By Staff
December 11, 2020
 A rendition of what a Terry Fox $5 bill could look like.
There are still a couple of weeks left – to sign the Petition that has been created supporting the idea of having Terry Fox on the next version of the $5 bill.
Burlington and Terry Fox have a long standing, very tight relationship.
Oakville North Burlington MP Pam Damoff has joined forces with Canadian Football great, Tony Gabriel, urging people to slip over to the web site that has the petition.
Craig Gardner, who stage-managed the Terry Fox Run for Cancer in September, which set a new donation level despite the COVID circumstances, would very much like to see the petition go viral.
 Tony Gabriel with Oakville North Burlington MP Pam Damoff in front of the Terry Fox Monument at Spencer Smith Park.
We can do it.
Link to the Petition is HERE
Log and share the link with your Facebook friends.
By Staff
December 11th, 2020
UPDATE: Due to heavy rain forecasted and exposure to the elements for Santa and his volunteer firefighter driver, Santa’s Holiday Magic Trail for Saturday, Dec. 12, has been rescheduled to Sunday, Dec. 20, weather permitting.
Affected neighbourhoods are Alton Village, the Orchard, Corporate, Pinedale and Elizabeth Gardens. Santa will be back on the trail on Sunday, Dec. 13.
When Santa’s Holiday Magic Trail resumes, follow along or post his whereabouts using the hashtag #SpotSantaBurlON.
The Parks and Recreation people pulled a chestnut out of the fire and came up with a way to get Santa in front of the people.
The traditional annual Santa parade became a COVID victim.
 Santa stepping into his “Sleigh” for his Magical Tour of Burlington.
The brain trust at Parks and Recreation sat around a table and looked for a way to provide a way for Santa to get to the children.
Pumper #4 got a mention – that was all it took.
The antique Studebaker Fire truck was hauled out of storage in Kilbride and became the “sleigh” that Santa would use to tour the city.
He has already waved at the children in Rural Burlington, Tyandaga, Brant Hills and Mountainside as well as Headon Forest, Palmer, Tansley and Millcroft
 Families gathered on street corners waiting for the fire truck with Santa waving.
On Saturday he is scheduled to be in Alton Village, the Orchard, Corporate, Pinedale and Elizabeth Gardens. The weather people are talking about rain much of Saturday – not to worry – there is a rain day in the schedule.
On Sunday, the 13th the fire truck will tour Longmoor, Shoreacres, Roseland and Dynes.
When you spot Santa use the hash tag: #SpotSantaBurlON to tell your friends and neighbours where he is.
The city is not releasing the route the fire truck will be taking – they don’t want to encourage crowds of people lining the street and spreading that nasty little virus that has really spooked Christmas for so many.
December 19th, Santa and the fire truck will be touring Aldershot, Central and Plains.
December 20th has been set aside as a Make-up inclement weather date, if needed.
By Pepper Parr
December 10th, 2020
There are some things that you don’t want to miss watching.
The tearing down of the Berlin Wall in Germany.
President Obama speaking to the students at Notre Dame University.
There are others of course.
This evening Burlington Green has arranged for a screening of the film I am Greta. Her story is one parents will want their high school level students exposed to – great stuff.
Greta Thunberg’s international crusade to bring climate justice to the forefront is an important story, the film explore the behind-the-scenes journey about how she become a force of nature.
Registrants will be sent a confirmation email with a ZOOM link to the event.
By Staff
December 10th, 2020
Burlington Foundation announced it has awarded $141,000 in funding to 10 charities through the second round of the Emergency Community Support Fund (ECSF), funded by
the Government of Canada.
Echoing the previous round, this funding supports charities who are addressing
critical needs affecting vulnerable community members in Burlington greatly impacted by COVID-19. Through the first round, the Foundation was pleased to deliver $335,370 to 18 front-line charities serving Burlington, bringing the total funding delivered between Rounds 1 and 2 to over $476,000.
With the second wave of Covid-19 striking communities and driving an unrelenting demand for emergency relief, the second round of the ECSF has been a critical way that support has continued to flow to charities serving our most vulnerable.
Established by the Government of Canada as a $350 million fund in May, the fund
has been implemented with Community Foundations of Canada, in partnership with local foundations across the country, the Canadian Red Cross and United Way Centraide Canada.
 Colleen Mulholland, President and CEO of Burlington Foundation.
“It is anticipated that one-third of charities may not survive the financial destruction of this pandemic,” says Colleen Mulholland, President and CEO of Burlington Foundation.
“That distressing potential reflects why Burlington Foundation continues to monitor community closely and is committed to bringing vital, rapid relief to our charities and the most vulnerable community members they serve.”
