Voices of the city - part of the citizen history that is seldom heard.

News 100 yellowBy Staff

September 14th, 2020



How do the seniors in the city tell their personal stories about the city they live in and their experiences?

Most are not “news-makers” – these are people who live lives and have a story to tell and something they want to leave with their family.

Nikki Rottenberg, a retired social worker who went on to re-make herself into an award winning writer, learned of the City’s Matching Fund; applied and was given a grant.

The grant from the city was to put together a collection of creative works of older adults living in the city.

Voices of the city coverVoices of the City published in August 2020, is an anthology of their fiction and non-fiction stories, poetry, artwork and photography. The youngest contributor is fifty-five years old; the oldest ninety-five.

Most had never been published before. One woman expressed how much it meant to her to be part of the project. “You’ve given me purpose again.”

There are thirty-seven contributors in all including Melodie Campbell, dubbed Queen of Comedy by the Toronto Sun, who wrote two funny pieces, and Benjamin Gleisser, an award winning journalist who submitted a short story. Others include, Margo Jamieson, a professional musician, pianist, singer, photographer Rolly Astrom, a retired Dofasco worker, Mr. Guiling Pan emigrated from Wuhan, China who enjoys drawing and poetry, and Jane Pilling-Cormick, a retired researcher and teacher.

And there are more, many more. Too many to list but all equally skilled in their craft. Some of the works are uplifting, others moving, and inspiring.

The project was supposed to close in May but due to Covid-19 it had to be extended to August. And there could be no celebration as planned. Instead, contributors had to pick up their books in a parking lot, wearing masks and keeping a distance from each other.

Some of the books will be distributed throughout the city at libraries, MP’s offices, City Hall and various community centres for residents of Burlington to enjoy. Copies can also be purchased through The Halton Chapter of CARP. All money from the selling of the books will be going towards advocating for better conditions for those living in long-term care homes.

Rottenberg teamed up with the Halton Chapter of CARP (Canadian Association of Retired People). Anyone interested in purchasing a copy of the book ($12) can be in touch with CARP. Send Tom Carrothers a note at:  carphaltonchapter@gmail.com
or give him a call at 905-319-7345

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More than $65,000 in funding for seniors project handed out by MP Karina Gould last week.

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

September 12th, 2020



Burlington Member of Parliament Karina Gould had a busy week. Everywhere she went federal money was being handed out – all for needed community based interests – but it did have just a hint of – is there an election on the horizon to it.

Earlier in the week there was $5 million for transit over a three year time frame.

Minister Gould announcing funding

Karina Gould, Burlington MP and a member of the Liberal Cabinet, announcing federal finding for seniors.

Last Friday Gould, who is a Cabinet Minister, announced an investment of $65,600 in Burlington. These funds will support projects delivered by community organizations to help seniors during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Support for these projects is being provided by the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP), which fosters social inclusion and engagement of seniors by encouraging them to share their knowledge, skills and experience to stay active and engaged.

Gould with Michelle Murray of HIEC

Michelle Murry. on the left, with Minister Gould at the funding announcement at the Halton Industry Educational Council.

The Halton Industry Education Council is receiving $21,000 for their project expanding online safety and technological literacy for seniors.

With this funding, HIEC will be able to expand their program to include more seniors in Canada and allow seniors to stay connected with their families, feel confident in accessing online supports and information, reduce social isolation and positively impact their mental well being.

Halton Food for Life is receiving $20,000 for their Supporting Seniors Through Accessible Food Provision. Food for Life delivers fresh food bags each week along with accessible meals for seniors who are in self isolation at home, ensuring access to healthy food to seniors across Halton during this difficult time.

The Centre for Skills Development is receiving $24,600 for their Better Together program which is designed to improve the quality of life of seniors during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic. Seniors will be able to attend workshops on how to navigate social media to stay connected, participate in home exercises and engage in conversations regarding mental health, nutrition and exploring wellness.

These projects announced today are funded through an additional investment of $20 million in funding through the New Horizons for Seniors Program.

Organizations will receive up to $25,000 in funding to offer immediate COVID-19 relief or recovery activities to seniors. The projects will include activities such as:

promoting computer literacy and virtual activities, such as exercise classes, among seniors;
• supporting the delivery of food and medication or personalized monitoring of seniors by phone or by videoconference;
• assisting seniors with essential activities, such as visits to the doctor;
• hiring staff to replace a loss of volunteerism capacity due to the outbreak;
• providing information to seniors regarding how to care for themselves in light of experiences relating to the pandemic; and
• providing training on disease prevention, use of personal protective equipment.

Projects were selected based on equitable distribution of funding across the country, after consideration of active projects taking place in communities. Projects focusing on vulnerable populations or serving rural and remote communities were prioritized.

These additional projects will help ensure as many communities as possible across Canada have projects aiming to reduce seniors’ isolation within the community, improve their quality of life and help them maintain a social support network during the pandemic.

The New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP) is a federal grants and contributions program that supports projects that empower seniors in their communities and contribute to improving their health and well-being. NHSP funding supports community-based projects and pan-Canadian projects. The projects are led or inspired by seniors who are making a difference in the lives of others and their communities.

Through the NHSP, the Government of Canada encourages seniors to share their knowledge, skills and experience to the benefit of others. The objectives of the NHSP are:

New Horizond for Seniors logopromoting volunteerism among seniors;
engaging seniors in the community through mentoring of others;
expanding awareness of elder abuse, including financial abuse;
supporting social participation and inclusion of seniors; and
providing capital assistance for new and existing community projects and/or programs for seniors.

Since the NHSP was launched in 2004, more than 23,600 projects have been funded across Canada. Further to the Budget 2019 investment of an additional $100 million over five years, and $20 million per year ongoing, the Government of Canada will be supporting even more projects.

