By Pepper Parr
October 26, 2022
The chicken are on their way home – and about to roost on Mayor Meed Ward’s desk
Former Mayor Rick Goldring and the President of the Chamber of Commerce want Mayor Meed Ward to ease up on her current approach to handling development challenges.
We are advised that there are “currently 111 buildings within the city’s development pipeline. How those properties are managed will have a drastic effect on what Burlington will look like and how it functions in the future.”
Former Mayor Rick Goldring has some advice for Mayor Meed Ward: “embrace” development.
Former Burlington Mayor Rick Goldring (2010-2018) said getting development right will continue to be this council’s greatest challenge and that they should consider taking a new approach.
“I firmly believe that council, after fighting development for four years, needs to embrace it. And I understand the political challenge of doing that, but we’d rather embrace it and shape it and form it than fight it at the Ontario Land Tribunal and lose. And our residents will be a winner if they take that approach,” Goldring said.
A city staff report released in July revealed the city has spent $219,735 since 2019 on external legal and expert witness fees. These fees were paid in respect of each individual appeal that has been concluded during this term of Council to the Ontario Land Tribunal and its predecessors, the Local Planning Appeals Tribunal (LPAT) and Ontario Municipal Board.
The ward 2 Councillor “inadvertently” told a BDBA meeting that the city has budgeted $500,000 to fight the Waterfront Hotel site re-development.
Getting people to return to work has been easier said than done. Attitudes on life style and work have changed; people don’t want to drive long distances and they want to be able to work from home when it suits them.
The commercial world has yet to fully understand and adapt to this change. The hospitality sector can’t convince their servers to work under the conditions they had to cope with before the pandemic.
There is a labour crisis, with many businesses unable to find enough qualified employees. A recent symposium hosted by the Burlington Chamber of Commerce brought local business leaders together to discuss and hear solutions to the issue.
Chamber of Commerce President Terry Caddo
Terry Caddo, president and CEO of the Chamber, said workforce development will be a challenge in the future. The roots of that problem result from numerous factors, including congested roads and a lack of affordable housing options. Those baby boomers are finding they are content to retire taking a significant part of the middle management demographic out of the labour pool.
The challenge is going to be to find a way to deal with this situation and at the same time understand that Covid19 is still with us and likely to be around for some time.
Challenging times indeed.
Portions of this article were first reported in other media
By Pepper Parr
October 25th, 2022
The newly elected Mayor get serenaded by her election team and announces that she is going to make the ownership of the LaSalle Park property a major mission for her. we will follow her efforts with much interest.
The city rent the property from Hamilton – lease is about to expire. So far Hamilton hasn’t liked what Burlington is offering.
Of even more interest is – has the deal to purchase the Bateman High School site a “done” deal?
The public was told that it was scheduled to close on September 30th – which was too close to an election to announce that $50 million was going to be spent. In real estate deal as large as this there are often technical things that crop up.
When public money is being spent the practice in most municipalities is for the people doing the spending to tell the people who are doing the paying.
So far nothing on the closing of the sale.
So far – it is just a concept. There is a deal in the making but nothing official yet
Related news stories:
Background on LaSalle Park
The Bateman purchase city manager to lead the process
Could the Bateman deal fail – Sharman said it could
By Pepper Parr
October 25th, 2022
The Halton District Catholic School Board heads into another year with a lot of issues still unresolved.
Students: Let the flag fly
The student readiness to ensure that inclusiveness reigns keeps bumping up against trustee that are a little more doctrinaire.
The flag will fly but not as often as many think it should.
The following are the Catholic trustees elected on Monday:
By Pepper Parr
October 25th, 2022
While they don’t get as much attention as they deserve – the school boards certainly impact the way we live. If there is any doubt in your mind about that – let your memory go backl to when the Halton District School Board announced that it was going to close two of the city’s seven high schools.
The following were elected as trustee for the public school board:
Amy Collard, ward 5 School Board trustee
Margo Shuttleworth – Chair last year – will her peers want her to serve as Chair again?
