By Pepper Parr
January 25th, 2025
Mayor Marianne Meed Ward spoke to the business elite at the Burlington Convention Centre on Friday, pulled together by the Chamber of Commerce.
It was described as a SOLD-OUT event – there was space for a few more tables – but it was certainly a full house.
 There was a bit of room for a few additional tables.
Continue reading Mayor addresses a full house crowd – nothing in the way of great news
By Staff
January 25th, 2025
The Green Party has announced its candidate.
Kyle Hutton will once again carry the flag. He is pumped, says he thinks the Greens can get to the point where they have 12 members elected to the Legislature which would give them political party status – a bit of a stretch indeed.
 Kyle Hutton – Ontario Green Party candidate for Burlington.
The plank this election is going to be health care.
Hutton says public health is in a crisis with the current government putting private health care ahead of public health care.
“Nurses are burned out, the system is just not working”, said Hutton.
More than 500 people lined up outside a building in Woodstock to register with a new doctor in town, demonstrating that what the province has now is not working.
Long-term care isn’t any better.
The Greens want to put people over profit and in order to make that happen they want more than the two current MPP’s in the Legislature.
Hutton said that his team is ready to go – they have their lawn sign ready to be pounded into the frozen ground and a campaign team that Hutton will lead.
“We have money in the bank and expect Green supporters to help us financially.”
“The Greens have drawn the ire of Doug Ford in the past and we will continue to press for a public health care service that meets the needs of the public. It should not be a profit over people operation” said Hutton.
There is no need for an election at this point, said Hutton. It is an ego trip campaign for Doug Ford who has said he expects to have a 100 seat majority. He will then move on to try and become the Prime Minister. All the while knowing that the RCMP will not issue their report while an election is taking place.
While no one knows what is in the report – it has the potential to be explosive.
Kyle Hutton can’t wait until Wednesday when the Premier has said he will ask the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario to issue a writ that will call for an election to take place on February 27th.
Hutton has in the past worked on Liberal election campaigns.
By Staff
January 24th, 2025
On January 27, 2025, families, libraries and literacy groups across the country will once again celebrate Family Literacy Day, an annual initiative that aims to encourage reading and engaging in other literacy-related activities as a family.
This year’s theme is “Learn to be Green, Together”, which encourages families to make a pledge together to learn ways to be greener, such as by using less electricity, commuting together and reusing items. Being green together is a fun way to learn as a family while being kind to the environment. When families understand the importance of protecting the environment, they can work together to make positive changes.
We asked Burlington’s Librarian, CEO Lita Barrie to show us how she would approach the reading of books and be greener a the same time. A daunting task if you take into account that books are printed on paper and trees are a large part of what is used to make paper.
But Lita Barrie was a good sport and had her picture taken with books that families would enjoy. A plant that could be watered was tucked in there somewhere.
 Burlington Librarian and CEO Lita Barrie with family-based and her plant as she prepares for Family Literacy Day
“Family literacy is about families learning together in everyday ways, whether it’s reading books or enjoying fun activities as a family,” says Alison Howard, Executive Director of ABC Life Literacy Canada. “Learning about the environment and how to protect it is a great addition to family literacy. For example, spending time in nature can spark curiosity and teach valuable lessons. It’s all about finding teachable moments in the activities we do every day.”
Family Literacy Day was started in 1999 by ABC Life Literacy Canada. Taking time every day to read or do a learning activity with children is crucial to a child’s development, improving a child’s literacy skills dramatically, and can help a parent improve their skills as well.
For those who want to take part in Family Literacy Day, simply visit to access free learning activities and materials, or to find a local event.
By Pepper Parr
January 23rd, 2025
There she was on the street outside the Liberal Party of Canada head office in Ottawa, telling media that she had just filed her papers, paid the required fee ($50,000 at this point)- now she was legitimately a candidate for the leadership.
 Gould: “I want to make sure that the Liberal Party of Canada works for its membership.”
It was snowing, snow plows were passing in the background as she explained what her thinking was in terms of what the Liberal Party had gotten wrong and what she wanted to do in the way of making changes.
She didn’t mince her words.
“I decided to run two weeks ago and in that time we have built a national organization.
“I need people to vote for me no later than the 27th – and please donate “because I don’t have deep pockets.”
In each of the public events the Gazette has covered Gould has spoken in French and English. Her command of French is very good.
She points out that the Liberal Party of Canada is more than one person. It’s the 1000s of Canadians across this country who have raised their hands to say that they want to build a better country. “It’s their opportunity to have great debates about the kind of country that we want to be. I want to make sure that the Liberal Party of Canada works for its membership.
“I’ve heard from too many people across this country that the Liberal Party of Canada hasn’t given members the space they need. I’m here today to propose three things to make the Liberal Party of Canada about the members and give power back to our membership.
 Gould: “Ottawa doesn’t know best.”
“First and foremost, we need to get together more; I’m going to bring back policy conventions. We’ve been talking at you for too long. It’s time for the Liberal Party of Canada to listen to our members once again.
“I remember attending regional meetings and national conventions where we had great debates on the convention floor. We need to get back to that, because the people across this country who join our party do so because they have things to say and they have ideas to share. I want us to be that Big Red Machine, not just in terms of knocking on doors, which is incredibly important, but in terms of the ideas that you are bringing forward to make our country the amazing place that it is.
Two: “I would be committed to meeting on an annual basis with all the constituency presidents across the country.
“I also think it’s time for us to decentralize the party. Ottawa doesn’t know best. We need to empower our regions, our provinces, our people on the ground who are the eyes and ears that hear from our communities.
“One of the reasons I think we lost touch over the past couple of years is because we weren’t listening to our membership. You were talking to your neighbors, you were hearing from people across the country, and you were telling us what we needed to focus on, and we got too focused on being government in Ottawa and not enough on what was happening on the grounds in our communities.
