what the City is doing to protect the health and safety of our community and to address concerns from the public related to COVID-19.
• Audio recordings and full transcripts from the previous town hall events are available online at Answers to many of the questions asked by the public during these town hall events are also available at the same location on the City’s website.
COVID-19 Links and Resources
• For information about COVID-19 in Halton Region, including the latest public health guidance and the status of COVID-19 cases, please visit
• Community questions and requests regarding City of Burlington services can be directed to Service Burlington by phone at 905-335-7777, by email at or online
By Staff
December 3rd, 2020
The leaves are getting a lot of attention
Having fallen to the ground they expected to get picked up.
When that didn’t happen the locals got a little agitated which meant the Council members with streets that are well endowed with trees had to get on the phone and learn what was and wasn’t happening and then get the word out to their constituents.
Working for their constituents; best tag team the city has seen since the demise of the Craven/Sharman duo.
Ward 2 Councillor Lisa Kearns was first out of the gate with Ward 4 Councillor close behind. Not a peep from the others.
Kearns declared that: Leaf Collection has resumed. And went on to say “Thank you to everyone who has shown patience over the last few days regarding leaf collection. Doing nothing with your leaves was the right thing as city crews have returned to continue with the scheduled pick up. These crews will work into next week with an eye to watch for any more weather events.
“My last communication kicked off a great amount of feedback on the program – some calling to cancel it entirely, some to get it right, and some who are completely indifferent. I want you to know that we do review this program yearly, and I will always use your feedback to inform how we deliver your services.
“When and if you do see our crews out working to remove your leaves, please be kind to them. There are many reports in the news where public employees are being faced with hurtful behaviour – let’s not allow that in our great city.
“I recognize that the last two years have been challenging for the Leaf Collection Program, we will keep working harder to and continue to do our best in meeting your expectations.”
Now there is an election promise for you.
The ward 3 leaf collection status map
Following is a map outlining Leaf Collection in Ward 2:
• Red – Roads/ streets which still require Leaf Pickup
• Blue – Leaf Pick-up complete
The ward 4 leaf collection status map
Councillor Stolte provided a map of what was taking place in ward 4
Bagged Leaf and Yard Waste Collection – Halton Region provides collection of bagged leaves and yard waste on the same day as your garbage pick up. This program is a separate program from Burlington’s Leaf Collection and ends on Dec. 20. For more information, visit Halton Region’s Waste Recycling Sorting Guide or dial 311.
If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact my office at
Keep well, stay calm, show kindness.
By Staff
December 3rd, 2020
Leaves and parking – the two bug bears that bedevil Burlington.
Ward 4 Councillor Shawna Stolte
City Councillors are scrambling a bit to explain to their constituents when (perhaps if might be explained as well) just when the leaves will be gone.
Ward 4 Councillor Shawna Stolte explains:
“Due to snow fall over the past few days, the leaf collection pickup in Zone 3 is on hold
“In recent weeks, the loose leaf collection pick up service provided to Burlington residents was completed in Zones 1, 2 and in parts of Zone 3. Because of the snow over the last few days, the program has temporarily been suspended.
Below is a map identifying streets in south Ward 4, included in Zone 3, and the status of the leaf collection program in the area
Streets in blue: have been completed
Streets in yellow: have been completed on one side of the street
Streets in red: have not been completed
If crews haven’t been on your street yet, please leave your leaves by the curb. Resuming service is based on weather as the service is weather dependent.