The Board of trustees will elect their Chair for the year. Will Margo Shuttleworth get re-elected? Her peers decide if she has done the job they felt was needed.
It was nice to see Amy Collard returned in ward 5. She once expressed an interest in running for city council. She would be a solid choice.
By Staff
October 25th, 2022
We asked the candidates that didn’t win their wards for comments on the results.
Ward 1 candidate Robert Radway and Ward 2 candidate Keith Demoe got back to us
Here is what they had to say.
Robert Radway said: “would like to congratulate Mr. Galbraith and his team on the election.
“I am very proud of what the Radway Team has accomplished in this campaign. We certainly look forward to the next election and especially speaking to more constituents about the concerns they have in Ward One.
Robert Radway: Sitting at his table in a Tom Hortons coffee shop.
“I was very pleased that many Ward One residents felt it was important to vote and earning 2,404 votes was a wonderful feeling. Thank you for all of your support.
Development is still on the minds of many Ward One residents and Mr Galbraith will be on notice when deciding on matters for all residents concerning his conflict of interest.
I hope the council truly takes into consideration what residents want for their neighbourhoods and the city for our future.
Thank you
Keith Demoe who ran a very lean campaign had this to say:
Keith Demoe holding what was perhaps the biggest hand held sign used in the election. He plans to roll it up for another day.
“I’d like to thank those who voted for me and those that assisted me in delivering postcards to most doors.
“This was my first time and plan to jump back in, whether it’s local, provincial, or federal. I am still happy with my results…I worked for those votes as did Tim O’Brien. I can share that I underestimated the amount of time involved in canvassing…this is something one must start early.
“You cannot meet everyone and must plan different events to get people out. I was an unknown and looking back would say that an open debate with crossfire is a much needed.
“From city view, the public spoke and are not looking for change at this time. I’d also like to thank Pepper Parr for getting my name out there with his readership.”
By Staff
October 25th, 2022
We will know later today just what the Minister is going to table in the Legislature at 3:00 pm.
Early comment has the government planning to Overrule Municipal Zoning Regulations to Permit More Housing: Report
A confidential cabinet document obtained by the Toronto Star shows that the Progressive Conservatives want to remove restrictions and zoning laws that favour single-family homes over “missing middle” housing — such as duplexes and triplexes — and is not too different than what soon-to-be Premier of British Columbia David Eby has previously suggested for BC.
This is reported to be only one part of a sweeping new set of legislation on housing.
Additionally, in an effort towards “streamlining approvals and removing barriers,” the legislation hones in on cutting the role of conservation authorities (CAs), which have been used to stall development.
To what degree will the role of the Conservation authorities be changed ?
The new legislation would “review and re-scope their role to streamline permitting, freeze fees, and direct CAs to make land available for housing”, as well as reduce them to “commenting agencies” focused solely on preventing floods and other natural hazards.
The new legislation would also allow the Tories to eliminate “unnecessary approvals and inhibiting rules, such as waiving site plan control for smaller developments, limiting third party appeals, and removing unnecessary public meetings.”
It looks like Inclusionary zoning is going to be possible – will it be everything its advocates want?
The internal document also supposedly shows that the government would provide “municipal targets and seek pledges to align municipal work with the province’s 1.5M home goals,” alluding to Ford’s promise to build 150,000 new homes every year for the next decade.
This comes only a few weeks after it was revealed that Ford’s government is also planning on eliminating development charges on “inclusionary zoning” projects. These charges — which can range from $25,470 all the way to $93,978, according to the City of Toronto — are usually rerouted towards funding civic infrastructure, and many argued that doing this could damage the government’s financials.
Inclusionary zoning allows municipal governments to mandate lower-cost housing units, creating more affordable housing for a city and province that desperately needs it.
We will know more later this afternoon – Stand by.