“I want to make sure that we have more field organizers in every region across the country, and not just on the ground, but digitally as well. We ran an excellent campaign in 2015 but it’s 2025 now.
 Gould: “I get it, I understand. But I need your ideas. I need your energy because you are going to keep propelling us forward.”
“Three: I would make sure that we are empowering young liberals in this country and bring back the national youth director position. Young liberals have always been a force in our party, and we need to make sure that you have the respect and the space to be that force once again, when I think about where Canada is today, I know that young people in general feel disenfranchised. They’re worried about the future, and I’m here to say to all young Canadians, I get it, I understand. But I need your ideas. I need your energy, because you are going to keep propelling us forward.
Gould was asked:
What specifically did your party do? What policies did it put in place that makes Canadians lose trust?
Gould: “Yeah, Look, I think we have to be honest about the fact that Canadians have lost trust in our party, and part of it is because I don’t think we responded to the issues that they were telling us mattered to them. I think when it came to the end of the pandemic and the spike in inflation, Canadians were saying, things were really hard. And we didn’t say, you’re right. We didn’t say, yeah, things are really hard right now, and here’s how we’re going to fix it. It took us too long to understand that Canadians were struggling to make ends meet.
“Instead of taking a moment and listening to Canadians, we said, here’s all the great things that we’re doing for you. And I don’t think that was the right approach. You know, when mortgages were going up, when rents Were going up, when groceries were going up, – we didn’t respond quickly enough to the areas where Canadians were struggling, and I think we have to do a better job of that policy problem.
“You have to have policies that respond to where Canadians are at and we didn’t respond quickly enough to where Canadians were. We got there eventually, but Canadians had been saying to us, we’re struggling and we need help, and it took us too long to listen to what they were saying.”
Gould: “I don’t think we got the capital gains tax increase right. I’m having lots of conversations with the tech sector, with folks that are affected by it, to try and figure out what we can do to encourage growth and have more entrepreneurship here in Canada. So I’ll have more to say on that in the coming days.
 Gould: “… having an election, might not be the best thing to do immediately after the leadership has been decided.”
Asked about the endorsements some candidates were getting she said: “That’s a great question for my Cabinet colleagues, – what I can tell you is that the liberal leadership is decided by the membership. I have full respect for my Cabinet colleagues, for colleagues in caucus, and I encourage them to endorse whoever they decide to, but let’s remember that the leadership of the party is decided by the membership, and what I am hearing from the membership across the country is how excited they are by my candidacy and the fact that so many people are raising their hands making donations, asking to volunteer.
“Unlike some of the other candidates, I’ve only been organizing for two weeks.
Gould on what she would do: “I would make permanent a GST cut on children’s clothing, diapers, strollers and the like.”
Will you try to govern as prime minister, or would you immediately call for an election?
Gould: “I think it’s a little too early to determine that. I think we have to understand where we are, look at what we are facing in the way of a potential trade war with the United States. We have to know where we are on March 9, where the country is, before we decide where we need to go, because at the end of the day, whatever decision a future prime minister makes needs to have the best interest of Canadians at heart. And if we are in an extremely difficult position with the United States, having an election, might not be the best thing to do at that time, but I think we have to see where we are on March 9.
Media: “Why do you think that you can face Donald Trump and get a win against Donald Trump?
Gould: “Because I face bullies in the House of Commons every single day. Stand up to them and win. I know how to stand up for Canadians. I know how to build a team that can do that, and I’m not afraid of a challenge
 Gould: “That’s why I did it.”
Asked about the release of the Fall Economic Statement Gould said: “As the government House leader at the time, I felt that it was the responsible thing to continue to deliver the Fall Economic Statement. I mean, as the Government of Canada, we have a fiduciary responsibility to Canadians and to markets. Despite the chaos that could have ensued that day, I took the decision to say that we have to do this because markets and Canadians are expecting it.
“I didn’t write the fall economic statement, I saw it at the same time as everyone else. I felt that it was important for stability and for calm to make sure it was presented. And that’s why I did it.”
Do let us know if you hear any other leadership candidate say what Gould is saying.
By Staff
January 23rd, 2025
Here is some really good news.
$10 tickets for children under 12 at the Performing Arts Centre event during the school Spring Break.

Looking for a family activity during March break? Outerbridge Magic: Mysteries of the Keyhole House is a world-class performance that combines grand illusions, comedy-magic, and mind-bending mentalism.
Perfect for the whole family, this world-class performance combines grand illusions, comedy-magic, and mind-bending mentalism. Based on a true story about a historic Ottawa Valley home lovingly restored and named The Keyhole House by the Outerbridges, it serves as the backdrop to this magical journey through time, filled with historic relics and tales of its former residents.
Educators and parents have learned that if a child is taken to live theatre performances they begin to build an interest in theatre and in later life become regular patrons. Do them a favour and give them an early start
Performance running:
Sun Mar 9, 2025, at 7pm
Mon Mar 10, 2025, at 1pm
Call the Box office for tickets: 905-681-6000.
Box Office Hours:
Tuesday to Saturday from 12pm to 4pm, and one hour prior to a performance.
Take advantage of $10 tickets for children 12 and under
These will go very quickly.
By Pepper Parr
January 23rd, 2025
Can you keep up with all the politicking going on.
 The political junkie may soon meed a tip sheet on what is happening – it is going to be an exciting three months.
We need the kind of Tip Sheet the horse racing crowd has; the DAily Racing Form has been around for 114 years.
On the federal side, we start with today – at 5:00 pm this afternoon we will know who the candidates are for the leadership of the Liberal Party of Canada.
On January 27th, anyone who wants to register as a Liberal and take part in that selection, has to have registered before the end of the day.
The candidates will have until March 9th to reach out to the registered Liberals seeking their support.