Community-based projects

Community-based project funding supports activities where seniors are engaged, connected and actively involved in their communities. Organizations are eligible to receive up to $25,000 in grant funding, and small grants of up to $5,000 are available to organizations that have not received funding within the last five years.

Transit - seniors with Gould

Burlington seniors at a Transit workshop discussing their specific needs. Burlington MP Karina Gould looks on.


As part of the 2019-20 NHSP community-based call for proposals, organizations were invited to apply for funding under the NHSP’s three national priorities:

preventing elder abuse and fraud, including measures to reduce crimes and harms against seniors;
supporting healthy aging in community, addressing dementia, including community supports and intergenerational housing; and
counteracting ageism in the workplace to promote labour market retention of seniors.

Burlington has, on a per capita basis,  one of the largest senior populations in the province.


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Executive Director of the Food Bank - listening and serving the needs of people who need help.

background graphic redBy Pepper Parr

September 12th, 2020


Part 1 of a series

I met an interesting man last week.

In his mid-twenties he was a youth pastor and then moved on to become a church planter.

Church planting is work that is driven by faith. The objective is to plant a new church in a new community.

They start out meeting in private homes with just a few people and over time build that group to the point where they need space and rent a school gymnasium or a store front.

The men (there are some women who are church planters) do not get a salary – they have to find people who will sponsor them in the work they are doing. The denomination he was working with had provided the sponsors.

For people of faith this is indeed a calling.

Bailey H&S with logo

For Robin Bailey getting to the job he has now tested his resolve and his faith.

The man I was sitting across a table from was in a different job now. Getting to the job he has now was tested his resolve and his faith.

At one point in his church planting career, in early 2008, before the recession took hold, he took some time off to travel to Ethiopia to pick up the three year old boy he and his wife adopted. Judah was another expression of their faith.

Upon his return from Ethiopia the church planter was told that there was no longer a job for him, the sponsorship money had dried up.

Optimistic by nature the young man went looking for work. This was 2008 -09; not a time to go looking for work – there wasn’t much to be had. Bailey came out of the prairies where hard luck and hard times were just part of what life is.

There was a job offer – but that fell through. The little money they had was running out.

There was still no work. Food Banks and Employment Insurance were the resources he had to turn to. His application for Employment Insurance was turned down.

He was told he could appeal – which he did.

“I sat in my chair at the appeal and watched while one of the men being paid to listen to the appeal fell asleep.

Bailey quizical look

Robin Bailey, Executive Director of the Burlington Food Bank during one of his daily podcasts.

“I sat in my car after the appeal hearing, feeling like a failure. I could not get work, I could not provide for my family. There just didn’t seem to be a way out.

“That was the day” said Robin Bailey “that I learned what human dignity really meant –“mine was taken away from me that morning”.

Shortly after Robin got a job with the Salvation Army where he spent seven and a half years.

For a short period of time after that he tried his hand at sales and customer relations – it wasn’t work that was feeding his soul.

A friend told him about the Food Bank – he applied just over three years ago and has been there ever since: listening and serving the needs of people who need help.

He has walked in those shoes.

Related news story

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Tim Hortons SMILE Cookies - every nickel you spend gets to the Food Bank

News 100 yellowBy Staff

September 12, 2020



Buy a Smile Cookie, help support the Burlington Food Bank.

100% of proceeds from each #SmileCookie help support local charities.

Grab yours from September 14-20.

This is a simple, direct approach.

I think they expect you to buy a cup of coffee as well.Tim Hortons Smile cookie

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Performing Arts will put on performances starting October 2 - No more than 50 people in the theatre at a time - all wearing masks

News 100 blueBy Staff

September 9th, 2020



With Public Health saying holding an event with up to 50 people was now legit Tammy Fox, Executive Director  at the Performing Arts Centre has released her fall season program.

Abbreviated as it is – it is a welcome step forward.

That 50 people rule means that there will be no more than 50 people in the theater – they will be masked and spread out so that the six foot separation measure is met.

Tammy Fox hands-out-768x578

Tammy Fox is thrilled – she wants her patrons to return and has a solid program in place.

Tammy is thrilled – as well she should be.  She has been stuck at home pushing paper and working the telephone.  Tammy Fox is a people person – she needs interaction with people.

The Fall line-up of incredible live entertainment options to lift the community’s spirits in these unprecedented times is part of why the program was put together.

“As a facility, BPAC is perfectly positioned to welcome back audiences with patron safety at the forefront;  with its spacious Lobby, increased ventilation, physical-distancing ticketing system and additional health and safety measures to put theatregoers’ minds at ease.

“Many presenters have pivoted to exploring online content offerings and virtual performances, and while BPAC is also considering live streaming options, the organization believes that there really is no replacement for the experience of live entertainment in engaging the community and in supporting Canadian artists.

“All patrons must wear a mask, hand sanitize upon entry and maintain social distancing outside of their social circle. Patrons are expected to self-screen, and of course to stay at home if experiencing COVID-related symptoms or if suspecting recent exposure to the virus. Health and safety measures are also being implemented backstage to protect artists, and throughout the venue to protect staff and volunteers.

Most performances will be 70-75 minutes in length, and while the Lobby bar will remain open for one hour prior to each performance, intermissions have been suspended in most cases in order to reduce the risk of overcrowding in the Lobby.

Spoons - female lead

Sandy Horne – one of  The Spoons.

Kicking off the Fall line-up is an intimate evening with Burlington’s own THE SPOONS on Friday, October 2nd and Saturday, October 3rd at 8pm, performing as an acoustic duo.