By Daintry Klein
October 25th, 2022
First, Congratulations to the entire Council for achieving re-election. Their work on the challenges of the pandemic and their extensive initiatives and policies which set a framework for our great City should be commended. The continuation of this Council allows them to own their plans and initiatives.
The benefits of an election, whether it is status quo or not, allows the community through candidacies and investigations, to bring areas for improvement to light.
Perhaps the seclusion of the pandemic contributed to the issues surrounding transparency, but we have heard the Mayor commit to improvements highlighted in the Aird & Berlis report.
The Millcroft residents want to keep the community that was created and not change the layout of the golf course and tamper with the storm water management system that is in place.
The return to in-person meetings will also facilitate more genuine discussion.
The benefits of an election, whether it is status quo or not, allows the community through candidacies and investigations, to bring areas for improvement to light. Perhaps the seclusion of the pandemic contributed to the issues surrounding transparency, but we have heard the Mayor commit to improvements highlighted in the Aird & Berlis report. The return to in-person meetings will also facilitate more genuine discussion. Millcroft Greenspace Alliance looks forward to collaborating with the Council to contribute ideas and possible solutions to keep Burlington as the best City in Canada.
In the Municipal government, there is no “opposition party” which highlights the importance of engaged taxpayer Citizens and independent press to provide the forum for accountability.
The Gazette asked a number of people to comment on the 2022 election. Daintry Klein is part of the Millcroft Greenspace Alliance that wants to ensure that the Millcroft community does not have to experience changes that will alter the original design or tamper with the storm water management system in place.
By Joe Gaetan
October 25th, 2022
Winston Churchill once said,” The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.”
If 2018 was the year of the upset and the season for a sea change in the political landscape of Burlington the election of 2022 was the season of the status-quo. According to the unofficial results, approximately 23,000 fewer people decided the 2022 municipal election in Burlington was not worth the effort.
ECOB: a grass roots organization formed by citizens who were not happy with the Mayor and the direction he was taking the city. They organized debates in every ward of the city that were exceptionally well attended. Their success was the result of one person who did the bulk of the work. The organization failed to attract membership that would continue the work of representing public interests
The political landscape in 2018 was such that the electorate was angry with what was happening at council and in particular with how our city was being overrun with tall buildings in the wrong places. At the time, most incumbents had been in place for a number of years, two-decade long incumbents decided it was time to quit municipal political life and one council member decided now was the time to take a run at the top job. This set the stage for a barnburner and exciting election cycle. As well at the time a grass roots organization called ECOB decided Burlington deserved and needed a better format for debates and put in place a rigorous format that all residents in Burlington were able to take advantage of, should they choose to do so. That was clearly not the case in 2022 as the will of the electorate and therefore, the democratic machinery at the grassroots level was non-existent.
To the people who chose to run but were not elected this time, do not give up. Rome was not built in a day. If you were not truly satisfied with the outcome and think you should have won, then now is the time to start your plan to run again in 2026.
If the 2022 election is a “more of the same” election, is the message to council, you did a great job over the past four years? If so, hopefully that will not include more closed meetings, slow starts on issues like the Coyote file, backbiting, more red tape and how council chooses to spend taxpayers’ money, especially out of the reserve fund.
Having said that, I respect anyone who chooses to run for office and wish to congratulate the Mayor and Council for offering their services and wish them the best over the next years.
To the successful candidates, please remember,” A politician thinks of the next election; a statesman thinks of the next generation.” —James Freeman Clarke
The Gazette asked a number of people to comment on the 2022 election. Joe Gaetan is a ward 2 resident who comments on civic affairs frequently
By Staff
October 25th, 2022
In a release to media earlier today the West End Home Builders Association sais:
On behalf of our 300 member companies representing over 20,000 people in the residential construction sector, we are looking forward to continued collaboration with the City and Council on the Burlington Housing Strategy that was approved in the last term of Council.