The ballots will be ranked – meaning that a voter will rank their choice; their first, second, third, and so on.
 Doug Ford wearing the first of his election signs.
To tilt this apple cart the provincial Progressive Conservatives look as if they are going to seek a write sometime next week and have a provincial election sometime in February.
The practice in Ontario if doe a Premnier to meet with the Lieutenant Governor and ask that the writ for an election be issued.
Once the Writs of Election are issued, the election period begins and lasts 28 days. Elections Ontario administers all aspects of voting in provincial elections. It is a non-partisan agency of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario overseen by the Chief Electoral Officer.
Assuming the Prmeir visits the Lieutenant Governor next Wednesday, the 29th an election would take place on February 26th.
Merge the numbers as they relate to the possible federal election and the all-but-imminent provincial election
Liberals announce who the candidates for their leadership race is going to be January 23rd.
January 27th: Last date for people across the country to register as Liberals
Wednesday, January 29th expected date for the Premier to meet with the Lieutenant Governor and ask for an election writ
February 27th, possible provincial election
March 9th Liberals will know who their Prime Minister will be.
The demands on the members of both political parties in Ontario will be immense. The Progressive Conservatives are holding workshops to teach canvassers how to get an election sign into ground that is frozen.
The election Doug Ford wants to hold isn’t required. He is telling people that he needs a fresh mandate to fight the Trump tariffs that are being threatened.
Fighting the American president is a federal responsibility – WITH the support of all the provinces.
Ford is taking on the role of Captain Canada – his responsibility is to be fully on board with the federal government.
 Marit Stiles: NDP Leader of the Opposition standing in a field that was part of the Greenbelt scandal.
However, when the real reason for the election sinks in – the public just might see it all differently. Ford wants an election called before the RCMP issues its report on the Greenbelt scandals.
By Staff
January 23rd, 2025
“This morning while out for a bike ride I hit a bit of ice and ended up crashing.
“I was wearing a helmet but still ended up dazed and feeling wobbly.
 An Act of Kindness
“As I was pulling myself together two “Good Samaritans” came to my aid. They helped me get back on my feet and over to a bench where I rested and then stayed with me while I had a chance to recover.
“It turns out my Good Samaritans were Glenn, a recently retired Firefighter and Annie. Glenn knew concussion protocols and all the right questions to ask…I was in good hands.
“Thank you Glenn and Annie for stopping to help.”
Continue reading Acts of Kindness – just how many are their? One that we know of
By Staff
January 23rd, 2025
We are told that the Mayor’s Office is telling people that the BRAG numbers are wrong.
This information came to us from a reliable source, but it was secondhand. Tracking what comes out of the Office of the Mayor is difficult when there is next to nothing in terms of their communicating with the Gazette.
A taxpayer did his version of what the taxes were over a number of years as well as calculating the cumulative tax rate.
Here is what a resident sent us.

The numbers displayed in this article are basically the same as those BRAG produced.
Taxes are a fact of life. They tend to go up – they can be reduced but in reality, not that much.
The challenge for Burlington has two parts: A city hall that will be honest and direct with the taxpayers; and taxpayers that accept what the city is up against.
Burlington has been told that it must grow its population. More people means more in the way of services and those services cost money. Both sides need to grow up and accept the realities.
The hard part is dealing with a pay rate within city hall that is much higher than that paid in the private sector. That is where the problem is and coming to terms with that is close to an impossible task. Civil servants at the municipal level are paid much more than that paid in the private sector. Add to that benefits that are just plain very good.
It would take decades to bring about a change and it would probably have to be done at the provincial level.
The upside? Encourage your children to find work at the municipal level.
Salt with Pepper is an opinion column reflecting the observations and musings of the publisher of the Gazette, an on-line newspaper that is in its 12th year as a news source in Burlington and is a member of the National Newsmedia Council.
By Julieta Belen Correa
January 24th, 2025
2025 is set to change the gambling landscape forever. How do we know? If there’s anything to take away from the year 2024, it is that lawmakers are shaping up to deliver a gambling regulatory framework that will interest enthusiasts in the region. With land-based casinos making a remarkable comeback, not to be outdone by their online counterparts, you can expect that online casinos will readily offer more of the mouth-watering bonuses they are already popular for.
 How often do you get a hand like this – and how well do you do in keeping it to yourself if you are at a table with other players?
Besides this tug-of-war, the number of gambling operators has continued to surge, with Alberta, for example, already looking to test the waters in Q1 of 2025 with offline and online sports betting options. As more provinces steal leaves from Alberta’s book, we are guaranteed a gambling year like no other before. But what exactly are we to expect?
The first one would be a shift in consumer habits and preferences. With more options, Canadians are expected to want to explore all that’s available to them, allowing for near-restrictionless gaming. A good place to start will be the deposit and withdrawal options available, while top online casinos like Samba Slots already allow users to access their services with payment options like Interac, Pix, Open banking, Visa, and Mastercard, and enjoy unique bonuses when they use cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, having these options is expected to become the industry standard. As more operators join the gambling space, they will bring with them more payment service providers, allowing users to access their favorite games without having to convert money across platforms or be denied access if they do not use a particular provider.
Another way user preferences will shift is towards mobile gaming. With Canada among the countries with the highest smartphone penetration at 84.6%, it should come as no surprise that more Canadians will jump aboard the mobile gaming ship in search of more flexibility and convenience that their personal computers simply cannot afford. This is already reflected in newer online casinos as their services are designed to serve mobile users more than users accessing their websites.
 Cell phone penetration is very very high in Canada. 84.6%
Besides mobile gaming and exploring new options, the increased popularity of social gambling is another way consumer preferences are expected to change. Social gambling is gambling without the financial rewards. It mimics normal gambling, but instead, users use fake virtual currencies to play their favorite games. This is perfect for people who are only in it for the thrill of winning, not necessarily to turn a profit; with gamification becoming more popular by the day and casinos creating leaderboards for users to show off their wins, there’s more incentive to be a part of the social gambling movement.