Charities Awarded Round 2 Funding:
Imagine Canada, an advocacy and research group that aims to strengthen the charitable sector, released a report earlier in the pandemic that vividly describes the devastating impact that Covid-19 is having on our charitable sector, with many charities struggling to stay open while having to rapidly pivot services and programs. As reported in May, 69% of charities have experienced decreased revenues with nearly three quarters of charities (73%) reporting that donations are down. In September, Imagine Canada shared that our charitable sector is expected to suffer a loss that could reach upwards of $15 billion in revenues this year.
“The staggering loss of revenues that we have experienced is likely to continue well into the immediate future – and at a time when the need for the services of many charities is on a steep rise, “says Colleen. “Since the start of this pandemic, Burlington Foundation has been honoured to partner with generous fundholders, donors and our federal government to deliver rapid relief – providing $783,540 to 65 charities working tirelessly to support
our community.
“As this challenging year comes to a close, we continue to monitor our most pressing needs and are pleased to currently have $150,000 in remaining Pandemic Response Funds for a further granting initiative early in the new year. Never has the support of community been more important than right now. Please considering giving what you can – 100% of your gift supports our local charities.”
By Pepper Parr
December 7th, 2020
Why the city could not say they were grateful for the initiative and the money that the Burlington Seniors’ Community Initiatives (BSCI) put up to refurbish a bus shelter and install the fittings to make it heated is hard to understand.
What we got was notice of a photo opportunity where the Ward Councillor, perhaps even the Mayor, will strut their stuff and talk about the how great the city is.
The Burlington leadership team, referred to as the BLT, will also be on hand for the photo op.
The people who raised the money were at one time the operators of many of the services that were provided at the Seniors Centre.
 The Bistro, the heart of the Seniors’ Centre.
The Bistro, which is a very profitable operation, was an idea the seniors came up with.
They were unceremoniously pushed out when the City Manager at the time sent one of his threatening letters telling them their time had come to an end.
There is a reason for the bus shelter being across the street from the entrance to the seniors’ shelter where the bus could pull up – no one has said just what that reason is.
Hopefully the recognition of Burlington Seniors’ Community Initiatives contribution towards the purchase and installation of the City of Burlington’s first heated transit shelter is full-throated and heartfelt. Not a lot of respect of the one group for the other.
Will there come a time when the seniors get to have more direct involvement in their affairs?
 Regional Chair Gary Carr getting a workout on a piece of equipment while Mayor Meed Ward does her Hallelujah while peddling away on equipment paid for by a senior citizen group.
BSCI put up the money for the sports equipment at Burloak Park; they recently put $5000 into the Meal Bag program at Wellington Square and paid for some much needed PPE at another church – the Baptist church got funds to do an upgrade of their kitchen.
Hopefully some of that remarkable history will get a mention at the photo op on Friday: 1:15 pm at Transit Stop 45 on Burlington Teen Tour Band Way.
By Pepper Parr
December 5th, 2020
There was no new snow on the ground but there was a Santa sitting as a passenger in a Fire Truck as it rolled through the streets of xxx Saturday afternoon.
 Pumper #4, part of the Burlington Fire department fleet on duty – carrying Santa Claus through different neighbourhoods.
The Fire Truck, Pumper # 4, was being used to let children know that Santa Claus was still around but he, his sleigh and those reindeer would not be in a parade this year.
A pandemic kept him away from the parade. However the |Parks and recreation department got creative and came up with a way for Santa to have a parade of hi won with a police escort.
The afternoon, Saturday Santa was in Tyandaga, Brant Hills and Mountainside
On Sunday he will be in Headon Forest, Palmer, Tansley and Millcroft
 Santa getting ready to head out to the Tyandaga community to say Hello to the children and assure them that he will be visiting Christmas Eve.
Every weekend between now and Christmas Santa will be in different parts of the city.
 Families gathered on street corners as Santa toured part of the city. Photos by Denis Gibbons
The Parks and Recreation people didn’t want the Fire Truck to stop and have people gathered around – tough to maintain social distancing under those conditions.
The Fire Truck drives slowly and Santa flashes his smile to everyone.
Here is the schedule.
Dec. 5: Rural Burlington, Tyandaga, Brant Hills and Mountainside
Dec. 6: Headon Forest, Palmer, Tansley and Millcroft
Dec. 12: Alton Village, the Orchard, Corporate, Pinedale and Elizabeth Gardens
Dec. 13: Longmoor, Shoreacres, Roseland and Dynes
Dec. 19: Aldershot, Central and Plains
Dec. 20: Make-up inclement weather date, if needed.