Bianca Bruzzese: WEHBA president
From our WE HBA President, Bianca Bruzzese, “Our membership appreciates Marianne’s continued willingness to meet with the industry, including meetings with our members and leadership team, and we look forward to future collaboration with the Mayor and Council.” WE HBA CEO Mike Collins-Williams also shared that “The residential construction industry is looking forward to helping increase housing supply across the City of Burlington and continuing to streamline the development approvals process.”
The West End Home Builders’ Association is eager to work with the Mayor and Council to significantly increase housing supply and make Burlington a welcoming, inclusive City that can offer housing of all types and tenures.
Congratulations Marianne Meed Ward!
By Santi Tranquillo
October 24th, 2022
VDR is already changing the business. Can you imagine what the future holds for this technology? No? Then find out here.
Those that get hacked seldom talk about – it costs a small fortune to clear up the mess left by a hacker.
Virtual data rooms have completely transformed every business, large and small. The coronavirus pandemic simply showed entrepreneurs the power of this software in a way they had never known before. These are not all business benefits. Automating the most complex processes like M&A, having ultra-secure storage, and providing literally the best protection against hacking and data leakage are just a few of them. Let’s find out what online data room software is and how it works.
How VDR Changed the Concept of Business
Businesses want a more secure approach to managing sensitive information in the digital age, where everything is accessible online. Data storage was formerly limited to physical storage before best virtual data room providers.
Just the notion of substantially depending on paper documents causes security and human error worries. Fortunately, an electronic data room addresses a lot of the issues with safe data storage. Many businesses attest that after switching to virtual data rooms, the number of hacking incidents has greatly dropped, if not completely ceased.
To summarize, every business has become virtually invulnerable to external and internal attacks because VDR provides redundant protections like encryption or activity tracking within the storage.
It’s also worth remembering the constant evolution of the software and the addition of exclusive features that cannot be found in any other file storage or its counterparts. For the sake of research, you can also compare virtual data rooms in order to find the best features that are only available on the market.
What Does the Future Hold?
Advanced researchers predict that VDR will have a $3.6 billion annual market share in digital technology. The projected changes will affect:
Now everything can be under lock and key – and you hold the key
The introduction of a more modern generation of data. This will allow both data to be stored in a more secure manner and data to be handled in a faster manner. Right now, data is the backbone on which VDR works. Not surprisingly, developers will pay excessive attention to it.
- Implementing ever more advanced security systems. This will most likely be done with artificial intelligence and blockchain technology. Some providers are already implementing this, but so far it works rather poorly. Given the rapid growth of these two technologies, by 2025 we may already see exceptional opportunities that will be available within the virtual data room providers.
- Continuous improvement and automation of M&A processes. Perhaps the availability of artificial intelligence will allow this process to be automated to such an extent that employees themselves will not need to do anything other than check documentation. This is not practically possible at the moment, but predictions of the development of machine intelligence suggest that it will be.
As we can see, the changes will mostly affect artificial intelligence. This is not surprising, because this is the very technology that has been missing in modernity. It will cover all areas of life in general, and a virtual data room, as one of the most important technologies in the entrepreneurial sector, will definitely be no exception. Already now, vendors are working on developing their own assistants for document analysis and activity tracking, but it looks weak from a technical point of view. The main thing is that they are working on it, and time will put everything in its place.
What Does the Future Hold for the VDR Consumer Market?
Many businesses of all sizes are experiencing considerable revenue growth as a result of VDRs. Given the numbers, medium and small organizations will still have a considerable need for data rooms even if major firms make up a tiny portion of their user base. This is due to their wide range of specialized solutions and ongoing relevance. Each year, vendor growth will rise by roughly 15%. Such an influx of developers will weed out the non-functional for the market, so always keep a data room comparison of new proposals.
The high level of security and the ability to have instant access to any document a corporation has and put it in front of people is seen as a very useful feature – expected to become the norm in the not too distant future.
The market is predicted to grow positively since large and medium-sized businesses are still interested in investing in data room software. Additionally, it seems to be in a stronger position than the others, as virtual data rooms keep expanding despite ongoing changes in technological needs.