As users move to mobile gaming, privacy becomes more important than ever. People’s mobile phones have quickly become an extension of themselves, carrying their personal effects and private data they would not want to see falling into unauthorized hands. This is a feat easier said than done, considering that in the 2020 Q1 alone, over five million data records were breached. With this in mind, users are likely to prioritize gambling outfits with extensive security protocols in place. Extending to physical casinos, users will expect their gaming outcomes to be fair and that processes are in place to ensure cheaters are removed from the casino floor.
Lastly, casinos will look to take advantage of novel technologies that can significantly improve the casino-going experience. Artificial intelligence, for example, can be used in both physical and online casinos. At brick-and-mortar casinos, it can be used to power up the security and surveillance systems. It can quickly identify threats to normalcy and contain the situation before it leads to a full-blown panic. It can do even more at online casinos; while the selling point of these casinos is hundreds or thousands of gaming options, users can quickly get lost without proper guidance. With AI deployed, player preferences can easily be analyzed to find game recommendations, rewards, and promotions that are tailored to them for a personalized gaming experience.
 Blockchain, and cryptocurrencies are also going to be big players in the gambling industry in 2025.
VR, AR, blockchain, and cryptocurrencies are also going to be big players in the gambling industry in 2025. AR can be used to overlay digital elements in real-time at brick-and-mortar casinos; it might make it easier for newbies who are having a difficult time keeping track of the details of the game. For online casinos, AR and VR will allow for a more immersive experience, allowing gamers to recreate the brick-and-mortar casino experience from the comfort and safety of their home. While blockchain and cryptocurrency will allow for more transparent record keeping at both physical and online casinos, coupled with its increasingly global nature, it makes remittances more straightforward than ever before.
2025 promises plenty; if you are a betting man (or woman), the odds do appear to be in your favor. However, it is crucial you do your own research and continue to monitor the development of your local gambling regulatory framework.
By Staff
January 22nd, 2-25
Count the fire trucks and the snow plows.
The City of Burlington is updating the Asset Management Plan and is asking residents to complete an online survey to help set the plan’s priorities. The survey is open until Feb. 12
The City of Burlington’s $6.3 billion in infrastructure assets support a range of municipal services that enable residents, businesses and other Burlington stakeholders to live, work and play in our city.
The City’s infrastructure assets include:
Roads, sidewalks, streetlights, parking
Recreational buildings and amenities
Stormwater infrastructure such as pipes, culverts and stormwater management ponds
Parks and living assets (urban forestry)
Fleet vehicles (e.g. fire trucks, snowplows and buses)
Equipment such as playgrounds, ice resurfacers, electric vehicle charging stations, and firefighting equipment
Information technology services
There are a lot of people who would really like to have a closer look at just what the city has in the way of information technology assets.
By James Portside
January 22, 2025
This information is not professional investment advice. Investors are advised to do their own research into individual stocks before making an investment decision.
The five stocks with the largest dollar value of insider acquisitions in the public market are:
LIONS GATE ENTERTAINMENT CORP —–Buy Quantity: 172,950 Average cost: $9.62 Total: $1,663,908.01 |
Insider |
Relationship |
Transaction |
Date |
Quantity |
Price |
Total |
Liberty 77 Capital L.P. |
3 – 10% Security Holder of Issuer |
10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market |
01-17-25 |
60,751 |
$9.62 |
$584,427.55 |
Liberty 77 Fund International L.P. |
3 – 10% Security Holder of Issuer |
10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market |
01-17-25 |
47,590 |
$9.62 |
$457,818.10 |
Liberty 77 Capital L.P. |
3 – 10% Security Holder of Issuer |
10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market |
01-16-25 |
36,229 |
$9.62 |
$348,592.39 |
Liberty 77 Fund International L.P. |
3 – 10% Security Holder of Issuer |
10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market |
01-16-25 |
28,380 |
$9.62 |
$273,069.97 |
Morguard Corporation —–Buy Quantity: 6,700 Average cost: $111.75 Total: $748,726.85 |
Insider |
Relationship |
Transaction |
Date |
Quantity |
Price |
Total |
Armoyan, Sime |
3 – 10% Security Holder of Issuer |
10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market |
01-20-25 |
3,500 |
$111.98 |
$391,926.85 |
Armoyan, Sime |
3 – 10% Security Holder of Issuer |
10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market |
01-17-25 |
3,200 |
$111.50 |
$356,800.00 |
ThreeD Capital Inc —–Buy Quantity: 4,558,000 Average cost: $0.16 Total: $708,419.40 |
Insider |
Relationship |
Transaction |
Date |
Quantity |
Price |
Total |
4 – Director of Issuer |
16 – Acquisition or disposition under a prospectus exemption |
01-20-25 |
100,000 |
$0.15 |
$15,000.00 |
1313366 Ontario Inc. |
3 – 10% Security Holder of Issuer |
10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market |
01-20-25 |
279,000 |
$0.19 |
$54,209.70 |
Kopman, Jeff |
3 – 10% Security Holder of Issuer |
10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market |
01-20-25 |
279,000 |
$0.19 |
$54,209.70 |
Inwentash, Sheldon |
4 – Director of Issuer, 6 – Director or Senior Officer of 10% Security Holder, 5 – Senior Officer of Issuer |
10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market |
01-17-25 |