By Staff
December 4th, 2020
Santa’s Holiday Magic Trail
Santa’s Holiday Magic Trail is an innovative alternative to the traditional Santa Claus Parade. Due to COVID-19, the traditional Santa Claus Parade will not happen this year as the City continues to follow public health direction and the need to maintain physical distancing and avoid crowding.
 No reindeer this year – an antique fire truck and with the Ho, Ho, Ho man ringing a bell
Santa’s Holiday Magic Trail will feature Santa Claus riding on an antique fire truck with a police escort through different Burlington neighbourhoods each weekend in December.
To keep residents safe, the truck will not make stops and residents are asked to view Santa from within their own household or if outdoors, follow public health direction and maintain two metres physical distancing from anyone not from your household.
Each day, Santa will be moving throughout the neighbourhoods from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., weather permitting.
Dec. 5: Rural Burlington, Tyandaga, Brant Hills and Mountainside
Dec. 6: Headon Forest, Palmer, Tansley and Millcroft
Dec. 12: Alton Village, the Orchard, Corporate, Pinedale and Elizabeth Gardens
Dec. 13: Longmoor, Shoreacres, Roseland and Dynes
Dec. 19: Aldershot, Central and Plains
Dec. 20: Make-up inclement weather date, if needed
For resident safety, the exact route of the SHMT cannot be posted in order to avoid potential gatherings along sidewalks awaiting his arrival. Santa will safely move through neighbourhoods and residents are asked to avoid gathering. The fire truck and police escort will sound their sirens occasionally.
Anyone who sees Santa can use the hashtag #SpotSantaBurlON to notify neighbours of his location and spread the magic.
Santa will not be stopping to accept letters, milk or cookies or posing for photos. Please use caution and stay safe when near the road.
Information is posted on
By Staff
December 4th, 2020
Another Town Hall on Covid19.
This next one will be on December 16th, between 6:00 and 7:00 pm.
There will be a sharing of information and answering of residents’ questions about our ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The format of this town hall will be different than the previous telephone-only town hall events. The December 16 town hall will be a virtual one, made available through Zoom, with attendees having the option to call in by phone or join in online.
Mayor Marianne Meed Ward will host this virtual town hall and will be joined by a panel of local leaders to help answer residents’ COVID-19-related questions, including:
• Tim Commisso, City Manager, City of Burlington
• Chris Glenn, Director of Recreation Services, City of Burlington
• MP Pam Damoff, MP for Oakville-North Burlington
• Dr. Dale Kalina, Medical Director, Infection Prevention and Control, Joseph Brant Hospital
• Eric Vandewall, President and Chief Executive Officer, Joseph Brant Hospital
• Anita Cassidy, Executive Director, Burlington Economic Development.
How to Participate
Residents who would like to participate in the town hall can do so in the following ways:
1. Join virtually: Residents are invited to join just before 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 16 to take part in the town hall via Zoom at If you have not downloaded Zoom before, you will be prompted to do so and create a personal account. Please be advised that more than one attempt may be required due to the high volume of traffic. A maximum of 1000 participants will be able to join in this virtual town hall. If we exceed 1000 guests, you will still be able to watch the recorded event online once it is posted at
2. Join by phone: Residents are invited to join by phone by calling 647-374-4685 and entering webinar ID 880 1886 1286.
Once the town hall begins, a moderator will provide participants with instructions for how to submit their questions to the leadership panel. As with previous public town halls, the focus of this event will be on the situation surrounding COVID-19. Participants are requested to ask any questions related to COVID-19, the city’s response, impacts to residents, businesses, services and programs, hospital and health-related questions, and the broader impact of the pandemic on our community.
A recording and related transcript of the town hall will be posted online after Dec. 16 at
commitment to providing the community with essential services remains a priority. Sign up to learn more about Burlington at and download the free City of Burlington app.
Mayor Marianne Meed Ward is “I look forward to the final public town hall of 2020 and engaging this time with residents both over the phone and virtually via Zoom. As always, our goal is to help answer questions related to COVID-19 so we can keep our community healthy, safe and supported through this challenging pandemic.”
Quick Facts
• Since the COVID-19 outbreak, the City of Burlington has hosted six telephone town hall events, on March 26, April 14, June 4, July 16, Sept. 23 and Nov. 18 to provide updates about what the City is doing to protect the health and safety of our community and to address concerns from the public related to COVID-19.
• Audio recordings and full transcripts from the previous town hall events are available online at Answers to many of the questions asked by the public during these town hall events are also available at the same location on the City’s website.