Canadian pop superstar CHANTAL KREVIAZUK will be presented over a three-evening period from October 8th to 10th. “We all have a need to connect so badly right now and there is no better way than through the music. If we can do this safely, I am thrilled and well, to be fair to my kids, they could use a break from their mother!” says Chantal.


Gord Downie.

BPAC’s annual Cultural Diversity Festival will begin with its yearly fundraising performance LEGACY: A Tribute to Gord Downie in support of the Downie-Wenjack Fund, featuring Hamilton native TOM WILSON, Indigenous duo TWIN FLAMES, and more, on Thursday, October 15th and Friday, October 16th.

On October 17th and 18th audiences will be treated to BENEATH SPRINGHILL: The Maurice Ruddick Story, about the racial tensions that surfaced in a rural community as a result of a mining disaster, written and performed by Stratford actor Beau Dixon, who seamlessly plays 10 vivid characters. BPAC will also present four performances of DRAG QUEEN MUSIC BINGO with Fluffy Soufflé – each one featuring a different era of music, and tons of exciting prizes to be won!

Two events that had been scheduled for the second half of BPAC’s 19/20 Season, which had to be canceled due the pandemic, have been rescheduled – jazz artist ELISE LEGROW on October 25th and singer/songwriter KEVIN FOX: Songs for Cello & Voice on November 1st.

Sean Cullen

Comedian Sean Cullen

Toronto mainstay the ALTdot COMEDY LOUNGE will be presented at BPAC for the first time, in a series of performances over October 30th, 31st and November 27th and 28th. The October 30th performances will feature actor-comedian SEAN CULLEN with host ALI HASSAN.

Other performances will include comics Nigel Grinstead, Keith Pedro, Peter White, Patrick Haye and more.

Multiple Juno-Award winner SARAH SLEAN takes the stage on Saturday, November 7th and CBC Radio host and BPAC favourite TOM ALLEN presents A POE CABARET on Sunday, November 8th.

Classical pianist LESLIE KINTON Celebrates Beethoven on November 29th and Talk is Free Theatre will present INTO THE WOODS In Concert, a ‘lightly staged’ musical theatre production featuring both professional performers and 27 local youth from December 3rd to 12th.

The firsttwopeople to enter the Mian Theatre for a paid performance hand their tickets to an usher.

The first two people to enter the Main Theatre for a paid performance hand their tickets to an usher. Staff are hoping the audiences return.

Tammy Fox, BPAC’s Executive Director, is hoping that audiences will return with pent-up enthusiasm after months of having only online access to entertainment, and with a new appreciation of the importance of communal connection.

“Putting together a fall season full of incredible Canadian talent over the span of a week has been a little hectic to say the least,” she says, “however the applause really needs to go to our staff, who have been working tirelessly to ensure our safe reopening, to our Board of Directors whose unwavering support in resuming live entertainment offerings has given us the confidence to forge ahead, and to all of the amazing artists who have agreed to be included in the Season – because frankly they have all, in deference to our 50-patron capacity limit, committed to performing at rates well below what they deserve and are accustomed to.

It’s been a team effort, and I am beyond grateful to be surrounded by this community of dedicated artists and arts-lovers.”

BPAC Board Chair Nancy Brewer says “We’ve been holding your seat! And now, what a fantastic fall season we have for you. I’d love to see you in the audience as BPAC welcomes you back, safe, secure & ready to entertain you!”

Tickets go on sale to BPAC Members on Friday, September 11th, and on sale to the general public on Monday, September 14. Renew your BPAC membership to be first in line and to receive $5 off all regular-priced tickets!

Visit https://burlingtonpac.ca for a complete listing of performances.

Box Office Information:
Online: www.burlingtonpac.ca
Over the Phone: 905.681.6000 – Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday from 12:00pm to 4:00pm
In Person: 1 hour before each performance.

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They were all elected - my goodness - what did we do

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

September 9th, 2020



The event was basically over.

MMW at transit funding Sept 8

Mayor at an event announcing funding for transit.

Each of the politicians that was going to speak had done so – it was time to head on to the next event.

The news was that three levels of government were going to contribute to new transit – buses, infrastructure upgrades that brings new buses to the city.

Throughout the event, which was chaired by the Mayor, she kept referring to this being an event that was worth dancing about.

Little did this reporter know that they would actually do just that – dance.

The video doesn’t lie CLICK here for 20 seconds of politicians kicking up their heals.

Your tax dollars at work for you.

The announcement that they all danced about.

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The show will go on. Burlington Student Theatre is returning to the stage –six feet apart

artsorange 100x100By Staff

September 9th, 2020


Burlington’s Student Theatre programs will be returning this fall with opportunities for youth ages 4 to 17 years.

Actors from Burlington Student Theatre were on hand for the turning over of the Burlington Performing Arts Centre.

Actors from Burlington Student Theatre

Beginning Sept. 29, participating young actors and actresses will be performing at either the Burlington Performing Arts Centre or the Student Theatre building. No experience is necessary to participate.

Online registration for Burlington residents opens Sept. 12 at 9 a.m. Non-Burlington residents can register on Sept. 18 at 9 a.m.

Student Theatre will meet all the health guidelines put out by Halton Region Public Health, which include lower ratios and capacity, physical distancing, mandatory health screening and enhanced facility cleaning.

The final performances will be filmed, edited and played on-screen.

There will be no live performances.

Burlington Student Theatre Film Festival presents a screening of Matilda and Frozen from Summer Arts Camps.

Two films featuring participants from the summer Student Theatre will be played at the Burlington Student Theatre Film Festival at the Burlington Performing Arts Centre.

RAINER NOACK with wild lady

Rainer Noack – inspirational leader at the Student Theatre

Tickets are available online. COVID-19 precautions will be in place for each screening.

• Saturday, Sept. 12 – 12 p.m.
• Sunday, Sept. 13 – 12 p.m. and 7 p.m.
• Saturday, Sept. 19 – 12 p.m.