4,000,000 |
$0.15 |
$600,000.00 |
1313366 Ontario Inc. |
3 – 10% Security Holder of Issuer |
00 – Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report |
01-17-25 |
0 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
Kopman, Jeff |
3 – 10% Security Holder of Issuer |
00 – Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report |
01-17-25 |
0 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
Silver Mountain Resources Inc —–Buy Quantity: 2,500,000 Average cost: $0.05 Total: $126,868.75 |
Insider |
Relationship |
Transaction |
Date |
Quantity |
Price |
Total |
Arce Ortiz, Julio Jose |
4 – Director of Issuer, 6 – Director or Senior Officer of 10% Security Holder |
10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market |
01-17-25 |
500,000 |
$0.05 |
$26,868.75 |
Vizquerra, Jose |
4 – Director of Issuer |
10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market |
01-17-25 |
2,000,000 |
$0.05 |
$100,000.00 |
Peyto Exploration & Development Corp —–Buy Quantity: 7,150 Average cost: $16.42 Total: $117,403.58 |
Insider |
Relationship |
Transaction |
Date |
Quantity |
Price |
Total |
Burdick, Todd |
5 – Senior Officer of Issuer |
10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market |
01-21-25 |
2,150 |
$16.35 |
$35,153.58 |
Lachance, Jean-Paul Henri |
4 – Director of Issuer, 5 – Senior Officer of Issuer |
10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market |
01-20-25 |
5,000 |
$16.45 |
$82,250.00 |
The five stocks with the largest dollar value of insider dispositions in the public market are:
Dye & Durham Limited —–Sell Quantity: -1,778,900 Average cost: $15.16 Total: -$26,967,768.22 |
Insider |
Relationship |
Transaction |
Date |
Quantity |
Price |
Total |
Plantro Ltd. |
3 – 10% Security Holder of Issuer |
10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market |
01-16-25 |
-1,778,900 |
$15.16 |
-$26,967,768.22 |
G Mining Ventures Corp —–Sell Quantity: -496,800 Average cost: $12.96 Total: -$6,439,620.96 |
Insider |
Relationship |
Transaction |
Date |
Quantity |
Price |
Total |
La Mancha Capital Management GP |
3 – 10% Security Holder of Issuer |
10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market |
01-16-25 |
-165,600 |
$12.96 |
-$2,146,540.32 |
La Mancha Investments S.à r.l. |
3 – 10% Security Holder of Issuer |
10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market |
01-16-25 |
-165,600 |
$12.96 |
-$2,146,540.32 |
Loza-Sawiris, Yousriya |
3 – 10% Security Holder of Issuer |
10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market |
01-16-25 |
-165,600 |
$12.96 |
-$2,146,540.32 |
Coelacanth Energy Inc —–Sell Quantity: -1,940,706 Average cost: $0.81 Total: -$1,571,971.86 |
Insider |
Relationship |
Transaction |
Date |
Quantity |
Price |
Total |
Brussa, John Albert |
4 – Director of Issuer |
57 – Exercise of rights |
01-16-25 |
19,334 |
$0.81 |
$15,660.54 |
DOERR, Harvey |
4 – Director of Issuer |
57 – Exercise of rights |
01-16-25 |
16,800 |
$0.81 |
$13,608.00 |
4 – Director of Issuer |
57 – Exercise of rights |
01-16-25 |
16,800 |
$0.81 |
$13,608.00 |
Peterson, Greg |
5 – Senior Officer of Issuer |
57 – Exercise of rights |
01-16-25 |
5,534 |
$0.81 |
$4,482.54 |
Peterson, Greg |
5 – Senior Officer of Issuer |
10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market |
01-16-25 |
-1,159 |
$0.81 |
-$938.79 |
Chicoine, Nolan Gregory |
5 – Senior Officer of Issuer |
57 – Exercise of rights |
01-16-25 |
70,000 |
$0.81 |
$56,700.00 |
Chicoine, Nolan Gregory |
5 – Senior Officer of Issuer |
10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market |
01-16-25 |
-70,000 |
$0.81 |
-$56,700.00 |
Denis, Jody |
5 – Senior Officer of Issuer |
57 – Exercise of rights |
01-16-25 |
50,000 |
$0.81 |
$40,500.00 |
Denis, Jody |
5 – Senior Officer of Issuer |
10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market |
01-16-25 |
-50,000 |
$0.81 |
-$40,500.00 |
Fur, John Nandor |
5 – Senior Officer of Issuer |
57 – Exercise of rights |
01-16-25 |
52,666 |
$0.81 |
$42,659.46 |
Fur, John Nandor |
5 – Senior Officer of Issuer |
10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market |
01-16-25 |
-52,666 |
$0.81 |
-$42,659.46 |
Kimpton, Bret Alan |
5 – Senior Officer of Issuer |
57 – Exercise of rights |
01-16-25 |
100,000 |
$0.81 |
$81,000.00 |
Kimpton, Bret Alan |
5 – Senior Officer of Issuer |
10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market |
01-16-25 |
-100,000 |
$0.81 |
-$81,000.00 |
Lancaster, William |
4 – Director of Issuer |
57 – Exercise of rights |
01-16-25 |
20,166 |
$0.81 |
$16,334.46 |
Lancaster, William |
4 – Director of Issuer |
10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market |
01-16-25 |
-6,151 |
$0.81 |
-$4,982.31 |
Medvedic, Tom |
4 – Director of Issuer |
57 – Exercise of rights |
01-16-25 |
16,800 |
$0.81 |
$13,608.00 |
Medvedic, Tom |
4 – Director of Issuer |
10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market |
01-16-25 |
-9,064 |
$0.81 |
-$7,341.84 |
Zakresky, Robert John |
4 – Director of Issuer, 5 – Senior Officer of Issuer |
57 – Exercise of rights |
01-16-25 |
151,666 |
$0.81 |
$122,849.46 |
Zakresky, Robert John |
4 – Director of Issuer, 5 – Senior Officer of Issuer |
10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market |
01-16-25 |
-1,651,666 |
$0.81 |
-$1,337,849.46 |
Aritzia Inc —–Sell Quantity: -20,000 Average cost: $68.28 Total: -$1,365,648.00 Options Issued: 20,000 Average cost: $0.00 Total: $0.00 |
Insider |
Relationship |
Transaction |
Date |
Quantity |
Price |
Total |
Ingledew, Todd Jeremy |
5 – Senior Officer of Issuer |
51 – Exercise of options |
01-16-25 |
12,800 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
Ingledew, Todd Jeremy |
5 – Senior Officer of Issuer |
10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market |
01-16-25 |
-12,800 |
$68.16 |
-$872,448.00 |
Ingledew, Todd Jeremy |
5 – Senior Officer of Issuer |
51 – Exercise of options |
01-17-25 |
7,200 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