COVID-19 Links and Resources
• For information about COVID-19 in Halton Region, including the latest public health guidance and the status of COVID-19 cases, please visit
• Community questions and requests regarding City of Burlington services can be directed to Service Burlington by phone at 905-335-7777, by email at or online
By Staff
December 3rd, 2020
For many years, Burlington Lions Club members have had the great honour of ringing the bells as a group for the Christmas Kettle campaign on a Saturday in December at the two largest malls in Burlington, and were looking forward to doing the same again this year.
 Lions Perry Bowker and Blair Greer look on as Lions President Ken O’Breza presents cheque to Laura Oros, Kettle Campaign Director
Elevated COVID restrictions meant it would not be possible to conduct the fundraiser this year. The Lions Club members immediately resolved to help in a small way to offset the loss of donations that they otherwise might have helped raise.
It is with great pleasure that the Lions Club made an emergency donation of $1,500.
By Pepper Parr
November 30th, 2020
There are seven LCBO stores in Burlington.
An application for the 17th cannabis retail location has been received; 10 of the applications are operational, five are under review, two, plus the most recent, are out for community comment.
Municipalities were given the option to permit the setting up of retail cannabis stores or to take a pass and not permit cannabis retail locations.
Burlington chose to permit them: it was a 5-2 vote permitting, with Councillors Stolte and Bentivegna against.
The Mayor was a very strong supporter, at times sounding like an advocate.
The other four were inclined to go along.
The Town of Oakville decided not to permit cannabis stores.
Many take the view that the commercial locations will fail if there isn’t a customer base creating a demand.
There is certainly a demand for the product – but it isn’t from the people of Burlington. The folks from Oakville drive over to patronize the Burlington locations.
I am not opposed to the sale of the product – it’s legal – let people buy it. My concern is why does Burlington have to become the destination for people in communities that don’t have cannabis shops where they live?
We keep hearing the argument that there are those who need the product for medicinal purposes.
Is this what the people of Burlington believe reflects the values of their community?
Is there a point the city might not want to go beyond?
And can city council do anything to perhaps cap the number of locations?
We think it is a question that can and should be asked of City Council.
Are we at that enough is enough point?
Related news story:
Application for 17th cannabis store received by the provincial government.
Salt with Pepper is the musings, reflections and opinions of the publisher of the Burlington Gazette, an online newspaper that was formed in 2010 and is a member of the National Newsmedia Council.
By Staff
November 30th, 2020
Liddy Stem at some point taught her eight year old son how to bake.
The boy not only picked up that skill but he also picked up a Burlington tradition of helping other people.

The bake sale that Emmet has underway this year will support Halton Woman’s Place.
Emmet apparently put together the flyer that he has passed out to his neighbours.
Let’s see how busy we can keep this eight year old.
By Staff
November 30th, 2020
An application for what will be the 17th cannabis retail store in Burlington has been received by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO).
 A typical cannabis retail location: tightly regulated by the AGCO.
The corporate name is Sweet Releafs Inc. The proposed location at 728 Burloak Dr., Unit C4 is now up for public comment.
Written comments due to Province by December 11
This application does meet the City of Burlington Council approved guidelines.
Written comments about the proposed location will be received by the AGCO until Friday, December 11, 2020 and may be submitted online at
The AGCO will accept submissions from:
• A resident of the municipality in which the proposed store is located
• The municipality representing the area in which the proposed store is located and/or its upper-tier municipality.
Comments submitted to the AGCO should relate to the following matters of public interest:
• Protecting public health and safety
• Protecting youth and restricting their access to cannabis
• Preventing illicit activities in relation to cannabis
After December 11, the AGCO will consider all written comments and available information to decide whether the application for the proposed store location will be approved.
Currently there are ten licensed cannabis retail stores in Burlington since the ACGO moved to an open licensing system for cannabis retail store applications earlier this year. The ten stores include:
• Relm Cannabis Co. 4031 Fairview St. Suite 103
• Corner Cannabis 3007 New St.
• The Hunny Pot Cannabis Co. 1505 Guelph Line, Unit 3-4
• Friendly Stranger Plains Road 1025 and 1059 Plains Rd. E., Unit 3
• Pioneer Cannabis Co. 1200 Brant St., Unit B-004
• mihi 3500 Dundas St., Unit A1B
• Canna Cabana Burlington 2400 Guelph Line, Unit 2
• Welcome Cannabis 1401 Plains Rd., Unit 5
• Spiritleaf 3295 Fairview St.
• Canada Buds 1860 Appleby Line, Unit 11B
Five additional cannabis retail stores are under review by the AGCO and two are out for comment, including this one.