Vendors of data room services are always trying to improve their products and introduce new, cutting-edge features. This method of conducting business must be rewarded. As a result, it is anticipated that virtual data rooms will have a significantly greater influence on business going forward. They will continue to expand and improve as they firmly establish themselves in the current corporate structure.
The overall demand for private development in entrepreneurial action will definitely grow. This will increase not only the total number of vendors who provide off-the-shelf solutions, but also the number of individual developers who provide only the technology itself for implementation, but do not provide a whole finished virtual data rooms product for business.
By Stephen White
October 25th, 2022
It seemed to take forever to tabulate the results of yesterday’s municipal election but the outcomes are finally known. Personally, I was a bit surprised by the margin of victory of several incumbents. I thought in a couple of races, particularly Wards 4 & 6, that it would be a lot tighter. The level of voter turnout was disappointing, but not altogether unexpected.
There are, I think, three things that continue to resonate for me when evaluating the results. First, being an incumbent provides a huge added advantage. It is hard to estimate the “bump” that being an incumbent provides but I would estimate it is somewhere between 10 and 15%.
Second, if someone plans on running for office waiting till late August to “throw your hat in the ring” is far too late, especially where there is an incumbent. Incumbents have name recognition, visibility and profile. Unless a municipal contender has strong presence in the community, a war chest of $10-20K, and a team of 25 to 50 dedicated volunteers, their chances of victory are slim to non-existent.
The third realization is that in a race where there are more than three candidates you might as well just anoint the incumbent. Vote splitting works to the advantage of the office holder. We’ve seen this reality play out so many times in the past, yet sadly, many candidates will hang in there to the bitter end rather than support another challenger with better prospects of success. Lest one doubt the salience of this observation just look at the HDSB results in Wards 4, and 3 & 6, or even the Ward 4 and 5 Councillor races, for confirmation.
I spent a lot of time this year working on the Oakville municipal election. Unlike Burlington, the long-time incumbent Mayor barely eked out a victory over his challenger with a margin of less than 1,000 votes. A few Councillors were defeated. I attended one Candidates’ meeting in Ward 1 and the meeting room was packed half an hour before the event started. Everywhere I went Oakville residents were talking about the election and the issues. People were deeply concerned about the future direction of their community, and beneath the surface there was a palpable anger at the direction the Town was heading.
By contrast, Burlington’s municipal election barely elicited a yawn. In spite of the unceasing drama at City Hall over the past four years, including many contentious development applications and several integrity and conflict of interest investigations, many residents I talked to simply weren’t interested. One resident I talked to Monday night completely forgot to vote.
How can two similar communities exhibit such widely differing approaches to municipal political engagement? I submit there are three things at play. First, in Oakville candidates can post election signs on public property. This sounds like a small thing, but in truth it provides challengers with an opportunity to promote their candidacy, build awareness, and level the playing field. Simply, they aren’t solely dependent on friendly homeowners who will support their election bid by agreeing to post a sign. Some may contend it is “pollution”, but since they get taken down after election day the environmental impact is probably marginal.
Second, Oakville’s election structure has one local Town Councillor and a Local/Regional Councillor. Having two representatives for each ward provides more prospective avenues for aspiring candidates to seek and win election. It also provides an additional conduit through which residents can express their opinions and make themselves heard. If politics is about access and involvement, this type of structure has its merits.
Third, Oakville has several vibrant and active Residents and Neighbourhood Associations. I checked a few years ago and I counted fifteen. These groups have been active for several years on multiple fronts, and not just re-zoning and development applications. I’ve lived in Ward 5 in Burlington for nearly five decades, and the last time I checked into my local ratepayers’ association it was essentially moribund.
Despite what Doug Ford and his Municipal Affairs and Housing Minister Steve Clark may think, municipal government is important. It is the level of public administration that is closest to the everyday needs of constituents. On any given day more residents will interact with, or be affected by, local issues and municipal services and programs, than they will by provincial or federal agendas. That said, one would naturally suppose that more residents would be interested in opportunities to opine about, engage with, or have a say in, who their elected representatives will be.