Recreation Fee Assistance
Recreation is for all, regardless of financial situation. Recreation Fee Assistance is funding made available to resident individuals or families who need help to pay for City of Burlington recreation programs.

For more information or to apply, visit burlington.ca/feeassistance. You can also leave a confidential voicemail message at 905-335-7738, ext. 8501 and our staff will return your call to assist you.

As residents continue to rediscover many of their favourite spaces and activities in the city, City services may look different as we work to stop the spread of COVID-19. The City’s commitment to providing the community with essential services remains a priority.

Chris Glenn

Chris Glenn, Director of Recreation Services

Chris Glenn, Director of Recreation Services points out that “Student Theatre has a great history of working with our youth and giving them not only a fun time, but also opportunities for them to grow. As with every program we’re offering, things will look a bit different but will still be filled with friendly faces and high-quality service.”

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Rib Fest on Labour Day attendance bigger than on Canada Day

eventsblue 100x100By Staff

September 9th, 2020



They made it work.

Despite a downcast day a total of 2,751 cars drove into the Burlington Centre, carefully worked their way through a maze and decided which ribs they wanted, paid and drove home with the sweet smell of freshly charred ribs filling the vehicle.

Rib Fest traffic Sept 7

The flow of traffic was smooth – not even a fender bender.

Sami Bogle, part of the operations team at Lakeshore Burlington Rotary Service Club who held their second Drive Thru Rib Fest.

The cancellation of the annual fall Rib Fest was a covid fatality but that didn’t stop Rotary.

Rib fest volunters Sept 7

Volunteers are what make event like the Rib Fest work. From left to right) they are: Meiling Menin – grade 10, Maija Fotr – grade 9, Annika Fotr – grade 11 and Margaret Hayes – Rotary Burlington Lakeshore

ribbers rib fes Sept 7

This is what was on the menu.

Bogle said: “ I’d say it was a successful day! We had great feedback on social media about the choice of vendors, live music, and the change in logistics to ensure that the traffic was kept off of the main roads. The 2,751 cars, was just over the number we had on Canada Day.

“Though it was an overcast day, the weather was still great, so we feel very blessed. Our main concern had been the safety of our guests, vendors and musicians if the forecasted thunderstorms had persisted.”

Related news story:

How it all came about – the big pivot.

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Significant funding to build social purpose organizations available through Burlington Foundation,

News 100 yellowBy Staff

September 9th, 2020



Helping Business be a Successful Tool for Social, Cultural and Environmental Change is the theme behind the Investment Readiness Program (IRP) which is a $50M national initiative led by Community Foundations of Canada and funded by the Government of Canada to help social purpose organizations (non-profits, charities, co-operatives, hybrid social enterprises, and mission-focused for-profits) go from great ideas to investment ready.

Organizations have the potential to receive from $10,000 to $100,000 in non-repayable capital to develop their enterprise.

Community Foundation Get ReadyApplications for the second and final round of funding will be accepted starting 9 a.m. EST Tues. Sept. 8th until Fri. Oct. 9th, 2020

Burlington Foundation is excited to be a local partner in the Brant | Halton | Peel Partnership (made up of six Community Foundations, Sheridan College and EDGE), with the partnership allocating $715,000 in Round 1 funding to 23 social purpose organizations impacting our local communities.

As we’ve acutely seen in 2020, it is vitally important to have healthy and thriving social purpose organizations, which will also be key in Canada’s recovery efforts as we #BuildBackBetter. Through the IRP, together, we’re helping to build more resilient, sustainable and inclusive communities.

Comm foundatio Click here graphic




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Rib Fest at Burlington Centre still very much a go - open till 7 this evening.

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September 7th, 2020



When asked how they were coping with the weather – which wasn’t all that good while the folks setting up the Labour Day Rib Fest at Burlington Centre  (formerly the Mall) they came back with:

“For now, we are all set up and ready to go. Hopefully the weather cooperates for us. So it is very much a go.”

If the Rotarians can do the hustle when things looked doubtful at 7 in the morning – the least the rest of us can do is get into the car and make a point of picking up some of those Ribs.

Map Sept 2020


Entrance to the event will be off  Fairview this time – look for the directional signs – they will be everywhere.

Jay Bridle, Canada’s Largest Ribfest Co-Chair described the event this way:

“We are excited to keep our Labour Day tradition of delivering delicious ribs & fantastic entertainment live during these challenging times” says Brent Paszt, a Past President of Rotary Burlington Lakeshore, and Co-Chair of Canada’s Largest Ribfest. “While the event may look different from what we are all used to seeing, you can still expect award-winning BBQ Teams to be on hand serving the ribs, pulled pork, and chicken that guests have come to expect from Ribfest” added

“Canceling our annual long weekend event that attracts upwards of 175,000 guests was a huge disappointment and really impacted our ability to support those charities and individuals who need it most, now more than ever” says Rotary Burlington Lakeshore President, Jay Thomblison; “Proceeds from this event, along with those generated from our successful inaugural Canada Day Drive-Thru, will enable us to continue that support”.

Food vendors will take orders and payment (cards preferred) and will deliver each completed order to your vehicle. Gloves and masks will be worn by all staff, vendors, and volunteers.

The four award-winning rib teams in attendance will include Camp 31 BBQ, Billy Bones BBQ, Pistol Pete’s Smokehouse, and Silver Bullet BBQ. There will also be food offerings from East Side Mario’s and Blaze Pizza, Twisted Tomato, Tiny Tom Donuts, and Ontario Corn Roasters, ensuring that there’s something for the entire family. The event will also include live music for guests to enjoy while they wait in the comfort and safety of their vehicles.