Quick Facts
• On Jan. 14, 2019, Burlington City Council voted to allow the operation of retail cannabis stores in Burlington. Councillors Bentivegna and Stolte voted against the motion to permit the cannabis retail operations.
• On Apr. 1, 2019, the first round of brick and mortar, privately-operated retail cannabis stores opened across the province
• The AGCO is licensing and enforcing regulations related to retail cannabis stores in Ontario
• The ACGO introduced an open licensing system for cannabis retail stores in January 2020. On March 2, 2020, the ACGO began accepting store authorization applications.
• The provincial requirement for a cannabis retail store is 150 metres from schools (as defined by the Education Act), as per the provincial regulations. The City of Burlington guideline for a cannabis retail store is 500 metres from schools
Related content:
When is enough enough?
By Staff
November 27, 2020
Will Ontario’s Land Based Casinos Ever Get Ahead of the Online Competition?
 There is something so very exciting when you are a space where people are having fun and excited about gambling – hard to have that experience online.
Canada continues to witness exciting growth in gambling revenue. As you’d expect, Ontario, the most populated province in Canada, was the most significant contributor, generating around $2.36 billion net profit annually. Furthermore, a large proportion of this was from online gambling.
What’s the Current State of Gambling in Canada?
Canada suffers a slightly confusing situation with regards to online gambling and the law. This is because online casinos are neither fully legal nor illegal. Instead, there are no clear laws that actually define online betting there. Separate policies exist for every single province. If this wasn’t bad enough, additional regulations are also in place for Native American tribes. As a result, inter-province agreements usually need to exist when an operator in one area wishes to provide services to someone in another.
Casinos throughout Canada are separated into either being part of their home country, or foreign/offshore. Province licensed casinos are entirely legal and offer sites written in both French and English. These sites also accept Canadian dollars, in addition to PayPal and other forms of payment. Foreign casinos which target Canadian residents aren’t really supposed to, as they’re not licensed in Canada itself. Nevertheless, many offshore casinos attempt to entice players by including the Canadian dollar as a currency option.
While playing at these sites isn’t problematic, banking options can be. Laws exist that restrict the movement of money from Canadian to foreign accounts. Nevertheless, this alone hasn’t affected access to foreign online casinos.
What are the Best Land Based Casinos in Ontario?
There is no shortage of land-based casinos in Ontario with 44 establishments existing there. On the Trip Advisor website, Caesars Windsor, the Niagara Falls View Casino, and Casino Niagara are the three casinos with the highest ratings. Here is a little more about each one.
Caesars Windsor. This casino promises a range of exciting gameplay thanks to a robust selection of slot and table games on offer. Players are promised an exhilarating experience each time they spin a reel, roll a dice or anticipate their next hand. The casino even offers a rewards system where players don’t have to use all their free slot play at once at one machine.
Niagara Falls View Casino. When a player steps onto the casino floor, they’re promised a feeling of excitement and energy as they navigate the 200,000 square feet area which is the size of three football fields! With over 3000 slot machines and 130 table games, players will never be short of new experiences here!
Casino Niagara. There’s plenty of fun and excitement to be experienced at Casino Niagara. The gaming floor is 95,000 square feet, and with two floors, there’s no end of choice, from slot machines to a range of different card tables, plus many others.
 One of the greatest tourist attractions in the world.
The Niagara Falls is a popular tourist hotspot with hotels and resorts boasting luxury casinos for their guests.
Despite Losing Out to Online, Land Based Casinos are Now Fighting Back
This year, land-based casinos in Ontario generated $200 million. While this may sound impressive, it is not. As last year, the figure stood at $2.3 billion. The main reason this has happened is due to the competition from online casinos. It’s generally accepted that online casinos are more convenient than land-based ones and that they offer a better choice of games. A lot of sites do spoil their players for choice with many offering a range of casino games such as an online baccarat game as well as roulette and slot games. Online casinos also tend to have better bonuses and promotions for their players too. Moreover, players don’t feel the pressure to dress up, like they may do when attending an actual casino, and they may not feel as pressured to spend large amounts of money.
However, the state of land-based casinos hasn’t helped either. Some facilities are worn out, and money laundering was known to be rife. Yet, tax contributions from these establishments remained impressive.
Now, private operators will take over from the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp (OLG) in the greater Ontario area. New casino projects have been planned, such as the Parq Vancouver resort, as well as a full revamp of the existing Niagara casino. Which will include upgrading its appearance and investing in new gaming options such as a sportsbook. The Kingsway Entertainment District is yet another scheme that, amongst other amenities, will also include a casino.
While all this does sound positive for land-based casinos, it still needs to be considered that international companies will be allowed to operate legally in Ontario, which will create even more competition when new brands eventually launch.