Ingledew, Todd Jeremy |
5 – Senior Officer of Issuer |
10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market |
01-17-25 |
-7,200 |
$68.50 |
-$493,200.00 |
IsoEnergy Ltd —–Sell Quantity: -350,000 Average cost: $2.82 Total: -$988,163.50 Options Issued: 440,000 Average cost: $0.38 Total: $169,400.00 |
Insider |
Relationship |
Transaction |
Date |
Quantity |
Price |
Total |
Curyer, Leigh Robert |
4 – Director of Issuer |
51 – Exercise of options |
01-16-25 |
170,000 |
$0.38 |
$65,450.00 |
Curyer, Leigh Robert |
4 – Director of Issuer |
10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market |
01-16-25 |
-150,000 |
$2.82 |
-$423,495.00 |
McFadden, Christopher Walter |
4 – Director of Issuer |
51 – Exercise of options |
01-16-25 |
135,000 |
$0.38 |
$51,975.00 |
McFadden, Christopher Walter |
4 – Director of Issuer |
10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market |
01-16-25 |
-115,000 |
$2.82 |
-$324,679.50 |
Patricio, Richard J |
4 – Director of Issuer |
51 – Exercise of options |
01-16-25 |
135,000 |
$0.38 |
$51,975.00 |
Patricio, Richard J |
4 – Director of Issuer |
10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market |
01-16-25 |
-85,000 |
$2.82 |
-$239,989.00 |
What is Insider Trading?
How Insider Trading works.
By Pepper Parr
January 22nd, 2025
There are two stories that break on the 27th – one for those who like to get out and enjoy themselves while pocketing a 13% saving – the other for the political junkies.
The 27th is the start of the Taste of Burlington Prix Fixe winter program that has 31 restaurants offering interesting meal choices. Always a fun event – what adds to the opportunity is that the HST tax (13%) will not apply during the event that runs from the 27th to February 9th.
We will have more for you on this later in the week.
The 27th of January is the last day for people who want a say in who the next leader of the Liberal Party of Canada is going to be. If you want to be part of that opportunity click HERE www.lpc/register
By Raplph Fletcher
January 22, 2025
The Toronto Maple Leafs are set to face the New Jersey Devils in what promises to be an electrifying game in the NHL. As the Leafs look to continue their impressive form, they are entering this matchup as clear favorites according to recent odds. Fans are eagerly anticipating a high-octane clash, with both teams boasting considerable talent on their rosters.
For those engaging in online betting, this matchup presents an intriguing scenario. The Maple Leafs have been consistent performers this season, often outperforming their opponents with skillful play and a solid defensive core. Meanwhile, the Devils have had a rollercoaster season, showing flashes of brilliance but struggling to maintain consistency. This contrast makes the betting landscape particularly dynamic, with opportunities for savvy bettors to capitalize on player performances and game outcomes.
Odds Overview
Based on the latest odds from leading online betting platforms, here is a breakdown of the key betting lines for the game:

It is clear from these statistics that the Maple Leafs have the upper hand and are already at a moneyline of -150. However, bettors tend to prefer the Maple Leafs over the Devils simply because they have the status of an underdog, being a +130 or more bet. The puck line and total goals market is also a nice pair for those bettors who are at their first steps and wish to try their fortune in this way. Factors to Watch
- Toronto’s Offensive Firepower: The Maple Leafs are favored because of their great scoring; they amaze the league with their stars, Matthews and Marner. As for their ranks on the standings, the Maple Leafs clear away the competition by being among the elite teams to have the highest number of goals registered, making them a force to reckon with on the offensive end.
- Goaltending Battle: The Devils will have to try out their stopper, Vitek Vanecek in their match against Toronto, as they will have to combat the opposing side, which is relentless in their attacks. Ilya Samsonov needs to be on top of his game to defend the goal from the counterattacks of the Devils.
- Special Teams Performance: Both teams can brag about their powerful power plays, but the Leafs’ penalty kill has been more efficient in recent times. If the power play deciding whether or not a game with a couple of penalties would be it, the winning special teams could be one of the most important factors.
Match PredictionsThe odds and form of both teams suggest that the Maple Leafs should win this one. The thought is different, though, because the Devils can also make an upset if they can find the holes in the Leaf’s defense. Here are three key predictions for the game:
- Final Score: Maple Leafs 4, Devils 2. Toronto’s numerous scoring threats would be the deciding factor of the game over a sixty-minute period.
- Key Player Performance: Auston Matthews is likely to add a goal to his current goal tally, thus increasing his streak of success.
- Over/Under Outcome: The game is projected to be an overscore, as both teams are good at finding ways to get points on the board.
Tips for BettorsHere are some pro tips for all those who are interested in extracting the maximum amount of profit out of their sports betting:
- Considering the odds and the O6.5, bettors might combine the Maple Leafs’ money line with the Over 6.5 goals market, which in turn will give them the match points with the higher odds.
- Player Props: You can pick either Auston Matthews or Mitch Marner to be the first to make goals, points, and assists, as they have been ever-reliable performers.
- Live Betting: In case the Devils come out front within the first few minutes, you can risk your money on the Leafs to win the game against the Devils, which are the most successful team so far because through these seasons, they always have been in similar positions and then successfully turned the game around.