Over the course of 24 years, Canada’s Largest Ribfest, a fundraising initiative of Rotary Burlington Lakeshore, has raised over $4.5 million for local, national, and international charities.


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Together they got it done - 300 Back Packs that will be proudly worn when school opens

eventsblue 100x100By Staff

September 5th, 2020



Thousands of students will be trooping back to school – some will not have a shiny new backpack filled with the things needed at school.
Doesn’t sound like a big deal but for the kid with no backpack – it can be devastating.

Those of you who have been there understand.

book packers Burlington Together 2

This is what goes into 300 Back Packs.

Burlington together logoBurlington Together, a group that is steered by Beth Martin Snooker, pulled together a group earlier today and packed supplies into 300 Back Packs – no small feat.

Snooker ensured that mentions are made and sponsors recognized.

“A HUGE thank you to everyone who volunteered at St. Christopher’s this week and at the backpack program today. We prepped over 300 backpacks to help kids be ready for heading back to school! Thank you also to everyone who donated backpacks, school supplies, sanitizer, masks, toys and general good vibes!

“MASSIVE thanks to community partners Open Doors of St. Christopher’s, Food4Kids Halton and Compassion Society of Halton.” A special shout out to Mike McMillan for his donation of over 70 hand sanitizers this afternoon! And a huge thank you to Bill Leggitt and the Rotary Club of Burlington North who gave us a very generous donation which we used to fill the gaps in needed items.

book packers Burlington Together 1

These are the ‘packers’ – some spent most of the day getting the job done.

“Thanks to Corrine Batchelor for the donations of toys and games for the JK/SK/Gr1 bags. And thanks to Lisa Kearns for the donation of 300 masks and for stopping by with delicious treats for the volunteers.

“Thank you to Wellington Square United Church and Burlington Food Bank for sharing your backpack donations with us. Thank you to the Women’s Giving Network for the amazing hygiene kits. Thank you to Umicore Autocat Canada and RCAP Leasing for very generous donations of Walmart gift cards, backpacks and supplies. Thank you to Staples Canada store #14 for your donations of backpacks and supplies!

“Special shout outs to Christina Mulder for rocking this program, Julie Lansley who helped us ALL DAY today, volunteers Nick, Andrea & Danny, Adria, Melanie, Jess, Christine, Lisa D, Jackie B (all day!!), Lisa F, Marie, Gwen, Carmela, Sandi, Judy, Sandra, Michelle, Charlene, and Nick. I’m so sorry if I’ve missed you, it was a long day!

“As usual, NONE of this could have been accomplished without YOU, so my eternal thanks for your community generosity.”

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Outdoor pools are closing - except for Nelson - they remain open until October 12

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September 2, 2020



Ward 3 Mountainside Pool update July 30

Closes for the season on Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2020.

LaSalle Pool and Mountainside Pool will close until next spring as of Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2020.

Weather permitting, Nelson Outdoor Pool will remain open until Oct. 11 and spray pads will remain open until Oct. 12, 2020.

Angela Coughlan Pool’s renovation is nearly complete. An announcement on its re-opening and program offering will be coming soon.

Recreation Fee Assistance
Recreation is for all, regardless of financial situation. Recreation Fee Assistance is funding made available to resident individuals or families who need help to pay for City of Burlington recreation programs.

For more information or to apply, visit burlington.ca/feeassistance. You can also leave a confidential voicemail message at 905-335-7738, ext. 8501 and our staff will return your call to assist you.

Mayor Marianne Meed Ward exulted in saying: ““The extended dates for Nelson Outdoor Pool is great news for our community as we continue to spend more time outside to stay active and healthy while mitigating the spread of COVID-19.

“I am thrilled our teams here at the City of Burlington have been so responsive and flexible in making these changes and I know residents will appreciate this great news.”

Glenn Chris

Chris Glenn, now Director of Recreation Services was once a life guard

Chris Glenn, now Director of Recreation Services was once a life guard at a swimming pool.  He said: “Following the plans laid out in our Council-approved Recreation re-design plan, we’re offering more and more programs for people to join, re-connect socially and get back into the activities they enjoy with confidence in our safety precautions.

Extending Nelson Outdoor Pool to Oct. 11 will give people more opportunities to take advantage of outdoor swimming. As always, we have great instructors, great lifeguards and we’re very thorough with our COVID-19 prevention practices.”

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More this time than there was on Canada Day - Rotarians do it right - once again. Rib Fest on Labour Day at Burlington Centre

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September 1, 2020



Mark your calendar and get ready for a fine feed of not only finger ‘lickin’ good Ribs but you can pick up a bag of donuts and some fresh corn at the Burlington Lakeshore Rotary annual Rib Fest that takes place Monday September 7th,  (Labour Day) at the Burlington Centre parking lot.

Couple of differences this time –

The entrance will be off Fairview – west of Guelph Line. There will be all kinds of signage,

The map set out below shows the route you will be taking once you are on the property.

Map Sept 2020

Looks a little daunting – fear not the rate at which the traffic moves will ensure that you are not sitting in your car very long and there will be all kind of ushers to guide you.

Opens at 10 – runs until 7.

Last years just shy of 3,000 cars came through the parking lot.

You’re not allowed to get out of your vehicle – you won’t have to – everyone will come to you.

Just have your credit card at hand and you will find yourself on the way home with the sweet smell of those ribs with a side order of corn and some of those tiny donuts to leave you ‘feelin’ fine.  They accept cash, debit, and credit, but payment by card is preferred.

What’s on the menu?  Four ribbers to choose from.

rice list 1

price list 2

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We now know what the final part of the downtown section of the Elgin Promenade is going to look like

News 100 greenBy Staff

September 1st, 2020



Our Mayor reports that: “As work continues to create an engaging and pedestrian-friendly link between Martha Street and Brant Street, building a walkable and vibrant connection between the multi-use path (Centennial Bikeway) and our downtown core, the vote is in for the concept that will be used between Martha and Pearl Street.