Could Ontario Online and Land-Based Casinos Ever be Considered Equal?
Ontario and Canada are witnessing impressive growth in online gambling, while revenues from land-based casinos have somewhat stagnated. It is expected that online casinos will continue to grow, mainly thanks to online casinos being legalised in different provinces. Equally, it will be interesting to see how land-based casinos will perform in the near future, considering their past impressive performance, and the recent changes that could allow them to compete better with online casinos.
By Staff
November 27th, 2020
The City of Burlington’s rental fees for those not for profit organizations and small businesses who use recreation facilities to run programs for the community will continue to see a reduced rental fee that will gradually increase to regular rates later in 2021.
This support is provided to assist organizations impacted by the COVID pandemic and the restrictions imposed on these organizations in order to reduce the spread of the virus.
This approach lowers financial relief as we head into pandemic recovery.
This past August, Burlington City Council approved a 25 per cent fee reduction for the remainder of 2020.
 Recreational and sports programs are offered to parents who want something extra for their children. Not for profit organizations rent city space to offer the programs. Covid disrupted the programs – city came up with a support program.
Burlington has a strong history of partnership with both not-for-profit organizations and small, for-profit businesses to provide recreation and sport opportunities for residents. These groups have been adversely affected by the restrictions for COVID-19, such as the requirement to cap the number of participants permitted in a facility at a given time, which reduces revenue, as well as the need for special protective equipment, extra cleaning and screening protocols, and training for staff, all of which increase expenses.
 Coach Dave who delegated for the sector had a strong history with at least two Council members: Rory Nisan who was developed as a pretty good wrestler by Coach Dave and Councillor Kearns who had children in a Coach Dave program.
Continuing rental rate reduction support into 2021 will help as many of these groups as possible survive this disruption, maintaining “something to come back to” post-pandemic. Groups will be encouraged to pass savings along to residents, lowering or maintaining the cost of participation for families and individuals. Priority is already given in the space allocation process to groups with a fee assistance program; this will continue with the goal of maximizing safe, accessible, and affordable participation in recreation and sport.
Fee Schedule
• 20 per cent rental fee reduction in the first quarter
• 15 per cent reduction in the second quarter
• 10 per cent reduction in the third quarter
• Return to pre-COVID-19 rates in the fourth quarter of 2021
User groups will be contacted by the City staff.
Recreation Fee Assistance Program
Recreation is for all, regardless of financial situation. Recreation Fee Assistance is funding made available to resident individuals or families who need help to pay for City of Burlington recreation programs.
For more information or to apply, visit You can also leave a confidential voicemail message at 905-335-7738, ext. 8501 and our staff will return your call to assist you.
By Cosmin Mesenschi
November 26th, 2020
Betting games have always been a piece of Canada since the beginning of her history.
The Great White North is on the top ten list of countries with the most gamblers, and the province of Ontario is a globally known casino destination for land-based clubs.
Ontario is the area with the most local gamblers in the country and has the highest revenue. Today, the internet betting framework in Canada is seen by many as the casino and gambling industry’s future.
 Online Canadian gambling services offer many benefits for the residents of Burlington in today’s social and political climate.
Internet betting amongst Burlington residents has become popular because of its convenience. These online Canadian gambling services offer many benefits for the residents of Burlington in today’s social and political climate. You can check out some of the available and reputable Canadian casinos here.
The Locals are Logging On
More and more Burlington residents turn to online gambling as a simple way to have fun at home.
Demographic research of online gambling in Canada states that four out of five gamblers are male. Still, more female users are logging onto online gambling services on their smartphones. The people most likely to gamble or those enrolled in full-time education and under 35.
Of all the online games and services, slot and blackjack games get the most visits. Three-quarters of these players are playing virtualized versions of classic fruit slot machines; some of them are winning big prizes.
Now that land-based casino games are transitioning to online availability, it’s never been more comfortable to gamble. Especially with the relaxed online regulations, more Burlington locals can now access this pastime.
A Safe Way to Have Fun
In Burlington, players love to engage in online games in a safe, secure way to relax and play. In the past year, revenue for online casinos in Canada has skyrocketed to upwards to $31 million a year.
The advancements in mobile, virtual, and augmented reality create a real casino-like experience. It showcases modern ways to play casino classics, pushing for online gambling’s projected growth in Canada.
This new technology entices veteran players and attracts those new to the gambling world. Some of the most popular casino software providers in this country are Microgaming, NetEnt, Playtech, and Real Time Gaming.