Final ThoughtsThe Leafs are set to go toe to toe with the Devils in the game which is a must for hockey lovers and gamblers. The ranking of the Leafs will draw more people to sports betting; therefore, there will be a wide variety of betting markets, with the final outcome being the most awaited part of the game. Betting on the money line or puck line, and taking prop bets on players will be the main opportunities through which this game will bring to the audience that is on both sides of the ice. Thus, the two teams will bring with the bettors the energy from the stands.
By Staff
January 22nd, 2025
Sara Palmieri is an award-winning senior arts professional whose wealth of experience and vision will help usher in the next exciting chapter of The Burlington Performing Arts Centre. Along with her commitment to community building through the arts, Palmieri brings with her more than 20 years of arts management experience that she will leverage in her new role with the BPAC.
 Sara Palmieri will join BPAC on Tuesday, February 18.
A native of St. Catharines, Palmieri has spent more than two decades working in performing arts centre environments. While still enrolled in her post-secondary studies, she started her career in the box office at Brock University’s Centre for the Arts where she quickly advanced into roles in sales, marketing, programming and community outreach. Palmieri’s talents in strategic development earned her the privilege of working with the City of St. Catharines and Brock University leadership on the feasibility study to build a new performing arts centre and arts campus in downtown St. Catharines.
In 2015, Palmieri was named the inaugural Director of Programming and Marketing at the newly established FirstOntario Performing Arts Centre (FOPAC) in downtown St. Catharines where she has led much of the FOPAC’s success in its first ten seasons.
Palmieri has earned a reputation as a highly respected member of the local arts and national presenting communities. Throughout her career so far, she has had a positive impact on the arts ecology as a sought-after board and advisory committee member, panelist, and facilitator. Palmieri currently serves as Chair of the Ontario Presents Board of Directors, the province-wide network for performing arts touring and presenting organizations, and has been a part of numerous grassroots and nationally scoped initiatives that aim to improve opportunities for artists.
“I am invigorated by this opportunity to collaborate with the dedicated staff, volunteers and Board of The Burlington Performing Arts Centre to spearhead the next chapter of this cherished community asset,” says Palmieri.
Sara Palmieri will join BPAC on Tuesday, February 18, replacing Interim Executive Director Lucy White, whose strategic guidance and leadership has been invaluable to the organization and staff while the Board searched for its permanent Executive Director.
BPAC Board Chair Peter Van Dyk says: “After a rigorous search process, we are very happy that Sara Palmieri will be joining us as the new Executive Director of BPAC. She is an experienced and well-respected leader in the arts sector and is the right person to lead BPAC forward. I also want to thank Interim Executive Director Lucy White for the stability she provided during the changes of the past year. BPAC is well positioned for 2025 and beyond, and with Sara’s leadership we are excited to see what the future holds.”
The Burlington Performing Arts Centre Board, staff and volunteers look forward to welcoming its cherished patrons to the second half of the 2024-2025 season. BPAC’s 2025-2026 season will be announced in late May.
By Staff
January 22nd, 2025
We erred on this one. The two three-storey walk-ups are located at 2169 and 2175 Ghent Ave.
The proposed development consists of the consolidation of two properties to facilitate the construction of two 3-storey, 6-unit walk-up multi-family buildings with a total of 12 dwelling units on the property.
 Development is on a street that has a mix of single family dwellings and three story apartments.
The driveway and parking area are proposed to accommodate 17 parking spaces and will be screened from street view by a parking screen and accessory building (garbage enclosure). The proposed development will also include an outdoor amenity space at the rear of the property that can be utilized by residents, as well as landscape buffers that will be adjacent to the existing low-rise residential units to the north and east of the subject lands.
The property is proposed to be fenced along the north, east, and west property lines.
By Staff
January 22, 2025
UPDATE: The Performing Arts Board of Directors just announced that Sara Palmieri is the new Executive Director.
Tammy Fox, former Executive Director of the Burlington Performing Arts Centre has a new gig.
HHoTface, an organization with a mission to inspire people of all ages, ethnicities, genders and orientations to celebrate their individual beauty and to look and feel their very best by offering professional-quality, cruelty-free skincare and cosmetics from around the globe, made for all skin tones and types.
 At 10:00 am, January 22nd the new gig had been operational for 9 days +.
Fox left Performing Arts on very very short notice in May of last year. The Performing Arts Board has yet to to announce a new Executive Director.
 Tammy Fox
Fox had excellent contacts within the performing arts community, had served as the agent for many of the very talented people that take to the stage; when there was a problem she knew who to call.
The public has yet to learn what brought about the exit stage left for Fox at BPAC.
By Louise Federale
January 22nd, 2025
The game of poker has always been a popular entertainment choice for Canadians and in recent decades, the development of the online poker world has significantly expanded the game’s audience and appeal. Both land-based and virtual poker are enjoyed by Canadians and changing laws in the country have supported the industry’s growth.
 Women are very savvy poker players.
We explore the popularity of the game, looking at recent changes to legislation, the reasons for the game’s popularity and what the future might hold for online poker and the wider casino industry in Canada:
Gambling legislation has undergone significant changes in Canada in recent years
Over the last century there has been a trend of gradual liberalization of gambling laws in Canada with more provinces granted some allowances for gambling activities as they move from prohibition to regulation. The economic benefits of the industry, including job opportunities and increase in tax revenues, as well as societal changes, have been the most significant drivers for these legislative changes.
Perhaps the most noteworthy legislative update came in 2021 with the passing of Bill C-218. The bill was passed in August 2021 and legalized single event sports betting in the country. Previously, Canadians could only place parlay bets on sporting events and wager on multiple outcomes, resulting in many turning to offshore sportsbooks for a better range of options.