“Our community took the time to vote and make their voices heard between July 27 and August 17 – and Concept 2 was the winner!

Construction on this section is slated to begin in the Spring of 2021.

There was no mention on how the vote worked – not any mention as to just how many people actually took part in the vote.

No mention either as to what the cost will be.

We can tell you that when completed the Promenade will allow a person to walk or cycle from the Oakville border to the border with Hamilton.  And lots to see along the way.

Elgin promenade final stretch

How many people voted for this and what is it going to cost ?

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Grandparents now find they have a new, much appreciated role.

News 100 yellowBy Staff

September 1st, 2020



Grandparents are suddenly in demand.  They are going to have the grandchildren closer to them that they have for some time.

Many parents have turned to their parents for support.

However, there are some grandparents, for a whole host of reasons, don’t get to see the grandchildren for that precious “face time”.  The Canadian Association of Retired People has put together a list that can help grandparents establish a stronger relationship with children they aren’t able to see as much as they would like to.

grandfather boy tablet

Is that boy teaching his grandfather to use that big tablet?

Learn to use Facetime or Skype on your phone or computer so you can watch a show or movie on one while video chatting on the other simultaneously.

Set up specific times to visit online so your grandchildren have those to look forward to—kids like and need structure in these “covid-irregular” times.

Do simple fitness activities like chair yoga, stretches, walking on the spot etc. together, electronically.

Schedule shows, movies and other programs you will watch together and chat about, e.g. start watching a TV show or movie at the same time and chat on another device while watching, or after, so it’s a shared experience. If you only have phone access, watch the movie or TV ahead of time and then discuss.

Help your grandchildren write fun letters and take photos to send to other relatives.

Read a book to them over the phone or online.

grandparent - boy ballons

Who is wearing the biggest smile – and who made the bslloon set up?

Ask them to make collections (such as similar toys, or old photos or other household handy items) as a sort of a Treasure Hunt.

Download books for a virtual age-appropriate book club discussion.

Listen to music with them and have them explain their music preferences to you.

If they are older, ask them to do errands like shopping for you (if they are nearby). Make them feel wanted and useful.

Show an interest and help with their school work.

Ask about and discuss their world of sports, e.g. what they are missing and how they think their favourite sports will rebound when the pandemic is under control.

Send your grandchildren a parcel every other week. You could include a craft to be done together with a parent, some ‘homework ‘ fun pages, homemade cookies, etc. Never send them the same day; keep them wondering when it will arrive and don’t tell when or what is in it.

Share recipes by texting pictures back and forth of what you have created. Make it a fun contest on baking/cooking a variety of different things.

Write down a favourite made-up story and share it as you would a book. Works for both kids and grandparents who have been in the habit of making up stories.

Watch the online kitchen parties that are full of singing and dancing together and showing support for front-line workers and support staff.

Watch them together by telephone or online.

grandparents - child running

A scene that was repeated several million times when the lock in came to an end.

A close colleague with strong views on social distancing has decided that he and his wife will home school their two grandchildren.  They live in a rural setting where there are all kinds of things that can be done outside.

Both have experience teaching – something they acquired when they travelled the world and were able to spend some time with children in different countries.  He taught younger people how to play a guitar and then left the one he brought with them as a gift.

She is an artist and worked with the younger people helping them write a short book and then illustrate it.  It was a chance to teach English and Art at the same time.

We will look in on these two once classes actually start.


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Parking very very limited while Lowville Park gets an upgrade.

News 100 greenBy Pepper Parr

September 1st, 2020




No mention of what will happen to the school house. It does need an upgrade – perhaps the next time the park is being given some attention.

Lowville Park will be closed to all vehicles starting September 8th, which is when Phase 2 of the Master Plan for the park will see construction begin.

Visiting the park will no longer require a reservation.

Rob Peachey, on the left, Manager Parks and Open Spaces for the city, talks through some solutions to managing the very large weekend crowds.

Rob Peachey, on the left, Manager Parks and Open Spaces for the city, talks through some solutions to managing the very large weekend crowds.

The park will remain open but visitors are strongly encouraged to walk or bike to the park as there will only be limited on-street parking at the east end of Lowville Park Drive. There is no other on-street parking in the area; please park according to the parking signage. Vehicles parked in other areas of the road will be ticketed.

Areas of the park under construction will be closed. For your safety, please stay out of the areas marked as closed.

Lowville notice

An advertisement that ran in the Milton Champion August 20th. Construction doesn’t talk to communications.

The project will include:

• Picnic areas – renewal of two existing picnic areas with improved accessibility
• Parking lot renewal with new asphalt surface with improved drainage, improved entrance area, additional trees and plants. The number of parking spaces will be kept the same
• New information signage center to highlight trails and park facilities, including picnic areas

A river runs through the park where the salmon spawn and children get to play.

A river runs through the park where the salmon spawn and children get to play.

Construction is expected to be completed in December 2020, weather permitting.

Rob Peachey, Manager of Parks and Open Spaces explains that the “.. biggest change people will notice is the improved parking lot with improved drainage including bio-swales, trees and new asphalt. Once this is finished in December, Phase 2 of the Lowville Park Master plan will be complete. It is a great park that has a lot to offer families, nature lovers and anyone who wants to enjoy this beautiful, natural setting. Realize that there is very little parking available on Lowville Park Road.”

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Rotarians know a good thing when they see one - will hold a repeat of the successful Canada Day Drive Thru Rib Fest on Labour Day

News 100 yellowBy Pepper Parr

August 31st, 2020



How Burlington’s Lakeshore Rotary pivoted when it became obvious that they would not be able to hold their annual Rib Fest event at Spencer Smith Park. is an interesting story.