Potential Income in Uncertain Times
There have been life-changing amounts of money that have been won by Canadian online casino players. A Burlington resident won the $250,000 Lottario jackpot in September of this year. An even bigger win of $20 million was on the MegaMoolah progressive slot in 2019, and a similar success on that same Canadian slot occurred only one year earlier.
Canada’s Soft Gambling Regulations
The Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation is the public authority that manages all lottery, gambling, and circuit activities in Ontario. The OLGC has created more relaxed laws towards the online casino industry than others, even the United States. In 2015, they dispatched their casino website. It is the leading site of the area, but the only one that is regulated.
Many foreign online casinos are accessible in Burlington. All local betting game play is legal through these unregulated sites. Canadians can access these because the OLGC has not created a licensing structure for these outside businesses to register and become licensed in Canada.
Many Reasons to Play
There are many legitimate reasons why Burlington residents are logging on to casino sites, and it isn’t just because of the Canadian ancestry or the adrenaline pumping allure. The available technology, abundant opportunities to win big, and relaxed local casino laws make way for a vast online gambling presence in Burlington that shows no signs of slowing down.
By Staff
November 26th, 2020
Get your Fall Party in a Box before they’re gone!
 A treat – something to enjoy on one of those evenings you would be out during the Festive Season
We could all use something to celebrate and our Fall Party in a Box has everything you need for a cozy night at home or as a special holiday gift for friends and family.
Each curated party box contains locally sourced luxury items including a variety of gourmet items and a custom live-edge charcuterie board, VQA wine, premium chocolates and much more!
Special thank you to our Presenting Sponsor, TD Bank.
Boxes are going fast so order today! More info on the order link below
Order Now!
By Staff
November 25th, 2020
To bring happiness and joy to the neighbourhoods of Burlington this holiday season, the City of Burlington is launching Santa’s Holiday Magic Trail (SHMT) and asking you to join virtually for Story Time with Santa.
Santa’s Holiday Magic Trail
Santa’s Holiday Magic Trail is an innovative alternative to the traditional Santa Claus Parade. Due to COVID-19, the traditional Santa Claus Parade will not happen this year as the City continues to follow public health direction and the need to maintain physical distancing and avoid crowding.
 No reindeer this year – an antique fire truck and with the Ho, Ho, Ho man ringing a bell
Santa’s Holiday Magic Trail will feature Santa Claus riding on an antique fire truck with a police escort through different Burlington neighbourhoods each weekend in December. To keep residents safe, the truck will not make stops and residents are asked to view Santa from within their own household or if outdoors, follow public health direction and maintain two metres physical distancing from anyone not from your household.
Each day, Santa will be moving throughout the neighbourhoods from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., weather permitting.
Dec. 5: Rural Burlington, Tyandaga, Brant Hills and Mountainside
Dec. 6: Headon Forest, Palmer, Tansley and Millcroft
Dec. 12: Alton Village, the Orchard, Corporate, Pinedale and Elizabeth Gardens
Dec. 13: Longmoor, Shoreacres, Roseland and Dynes
Dec. 19: Aldershot, Central and Plains
Dec. 20: Make-up inclement weather date, if needed
For resident safety, the exact route of the SHMT cannot be posted in order to avoid potential gatherings along sidewalks awaiting his arrival. Santa will safely move through neighbourhoods and residents are asked to avoid gathering. The fire truck and police escort will sound their sirens occasionally.
Anyone who sees Santa can use the hashtag #SpotSantaBurlON to notify neighbours of his location and spread the magic.
Santa will not be stopping to accept letters, milk or cookies or posing for photos. Please use caution and stay safe when near the road.
Information is also posted on
Story Time with Santa
Beginning Dec. 19, at 6 p.m., Santa will bring greetings to Burlington residents and read “’Twas the Night Before Christmas” as well as tell stories of the north pole, his reindeer and the nice list. The video will be posted on and will be available for viewing anytime until Dec. 31.
Our Mayor sees a “silver lining” in the pandemic we are under. “The silver lining throughout this year has been finding new and creative ways to do things and celebrate holidays from how we’ve traditionally done it before. I want to thank our Recreation Services staff for coming up with Holiday Magic Trail and Storytime with Santa, and putting it together to help our community usher in the Christmas spirit to our Burlington.” is the link you want to catch all this fun.
By Staff
November 25th, 2020
When the circumstances change you pivot and go in whatever direction you have to go to get to where you want to be.
The Halton Regional Police have done just that and tell us that “it’s that time of year again when families begin to think about the upcoming holiday season. There are many families within the Halton Region that are less fortunate and struggle to provide their children with an enjoyable Christmas, and some who are simply not able to buy their children a toy. This year we believe the struggle could be even greater for more families.”