The Mayor and Burlington Councillors will be returning to City Hall shortly. I wish them well. The next four years will be difficult. Development will again be the predominant issue. An intransigent provincial government that is hell bent on stuffing its intensification agenda down residents’ throats doesn’t augur well for a community struggling to maintain its history and identity while dealing with issues of housing affordability. Add to that budgetary challenges, worsening traffic congestion, and upgrading existing infrastructure, and the challenges are enormous.
How Burlington Council will balance these competing interests will be interesting. They will have to get hit the ground running. Hopefully, they get down to work a lot faster than it took to compile Monday night’s election results.
Stephen While is a Human Resources consultant who also teaches at Sheridan College. He has been an active observer and critic of civic life in the Region
By Pepper Parr
October 25th, 2022
It was a long shot.
But when Andre Grebenc explained to a podcaster that the job she was doing as chair was exactly the same job would be doing at the Region had she been elected.
And to a considerable degree she was right.
Andrea Grebenc pulled in a very respectable vote – had it been a two way battle she could ave beaten Carr
But the public didn’t see it that way and, truth be told, they didn’t know very much about the woman.
Gary Carr on the campaign trail
Andrea Grebenc did well given the situation she was in – a future candidate? Too early to tell
Grebenc is not going to fade away – she has some comments to make on how she was received as a female candidate – it isn’t a pretty picture
Carr didn’t really campaign – he didn’t have to. Any respect he might have had for the process went out the window when he chose not to take part in any of the regional events for the candidates.
The Gazette has never understood why Jane McKenna sought the job. We may never understand why she didn’t run again for the provincial seat when that election took place: Burlington was a sure thing for any Conservative candidate.
There is more to why Jane didn’t seek re-election at the provincial level In time it will come out – it always does.
The Region has some significant issues to resolve. Fortunately, there are many very talented people working at the Regional level. As long as Carr is there to call meetings to order and to adjourn – staff will take care of the rest.
The bigger questions is – will Carr want to do another round in 2026.
Gord Krantz, still the Mayor of Milton, after 40 years in office as both a Councillor and Mayor has shown how to hold on to office.
By Pepper Parr
October 25th, 2022
For the city of Burlington that last update of the polling results was 11:29 pm.
The numbers shifted a little as each update was done – but the die was cast with the very first results at 8:15
The results shown below have to now be certified by the City Clerk after which they are then OFFICIAL.
There is another round of council meetings in November and then the swearing in takes place and a new Council gets on with the job of working its way through what is going to be a tough four years.
Budgets will swell, OLT meetings will work their way through that process and the city will begin to review the Strategic Plan
Will the level of toxicity remain the same? Shawna Stolte who has been a burr under the Mayor’s saddle will become a thorn in her side. It will not be pretty.
The Integrity Commissioner will be kept busy dealing with the Kearns breach and the Galbraith difficulty in understanding just what a conflict is and his problems understanding the instructions he was given by the Integrity Commissioner.
And, Rory Nisan will continue being the Mayor’s lap dog.
Here are the final results of the initial count of the ballots.
By Pepper Parr
October 25th, 2022
The following is what Lisa Kearns did not want media to report on:
In a Facebook message she said:
I believe so deeply in the next generation – true leaders are on the way up and I am humbled to introduce you to Matthew Walker
Matt delivered impactful and inspiring remarks at the Campaign Celebration earlier this month. Here’s an excerpt:
“We re-elect Lisa Kearns to continue to represent Ward 2, the heart of this city. Lisa is invested in making the future of Burlington a place that your kids, and grandkids can build a life in… and… hope that the heart of this city stays strong and healthy and vibrant until the next generation can move this city even farther forward.”
Matthew Walker – the speaker the Gazette was not allowed to hear.
“I am still in awe of his whole remarks, this is someone to watch, I know with certainty that he will go on to make a real difference and impact change – locally & globally.”