That pivot was succesfull enough for the very small team that made it happen on Canada Day decide to do it again – a bit differently but the same finger lickin ribs along with the sauce of your choice.

In June it was begining to look like summer was bound to become the summer of no fun with the cancellation of Canada’s Largest Ribfest, the Sound of Music festival, the City of Burlington’s Canada Day celebrations in Spencer Smith Park, as well as countless events, festivals and concerts in nearby cities.

Billy Bones

There were four ribbers at the Canada Day Drive Thru – all winners

Canada’s Largest Ribfest held annually on Labour Day weekend is more than just an event the residents of Burlington look forward to, it is the major fundraiser of Burlington Lakeshore Rotary. The funds raised at CLR (short for Canada’s Largest Ribfest) goes to support so many great causes in Burlington and beyond, the team knew we had to come up with alternative ways to raise money in this COVID world.

Canada’s Largest Ribfest was born 25 years ago out of an idea that Rotarians Bob Peeling and John Thorpe brought to club after visiting a Ribfest in the USA.

From the north

They came from the north –

From the south

They came from the south –

They brought the idea of a Drive-Thru event to the club leadership – in the typical Rotary way the answer was – why not.  Peeling and Thorpe then started working the telephones to make it happen.

They called in every favour they could think of.  Burlington Mall came on side quite quickly – all they wanted was an opportunity for their tenants to be able to stay open.

The team was small.  Thorpe describes it this way:  – Key people on the committee were – no order other than the old guys are at the start – Bob, Paul, and Bill have all been involved from Day 1.

NY downtown

At a glance it could have been mistaken for a downtown New York City traffic jam – there wasn’t a single bump report from the close to 3000 cars that flowed through.

Bob Peeling, John Thorpe, Paul Kadlick, Bill Pittman, Jay Thomblison, Margaret Hayes, Eva Quijano, Karen Matthews and Dean Williams.

Peeling and Thorpe have an almost family relationship with the ribbers.  The only unknown was – will people show up?

People showed up and while the cool breezes off the lake and the smell of ribs being cooked wasn’t in the air the event worked.  It worked so well that the Rotarians are going to do it all over again.

September 7th – small changes in the way traffic will feed into the location – there wasn’t really anything wrong with the way they did things on Canada Day.

Rib Fest - Thorpe and Penning

John Thorpe on the left and Bob Penning on the right. They were the two that brought the idea of a Rib Fest to Burlington at a time when they were not known by many. Decades later it is the event that closes the summer season. These two determined that there would be an event this September as well.

Thorpe explained that ” While it will help replace some of the funds that we would have raised at Canada’s Largest Ribfest, the idea was to also help bring some fun back into summer after months of lockdown, and to help others affected by the shutdowns.

As much as Canada’s Largest Ribfest is an important part of the social fabric of the community, it also has numerous suppliers that have been affected.

By holding a Drive-Thru, we were able to help the Rib Teams and their employees, we were able to help some musicians that haven’t played in a live venue for months, the sound, electric and special event contractors, the sign makers and many others were helped.

Most importantly, we will be able to help local groups that we support from the funds we raised, and we helped create smiles and enjoyment in the 2,688 cars that came through.


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Terry Fox and the T-shirt team. Cindy May has run the merchandise tent for a decade

News 100 blueT shirt line pic on oneBy Burlington Terry Fox Run Committee

August 29th, 2020


One thing that’s been a staple of the Terry Fox Run through the years is the commemorative t-shirt. For some, it’s a collector’s item, for others it’s a donation to the cause. Regardless, there’s always plenty of talk when the new t-shirt design is released by the Foundation.

I was fortunate to have “tuned in” to the Foundation’s monthly Zoom meeting when Fred Fox, Terry Fox’s brother, unveiled this year’s shirt design. For the 40th Anniversary, the Terry Fox Foundation held a design contest and this year’s shirt was created by Nick Jones of Saskatchewan. Congratulations, Nick!

Cindy May

Cindy May in her red T-shirt. Running the mechanize tent has a very special meaning for her.

Cindy May
To talk about the significance of the Terry shirts, merchandise and Terry’s Team, I talked to the Burlington Terry Fox Committee’s merch expert, Cindy May. While she’s stepping back for 2020 due to the fact that there will be no event to sell shirts at, she did reflect back on her role in selling the shirts over the years.

Before we get into that, Cindy’s story is an important one.

“I first joined [the committee] when I moved to Burlington 10 years ago” said May.

She was looking for a way to get involved in her new community and had personal reasons for choosing Terry Fox.

“I actually had the same cancer as Terry Fox, osteogenic sarcoma,” said May, “I had it in my right arm. I had that when I was 17.”

She credits Terry Fox and the Foundation for all the advances that have been made since Terry’s diagnosis in 1977.

Thirty-two years ago, Cindy had a life-saving surgery that allowed her to keep her arm, something that was less possible when Terry was diagnosed a decade prior. She received several follow-up treatments after her procedure to prevent the cancer from spreading to her lungs.

Mai in the merch tent

Cindy May, centre, in one of the merchandise tents with a couple of her volunteers.

As a cancer survivor, Cindy gets to wear probably the most significant type of Terry Fox shirt one can get and that’s the red shirt for Terry’s Team.

Terry’s Team
Over the years that Cindy has been selling the shirts on run day, people have commented on her red shirt asking if they can buy one. And while the red shirts are attractive, it’s not a shirt anyone should wish to wear.