This legislation has since opened up huge market opportunities and each Canadian province is able to control their own tax revenues. Ontario has been leading the way in this regard, having been one of the first to integrate single event betting into their gambling market.
Ontario has supported online gambling growth by enabling unlimited licenses, which has attracted over 30 private operators and created a thriving competitive online industry in the province.
 Ontario has attracted over 30 private operators
Other locations are now also beginning to modernize and update their gambling regulations. For example, British Columbia now operates its own online gaming services through the British Columbia Lottery Corporation (BCLC), and holds a provincial monopoly on online gaming.
Meanwhile, Alberta has taken a slightly different approach and has now begun to encourage private operators, particularly those that offer sports betting services, through programmes run by the Alberta Gaming, Liquor, and Cannabis Commission (AGLC).
Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland are also supporting single-event sports betting, although their frameworks are much less expansive and more restrictive in comparison to Ontario’s.
Candian’s now enjoy a wide variety of casino games
The shift to online play has opened up accessibility to a huge number of different casino games for Canadians. They access these games via either Canada-based gaming operators or offshore gaming sites. Top games include traditional casino games like poker, blackjack, slots and baccarat and well as new hybrid games like Slingo.
As is the case in many parts of the world, poker remains one of the most played casino games online in Canada.
 What’s with the hoodies?
Why is poker so popular in Canada?
Back in 2011, almost 2.3 million Canadians said that they enjoyed playing poker at least once a month. By 2022, this number had increased sharply to more than three million, and the rate has continued to rise since then. There are a number of factors that have influenced its success:
Playing has become much easier
While playing poker once required a trip out to a land based casino, players can now access the game within a few clicks on their smartphone or computer. All they need is a device with a secure internet connection to get started and games are available to play at any time of the day. As more people seek entertainment at home, online poker is a convenient choice.
Opportunities for skill development
While some games like slots or bingo are easier to grasp, poker is a great game for developing certain skills. By playing poker you can work on your strategy skills and ability to make quick decisions under pressure. Becoming experienced at the game takes lots of patience and practice too.
A way to socialize
 Are we socializing here – or is this poker competition at its very best?
Poker is a game involving multiple players and online casinos and poker sites help to facilitate the social side of the game with chat features and forums. Players are able to become part of a community and share their tips and experiences with people that share their passion for the game.
The future of poker in Canada
In Canada, the game poker is likely to grow more popular each year as laws in places such as Alberta are adapted to allow more people to play and offer more choice in games. Provinces will continue to benefit from increased revenues from the casino market too.
Lastly, technological advancements will also help to continue enhancing the online poker experience and ensure it is fun and immersive for both current players and newer audiences.
By Pepper Parr
January 21st, 2025
Pollara, a public opinion polling firm, surveyed 1,506 people across Canada from Dec. 4 until Dec. 13 — after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau visited Trump at the president-elect’s Mara-a-Lago resort in Florida.
They found that 65 per cent believe a trade war could affect their day-to-day lives in a negative way while five per cent held a positive view and 12 per cent didn’t know.
 Again? Sooner than you think.
While online panel samples cannot be assigned a margin of error, for comparison purposes, a random sample of this size would have one of plus or minus 2.5 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.
A staggering 84 per cent of those surveyed have a “negative” view of what the incoming U.S. president’s measures could do to Canada with only three per cent being “positive” about them and eight per cent unsure.
Continue reading Threats from the President of the US being used as reason to call an election in Ontario
By Pepper Parr
January 22nd, 2025
She was a great ship with a proud battle history.
Julie van der Muellen created this 10-foot model made out of Lego.
Julie assembled and donated her 10-foot-long HMCS Haida to the Warplane Heritage Museum in Hamilton. It will be archived as a museum relic and displayed in a glass display case.
 Julie van der Muellen with her father and a 10 foot Lego model of HMCS Haida.
Continue reading HMCS Haida, created out of 40,000+ pieces of Lego, will be on display at the Wartime Heritage Museum
By Pepper Parr
January 21st, 2025
On January 7th, we published a story on what the tax increased were between 2018 and 2024 show the increase each year and the cumulative increase.
A link to that story is HERE
We received a request from the city to correct the story. We will come back to that request.
To ensure that our information in the story was correct we asked a Burlington resident to send us information from their residential property tax bill.
The following is what we were provided with:
 From the same tax bills shown above, we can see the cumulative increase, 2018 to 2025, on the total tax bill is 35%.
The resident said:
For 2018 I used the May 17, 2018 “Final” Tax bill.
For 2024 I used the May 9, 2024 “Final” Tax bill.
Back to the city request: The Communications department sent us the following:
The City would like to request a correction to the article titled “Cumulative tax increases delivered by the current council in the last six years amount to 65.10%” published on Jan 7. After reviewing the cumulative tax rate mentioned, we believe the 65.1% should be changed as below.
- From 2018 to 2025 a residential property tax owner saw their total property taxes paid (City, Region and Education) increase by a total of 19%, compared to the consumer price Index of 19.88%. The average annual increase over this period of 2.4%.
- For the City-only portion, the total increase is 40% over the same period, with an average annual increase of 5%.
Gazette note – the consumer price index has no direct bearing on what property taxes anount to.

The 65% figure mentioned in the article comes from the growth in the City’s total tax revenues from 2018 to 2025, which includes the natural increase in property values/assessments during this period.
Gazette note: The city admits that the 65% figure is correct – adding that “natural increase in property values/assessments“. So?
Gazette note: Tax bill information should be clear – the tax notices the city sends out are anything but clear. Is this due to incompetence? Has anyone taken the time to sit down and review the document and think of a way to present the information in a manner that is clear? It is possible to produce a tax bill – just seems that the city isn’t all that interested in providing understandable information.
The city has asked us to please review the data and correct the article to ensure an accurate representation of the cumulative tax increases.
We have come to the conclusion that it is the city that is incorrect.