You will recall that Kearns invited people to a Celebration (for what wasn’t clear_ that was to take place at Freeman Station. She spent something more than $600 in the way of campaign money.
I attended. Five minutes later Lisa approached me and said she didn’t want me in the room.
Rather than take you through the gory, but laughable details, there is a link below.
The downside to all this is that Lisa Kearns will, in all probability, be re-elected which she may take as a mandate to continue to behave in such a poor fashion.
She will have to deal with the Integrity Commissioner, it is going to be interesting to see how that works out.
The Integrity Commissioner will do nothing until Kearns is sworn in sometime in December.
Related news stories:
On being uninvited to a public event
Those loose lips –
By Pepper Parr
October 24th, 2022
The city communications people report that:
The City’s voting vendor is experiencing technical difficulties which is causing a delay in reporting the unofficial results online. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Suzanne Vukosavljevic, Manager of Communications, City of Burlington
The problem we have with that statement is that Oakville uses the same vendor and they have processed all the polls.
There was an additional run at 10:05 pm The numbers are higher but the percentages are basically the same.
We will stick around until all the polls have been processed.
By Pepper Parr
October 24th, 2022
The second run of poll results has now been posted.
They are not that much different than the first run
They are as follows
By Pepper Parr
October 24th, 2022
This may turn out to be a long night after all.
There is, at 9:26 pm. clearly a problem.
All the advance poll and long term care ballots were processed in minutes – they were up at 8:15 – since then nothing,
Suzanne Vukosavljevic Manager of Communications City of Burlington
In a response from the city communications people we have been told the following
“1/29 polls have been reported so far. Results will be provided as soon as possible throughout the evening as votes have to be counted across our polls.”
Well we knew that – we were just led to believe that this was a very rapid process.
The Oakville votes are one poll away from being complete.
To the city communications people – try again – and this time provide some detail.
By Pepper Parr
October 24th, 2022
Mayor slips in a last minute advertisement to her followers, some of them were not impressed..
From a reader:
Hi Pepper – Rec’d this this morning….Somehow, I don’t think this is kosher…especially since it’s voting day. If she had stuck to just encouraging folks to vote and listing the polling locations…fine. But this is pure populist in my view.
What’s your take ?
From: Marianne []
Sent: October 24, 2022 8:54 AM
Subject: Vote today! Polls open 10am-8pm
Vote Today!
Polls open 10am-8pm
Today is election day! Your vote is your voice so make sure you use it! Poll locations are listed below.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to call, email, or open your door to speak with us about our platform for reasonable growth in the right place; taking action on affordable housing, climate change and transit/mobility; more community centres and parks for our growing community; supporting farming in Burlington; and promoting community pride so everyone feels welcome and included.
By Pepper Parr
October 24th, 2022
It didn’t take the provincial government any time at all to take some decisive moves – tomorrow afternoon Steve Clark, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, will introduce legislation outlining the next phase of Ontario’s plan to build more homes faster.
Minister of Housing is going to tell the Legislature about his plans for building houses – a task that the municipalities have to make happen.
The Minister will hold a technical media briefing via teleconference at 1:45 p.m. What he says at that briefing will not be attributable – it will be given as background to the legislation he will be tabling in the Legislature at 3:00 pm
While voters across the province are scurrying about to decide who they want to elect as their city councillors the provincial government is getting ready to introduce a bill that isn’t expected to make the job these new city council will have to do in the next four years.
Get ready for a bumpy ride
By Staff
October 24th, 2022
From the Mayor via Twitter:
Dear resident, This morning I tested positive for COVID. Fortunately symptoms have been mild so far. I’m following official guidance & protocols & self-isolating. Please stay healthy everyone. I look forward to seeing you soon! For COVID guidance visit:
Mayor takes part in Chamber event Thursday evening.
Not a mask in sight. Some servers were masked
Huge crowds.
Full disclosure: Gazette editor covered the event.