The red shirts are not for sale, but rather are given to cancer survivors and fighters upon registration. When you register you are asked if you are a member of Terry’s Team (aka you have or have had cancer). The red shirts are a quiet reminder of how much cancer has touched our lives – a nod to survivors acknowledging the prevalence of this disease in our communities.

While survivors like Cindy are proud to be part of Terry’s Team, our ultimate goal is to reduce the number of red shirts we see.

Our hope is that the more money we raise, the fewer red shirts we will see in the future.

Tales from the Merch Tent
Cindy didn’t start in the merch tent during her first year on the committee. Prior to running the t-shirt tent on run day, Cindy and her graphic designer husband Agostino, worked on the “Dedication” and “Thank You” boards.

After three years of working on the dedications boards, she took over shirt sales on run day. One year, the tent was decorated with all the shirts from past runs – showing how the designs had changed over the years.

When I asked for her thoughts and memories of run day she said, “it’s a great day. It’s always a great day. We raise a lot of money. I enjoy doing it. It’s my small part.”

Roles big or small, the Burlington Terry Fox Committee is full of incredible, selfless people, like Cindy May, who do their part to continue this proud Canadian tradition.

Shirts for Cancer Research
T shirt line pic on one

40th T shirt

The 40th anniversary T shirt – available now.

By purchasing the new Terry Fox t-shirt or other merchandise each year you are supporting cancer research. Because Cindy won’t be able to set up shop on September 20th to sell shirts this year, we encourage participants to purchase shirts when registering for this year’s run. You can also reach out to the Burlington committee to see what we have available.

If you are a member of Terry’s Team, be sure to indicate that when you register to get your red shirt.

Hopefully we will all see Cindy’s smiling face at the Merch Tent in 2021!

Craig Gardner is co-ordinating shirt sales from his home. People are either picking them up or he delivers locally. We accept cash/cheque or e-transfer.

We started with about 120 shirts in various sizes (Unisex 6X and YM(size 10) for kids at $15 each and s/m/l/xld xxl for adults at $20 each) and have sold almost half in the past 3 days.

Gardner is going to try to order more; he isn’t sure if he will be successful as the foundation ordered fewer in general as they thought it would be a slower year. Not in Burlington.  You can reach Craig at: scraiggardner@sympatico.ca

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Application made for 14th cannabis store: Too much of a good thing perhaps?

News 100 greenBy Staff

August 28th, 2020



The Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) has received an application for a 14th cannabis retail store in Burlington called Meta Cannabis Co. Walker Place. The proposed location at 3505 Upper Middle Rd., Unit D003 is now up for public comment.

Cannabis manualWritten comments about the proposed location will be received by the AGCO until Thursday, Sept. 10, 2020 and may be submitted online at www.agco.ca/iAGCO. The AGCO will accept submissions from:

• A resident of the municipality in which the proposed store is located
• The municipality representing the area in which the proposed store is located and/or its upper-tier municipality.

Comments submitted to the AGCO should relate to the following matters of public interest:

• Protecting public health and safety
• Protecting youth and restricting their access to cannabis
• Preventing illicit activities in relation to cannabis

After Sept. 10, the AGCO will consider all written comments and available information to decide whether the application for the proposed store location will be approved.

cannabis - opening day

Line up at a Burlington cannabis location on their opening day.

Currently there are eight licensed cannabis retail stores in Burlington, including three approved since the ACGO moved to an open licensing system for cannabis retail store applications earlier this year. The eight stores include:

• Relm Cannabis Co. 4031 Fairview St. Suite 103
• Corner Cannabis 3007 New St.
• The Hunny Pot Cannabis Co. 1505 Guelph Line, Unit 3-4
• Friendly Stranger Plains Road 1025 and 1059 Plains Rd. E., Unit 3
• Pioneer Cannabis Co. 1200 Brant St., Unit B-004
• mihi 3500 Dundas St., Unit A1B
• Canna Cabana Burlington 2400 Guelph Line, Unit 2
• Welcome Cannabis 1401 Plains Rd., Unit 5

Four additional cannabis retail stores are under review by the AGCO and two are out for comment, including the current application.

The city includes the following statement in every media release they issue:

“Burlington is ranked as Canada’s best community and best place to raise a family. It is a City where people, nature and businesses thrive. As residents continue to rediscover many of their favourite spaces and activities in the city.”

City Council voted to allow the operation of retail cannabis stores in Burlington on January 14th 2019

Oakville does not have any retail cannabis locations. All that business comes to Burlington.

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40k to pull the weeds from the medians; it's what the citizens expect when you're the number 1 mid-sized city in the country.

News 100 greenBy Pepper Parr

August 26th, 2020



It was all about what people thought – the brand, the image – backing up why Burlington was the best mid-sized city in the country.

Marthat at New stre intersection

The stretch of Road at the bottom of the section of Martha the Mayor lives on – not what her Worship thinks the city can put up with.

It has to do with the weeds – the things that were sprouting up through the pavement in medians all over the city.

During Standing Committee meetings Staff did their best to tell Council that they didn’t have the people to get out and do the work.

Walkser and New

Walker at New Street

WAlkser line - lush

This is the Burlington this council believes the citizens want and they were going to make certain that they got it.

All the part time and summer help had been let go when the lock down took place in March.

There wasn’t a member of Council who wasn’t prepared to push Staff and direct them to find a way.

And find one they did.

They came back with three options: contract the task out to someone; spend $40,000 and have the work done internally or do nothing.

Do nothing was not an option.

Angelo watching Roru

Councillor Angelo Bentivegna – he will remind Council of this spend when the budget is on the table.

The $40,000 didn’t look so bad from Councillor Angelo Bentivegna’s perspective – it worked out to $98 a median.

So they went for it.

Bentivegna didn’t vote for it. Everyone else did.

The shiver that the budget is going send up the spines of this Council isn’t being felt – yet.

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