The Halton Regional Police Service and the Tiger Jeet Singh Foundation are commencing the annual Miracle on Main Street (formerly Toys for Tots) Christmas donation drive. This is the third year of the merger between the two entities to collect and distribute funds and toys to families in need throughout the Halton Region. The merger has allowed the organizations to enhance the annual donation drives and to work collaboratively to help more families in need than ever before. Since 1999 the Halton Regional Police Service have supported families through Toys for Tots and Miracle on Main Street campaigns. All donations collected are distributed to Halton schools, community agencies and families!
The Tiger Jeet Singh Foundation is a Milton-based charity started by wrestling legends, humanitarians and philanthropists; Tiger Jeet Singh and his son Tiger Ali Singh. For the last eleven years, the Tiger Jeet Singh Foundation has organized their “Miracle on Main Street” event which has raised millions of dollars through donations and sponsorships for children and families in need who live in our Region.
 Cramming that Cruiser will be a little different this year.
To keep everyone safe, we have had to modify our efforts this year. We will not be accepting toy donations at our Halton Regional Police Service facilities. We are encouraging everyone to donate gift cards and cash in lieu of the usual unwrapped new toys.
Donations can be made online through , or by visiting one of our scheduled events detailed below. 100% of the donations go back into the Halton community!
Our annual “Cram-a-Cruiser” donation events will proceed, Pandemic restrictions permitting, and following safe protocols.
Dates/times and locations below:
November 28, 10am-2pm at JR Toy Company – 2-4265 Fairview St, Burlington
December 5, 10am-2pm at Canadian Tire – 777 Guelph Line, Burlington
December 5, 10am-2pm at Canadian Tire – 2070 Appleby Line, Burlington
December 5, 10am-2pm at Canadian Tire – 1100 Kerr St, Oakville
December 5, 10am-2pm at Canadian Tire – 251 Hyde Park Gate, Oakville
December 5, 10am-2pm at Canadian Tire – 400 Dundas St East, Oakville
December 5, 10am-2pm at Canadian Tire – 1210 Steeles Ave East, Milton
We’ll also be hosting a weekly, one day, donation drop off at the Halton Children’s Safety Village, located at 1151 Bronte Rd Oakville. Cash and toy donations are welcome! Look for the holiday lights. We ask that anyone attending to please follow the direction of officers on sight and to remain in your vehicles. Drop off dates and times are:
Thursday November 26, 5pm-9pm
Wednesday December 2, 5pm-9pm
Wednesday December 9, 5pm-9pm
For further information, or if you are interested in partnering with us to collect or donate gift cards, you can contact us by emailing You can also contact the Tiger Jeet Singh Foundation at, or visit their website at for further information.
By Staff
November 25th, 2020
 Donations were collected from HRPS members (sworn and civilian) throughout the region.
The Halton Regional Police Service (HRPS) has completed its first annual Diwali Food Drive.
The event was organized by the HRPS South Asian Internal Support Network and donations were collected from HRPS members (sworn and civilian) throughout the region between November 2 and November 12, 2020.
Kudo’s to the police for taking the initiative to do something to meet the needs of a community that isn’t as fully integrated as it could be.
The food collected was donated to local food banks in Milton, Halton Hills, Oakville and Burlington (see attached photo).
The HRPS looks forward to turning the Diwali Food Drive into an annual HRPS tradition.
The HRPS would also encourage residents to make donations to local food banks throughout the year as they are able to.
By Pepper Parr
November 24th, 2020
The Gift of Giving Back – remember those people – the ones who worked with high school students and families to gather tonnes of foods – they filled school gymnasiums year after year – then COVID knocked the wheels off the work they do.
Well – COVID wasn’t going to stop this crowd – they announced today a Help Us Feed Kids: Holiday Food Drive that will run from December 3rd to December 20th.
 The Barracudas – check in and making sure the weight of the food is put on the scoreboard.
They are excited about how they figured out a way to meet what is these days a very different situation.
They are inviting our young Community Champions to help them safely collect non-perishable food items and bring them to the Burlington Centre where they will host a Food Drive Headquarters located by the Food Court.
They are also providing an opportunity for high school students to collect volunteer hours. There is more to this 2020 COVID initiative – additional announcements in the coming days.
 The van was packed – can they do this in 2020?
The Gift of Giving Back Website
This page provides detailed information about the Holiday Food Drive as well as how high school students can collect volunteer hours.
While this pandemic has closed the Gift of Giving Back doors it has not prevented them from hosting their usual “November High School Gym Extravaganza”, it will not prevent them from continuing to empower our youth to compassionately give back. “We truly appreciate your support.”